Chapter 1105 Yi Boyuntian, let the horse die! - Ask for a monthly pass!

He rolled his eyes: "General Zhao, may I ask, for Uncle Liu Huang, how does a general plus the life of his son compare with this thousand-year-old ginseng?"

Zhao Yun nodded: "What the public says makes sense, but Yun is ignorant. I'll just eat it and save my little master."

After taking ginseng, his injury immediately recovered, and his vitality immediately returned to the general.

Zhao Yun closed his eyes and meditated for a while, refreshed, swung his plum blossom gun, jumped on his horse, and said vigorously, "What a thousand-year-old ginseng. Everyone, follow me to save the little master!"

Mao Ren and Gou Zhang jumped on their horses one after another.Their life was originally picked up, and they are also brave enough to die.

Du Yu received a reminder: "You saved Zhao Yun's generals Mao Ren and Gou Zhang, and treated Zhao Yun's injuries. His favorability with you increased by 20 points, reaching 47 points."

With the help of two generals, Zhao Yun led Du Yu to investigate.

Those adventurers of the Sixth Patriarch unexpectedly found it along the path.Tattaglia was among them.

Seeing that Pao Huo Du Yu, who was supposed to die, is alive and well, following Zhao Yun's side, and got a good horse, these people all showed envy and hatred.

They blamed Du Yu for their bad luck. Who told this guy to find Zhao Yun and not try to remind him?
But they didn't dare to do anything wrong when they saw Zhao Yun's friendly face towards Du Yu and the way he laughed at Yan Yan.After all, he still has to live under Zhao Yun's command, but it is inevitable to run on Du Yu's yin and yang.

These people are also quite capable, and they actually found a meeting gift that Zhao Yun couldn't refuse-they found the whereabouts of his wife and Liu Chan.

It turns out that although Tataria cannot use the big tarot cards, divination is her old profession, and the 56 minor arcana cards can also divination the position of the wife.

On the turbulent battlefield, especially after Cao Cao's army arrived and the situation was critical, this information was undoubtedly huge for Zhao Yun, who was short on time.

Zhao Yun immediately had a gentle attitude towards these defectors.Daniel, the Japanese man, is beaming and seems to be getting the benefit.

Tattaglia's face was calm - since seeing Du Yu's ability to deal with tiger and leopard cavalry with ease, she only held a light mocking attitude towards Daniel and others' aggressiveness.

With different ambitions, everyone gradually approached the ruins of another village.

Cao Cao's army going south may have been stimulated by the fleeing of 20 Xiangyang people following Liu Bei, which was indeed very brutal.Wherever he went, there were ten rooms and nine empty rooms, and this town was also a victim.

Zhao Yun jumped off his horse, drew out his Qinghong sword, and ordered Tataria to lead the way.

Under the guidance of the Tarot cards, Tataria quickly found the dying Mrs. Mi, holding a baby in her arms, that is, A Dou.

Zhao Yun hurriedly got off the saddle and pleaded guilty to Mrs. Mi: "The cloud is not good for guarding, please get on the horse, Yun walks to the death and fights to save the lives of the lady and the young master."

When Madam Mi saw Zhao Yun, she breathed a sigh of relief and waved her hands: "Seeing the general, this child is saved. Poor his father who has been wandering for half his life, with only such a little flesh and blood. If there is a length, I don't want to live anymore. I am seriously injured now. , I'm afraid it will become a drag. The general can go on his own."

Zhao Yun sweated profusely and said, "But how can I ignore my wife? Escape alone?"

He got off the horse and asked Mrs. Mi to get on the horse.

Mrs. Mi firmly refused.

At this time, Cao Jun's shouts and footsteps gradually came from around.After Du Yu burned Cao Ying, Cao Cao's former army finally arrived here and began to search and advance.

Madam Mi pleaded: "General, the death of a concubine is not a pity, I implore the general to get on the horse quickly. Otherwise, A Dou is in danger. I will go!"

As she spoke, she was about to throw herself into a dry well beside her.

Yun turned pale in shock, and hurried up to pull Madam Mi: "Madam, you must not do this!"

At this moment, Cao Jun's yelling and the sound of people and horses were not far away, and if he didn't leave, he would be surrounded.

Everyone's expressions changed, including Du Yu.

This is an army of millions.

Even if Du Yu has the trump card of invisibility and escape, Zhao Yun is likely to die.This is the world of Three Kingdoms Warriors, not Romance of the Three Kingdoms, so don't trust the plot too much.Zhao Yun was injured in a hard fight against Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, which is a clear proof.

Seeing that both Zhao Yun and Mrs. Mi were so stubborn, Daniel was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

The enemy army is coming in like a tide, Zhao Yun may not die, but most of them, ordinary trainees, will die.

He rolled his eyes cunningly, glanced at Du Yu, pointed at Du Yu, and said, "General Zhao, I have an idea. This man's horse is very handsome, Madam Mi will be sure to break out of the siege if she rides it."

Zhao Yun hesitated for a while.

Although Du Yu was not compatible with him, Zhao Yun, who valued loyalty and repaying kindness, couldn't make up his mind because of the kindness of saving his life several times and the righteousness of his comrades.

Seeing that Mrs. Mi was about to throw herself into the well again, Du Yu's pupils were shining with the light of wisdom.

"Want to fuck me?" He glanced at the smirking Daniel, of course he knew that the American had no good intentions.

