Chapter 101 Elizabeth's Vow! - Two more!

Du Yu stood behind the boat, staring at a small sailboard in the distance heading for the island of death.

Hope the plan goes well.

Behind Du Yu are Elizabeth and Angelica.

Elizabeth gritted her teeth and looked at the Black Pearl. It was this ghost ship that took the life of her lover Will. She said to Du Yu: "If you can capture this ship and kill Will's enemy, I swear , follow you forever!"

Du Yu received a reminder from the space: "There is always a balance between risk and benefit. Will's death has given you two enemies who will always hate you forever, and it has also given you a chance to win the heart of a beautiful woman. Elizabeth issued a mission to you—[ The Destruction of the Black Pearl]. After destroying the Black Pearl and killing Captain Barbossa, you will get her heart with a very high favorability! But the difficulty of this task is rated as C-level, you can choose whether to accept it or not?"

Since Jack was promised, and there are weather upgrade missions and villain missions, the battle against the Black Pearl is inevitable, so Kirk simply took over Elizabeth's mission.It seemed that doing so would perpetuate Norrington's hatred for him, but Du Yu no longer cared.

After completing this task, he can leave the Caribbean world, and have one more enemy, which he doesn't care about.

Elizabeth saw him accept the task, and there was a trace of tenderness in her eyes.

"The Black Pearl is catching up!" the first mate shouted.

Sure enough, the Black Pearl rushed to the rear of the Interceptor at an extremely fast speed.

"Fire!" Du Yu ordered decisively.

The heads of Tigger and Madi, who held gold coins in their mouths, were blasted out by the interceptor's muzzle!
The artillery fire can be fired thousands of meters, falling far into the sea!

The Black Pearl immediately felt the sensation of the cursed gold coin falling into the sea!

"What's going on? The enemy took other cursed gold coins? What are Tigger and Maddy doing?" Barbossa roared while holding Will's gold coin.

"They've been shot a great distance!" cried a sailor.

The Black Pearl had to do a multiple-choice question, either to chase the gold coin or to chase the interception number.

After the gold coins fall into the sea, they will be bitten and devoured by various fish, and they may be sent to a random place.

As for the Interceptor and Elizabeth, they can run away from the monk but not the temple, so it is right to go to Port Royal to track them down.

In order to save time, Barbosa said angrily, "Go and salvage the gold coins first."

Seeing the Black Pearl leave behind him, the Interceptor heaved a sigh of relief.

"Quick!" Du Yu ordered: "Accelerate!"

It took the Black Pearl half an hour to salvage the two heads. After the gold coins in their mouths were taken out, the heads of Tigger and Madi, who were stung by the sea water and tearful, were thrown into the sea by Barbossa. With a gloomy face, he said, "Catch me!"

The Interceptor and the Black Pearl started a speed race again.

But Du Yu's action finally slowed down the Black Pearl, and saw the sails of the British main fleet ahead.

Seeing that Du Yu successfully brought Elizabeth back, Norrington was overjoyed, and he had a higher opinion of Du Yu, with a merit value of 5000, he was promoted to colonel.

Du Yu's authority to command has also changed from a light fast warship to a detachment fleet of 5 warships!Among them, including the fast battleship Interceptor, the gunboat Welshman, the shock ship Knight, the escort ship Kevin County, and the Swaziland.

The warships under Du Yu's command accounted for a quarter of Norrington's forces, which can be called weight.

When Governor Swan saw his daughter, he rushed forward again, crying for a while.

Before everyone knew everything, the black sail of the Black Pearl appeared on the sea level ahead!
"Using a mere ship to deal with our fleet is beyond our capabilities!" Commodore Norrington snorted coldly: "And it haunts my Elizabeth, so I will never let it go this time! Battle formation! "

At this moment, Du Yu suddenly felt a chill in his chest.

The wolf, looking at the madness, is issuing an uneasy warning.

Like a wolf slowly stepping into a hunter's trap.

Although aware of the danger, they do not know where the danger comes from.

Even the wind has stopped.

Norrington, however, was full of confidence and continued to issue orders one after another.

The British fleet he brought was indeed far superior to the Black Pearl in terms of lineup.

In terms of firepower, Courage can be called the leader of the Caribbean. In terms of speed, Interceptor may not lose too much to Black Pearl. In terms of tonnage and impact force, Endeavor is the pride of the navy. There are 300 elite sailors.

But Du Yu felt that the situation tonight was too weird.

No matter how stupid the White Tigers and Red Pythons are, how dare they kill each other in the face of the pressing British main fleet?

This affectation was not so much the pirates' infighting as it was a performance by the two teams, showing Norrington the illusion of underestimating the enemy, making him confident and bold to attack.

Governor Swan walked up to Norrington in high spirits, pointing out the country, and from time to time sneered at the Black Pearl and disdain for the pirates.

Du Yu watched with cold eyes.

