Chapter 1102 Rescue Zhao Yun!Obtain martial arts! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
As a result, the tiger and leopard cavalry beside Zhao Yun suddenly emptied out, and rolled towards Du Yu and the others frantically.

Daniel and the others immediately scattered and fled in all directions.

Du Yu grabbed Xiahouen's bloody key and drew out the Qinghong sword.It seems that if the general's weapon is seized, there is a 100% chance of extracting it and gaining the full right to use it.

But he didn't run away, but looked at Zhao Yun.

Sure enough, with Zhao Zilong's loyal personality, how could he leave the righteous man who rescued him and escape alone?He took a short breath, then clamped on his horse and rushed over.

Du Yu let out a long laugh, and threw the Qinghong sword high at Zhao Zilong: "General, please use this sword to kill people like chickens!"

The moment he threw it out, Du Yu received a prompt: "Do you agree to present the Qinghong sword to Zhao Yun, one of the important plot characters and one of the five tiger generals?"

Without hesitation, Du Yu chose to agree and was prompted.

"You obtained the Qinghong Sword for Zhao Yun!"

"The sword is given to the martyrs. Zhao Yun's favorability for you has increased by 17 points, and it is currently 17 points."

"You originally had the villain attribute, so Zhao Yun with the loyalty attribute had an initial favorability score of -20, but with the real dragon spirit of the dragon and wolf aura, there was a 20-point favorability correction for the general, and the initial favorability score was 0."

"You only gain 17 favorability points by offering the Qinghong Sword?"

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat.

His villain attributes are still incompatible with Zhao Yun's justice lineup.

Zhao Yun caught the Qinghong sword and swung it away. Where the light passed, armor and stumps flew together, blood gushed like a spring, and his mouth cut like a knife. It really is a peerless sword!
The famous general let out a long laugh, and made a charge on horseback. He even whipped up a series of strong winds, killing the tiger and leopard rider on their backs, and charged in front of Du Yu in one fell swoop.

He stretched out his hand, and Du Yu got on his horse and sat behind Zhao Yun.

Zhao Zilong was in high spirits, holding a war horse.The war horse neighed, raised its hooves, and charged forward with all its strength.

Where are tigers and leopards willing to ride?Immediately to catch up.

Zhao Yun turned around and bent his bow to set up an arrow. He shot the arrow, and the arrow hit without missing a beat. The tiger and leopard riders fell off their horses one after another.

Zhao Yun's mount was not extraordinary either. Although it was supporting two people, it was extremely fast and disappeared into the ruins in an instant.

Zhao Yun took Du Yu and rushed to a ruined wall. Suddenly, his head fell and he was about to fall to the ground.

Du Yu hurriedly supported Zhao Yun.

On Zhao Yun's handsome face, his complexion was pale, which was the sequelae of excessive blood loss. He smiled wryly and said, "Unexpectedly, I will collapse here before I find my little master and madam."

Du Yu hurriedly took out a high-quality bandage and healing medicine from the space, and put it on Zhao Yun.Although the effects of these medicines on Zhao Yun were extremely poor, they could stop the blood from gushing out and prevent the injury from getting worse.

Zhao Yun gasped for a while with the sword in his hand, looked up at Du Yu, his eyes sharpened: "You are not a soldier in our army, why did you save me?"

Du Yu had already thought up his speech: "I am from Xiangyang. I admire the emperor's uncle Gao Yi, so I came to join him. I didn't expect to see the emperor's uncle, but I saw the battle of Changbanpo. I will go to see the emperor's uncle. But I met the general who was fighting hard, so I rescued him. Please allow me to do like a dog and horse, and rescue the little master and his wife together! As a step to meet the emperor's uncle."

The doubts on Zhao Yun's face gradually dissipated, but he did not fully trust Du Yu either.He always felt that there was a feeling between Du Yu's eyebrows that he couldn't describe.This is Du Yu's villain attribute at work.In terms of the common setting of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it means that the two people are not compatible.

But he was at the end of his life at this time, and he had no value in murdering. This man was capable of fighting tigers and leopards, and he generously gave him a sword, and he would not escape. The loyalty and bravery in his body also made Zhao Yun feel good. , rushed into the crowd, massacred, and killed countless people. Yunkong has the ability to protect his wife and the little master, and is lost among the enemy. Now I don’t know where the little master is? I need to ask around. good."

Du Yu received a reminder from the space: "The main task of the first act: Rescue Zhao Yun, complete it successfully, and get 1000 martial arts points."

"You killed Xia Houen, the deputy general of the Caoying Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Guerrilla Battalion, and gained 100 martial arts points."

"During the battle, you killed a total of 2 tiger and leopard knight soldiers, and each of them will provide you with 10 martial arts points. Your current martial arts value is 1120 points. In the future, the combat martial arts value will no longer be displayed separately. Please refer to Combat records."

"Reference Martial Honor Exchange Standards are as follows"

"Tier 1 arms: Light Infantry, Crossbowmen, Yellow Turbans, Navy Sailors, [-] point of merit for killing."

"Second-tier arms: heavy infantry, longbowmen, light cavalry, strong crossbowmen, rattan armored soldiers, ballista soldiers, catapult soldiers, yellow scarf soldiers, sword cart soldiers, wooden hammer soldiers, hammer soldiers, Soochow elite sailors, strikers Killing Wu Xun is worth 3 points."