The importance of war horses is beyond doubt on the battlefield.So Mrs. Mi would rather throw herself into a well than drag Zhao Yun down.

If Du Yu refused to give up the horse, Mrs. Mi's death would definitely cause Zhao Yun's dissatisfaction, but if he gave up the horse, Du Yu would have to dismount and fight on foot.

When the breakout was about to begin, dismounting and fighting on foot were basically the same as being cannon fodder to die.

For a while, all kinds of eyes focused on Du Yu, but they were basically gloating, except that Tataria was a little curious.

Who would have thought that Du Yu thought about it for a while and said, "Okay!"

He did what he said, and actually jumped off Jieying and walked over to Tattaglia.

The woman helped Madam Mi who was seriously injured.Du Yu also took out another supply [chicken legs] that could be used by another character in the plot captured from Cao Ying, and gave it to Mrs. Mi for use.

Madam Mi recovered a little bit of her injuries and strength, managed to ride Jieying, and gave Du Yu a grateful look.

Not to mention Zhao Yun.

He is such a loyal person, what is the most important thing?
As long as he can protect the lives of Mrs. Mi and A Dou, even if he risked his life, it would be worth it!

This is the most cherished "righteousness" in the Three Kingdoms!
Du Yu did what he wanted, and resolutely gave up his horse to save the mortal Mrs. Mi, and took the initiative to stay on and dismount to fight on foot.Such a person is not considered a loyal person, what is?
Although Zhao Yun was very scheming and thought that there might be such a thing as treachery and loyalty, the question is, if Du Yu can do this, can other people do it?

He didn't even care about his own life, and left behind a million-dollar army to deal with Cao Cao, and the others will show me a traitorous loyalty?

So, Zhao Yun sighed, walked up to Du Yu, patted on the shoulder and said, "Yun has eyes but no pearls. He doesn't know people well. When he saw brother, his face was strange. He thought you were not a human minister. Brother, you are so righteous today, Yun is ashamed." , I have no place to be ashamed!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yun knelt down deeply for Du Yu!

Du Yu was startled, and hurried to help Zhao Yun.

The reason why he has achieved this level is entirely because he has such heaven-defying treasures as the Lord of the Rings and Angel Wings. He deceived Zhao Yun's favorability and made it easier for him to hold his thigh + find Yu Ji in the future. Aspirations like life have nothing to do with Du Yu.

When Daniel saw that his trick was used on Du Yu, not only was it ineffective, but Zhao Yun was so grateful to Du Yu that he looked very unhappy.

But no matter how good the relationship with Zhao Yun is, dead people are useless.Daniel was relieved immediately.

Du Yu got a reminder: "You are in a difficult situation, sacrifice your life for righteousness, and give up your mount to Madam Mi, Zhao Yun's favorability for you will rise to 60 points."

"If Mrs. Mi can bring Ah Dou back to Liu Bei safely, you will be rewarded with a hidden 350 martial arts points for your special contribution."

Du Yu made a dignified look of righteousness: "General Zhao, I did this because I admired the emperor's uncle Gao Yi. Cao Jun is already close at hand. Please mount your horse quickly and protect Mrs. Mi from the siege. I will break the queen , don't delay!"

Zhao Yun took a deep look at Du Yu, got on his horse and said, "Yun has a heavy responsibility to protect the little master's wife. It's a pity that I can't fight to the death with my brother! Brother, take care of yourself. When we meet again, Yundang and brother will sing about wine." , get drunk and have fun!"

He met Du Yu's eyes, and all his fears and guesses about Du Yu's Lang Gu's attributes were wiped away.

Du Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Others looked at this idiot who wanted favors and lives with strange eyes.

The Japanese man glanced coldly at Du Yu's face, his disdain clearly evident.

Only Tataglia showed a thoughtful expression.

Passing by Du Yu's side, Tataglia whispered: "Take care of yourself, handsome boy, I believe we will meet again someday."

Daniel, Sanders, the Japanese man and others sneered.

Du Yu shrugged.

Not long after, a Cao Cao search and arrest army arrived.

The general who led the army was an unusually handsome man with a slightly evil intention, holding a sharp claw-shaped weapon in each hand, with a cold light shining, his eyes swept across the ruins here.

Facing the empty ruins, he grabbed a small school and said coldly, "What's going on here?"

The little school said aggrievedly: "I saw with my own eyes that Mrs. Mi and Liu Bei's youngest son are resting here with serious injuries. Mrs. Mi got an arrow in her leg, so she definitely won't be able to go far."

A tiger and leopard knight soldier stepped forward and told the leading general: "Our camp was attacked and burned by Liu Bei's infiltrated team. The two generals Yang Ming were killed, the fodder of the army was burned, and the captured people fled. If this person cannot be caught, It’s hard to explain the hatred in my tiger and leopard rider’s heart! Governor Cao Chun has ordered to catch these Liu Bei spies at all costs! I’ll follow up and judge that this person should be around here.”

I saw that a local wall was knocked down as a whole, covering a dry well, but there was nothing else.

The general glanced across the field, his cold eyes revealing a cruel killing intent.

"Open that dry well! Search for me!" He ordered sharply.

The soldiers hurriedly pushed away the waste stones on the dry well, and looked down with wide eyes.

"General Zhang He, there is nothing below," a soldier said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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