Chapter 1011 The decisive battle of Sauron ([-]) - Ask for a monthly ticket in the eighth watch!
When God reshaped his body and gave him a white robe, Gandalf was full of ambition and confidence. He thought that with his thousands of years of hard work in Middle-earth, his relationship with Galadriel and the three great elf kings, Ten times the power of God in the past, is it not easy to kill Sauron?
But the ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

Back in Middle-earth, the first bad news is that the three great elf kings have all been wiped out!

The second bad news is that Galadriel, whom he secretly loves and admires, has been taken over by Du Yu, and his body and soul belong to him.

This Gandalf has only one ally, Aragorn.Unexpectedly, this Human Sovereign was not very good at fighting, and he was wiped out by Sauron in a few strokes.

Gandalf was also desperate, so he chose to form an alliance with Du Yu.Now that he is going to be ripped off by Du Yu, naturally he is dissatisfied and angry.

"What do you want?" Gandalf asked coldly.

Du Yu pointed to the Dark Forest Bow in Legolas' hand.The seeds of the holy tree of King Thrandui above have already attached to it and started to take root and sprout.

"I only have one request for you, and that is to swear a poisonous soul oath. I guarantee that the soul seed of King Thrandui will be sent back to the continent of gods in Aman continent without incident, so that he can take root and germinate, and be resurrected safely!"

Du Yu said categorically.

Hearing this request, Legolas burst into tears.

When he betrayed the Lord God, he hesitated, but the reason for his hesitation was definitely not for his own life and death, but for his father's resurrection!
The resurrection of the elves must return to Aman Island, the country where the elves were born, and plant the seeds of the holy tree on the relics of the holy tree.But at this time, for the sake of the oath, he betrayed the main god and rejected the call of the sea. Is there still a chance to answer Amanzhou and see his father's resurrection with his own hands?
But unexpectedly, Du Yu, the elder brother, would take this matter so seriously.Even if asked to Gandalf, just ask this one!
Gandalf turned his head and saw Legolas' tearful face, his heart moved, his old face revealed a look of sorrow: "King Thranduil and I have been friends for thousands of years, even without you and Legolas Lars' request, I am obliged to escort the soul of my old friend back to the bank of the holy tree. This matter is on my shoulders. Let us join hands to fight against Sauron!"

Du Yu looked directly into Gandalf's eyes: "I want you to swear a poisonous oath. If you don't complete the commission of this transaction, your soul will wander forever in Middle-earth, a lonely ghost, and there will be no rest!"

Gandalf's eyes turned cold.In fact, he really might not have the chance to return to Aman Continent before the seed of the holy tree germinated!What he said just now was just a momentary pat on the chest, but Du Yu's scrutiny is to make this matter an iron case!
Gandalf took a deep breath and swore the soul oath.Only then did Du Yu nodded in satisfaction, and pouted.

Legolas had already prepared for the battle. The bow of the golden Melon tree was fully drawn, and a long arrow with Galadriel's blessing attached instantly sank into the body of Sauron occupying Sima Yi's body!
Sauron screamed in pain.

Galadriel's blessing can represent the highest level of elf blessing gain.The arrow containing the vitality of nature and the energy of the water system, once pierced into his chest, immediately took root and began to compete with Sauron's black aura representing destruction and evil!
Sauron was in agony.This represents the magic of blessing, which acts on him, just like the curse acts on human beings.

And this is just the beginning.

Yang Guo was as light as a swallow, he jumped behind Sauron, and with a move of Depressed Soul Palm, blasted on Sauron's back.

Sauron existed as a demigod, so no matter how invincible Yang Guo was, it would be difficult for him to launch a fierce attack from close quarters.But Galadriel magic + Legolas archery, it is really difficult for anyone in the world to crack it, so this golden opportunity was created for Yang Guo.

The power of the Depressed Soul Palm, through Sauron's giant armor, blasted firmly into the depths of Sauron's soul.Don't forget that Yang Guo's cultivation has reached the peak of Jindan, and he is about to break through the Nascent Soul Stage, this move made Sauron tremble.

Arwen waved her father's Ring of Qi with tears in her eyes, layers of sharp wind blades rolled up in front of Sauron, the powerful magical power of the elf princess, plus the 50% wind spell gain of the Ring of Qi, So Sauron was beaten into a panic.

How could Gandalf miss this opportunity? The enemy fencing sword was launched immediately, and a sword pierced deeply into Sauron's chest. All the powerful power bestowed on him by God's grace penetrated through his body, constantly creating terrifying lightning attacks in Sauron's body!

Sauron was attacked by so many strong men at the same time, and he was hit hard at once.But he is the biggest boss in this world after all, a demigod-level existence, even though he was seriously injured, he aroused the endless anger of this demon god!

