Chapter 1033 Castle Upgrade!Exchange for Elf Kingdom! -4 Ask for a monthly pass!

He didn't expect that Du Yu's lion's mouth was bigger than his imagination!

He actually wants to use the heart of the castle to move the three kingdoms of the elves out of thin air!

Even if the three major elf kingdoms have declined, there are still at least 20 elves living in them, right?What's more, these three places can be chosen as residences for generations by the elves with high eyesight and extreme pickiness.
"I need to report to Lord Manwe," Gandalf said weakly.

"Yes." Du Yu said calmly, "The terms of this transaction are valid until we leave this world."

"There is no need to repay." The dark clouds in the sky gathered again, and Manwe's calm and proud face appeared in the sky: "I didn't wait for Gandalf's successful reply, and turned back. I heard your conversation .”

Gandalf was so frightened that he hurriedly bowed down to the ground.

Du Yu was also worried.

Heavenly power is unpredictable.

Who knows, if Manwe goes back and forth this time, will there be another war?
He is not Gandalf. If he attacks, Du Yu and Galadriel's survival will be a problem.

But Du Yu is confident that there are program apes like Caesar who can mobilize spatial abilities to deter Manwe, the lord god. In addition, the Silmaril in his hand is indeed Manwe's must-have, so he is not afraid that Manwe will turn his face.

Manwei Tianwei was angry and concentrated on Du Yu: "Take away the three kingdoms of the elves? You have such a big appetite and guts!"

Du Yu said indifferently: "Since your power, Lord God of Manwe, can only defeat me, and I can crush the Silmaril at any time, and the prophecy that you will rule the world is like a flower in a mirror, a moon in water, a bamboo basket fetching water, and turning your head into a success." Kong, let me propose some fair trading conditions, why not?"

Manwë roared, "How dare you!"

Bursts of thunder rolled, and lightning struck Du Yu.

Du Yu was not afraid, he held the Silmaril, and he was about to be destroyed at any time!

When the lightning strikes in front of Du Yu, it changes direction strangely and strikes on a nearby mountain.The top of the mountain was instantly smashed to ashes, and it was leveled by a full three to forty meters!

Du Yu smiled lightly and said, "I believe in fairness! If you, the Lord God, want to grab it by force, then go to war again! I will destroy the Silmarillion first, and then I will kill Gandalf! It depends on your loss of interests, or mine." Great profit loss!"

Galadriel stood up angrily, and shouted: "Lord Manwe! This Silmaril was originally made by my grandfather Feanor. If you insist on destroying our elves, I will immediately order the elves to stop worshiping you! We would rather For broken pieces of jade, not for tiles!"

Manwei said coldly: "What a pair of tough adulterers. Hmph!"

Although he said so, he stopped attacking after all.

Gandalf raised his head and said with a smile to Manwë: "Lord God! Although Grima and Galadriel are not respectful to you, they are not rude. Morgoth is still lingering in the dark, waiting for a comeback. The Silmarillion must fall into your grasp, so that the Twin Sacred Trees of the World will be reborn, and the day of final judgment will come. Anyway, as Maya of another world, he will leave in half a year. Clan, exile and exile, let him take it away!"

There was no sound in the air for a long time.

Finally, Manwe's voice sounded: "But the three kingdoms of the elves, the heart of your castle cannot contain them all."

Du Yu immediately smiled and hit the snake with the stick: "Then ask the Lord God to exert divine power and upgrade the castle heart for me."

Gandalf almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, you are too thick-skinned, right?
Unexpectedly, Manwe really pondered for a while: "But I have consumed a lot of divine power, and your chip is not enough."

Du Yu giggled and said, "I can add another bargaining chip, which is Sauron's soul!"

Sauron's soul in the dark soul stone suddenly tightened his ass!
Manwei said disdainfully: "Sauron is just a dog that I misunderstood! What use would I have for this kind of person's soul?"

He sneered and said, "Gandalf must go back to Aman to recuperate. Saruman, that wolf-hearted thing, can't be removed. If you can kill Saruman before you leave, let me vent my anger." , plus this Elf Silmarillion, I will be the master, I promise you that you can upgrade your castle heart, absorb the three major elf kingdoms, and promise not to hunt you down again, how about it?"

Du Yu chuckled and said, "There's only one question."

Manwe asked impatiently, "What?"

"Remove the last one." Du Yu said solemnly, "I don't want your peace guarantee!"

Gandalf trembled with anger at Du Yu's arrogance.

But deep down in his heart, he had to admire Du Yu.

Dare to ask the main god face to face, withdraw the oracle of non-aggression, how courageous is this kind of person?

Manwei also didn't expect this person to be so crazy, and said lightly: "In this way, you have to be on guard against my divine punishment at any time!"

Du Yu resolutely said: "If I'm not strong enough, even with your personal guarantee, there's no guarantee that we can leave alive. If I'm strong enough, you don't dare to touch me lightly. You don't need this kind of guarantee!"

