Chapter 210 That lunatic!

"Besides, I, Yu Ming, is the only one who has shown Xinghui in public. My wife has never appeared in public before. Why was she dug out all of a sudden?"

Song Yan: "..."

In an instant, his face turned pale.

Yes, why didn't she think of it?This was originally a very common thing to brush the list, why did it suddenly become aimed at that girl?
Could it be... someone wants to deal with her specifically?
Who would that be?

Song Yan's mind suddenly understood, and suddenly, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.


Xia Wanxun also thought of this, and in her mind, someone who wanted to punish her also appeared.

Xia Zhenhua, Lu Yuqiong, Mu Qiangqiang...

For Mu Qiangqiang, it should be impossible. Since she broke her leg, she is still in the hospital. It is basically impossible to make such a big commotion again.

Is that Xia Zhenhua?

It seems that there is no such possibility.

Xia Zhenhua looked greedy, but he was actually very timid. After being shot in the arm by Lu Chengyan last time, I believe that now he doesn't dare to stand up to the wind.

Because, although Xinghui is currently in charge of her, if something goes wrong, it will be the Lu family who will be involved in the loss.

Therefore, even if he borrowed 1 courage, he would not dare.

Then, if it wasn't these two people, only Lu Yuqiong was left. This woman is a lunatic. She almost killed her last time, and she will never let her go.

Xia Wanxun confirmed the final name, and immediately, her pursed lips turned into a white straight line.

If it was Lu Yuqiong, her information was sold, which is very normal. Now that the phone number has been known, where is her place of work?

"Doctor Xia, Doctor Xia, it's not good. There are many reporters at the door, saying they are looking for you."

"What did you say?"

Sitting there, Xia Wanxun heard, on the spot, the microphone she was holding fell off the table with a loud bang.

Nurse: "It's true, many of them are carrying cameras, Dr. Xia, what happened?"

The nurse was very anxious, looking at her emotions, it seemed that she had never seen so many reporters coming.

Xia Wanxun's expression completely changed.

Where did you take care of so much?At that moment, she grabbed her bag from the drawer and ran out.

She absolutely cannot be found by them, otherwise, the situation will become more serious. Who knows what crazy things those people will write up after they find her?

Xia Wanxun hurriedly walked to the underground parking lot of the hospital. When she went there, she found out that she had specially put on a mask for herself.

However, when she was very shocked, when she arrived at the parking lot, she saw several reporters standing beside her car, waiting for her to come to the door!
Lu Yuqiong is a lunatic! !

Xia Wan searched for breath until her whole body trembled.

There was no other way, she could only choose to retreat quickly, planning to go out through the back door after returning to the hospital.

"We're just looking for Xia Wan to find a doctor. We want to interview her. Please let us in."

"I'm sorry, we have not received such a notice, please leave here, otherwise, we will call the police."

The back door was also blocked by reporters, but because there were security guards there, these people couldn't get in for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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