Chapter 214 Female supporting role, end!
That was the moment the car body floated out, she chose to let go, and then rushed over to grab the steering wheel!
"I warn you not to move around, or the two of you will die together!" After she successfully grabbed the steering wheel, she was worried that the driver would make trouble again, so she warned fiercely there.

The driver would definitely not dare to move around at this time, and he didn't want to die either.

However, neither of them expected that when both sides reached an agreement for the time being, two strong lights suddenly appeared in front of them!


"Go to hell! Damn female supporting role!"

The two voices sounded almost at the same time. Xia Wanxun turned her head immediately, but only saw a white light, the back seemed to be torn open, and then she saw herself being sucked away by something. , In an instant, people fell into darkness.


In the end, Xia Wanxun only had time to curse severely.

In fact, the last time she found herself back in the real world, she already knew that the author of this book had been trying to kill herself.

It sounds like this is an unbelievable thing, absurd, and incredible.

However, she really happened to her.

That time, she was chased and killed. She didn't know that she was injured. As a result, she lost a lot of blood in the car and almost died in the end.

That was the time when she understood that when she faced death, her soul would come out of the book and return to the real world, and this moment was her reflection.

Because last time, when she decided to stay in the ward and wait for herself to enter her body, she found out in horror that her body was getting weaker and weaker, as if it would disappear completely in the next second .

That's it, she finally chose to go back to the book.

But she didn't know the opportunity to go back to the book. She only knew that when she was about to disappear in this world, suddenly the book her mother put on the bed had a strong calling consciousness for herself , and then she tried to reach out, but was sucked in again.

So what about this time?

Xia Wanxun still woke up in the real world.

Still in the hospital, her real hospital.

It's still the same as last time, it's not her person who comes back, but her soul, in other words, it's a transparent shadow, but this shadow, found in Xia Wan, is much lighter than last time.

This neurosis!
She was so angry that her eyes were all red. Is she about to disappear?Because this time, in the comics, she was directly hit by someone on the highway, and the probability of her surviving is very small.

Therefore, she is dead this time, and after returning to reality this time, she will be so transparent.

Is it that idiot who wants to treat her like this?Does she have a grudge against him?
She was suddenly very angry, she didn't know why she encountered such a situation?Not to mention that there are so many people in this world, why did they find her? ! !

That idiot, let her wait, she will definitely find him.

Xia Wan Xun Piao got out of the hospital, and was going to the library immediately, first to find the comic book, then follow the clues, and then find the idiot author.

However, just after she came out, as soon as the bright sun above her head shone, she immediately retracted after feeling a burning pain.

 Where have you been?Are the tickets gone?

(End of this chapter)

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