Chapter 1107 Grouping into camps, turning enemies into friends! - Ask for a monthly pass!

"Mrs. Feiying, thanks to your success in getting close to Cao Cao and using the dream skills obtained in [Inception] to convince Cao Cao how dangerous Zhao Yun is, Cao Jun gave up his plan to capture Zhao Yun alive. Only then can we hope to complete the remaining Zhao Yun's mission is rich in martial arts." A Tang man said with a smile.

That Mrs. Feiying is a chubby German woman, and she smiled triumphantly when she heard the words: "Don't forget, before I entered the space, I was a psychologist and a hypnotist. The memory left in this kind of dream drives the superior The skill of making decisions that work in my favor is what I do best.”

The crowd burst into laughter.

"Tonight, I will sneak into the camp of the Chinese army again and enter Cao Cao's dream." The Tang man said with a sneer, "I used the scout bee to find out that the adventurers in Liu Bei's camp this time are probably the counter-attacks that the Tang Dynasty is offering a huge reward for." Thief Du Yu! Haha, when the time comes, everyone will share the 1 million yuan reward equally!"

"Since there is such a generous bounty," Mrs. Feiying wondered, "Why can the adventurers of Liu Bei's army calm down and fight together? If ordinary people would have been fighting among themselves, wouldn't they?"

"I don't think it's complicated." Another black said with a smile: "Space rewards may not be remembered by everyone, and they may not be able to recognize them. These guys probably didn't expect that [-] million survival points were by their side. Do you walk on two legs?"

"It may also be waiting for the end of the adventure before it's too late." The Tang man smiled slightly: "After all, we are in an advantageous position in the early stage, and they dare not fight among themselves."

"Want my reward?" Du Yu sneered.

He observed these adventurers carefully, and when the enemy reached a relatively secluded mountain road, he immediately activated the angel wings!

The props that are used once in each world can reach the enemy's side in an instant!
Of course Du Yu can use other methods, but the distance is far away. He is eager to rush back to Zhao Yun, so he must seize the time!
Instant raid!Kill these enemies by force!

Du Yu's figure just appeared in front of these people!

Just as they were talking about how to play with and kill Du Yu in every possible way, the god of death has arrived!

A dozen adventurers were shocked!

They have never seen someone who can grow wings in an instant and fly directly over!

Not to mention, how could Du Yu, who is the prey, know their whereabouts like the back of his hand, and suddenly attack them in an instant!

But relying on the advantage of numbers, these adventurers still barely laughed.

The leading Tang man grinned and said: "If there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and if there is no way to hell, you come here yourself! Since you have come all the way to die, then you will be fulfilled! Everyone!"

He took out a gleaming long spear from his arms, and jumped on the cat, at an extremely fast speed, like a fierce tiger.

The black man grabbed a pair of daggers from the air, and with a standard tactical move, pounced on the hungry tiger and stabbed Du Yu's legs.

As expected of the inner city trialists, although they were suddenly attacked, these adventurers cooperated tacitly during their actions, and it was not at all obvious that they were a temporary team.

Du Yu sighed: "I originally wanted to leave more vitality in the space. How come you don't understand this painstaking effort?"

He waved his hand!

Facing so many enemies, Du Yu was never afraid to use his secret trump card!

Beauty Legion!

In an instant, these self-righteous enemies suddenly realized that they were surrounded by more than 20 powerful huntresses!

The black adventurer didn't know the pros and cons, relying on his specialization in dagger weapons and innate combat advantages, he fought with a delicate beauty who used a ribbon as a weapon in front of him.


After only 10 rounds, he was severely beaten by Hou Hou, and he was tied tightly with the demon belt Bai Yunpiao.

As an immortal cultivator at the pinnacle of the Jindan stage, Houhou's strength has already surpassed that of ordinary adventurers in the outer city.

When the black buddy was beaten like a pig's head and trampled under the jade feet, he still couldn't believe it and exclaimed: "Impossible! This is impossible! How could I?"

The battle of the others didn't last long and ended soon.

As a raider, Du Yu successfully disarmed this wave of adventurers with little effort.

That Tang man simply knelt on the ground, begging for his life.

"Grandpa Du Yu! The villain shouldn't have been deluded by lard, bewitched by ghosts, and tricked your old man. There are thousands of mistakes, and it's all the fault of the rewards offered by the court that made me greedy for profit."

Newly hired Yue Lingshan, with a proud face, kicked the man's calf, and said arrogantly: "With my mother and I here, if you dare to hit Brother Du, you should hit him!"