"Third-tier arms: heavy cavalry (special ability: assault), swordsmen (special ability: stabbing), sword guards (sweeping), strong bowmen (rockets), heavy crossbowmen (armour-penetrating arrows), heavy armored soldiers ( Iron Wall), Repeater Ballista (rock-piercing arrow), Flying Stone Chariot (flame bomb), Yellow Turban Centurion (Blood Blade), Corpse Demon (Nightmare), Machine Man (self-destruct), Siege Iron Chariot (Clash ), Iron Hammer Soldiers (Earthquake), Steel Ball Soldiers (Great Swing), Soochow Lou Boatman (Boat Steering), the merit of killing is 5 points."

"Tier 10 arms: tiger and leopard cavalry (special ability: assault, fierce cavalry). The other tier [-] arms are secret, and you need to explore the world to unlock them one by one. Killing martial arts is worth [-] points."

"The martial arts value for killing generals starts at a minimum of 50 points, divided according to importance, and there is no upper limit."

It's just that the martial arts value at this time cannot be exchanged directly. You need to go to the camp of the faction you belong to and find quartermasters, blacksmiths, military physicians, etc. to exchange for necessary equipment, weapons and supplies.What's more, the martial arts value can be exchanged for valuable soldiers by looking for the monarch of the corresponding camp!

Everyone knows that two fists can't beat four hands.

With the peerless posture of Zhao Yun, the five tiger generals, in the battle of Changbanpo, he was killed by hundreds of tiger and leopard cavalry, and he was almost doomed. It can be seen that the importance of generals/subordinates is definitely not in game novels. Waving the flag behind, dispensable subordinate!

However, Group A has only 7 adventurers from the outer city. Once they support Zhao Yun from the sidelines, the pressure on Zhao Yun to be besieged will be reduced below a certain threshold, for example, from 300 tiger and leopard riders to 150 tiger and leopard riders. The famous general immediately erupted with astonishing combat power, breaking through the encirclement in one fell swoop!
A further reminder came: "Because you were willing to take risks and successfully rescued Zhao Yun among hundreds of tiger and leopard riders, Zhao Yun's favorability for you increased by 10 points, and it is currently 27 points."

"Because you killed Xia Houen and rescued Zhao Yun, Liu Bei's camp initially recognized you. You can exchange corresponding resources in Liu Bei's camp by virtue of your martial arts value. But the total amount exchanged cannot exceed the total resources of Liu Bei's army."

The last sentence makes sense.

There are only dozens of confidantes left for Liu Bei's big-eared thief. Even if you kill Cao Cao now and take Cao's head to Uncle Liu Huang to exchange for [-] troops, he will not be able to get it out, so let's save it.

Although the other members of Group A and Six were missing, Du Yu believed that they had also received corresponding rewards and would soon find Zhao Yun. After all, the second task still needed Zhao Yun's leadership to complete.

Du Yu asked, "General Zilong, have you heard of Yu Ji's name?"

"Immortal Yu Ji?" On Zilong's pale face, there was a look of confusion and search: "I was studying at my mentor Tong Yuan, but I have heard of this immortal. He also came to Changshan to look for his mentor. We talked for several days, and we got along very well. It’s just that it’s been a long time, and Yun can’t remember it for a while. Now that the battle is urgent, it’s important to save the little master first.”

Du Yu was relieved.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yun actually heard about Taiji's whereabouts, so he has to save people!

According to ancient legend, Zhao Zilong's martial arts are so world-renowned, and his master is also extraordinary, but Tong Yuan, a famous martial arts master during the Three Kingdoms period.Tong Yuan originally only accepted two disciples, one was "Marquis of Wancheng" Zhang Xiu, and the other was Zhang Ren, the governor of Xichuan.Both of them learned his "Hundred Birds towards the Phoenix Spear", and gained a very high reputation.Tong Yuan lived in seclusion in the mountains in his later years, and after Zhao Yun begged him, he accepted Zhao Yun as a closed disciple, and also taught Zhao Yun the "Hundred Birds towards the Phoenix Spear".After Zhao Yun Yicheng went down the mountain, he created a set of "Seven Detective Snake Pan Guns"!
After that, Zhao Yun defeated Wen Chou by riding alone, and picked Ju Yi with a gun, and Cao Hong with a gun in Xinye. It was not until Dangyang Road in Changbanpo that Zhao Yun killed three in and three out of Cao Cao's million troops, and then he really fought against Megatron. world.

The reason why Zhao Yun chose not to speak at this time should be because his favorability is not yet high enough.Would you speak lightly to a stranger you've known for less than half an hour?

How to improve goodwill?
Seeing that Zhao Yun was seriously injured and the medicine he brought couldn't be used, Du Yu was also very anxious.

The person he is planning is great, and it is an important technique for peace, and it is Cao Cao's Heshibi. This Zhao Yun is someone who hopes to make friends, and the improvement of his relationship should be of great help to him.With Zhao Yun seriously injured, let alone a million troops entering and exiting three times, even if he finds Adou, it will be difficult to rescue him.

Du Yu pondered for a moment, then turned his attention to Cao Jun's camp.

Although it was a raid, Cao Jun also established several forward camps.In these camps, there should be various potions and supplies that can be used by the plot characters in this world.

Although the battles in this world may not be like those in the Three Kingdoms Warriors, where the battlefields are spread all over various camps, they are probably not far behind.Except for encounters and cavalry raids, in most wars, the two sides defended and fought one camp after another. Taking the Battle of Jieqiao and the Battle of Guandu as examples, Gongsun Zan's Yijing Village and Cao Cao's Guandu Village were both It is the focus of fierce competition between the two sides.

Cao Cao's camps, a total of five, are distributed not far away, for gathering the piles of food and grass, 20 people and other population materials after defeating Liu Bei.

(End of this chapter)

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