Chapter 1031 The Silmaril, Hatch the Eagle King! - Dedicated to the new leader gm-leo
Du Yu has been exhausted from the battle of the Lord of the Rings. Is it necessary to go deep into the story of the Hobbit to find the Lord of the Rings of Power?
"Hasn't the treasures of Gushan been divided up?" Du Yu couldn't help but ask.

The plot of "The Hobbit at the Battle of the Five Armies" has already pointed this out.After Smaug died tragically at the hands of Bard in the town of Long Lake, the elves, dwarves and residents of Long Lake Town who defeated the wolf and orcs finally divided up all the dwarven treasures.

Gandalf took a deep breath and said calmly: "Actually, after the final victory in the Battle of the Five Armies on the Lonely Mountain, we returned to the treasures of the Lonely Mountain. Quit!"

"You mean?" Du Yu's pupils narrowed.

"Smaug himself carried the Ring." Gandalf sighed regretfully. "He took the Ring and escaped."

"Escaped?" Du Yu was astonished: "Didn't Bard shoot Smaug in the left chest with a black sword and kill it? How did he escape?"

"Bard just wounded Smaug." Gandalf smiled. "As historians say, history is a little girl. She is as beautiful as you dress. In fact, we never found Smaug's body after the war. Because of this, Bard can only get one-fourteenth of Smaug's treasure! If he can prove that he killed Smaug, this proportion must reach at least one-third! Therefore, I have always suspected that Smaug did not fall there. In a battle, he fled away. Of course, the missing ring of power also disappeared into the traces of history along with it."

Du Yu was disappointed for a while.

If there were no such legends as Gandalf who experienced history, how could Du Yu know the twists and turns and mysteries?How could it have been imagined that the Ring of Power might be on the body of the Smaug dragon?

But about 250 years have passed since the Battle of the Five Armies. If Smaug was still alive, how powerful would it be?
You know, Smaug was a very powerful and very evil dragon, and the flames he breathed were so hot that, though not enough to destroy Sauron's ring, they were enough to kill anyone.He has a long lifespan, long enough to cultivate any supernatural power.Like other dragons, Smaug has an extremely sharp sense of smell, he can accurately judge the number of people approaching the lair by smell, and his appetite is very large.

Du Yu reckoned that if Sauron had a fight with it, Sauron would probably not be an opponent, unless the Lord of the Rings was in his hands, transformed into a complete form, and the magic power reached its peak!
Gandalf sighed: "I have never heard of Smaug since then. I have never seen him. Even if I told you that the last Ring of Strength of the Durin Dwarves may be in the hands of Smaug, You can't find it either. So, give up!"

Du Yu calmed down and smiled slightly.

But he blinked again.

Because as long as the dwarf ring is narrowed down to a certain range, he has a legendary treasure from the Caribbean world - a compass that doesn't know how to guide!
Seeing that Du Yu couldn't be persuaded, Gandalf shook his head and smiled: "Since I can't persuade you, I have nothing to say. The last thing, I feel Guan He's breath from you. This is my old friend. Can you Show it to me?"

Du Yu was very pleasantly surprised, never thought that Gandalf could have such delicate thoughts?
Du Yu properly handed over the giant golden egg that Guan He left behind before his death to Shang Xiuxun to try to see if it could hatch.Legendary giant eagles like Guan He belong to the top of the food chain even in Middle-earth, and can even scratch Sauron!
But precisely because of Guan He's identity similar to Maya, the conditions needed to hatch this giant golden egg are also a headache.Shang Xiuxun has been studying for more than a month, but he can't get in. Finally, he smiled wryly at Du Yu and shook his head.

At this time, Gandalf actually wanted to give some pointers out of apology to Guan He. Of course Du Yu was overjoyed, and took out the giant golden egg and asked Gandalf to identify it.

Gandalf caressed the still warm golden egg, and sighed, "Old friend. Under Sima Yi's vicious ambush, you unfortunately fell into the cave. I was still a gray-robed mage at that time, and I was powerless to protect you. But I must ensure that you The pure blood of this giant eagle can be passed down!"

He solemnly said to Du Yu: "Since you can get this giant golden egg, it means that you are related to the giant eagle. The giant eagle is a magical species created by the Lord God, and its status is not inferior to our Maiya. This giant egg is When the Wind King Guan He was about to die, he condensed his whole body's power into it, and the born descendant, once born, will be the next generation of Wind King! The strength can directly reach that of a demigod! But under normal circumstances, it is not easy to hatch it. For you Say, it's even impossible!"

Du Yu was surprised.

Could it be that the bloodline of this giant eagle cannot be restored?

