Chapter 1016: The Mordor Army Attacks! -13 ask for a monthly pass!

At this time, the wolf cavalry had followed Catherine and returned to Essingard.In Du Yu's hands, there were only less than 3000 Rohan knights and nearly [-] elf archers left.

Holy Helm's Deep was already dilapidated in the previous Sima Yi battle. Du Yu even took the initiative to destroy the wooden and stone outer city wall to stop the charging Gondor heavy infantry.

When the dust gradually fell to the ground, Du Yu could see it clearly.

Orc soldiers.

Orc soldiers all over the mountains, wearing heavy armor, holding high shields, and spears like a forest, came densely.

This is a black power of Megatron Continent.

Sauron's army.

Theoretically, the commander of this demonic army from Minas Devil's Nest is the Ange Witch-Horse King, but the Witch King has already died tragically in the hands of Du Yu, and this demonic army will directly belong to Sauron, who has successfully seized his home. lead.

Sauron tried his best to resist Diablo's violent beating, while laughing loudly: "I have a full fifty thousand demon army, and each of them spits, and I will drown you. Even if you can master certain rules of the gods, and use them to If you use a trick to control my body, you will definitely not be able to stop this Iron Army's slam. You let me go quickly, and there is still room for forgiveness. If you persist in your obsession, I will definitely wash you with blood!"

Du Yu looked calm, but showed a masculine smile.

"Oh? This 5 army is enough to flatten my Helm's Deep?"

Sauron said to himself: "Even if I am in a different place, I can't think of any other way for you to stop the invasion of this army."

Du Yu looked far and wide.

This magnificent army is indeed very powerful. Looking from here, it stretches for several miles, and there are endless legions.It is advancing steadily, and there is really nothing that can stop the attack of this iron army.

Shen Luoyan lowered his head and said: "Just now we fought with Sima Yi to the death with all our strength, and our subordinates were incompetent, so they failed to monitor the movement outside the valley in time. Sauron probably took advantage of that opportunity to send this unprecedentedly large army, Sneaked around Helm's Deep."

Du Yu smiled and said, "Your bird reconnaissance eagle was swallowed by Sima Yi's three-eyed Haidong falcon, and you lost this useful reconnaissance partner. It's understandable that you can't perceive the situation on the battlefield in time. It's too low to win a war of this scale without any skills."

Sauron smiled coldly. Although he still tried his best to fight against the will of Caesar and other programmers, he could not move freely, and was caught and beaten by the crazy Diablo, but with his sub-god perception.This level of providence is not enough to truly imprison him.At most 1 minute, you can get out of trouble.

He made up his mind that later on, he would tear out all the guts of these pretenders and hang them upside down outside Helm's Deep. Their souls would be imprisoned and enslaved forever to vent their hatred!
Caesar frowned and said to Du Yu: "Boss, I'm sorry, we are so useless. Even with the power of 100 programmers, you can't handle this Sauron for you. He has 1 minute at most, and he will be out of trouble and die." out."

Du Yu smiled: "It's okay. You can use one oath to trap Sauron to the present level, which is beyond my expectation. His physical injuries are so serious that he shouldn't be able to cause us any more trouble."

He waved his hand: "This place is besieged by the demon army, it is not suitable to stay for a long time, hum! Sauron thinks he can fight against God's will? Naive. I carried his body, entered the inner city wall of Helm's Deep, closed the door and beat the dog! Look at his How did the magic army get in? In Helm's Deep, we don't fight in groups, we can fight as we want?"

All the girls cheered in unison.

Poor Sauron, as a generation of demon kings, got caught in a trap at a time, was tricked by Du Budget, trapped by the programmer, and was severely trampled by Diablo. He was picked up abruptly and strode towards the inner city of Helm's Deep.

"But what about the [-] demon army?" Galadriel pointed to the opposite side.

The 5 demon army is mighty and murderous, stretching across the sky, as if it is boundless, and it will never end.Just seeing the momentum of this iron army, many elves have lost their courage.

Du Yu smiled coldly and held it up high - the treasure of Sima Yi just seized - ten ghost soldier talismans!

Although some ghost soldiers and ghost generals should be left behind as samples for research.In addition, out of respect for Galadriel, Legolas, and Arwen, the corpse of the Elf King could no longer be desecrated, so the Ghost General Talisman could not be used, but Du Yu only took out 8 ghost soldier Talismans, which could still be used Sima Yi left behind more than 2 ghost soldiers, and easily regained more than half of them!

After Sima Yi died, these ghost soldiers lost their masters and were just standing there in a daze.I'm afraid that when the ghost soldier talisman's effect is over, they will really turn into ashes, dust to dust, turn into carrion corpses, fall to the ground and die.

And after Du Yu threw out these 8 ghost soldier talismans, he easily got these unowned walking dead ghost soldiers. Their dumb eyes quickly became agile, and they cast towards their new master, Du Yu!

It was the look of swearing allegiance to the death.