The legendary heroes who were besieging at the scene felt a tremor deep in their souls at the same time.It was like a vicious dragon awakening in the body of Sima Yi beside him!
"Not good!" Gandalf took a step back: "This Sauron has completed the fusion. Apart from throwing the Lord of the Rings into Mount Doom, there is no power that can destroy his soul from the outside! Quit, attack again."

After he finished speaking, he picked up Aragorn, opened the portal, and went straight ahead!
Du Yu and the others were thrown on the battlefield by him, facing the furious Sauron!
Layers of black energy continuously emerged from Sauron's body, enveloping Galadriel, Arwen, Legolas, Yang Guo, Du Yu and others.A roar that shook the universe roared out from Sima Yi's shriveled mouth: "Ants! You have angered me, great Sauron! Your death is now! I am an immortal god! You can never destroy me!" I!"

After Sauron was severely injured, his power has more than doubled?
Even if they were as strong as Galadriel and Legolas, they were overshadowed by Sauron's majesty and wrath, and took two steps back. Arwen, the little beautiful princess, was even more pale, weak and backed up again and again.

It wasn't until a pair of powerful arms embraced her beautiful and delicate body that she reluctantly looked back.

It was Du Yu.

The sycophant she once reprimanded as three-inch tongue.

The human man she despised with aloofness.

At this moment, Du Yu was staring at Sauron's monstrous flames, but there was no fear or panic on his rebellious face.Arwen's beautiful black eyes, which were originally panicked, saw Du Yu hugging her so calmly, and gradually calmed down, and began to stare at Du Yu's face.

What a face it was that puzzled her.

Compared with Aragorn, Du Yu is less vicissitudes, compared to Legolas, Du Yu is even less handsome, and even compared to Rohan's fierce general, Eomer, Du Yu is less murderous.

But Du Yu at this moment, in Arwen's eyes, is more masculine than any man she has ever seen!
Because of his eyes.

Although he looks ordinary, but that face that has never changed since ancient times and always laughs, facing the monstrous demon flames at this time, he is so calm and composed, even with a hint of disdain and rebellion in it!

How can someone face Sauron so calmly?

Arwen couldn't figure it out.

What she didn't know was that Du Yu had seen too many terrifying existences along the way, let alone Sauron.In the last world, Du Yu killed Diablo.

What's more, Sauron at this time has lost the Lord of the Rings, and without that terrifying bonus, he has not reached a perfect state?
Sauron's black energy continued to spread, and finally surrounded the entire giant rock.

"It's time for your death!" Sima Yi's thin mouth kept roaring.Du Yu guessed that the vocal cords had been broken long ago.

Poor Sima Yi just provoked Du Yu and was put under the magic ring. In the end, his body was taken away, his weather was swallowed up, and his remnant soul was imprisoned and served by torture.

Looking at the terrifying image of Sauron on the boulder, looking at the situation where Du Yu and Galadriel and his party were forced to a dead end, the only happy thing was that they had just been beaten to collapse and had no choice but to surrender Kitano Minami and others.

In her eyes, there is endless madness and vicious pleasure!
"Du Yu, aren't you very good? Don't you look down on my old lady? This time I will let you taste the power of Sauron! Haha, if these five people die tragically, I can sneak away without anyone's attention. Old lady He is the only adventurer who survived. Haha, after going back, he falsely claimed the credit for killing Du Yu, and the harvest is not small!"

Bei Yenan was thinking wishful thinking, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.But Li Mochou, who was guarding her, kicked her in the face and said coldly: "Bitch! What are you laughing at? Shut up!"

"Let's fight, let's fight!" Bei Yenan had shoe prints on his face, and he cursed viciously in his heart: "It's better to start the war quickly, and then everyone will die!"

"Your changes have almost reached the limit, right?" Du Yu stood up with a calm face, yawning.

Everyone was stunned.

Feelings You have been waiting for Sauron to raise his momentum to the limit, and you have been in a daze before, right?
Sauron was also taken aback by Du Yu's irritating words, and then laughed ferociously: "You are really brave. Good job, but my current black fog is Sauron's unique skill, called the fog of doom .In this fog, all living beings will be imprisoned! They cannot display half of their normal strength. Only dark creatures can barely exert 7% or 8% of their power. Only the existence of the demon god level can fight against me! But since the demon After the fall of Goss, I have never seen an existence at the level of a demon god who can compete with me. Hahaha!"

All were heartbroken.

[Fog of Doom] is not the first time Sauron has used it.For an existence of Galadriel's level, the several battles with Sauron have suffered from this terrifying dark skill.

She said loudly: "Everyone be careful, Sauron's [Fog of Doom] lasts for a long time, and it is a large-scale blockade + buff skill. His body can move freely in this fog, but all opponents will be subject to a terrifying attack." Weakened. In the battle of the alliance, the legendary heroes of elves and humans suffered a lot. After exiting the fog, wait for the fog to disappear before attacking again. We also exit as soon as possible.”

(End of this chapter)

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