Manwe was silent for a while, and said with a sneer, "You are sensible! All right. The deal is concluded. Bring the Silmaril!"

"Fulfill your promise first." Du Yu said as a matter of course: "If the Silmaril is given to you, what can I do to ensure that you will not break the contract?"

"Could it be that I'm the main god, and I still renege on my debt?" Manwe was furious again.

"Ahem, character, character, it's all down to me." Du Yu pointed at Galadriel.

Manwe was helpless, the Silmaril was held tightly by Du Yu, and he had no choice but to step back if the jade shattered anytime.

A soft divine light came down!

The heart of the castle is surrounded by the divine light of Manwe!

Du Yu's heart tightened, this castle heart is his core treasure, don't let Manwe destroy it and make him a ghost.

Fortunately, Manwe didn't seem to intend to corrupt his character any more before the Silmaril came into his hands. It took a full 15 minutes for the soft divine light to gradually disappear.

Du Yu's spiritual consciousness immediately invaded the heart of the castle to explore, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed!

"The heart of your castle has accepted the sacred light sacrifice of Manwe, the main god of the world of the Lord of the Rings, and it has been upgraded again!"

"The upgraded Castle Heart has a larger area, about one-tenth the size of Middle-Earth!"

"The upgraded function includes absorbing various secret realms in the Middle-earth Continent, and is allowed by the main god Manwei to serve as an independent space plane to accommodate the absorbed Middle-earth races and survive normally. However, the villain value required for absorbing the secret realm , you need to pay separately."

"Because of the permission of the lord god Manwe, and the permission of Galadriel, the female lord of Lothlorin, Arwen, the female lord of Rivendell, and Legolas, the lord of the Mirkwood, you have absorbed the three kingdoms of elves and entered your The privilege of the castle heart! The exchange price is as follows: "

"Golden Forest Rose Lorin: Elves with a population of 70000, all of which are noble Ganda elves. Each world can produce 200 elf warriors, protected by the natural barrier Rose Lorin magic shield, which can be strengthened by the water ring Nanya. Exchange The price is 10000 villains."

"Elf Fairyland Rivendell: Elves with a population of 30000, the blood of high elves, each world produces 100 elf mages, has the protection of the fairyland mist waterfall, can ring Via with Qi, and launches strong winds to form big waves and wash away enemies. Exchange price 5000 villain value."

"Woodland Kingdom Mirkwood: a population of 10 elves, the blood of native gray elves, each world automatically produces 400 elf shooters, with a vast and boundless Mirkwood as protection, and the exchange price is 10000 villain points."

Satisfied, Du Yu sighed.

These three elven kingdoms are really not just a decoration.

With the participation of the three elven royal families, he can rule the three elven kingdoms without hindrance. What's more frightening is that each world can produce a certain amount of elven warriors, mages, and shooters!

This form is roughly the same as the weekly production of a certain number of troops in the Heroes of Invincible World.The elf fighters produced in each world can be accumulated, and their combat strength is about the same as that of the world of Lord of the Rings in the inner city difficulty!
Du Yu had seen how terrifying these elf archers were during the Battle of Helm's Deep!
Under the leadership of Galadriel, Legolas, Arwen and others, these elf warriors, mages, and archers can be described as a powerful force!

According to previous calculations, even against adventurers in the inner city, 10 elf fighters are enough to confront the opponent, 20 elf fighters are enough to defeat them, and more than 30 elf fighters are even capable of besieging them!If surrounded by more than 50 elf warriors, ordinary adventurers in the inner city are basically out of luck!

But it's a pity that to summon these elf fighters to fight, you also need villain value!
And it is charged per hour, each elf warrior charges 1 villain point per hour.

not much?

If you summon 700 elf warriors at one time, you have to pay 700 villain points per hour.

And the exchange price of Galadriel can only support this troop for 13 hours of operation.

This limits the large-scale use of elf troops.

But Du Yu was still extremely excited.

This force at least offered him a possibility.

But the problem came again.

Not enough villains.Full redemption requires 25000 Villains.

Fortunately, Du Yu had already received a reward of 9 villain points when he collected the 10000 Lord of the Rings for all mankind. 5000 was used to exchange for the price difference of Arwen, and the remaining amount was only 5000. As Gandalf reluctantly handed over Naya, the Ring of Fire, for the mission of the Three Rings of the Elves, Du Yu also received a reminder of the completion of the mission and obtained 7000 villain points again. .But it is still 13000 villain points short of full exchange.

He took a deep breath, no way, he wanted to use this world to tap his potential.

【Lord of the Ring】Hidden missions must be completed, and there will be rich villain rewards after completion.

After Manwe sacrificed the Castle Heart, he was also very tired. Obviously, refining the Castle Heart consumed him a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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