Chapter 1029 Consuming the Lord God!Defeat Gandalf! -2 Ask for a monthly pass!

But at this moment, the figure of a frail woman suddenly jumped on Du Yu's body!

In the eyes of this elf queen, there is the same rebellious look as when she rebelled against the Lord God and left Aman Continent 3000 years ago!

"Lord God! You have already taken away all my relatives. This time, I will not allow you to take him away again!" The thick and powerful lightning flashed above the head, and Galadriel's bright golden long hair was blown up by the strong wind. The skirt moved in the air, like a fairy, saying every word.

Water ripples appeared on her body.

Galadriel has already used her strongest supernatural powers to fight against the Lord God Manwe!
The face formed by the dark clouds glanced at the inviolable Galadriel indifferently, and said indifferently: "It's been 3000 years, and I gave you a chance to rehabilitate, naughty elf. But you gave up. Since you are obsessed, Then destroy it!"

Galadriel stood stubbornly on the spot, guarding the man she loved with her frail body.

"God, you can take my love, you can take my life, you can destroy my destiny but!"

Galadriel looked face to face with the dark cloud man without fear, and said loudly: "You will never make us surrender!"

"Well said." Du Yu bit his tongue fiercely, the blood was sweet, and the severe pain woke him up, regained control of his body, immediately controlled the dragon wolf, and stood with Galadriel!
Even if it wants to be destroyed, it must not surrender.

"A mantis is like a cart, a mayfly is like a tree!" Gandalf laughed maniacally with blood on his face, "No one can survive under the power of the Lord God Manwe. Even the great ancient empire will be wiped out! Let alone the two of you!"


The lightning was unobstructed, it struck Galadriel and Du Yu!
Nanya, the ring of water in Galadriel's hand, snapped, and a deep crack appeared. Her body was surrounded by lightning, and she almost fell on the spot.

But Du Yu protected her under his arms in time, and resisted this terrifying divine punishment with a dragon-wolf look!

The dragon wolf howled fiercely, the dragon scales were crushed by this Tianwei forcefully, a blood hole was visible deep into the bones, exuding a scorched and scorched breath, it was crumbling, and fell to the ground.

Du Yu felt distressed.

This dragon and wolf aura, just after devouring Aragorn's holy tree aura, his realm has already been improved, but in order to resist Manwe's punishment from heaven, his cultivation base was greatly damaged, and not only did he consume all the harvest of the holy tree aura , even the fifth-level aura is in danger, on the verge of falling.

But Longlang fought against the ten-thousand-year-old main god with elementary supernatural powers, and was almost killed by one blow. At this moment, he was dying, lying on the ground wailing.

Du Yu sighed, and hastily withdrew the dragon wolf. It's not fun to kill the power of weather.

However, thanks to the strong attack of the dragon and wolf, it not only greatly deterred Gandalf, but also resisted the fatal punishment of God Manwe, giving Du Yu a chance to breathe.

Lord Manwe smiled coldly, and was about to continue to attack, but his face sank.

He felt that in the dark, there was a stronger God's will tearing at himself, restricting himself, and preventing himself from attacking again.The Divine Power and Heavenly Punishment just now had exhausted the power of his projection this time.After all, this is not Aman Continent. To project the will of the Lord God here, it would cost a lot of money to travel thousands of miles across the ocean.The fatal blow just now failed to kill Du Yu, and if he wanted to strike again, he couldn't do it with that higher constraint.

He smiled coldly: "Come here first today. Gandalf will bring your heads to see me."

After a word, the dark clouds receded and the sun came out again.

Under the bright sky and the clear sky, it seemed as if nothing had happened at all.

Du Yu threw himself on the ground with Galadriel in his arms, coughing violently.The enemy fencing from bottom to top, almost cut him open, and blood flowed.

Gandalf stood up staggeringly. He had been beaten by Du Yu before, and his body was seriously injured. Before Manwë left, a divine sense swept over his body and healed as before!

Such means, such supernatural powers, almost make people despair.

Just imagine, when you fight a bottom boss, all kinds of hole cards are exhausted, and you are on the verge of dying in the fight, suddenly an opponent's god comes, beats you to the verge of death with one move, and even kills your own boss, Standing up full of blood, will you be desperate?

Du Yu gently put down Galadriel, and kissed the elf queen deeply.

The elf queen seemed to be in a deep sleep. Manwe's divine power and divine punishment exhausted her, and she almost fell.

"Surrender." Gandalf walked step by step: "You have no hope."

Du Yu raised his head and looked at Gandalf.

Gandalf was taken aback.

In Du Yu's eyes, there was no despair, no anger, only calmness.

As calm as a lake.

But under the superficial calm, there is a wild killing intent surging!

"You forced me." Du Yu said lightly, "Now try the power of the terrifying oriental magic."

He gently played the blue sea tide song!
A blue dragon suddenly flew out from the heart of the castle!
This black dragon was precisely the restraint of the immortal family that Huang Yaoshi used the vitality of the East China Sea to use the special East China Sea dragon balls on Peach Blossom Island to set up a water array.