Facing the Black Pearl, more than 20 warships of the British army formed an enveloping formation, rushed wildly, and kept turning around from the rear, trying to cut off the retreat of the Black Pearl.

But under Du Yu's instruction, the squadron under his command did not let go too much, but tightly shrunk around the flagship Courage.

"I discovered another advantage of you." Norrington said with a smile, "You are very cautious in using your troops. Just like you play pirate chess."

The surrounding officers roared with laughter, and Du Yu's clumsy tactics of playing pirate chess became the laughing stock of the officers.

Governor Swan also smiled and said, "That's right, Colonel Du Yu is very careful, but a little more conservative. When it's time to attack, you should attack boldly! Otherwise, how can you make any contribution?"

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Elizabeth is a little tired, and she wants to go down to rest on leave.

Governor Swan smiled and helped her down.

Elizabeth entered the room, saw Governor Swan still standing at the door, and said with a smile: "Father, I have to change my clothes."

Governor Swan smiled and said, "I'm your father, so why be shy, take it off."

Elizabeth looked at Swan in astonishment.Governor Swan's face suddenly became hideous!
With a flash, he rushed in front of Swan!

With a big hand pinching Swan's swan pink neck, he lifted Swan up!
Swan pedaled in disbelief, like a helpless swan.

"Father why?" Tears flowed in her beautiful eyes.

"Because he is not your father at all!" A cold voice came from the door.

Governor Swan and Elizabeth were shocked to see Du Yu standing at the door holding a gun.

Before Governor Swan had time to react, Du Yu started [Musketeer's Glory +5]!
Two bombs fired in succession, aiming at Governor Swan's head!
[Headshot] + [Double-click]!
The first lead bullet hit 80 points of damage.The second lead bullet hit 40 points of damage, and 20 points of lead poison damage!
If it weren't for "Governor Swann"'s strong defense, these two bullets with extremely powerful explosive power could kill him!
He rolled over, with a flash of light on his body, obviously using a high-priority healing potion to replenish his dry life, and at the same time, he yelled at the top of his throat: "Are you crazy?"

Du Yu put away the glory of the musketeer, pulled out a handful of silver needles, and fired four volleys!

Governor Swan was wounded, and suddenly threw a round thing at Swan.

Mental Power Bomb!
It turned out to be a mental bomb!

Seeing Elizabeth in danger, Du Yu pounced on the beauty and knocked the beauty down. Then the mental bomb exploded violently!

With the explosion of the spiritual bomb, violent explosions occurred everywhere on the entire Valor!

Originally a graceful, mighty and majestic flagship of the British army, its 240 cannons are as powerful as any legendary warship. Amid a series of explosions, the entire hull trembled!
"You, you idiot! I'm a demon, a veteran of the Red Python team!" Governor Swan's face changed into a bald and wretched man after a while, and he roared angrily: "You almost destroyed the boss of the Red Python team!" Big deal! I’ll give you another chance to kill Elizabeth right away, and I’ll put a mental bomb on her body. Let Norrington down again, he’s already been poisoned by me. As soon as something happens to Elizabeth, he will It explodes! Norrington is dead!"

Du Yu was startled when he heard the words, and after thousands of chases, another group of assassins from the Red Python team took the lead!
This dog brother is also cruel enough, he sent A Fu with a wave of cannon fodder, and sent a demon to replace Governor Swan, one strange and one righteous, one bright and one dark, both outside and inside, secretly aiding Austria, and indeed assassinated Norlin Ton's grasp.

In particular, this devil was able to replace Governor Swann, an important character in the plot. The priority of this disguise skill must be very high, and there is also a perverted skill like mental bomb as an auxiliary. He can be called the strongest death god who assassinates plot characters!
Even a British commander like Norrington was successfully poisoned by him!

A look of astonishment appeared on his face, and the gun was thrown down: "You are actually Brother Gou's man?"

The devil impatiently said: "Hurry up and do it! Norrington will come down immediately, kill him, the British army will be leaderless, and our pirate coalition army can do it!"

Elizabeth heard that the devil was going to plant a bomb trap on her body, and seeing her kind and loving father turned into a devil, she was shocked and furious: "Where is my father?"

The devil grinned. "Maybe in the stomach of a shark in the Caribbean?"

Elizabeth almost fainted, gritted her teeth and drew out her long sword.

The devil sternly said, "Do it!"

Du Yu shot without hesitation.

However, his bullet still rushed towards the devil's head!
The demon dodged the first shot, but was still hit in the shoulder by the second shot. He roared angrily, "You are indeed a traitor! Ah Fu died at your hands."

Du Yu whistled, and Hai Otter and Wang Peng, who were called to the door by him, launched an attack on the demon man, one on the left and one on the right.

Ever since Brother Gou speculated that there was another wave of adventurers sneaking in, he had already suspected Governor Swan.

Because the impression Governor Swan made on him was very abnormal.

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(End of this chapter)

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