"Because the giant eagle family was created by the main god. As the king, Guan He, his blood of the wind king can only be reproduced with the divine power blessed by the main god! Normally, before each wind king dies, there are It has a premonition that it will travel across the ocean and fly to Aman Continent, worshiping the Lord God and praying for blessings from the Lord God. When the giant golden egg is born, it will sleep, eat, and sleep until the new generation of eaglets hatch again Success, and accepting the blessing of the Lord God Manwe, the eagle king of the old generation will pass away with a smile. The new young Eagle King Feng will spend two years in Middle-earth, and will come to Middle-earth again after growing into a golden giant eagle Continent, fulfill the duty of monitoring Middle-earth entrusted to it by Manwe!"

"So" Du Yu's heart sank.

"What you need is the divine power of the main god or a fetish with the power of the main god to hatch this giant golden egg." Gandalf sighed: "If you don't have the power of the main god, you can only wait. Maybe thousands of years later, the giant eagle egg will be hatch, but I can't guarantee whether it can possess all the power of the giant eagle royal family."

Du Yu looked desperate.

With the current hostile relationship between him and the Lord God Manwhe, even if he had the grace of not killing Gandalf, it could only be slightly eased, and there is absolutely no point of cooperation!The Lord God will not just sit back and watch the King of Wind he created fall into the hands of the rebels who oppose him!I would rather destroy this bloodline!
Gandalf said in a deep voice: "The only way is for me to take this giant golden egg and bring it back to Aman Island together with King Thranduil's seed of life. The Lord God should take pity on Guan He's blood and let him It hatched normally. But you will lose ownership of this giant eagle."

When Du Yu heard it, it was impossible.He managed to get this Wind King's Egg, how could he give it to the Lord God?

Gandalf shrugged slyly: "My friend, I have finished. It is up to you to keep a useless giant eagle egg, or give it to me in exchange for a certain reward."

He seemed to have calculated that Du Yu would not be able to use the divine power of the main god to incubate this egg, and he was going to exchange his old friend Guan He's egg back at a bargain price.

At this moment, Galadriel stood up calmly!
"Hatching this giant eagle's egg requires the divine power of the main god, right? You don't need to go back to Aman Continent, I have a treasure right here, which can definitely meet the requirements!"

Gandalf was stunned.Du Yu was overjoyed.

Gandalf murmured: "This is impossible, how can you have the power of a god? That is a world mystery that can only be grasped at the level of the main god! Oh! What is this?"

In Galadriel's hand, a crystal-clear gem shone with a seductive light that should only exist in the sky, but could still feel the light of the Two Sacred Trees in it!

"The Silmarillion?" Gandalf took a step back. "This one could only have been stolen from Middle-earth by Morgoth. How could it have fallen into your hands?"

"Yes, the Silmarillion." Queen Galadriel glanced at Du Yu meaningfully: "Saruman found it from the ruins of Morgoth and used it to frame me. If Du Yu hadn't risked his life to save it , I am now either imprisoned by Saruman, or in the hands of Sauron!"

Gandalf took a step back, his face full of despair.

Because he only knew that this Silmaril is the most precious treasure in this world, none of them!

The Silmarillion is not just a jewel with a dazzling light. In a sense, the three Silmarillions are "living" and "sacred" things.Feanor, the greatest elf, the grandfather of Galadriel, created the three Silmarils!Even Vera, including the god of craftsmanship Aoli, has no way to replicate similar things.

In Tolkien's world, the value of the Silmarillion is almost infinite!Even for Vera, because they are unique and irreplaceable!Morgoth, known as the God of Darkness, even publicly broke with the Lord God in order to steal the three Silmarils, killed Feanor, and fled to Middle-earth to become the king!

Because the composition of the three Elven Silmarils is the crystal substance "Silima", when the Two Sacred Trees were destroyed by Morgoth, it absorbed all the divine power and light of the Two Sacred Trees!
And the Double Sacred Tree, as the prophesied world tree, how powerful is it?Even the main gods will tremble for it!
Immediately, the Silmaril was consecrated by Varda, the god of elves!

Therefore, to put it bluntly, the divine power of the Twin Sacred Trees and the god of elves, Varda, is attached to this Silmarillion, and its function and status far exceed any treasure in Middle-earth.It is definitely not an exaggeration to say that it can represent the divine power of the main god level.

It is precisely because the Silmarillion is so precious and a treasure of special significance to Galadriel, the Elf Queen, that Saruman was sure that Galadriel could not refuse it, and asked Catherine to give it to the Elf Queen.In fact, he planned to catch golden turtles with bait, and after recovering Galadriel, the Silmaril naturally fell back into his hands.

It's a pity that Du Yu was born, and Saruman lost his wife and lost his army.This was the real reason why Saruman was so brooding over Du Yu and decided to put him to death.

After seeing the Silmarillion, Gandalf was shocked and speechless for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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