Chapter 185 If you want to enter the Lu family, show some sincerity!

This woman, Lu Yuqiong, has never been seen since the last time she made trouble in that clothing store.

However, Xia Wanxun knew that this woman would never let her go, as long as she seized the opportunity, she would definitely treat her even harder.

So, when she saw her appear at this time, her psychology was really not good.

Xia Zhenhua also saw it, so he stood up immediately: "So it's Xiao Qiong, didn't you go out to school today?"

He flattered her very much, without even thinking about his status as an elder.

As a result, his hot face was thrown away, and immediately stuck to the cold bench.

"Who are you? What does it matter to you whether I go to school or not? Are you allowed to speak here?"

A sentence that didn't take him seriously at all, immediately made the man stand there blushing until his neck was thick.

Xia Wanxun stood there and saw it, a sneer crossed the corner of his mouth.

Live it!

After scolding this man aside, this domineering young lady of the Lu family came here step by step toward Xiawan. Sensational voice, looks more like a queen.

Indeed, isn't this woman the queen in the Lu family?

Except for her brother, I'm afraid no one will be taken seriously by her.

Xia Wanxun stood there expressionless, she didn't show any fear or panic just because she came over so murderously.

On the contrary, she was very quiet.

Moreover, in the silence, there was also a hint of indifference.

It was as if the situation in front of her had nothing to do with her.

Seeing her like this, Lu Yuqiong became even angrier. When she walked over, her sharp fingers immediately picked her chin: "Look, don't you still have to obediently crawl to our Lu's house in the end?"

She used the word "climbing", so one can imagine how much she hated Xia Wanxun.

Xia Wan looked up, and avoided her dirty claws easily: "You are wrong, I was not crawling, but I was caught, did you see that?"

She raised her bound hands and shook them in front of the woman.

When the woman saw it, she was stunned for a moment, and her delicate face immediately showed a hint of anger.

And Xia Zhenhua blushed even more after seeing this scene.

This dead girl!
Lu Yuqiong: "I don't care whether you crawled over by yourself or were caught by others, in short, let me tell you, if you fall into my hands today, don't think about it!"

Then she glanced left and right, and suddenly shouted: "Come here, take her away!"

The implication was that he wanted to take Xia Wanxun away immediately and then lynch her.

Xia Wan was too lazy to find a reason.

Xia Zhenhua was anxious when he saw it, "Xiao Qiong, where are you taking her? We are still waiting for your father and the others."

"Wait for my dad? Do you think they will come? Let me tell you, it's just you, my daughter, who made my brother have no children and beat my mother, which caused me to be imprisoned by my brother for so long. For such a crime, if If she doesn't show an attitude, my parents won't see her."

This woman said word for word there.

When Xia Zhenhua heard this, he panicked. So it was because of this?

No wonder they didn't wait for her parents for so long just now. It turned out that it was because it was not sincere enough.

So this man actually believed her!

 The first update at noon, and the third update...

  Tickets are a little low these days, where are you married?Did you go to the exam?
(End of this chapter)

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