Chapter 189 She Wishes They Kicked Her Out
Lu Guanting was quite smart, he knew that it would be of no benefit to push a person to the extreme at this time, so he took a softer approach.

However, he was wrong about one thing.

That was the girl in front of him, not his original daughter-in-law at all.

If it was the former daughter-in-law, it is estimated that he would have thrown away his helmet and armor and was moved to a mess when he said that.

Unfortunately, she is not!

She was someone who had seen him clearly in the comics, so how could she believe him?
Xia Wanxun looked at him coldly: "Okay, then let these people go out first."

When Lu Guanting heard that there was hope, he immediately waved these people out: "Why don't you leave soon? What are you still doing here?"

With a bang, the bodyguards finally went out.

As soon as he went out, Lu Guanting immediately looked at Xia Wanxun: "How is it? Is it okay now?"

Xia Wanxun shook her head: "What do you think? I'm still at your house now, who can guarantee that once I let go, you won't do anything to me again?"


"Master, what else are you talking to her? People like this don't know what is good or bad. No matter how many conditions you give her, she will only push you hard!"

Lu Linwanyi blew up there directly, and wanted to do it directly again.

Xia Wanxun saw it, and didn't say a word, it was just a fragment in his hand, and he pushed a little bit into the neck of the woman she was carrying.

All of a sudden, after hearing a scream, Lu Yuqiong cried on the spot: "No!! Dad, listen to her, I don't want to die, Dad..."

After a heart-piercing cry, the two of them were frightened again!
Lu Guanting: "Okay, tell me, what else do you want?"

Xia Wanxun: "I don't want to do anything? All I want to do is leave here safely, so as long as I leave here, your daughter will be safe and sound!"

Lu Guanting: "..."

Staring at the little girl with a livid face, after a while, he finally heard him ask: "Xia Wanxun, are you really determined to do this? Don't forget, how did you come into our land?" House's?"

Xia Wanxun: "What do you mean?"

Lu Guanting: "Back then, your Xia family was the one who cried and wanted to marry our Lu family. That's why we let you marry in and become the young lady Lu that everyone envies. If you insist on going your own way today, don't blame us." You're welcome!"

The implication was that she was going to be kicked out of the house.

Get out?

Well, she was dying to do so.

Her mission is to break the relationship with their son so that she can live.

It's all right now, she can't leave his son, so wouldn't it be better for them to kick her out?This made her perfect.

Xia Wan was very happy, just about to say that it was just right.

But at this time, Xia Zhenhua, who also understood, suddenly spoke up there first: "You can, Mr. Lu, what happened today is indeed that this incompetent bastard of mine has gone crazy. Don't worry, I'll kill her immediately." Take it back and teach her a good lesson, don't be angry."

This man begged in a hurry, and then he came over and grabbed Xia Wanxun, ready to take her back.

"You bastard, what did I bring you here today? Forgot what I said before I came here?"

(End of this chapter)

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