Du Yu's Nascent Soul stage cultivation base can just play its maximum effect!
Although Gandalf is the envoy of the gods, Maier, when he first experienced the Eastern fairy art, the real terrifying fairy power, he was still shocked and took a step back.

"Die!" The blue dragon chanted and leaped towards Gandalf, roaring.

Gandalf's pupils shrank, and he waved with one hand, and the enemy fencing sword that was pulled out by Du Yu immediately returned to his hand.

Du Yu had no expression on his face, he played the Blue Sea Chaosheng song with one hand, and slid in the air with his icy internal force, and life and death talismans full of icy energy condensed in the void.

The powerful Canglong finally rushed to Gandalf.

Facing the awe-inspiring Longwei, Gandalf's hair and beard were blown against his face, and his heart was filled with fear.

He is Maier, the envoy of the gods, but he has never seen the power of this oriental fairy art.

That is a stronger system than magic.

Regardless of the level of magic, this summoned water dragon is enough to threaten his life.

Gandalf roared wildly, and the enemy's fencing sword slashed at Huanglong.

One person and one dragon, colliding together, the power is earth-shattering, the whole valley is shaking!
After the dust fell to the ground, Gandalf was ragged, barely standing where he was.

But immediately, life and death talismans pierced into his body like lightning!
Gandalf only felt that thousands of ants were eroding the bones, and the pain was unbearable. The method of this fairy family, on the basis of martial arts skills, has attached fairy power, and the priority is not the same.

Gandalf's enemy's fencing sword could not hold it, and it fell to the ground.

Du Yu rushed towards his face like a tiger!

In the Nascent Soul stage, compared with Sima Yi, he lacks the attack methods such as fairy treasures and fairy swords seriously, but Du Yu also has an outstanding advantage!

That is close combat and muscle and bone grinding, which is incomparably strong!

Gandalf tried to fight back, but he was greeted by Du Yu's overwhelming blows from the fairy family!

Temper the body!Enter the Tao with your own body!Sanctify the flesh!

This is Du Yu's way of cultivating immortals.

No alchemy, no weapon refining, no sword practice!

Let the wind blow from southeast to northwest, I just hit it with one punch!

Gandalf felt an unrivaled aura rushing towards him, he couldn't help closing his eyes

Then there is no more.

Gandalf's bones were broken and he was lying on the ground, unable to move.

"It's useless," the white-robed Maier said with difficulty, for these three words.A large stream of blood mixed with broken internal organs spewed out from the mouth.

"You mean that your soul is immortal and you can return to the Lord God at any time? Reshape your body?"

Du Yu said coldly.

Gandalf nodded: "God is the strongest"

He coughed violently.

Du Yu nearly punched out his internal organs with Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Du Yu stood up coldly: "I know. I don't care."

He sneered and said, "You can go."

Gandalf froze.

He didn't expect that his life was in front of Du Yu, but the other party didn't want his life!

"Why?" Gandalf asked angrily.

Du Yu shrugged: "As you said, killing you is just sending you back to the city. Anyway, your soul will be taken back by the Lord God. Why should I bother? Let's talk."

He grinned: "My fourth brother Legolas' father's seed, I want you to take it back and plant it on the remains of the sacred tree. This is related to the fourth brother's relatives, so we can't delay it."

Du Yu patted his buttocks, stood up reluctantly, felt pain all over his body, and moaned: "You and I don't have the same hatred as Sima Yi, it's just that the position is different and the political views are different. You go back, remember to fulfill the promise to Xiao Lai .”

Gandalf stood up vigilantly, but did not leave immediately.

Why didn't Du Yu want to keep Gandalf?
But it is clear that Gandalf is unwilling to really die.Even if Du Yu risked his life, keeping him here this time is nothing more than sending Gandalf back to the main god immediately, and then?

Make a comeback!

Moreover, Du Yu believed that next time Gandalf's body would be made stronger by the angry Lord God.

Through the divine punishment just now, Du Yu has basically figured out one thing.

Every world has its own ultimate existence or ultimate rules.

In the world of Lord of the Rings in Middle-earth, the ultimate existence is the main gods of Aman.The ultimate rule is that the will of the Lord God rules the continent.A villainous boss like Sauron is actually just an unlucky guy who contrasts the power of the main god.

If you want to challenge this ultimate existence, you must kill the Aman Continent, face Manwe and other main gods, and activate the power to slaughter gods!

Does Du Yu have such strength?
It's a pity that even if Du Yu risked the lives of all the beauties, there was nothing he could do to the Lord God.Don't you see how powerful Ar-Pharazon, the leader of the Dundanites and the emperor of Númenor, was once?Even Sauron, who possessed the Lord of the Rings, had to surrender without a fight and be bound obediently.But the main god faced such a behemoth, all he did was hook his hands slightly.

Then the continent of Númenor sank!

Du Yu is indeed rebellious and unruly, and his luck is against the sky, but this does not mean that he now has the strength to challenge the limit of the world, and it does not mean that he can willfully start a full-scale war against the main god.

(End of this chapter)

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