With a wave of Du Yu's hand, these ghost soldiers rushed towards the inner city of Helm's Deep in a well-trained manner.

This ecstatic turning point really left Galadriel, Legolas and the others dumbfounded.But there is no doubt that the elves saw the hope of victory and survival, and they absolutely welcomed it with both hands, and their morale suddenly rose again.

Looking down from the sky, the Helm's Deep at this time is really full of galloping horses and thousands of armies vying to be the first.Ten thousand elves and more than 2000 Rohan knights rushed towards the inner city wall, and more than 16000 ghost soldiers also rushed towards Helm's Deep.Behind them, there is an overwhelming 50000-strong magic army, rolling forward, chasing and killing.

The ring spirits screamed, trying to prevent Diablo from rushing into Helm's Deep carrying their master, but Du Yu's men were as strong as a forest and as elite as rain. Aragon is pretty much the same.

Legolas moved like the wind, galloping and jumping, and the long arrows pierced the clouds one by one, whizzing and wrapped in strong wind, and shot at the swooping Ringwraith.

Nadison King, a ring spirit king, was once the great leader of the ancient Dundan people. His personal force was extremely powerful, but he was imprisoned by the Lord of the Rings and degenerated into a ring spirit. Charge ahead.

Its shadow shrouded the fleeing elf troops, swooped down, and suddenly there were two powerful elf warriors, with his black sword full of demonic energy, one sword in two sections, blood sprayed to a height of 3 or 4 meters, and their heads It is flying high!
These ring spirits are best at creating terror and spreading plagues.

King Nadison was trying his best to create an atmosphere of panic, but he was accidentally shot by Legolas, and the arrow pierced through the breastplate!

He let out an unbelievable roar and scream, his voice was as high-pitched as a ghost crying and a wolf howling.

Princess Iowyn, who was galloping on horseback, showed a determined look on her face, and the kid Pippin also poked her head out of her arms.The princess and the hobbit looked at each other and nodded.

Pippin drew a holy stone from his bosom.It was a gift from Guan He to him after he got to know Guan He well.This stone was found by Guan He on a cliff peak in the Misty Mountains. It should have been left by the previous generation of Maia. Even Gandalf didn't know its origin.

When Pippin saw that the arrow fell off the horse and the flying dragon, Pippin smiled, and quickly turned the white strange stone with the leather case, and threw it out whistling.

Although the hobbits are small in personal strength and cannot be used as melee infantry, this race has a long history of surviving in the turbulent Middle-earth, and it is not just luck!
Hobbits have a unique talent advantage, even if it is a divine favor, that is, the stones and slingshots they throw have super extra damage to higher-level creatures!
The stronger the creature, the easier it is to be hit by the hobbit!
(For specific attributes, please refer to the Heroes of Might and Magic series. The halfling archer in it has extra attack damage against creatures above level [-])

This strange stone exuded a faint grace, and with the blessing of the hobbit's throwing expertise, it whizzed and instantly hit the middle of King Nadison's helmet!
King Nadison howled in pain!
He only felt that his soul seemed to have been beaten out of his body by the hobbit's fatal blow, coupled with the strange stone of grace, and drifted out!

And the princess Iowyn came galloping on a fierce steed!

The royal knight sword in her hand, under the blessing of skilled horse skills and fast speed, exudes a breathtaking light!

King Nadison let out a fatal howl.

Among the many rumors of the Ringwraiths, it is the most widely spread that they will never be killed.But this "MAN" actually refers to a man!
In other words, women can kill Ringwraiths!
Éowyn's galloping horse flew past King Nadison in an instant.

At the same time, the head of King Nadison flew high!
The head that exudes black air.

Eowyn grabbed King Nadison's head, and the horse neighed and stood up. The princess was heroic, with blond hair fluttering, and she scolded loudly: "The leader of the ring spirits has been put down! The head of the ring spirits has been put down!"

In an instant, the courage of the Rohan knight was completely detonated by the heroism of the princess, and the cheers of long live resounded through the canyon.

The elves were also encouraged.

On the contrary, the ring spirit did not dare to press too hard.He could only watch Sauron being held in his mouth by Diablo, using all four limbs together, and carried him into Helm's Deep.

The elves and the Rohan knight rushed in immediately.

The ghost soldiers also rushed in.

Immediately, the city gate that had guarded Luo Han Guozuo for thousands of years was slowly closed.

"Go to the city quickly and prepare to defend," the elf queen ordered sharply.

Legolas and Hadir immediately split up and led the action.

When more than 2000 elves surged onto the city wall of Helm's Deep, this section of the city wall was already very crowded.After all, Helm's Deep has never ushered in a battle of nearly 10 people.

And when the ghost soldiers who were cannon fodder also rushed up the city wall, the city wall was already packed to the brim.

Fortunately, the elf archer is very skilled in archery. Even standing in the open space behind the city wall, he can still use throwing, scattering, and diffusing techniques to rain down the elf's long arrows on the incoming Sauron army.

(End of this chapter)

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