The man swallowed his anger and said with an apologetic smile: "I have long heard that Uncle Du Yu has boundless beauty and can sign a contract to summon beautiful protagonists from various story worlds. When I saw it today, it was really extraordinary! I admire it."

Du Yu came over, pouted and said, "Death or life?"

Those people originally thought that they would die, but when they heard this, they were overjoyed and wanted to live one after another.

Du Yu squatted in front of the Tang man: "Which group are you in? What is the task of the first act? If you tell a lie, you will be killed immediately!"

The Tang man turned his head to look at so many people, and he smiled flatteringly at Du Yu. Knowing that lying would bring trouble upon himself, he hurriedly replied: "We are in the third group. Cao Cao's camp. There are 12 people in total. The first Because of the advantages of our faction, the one-act mission is very difficult to set up. One is to ensure that Liu Bei’s loss rate exceeds 95% in the Changbanpo raid. The other is to ensure that Liu Bei will not capture Jiangling’s strategic locations and material warehouses. The third is to Before Guan Yu's water army arrives, suppress all strategic strongholds. If any one fails, our trial is over."

Du Yu raised his head and thought for a while.

The reason why he asked these people was because the 5G walkie-talkie was blocked by space, and he couldn't get in touch with his teammates.Space disrupts the sequence of adventurers from various countries and distributes them out of order. Of course, communication equipment such as walkie-talkies must be shielded, otherwise the intelligence of both sides in the battle will have been leaked.

From the three tasks, Du Yu deduced the following conclusions:

First, the tasks of the adventurers of Liu Beijun and Cao Cao's army do not directly conflict.The task of Liu Bei's army is mainly to ensure that Liu Bei and Adou escape, while the task of Cao Cao's army is to seize the strategic advantage to the maximum extent before Liu Bei's reinforcements arrive.In other words, in fact, the space gives the adventurers of both sides a chance to pass the assessment, and it may not be destined to eliminate some people in the first act.This is also in line with the purpose of this space assessment.

Second, the space is basically balanced.Although the difficulty of Liu Bei's side is not low, the difficulty of Cao Cao's side is also very high.Although these three goals are not difficult to achieve, for Cao Cao adventurers who only have the status of small soldiers, they need to constantly check for omissions and fill in the gaps according to the battlefield situation.If Cao Cao's army fails to capture a certain stronghold at a certain time, they will go to battle in person and fight against Liu Bei's army and Soochow army who are sticking to the stronghold!This difficulty cannot be considered low.

400. Based on the analysis of the total number of [-] participants, the adventurers supporting each side of Cao, Sun and Liu are divided into about ten groups.Group A and Six who followed Zhao Yun and Group C and Group C of Cao Cao's right army were all part of these adventurer teams.Therefore, there may be slight differences in the adventure tasks of each group.For example, the adventurer group following Zhang Fei, the task is likely to be related to defending the long Banqiao.

30. The total number of the wolf pupil team and the No. 400 captain team in this trial is no more than [-] people. For the total number of [-] people in the adventure trial, the number is very small, and it is normal to not meet them now.Even if they did, they were surrounded by companions eager to get rid of the traitor Du Yu and get bonuses, and they didn't dare to directly support themselves.

Du Yu said coldly: "Have you communicated with other adventurer groups?"

"Yes," the Tang man said frankly: "In our right army camp, the C-7 group following General Zhang Liao communicated with us. The task they were in charge of was to suppress the strongholds everywhere. And the other groups, Also split up."

Du Yu stared: "Since you want to harm me, I'll kill you and you will be clean!"

The German female psychologist was calm. She should be successful in studying psychology. She calmly said, "If you kill us, more people will hunt you down. How about reaching an agreement?"

Du Yu rolled his eyes.

After seeing the abilities of this group of people, he didn't intend to kill them all. He sneered and said, "What is our Einstein's opinion?"

The woman said in a deep voice: "Looking at your expression, we can infer that our missions do not conflict with each other, so we should cooperate."

Li Mochou said coldly: "Cooperate? You deserve it too? My master alone has beaten you into such a mess."

The woman smiled slightly and said, "But you can't deny that we have the value of existence. I can influence Cao Cao's emotions and decisions to a certain extent."

This is actually what Du Yu values ​​most.

On the battlefield of millions of troops, the most capable adventurer is no more than Guan Yu and Zhao Yun, the enemy of thousands of people.But completing the task requires a variety of skills.This female psychologist who has the ability to steal dreams is very useful.

"Very good." Du Yu smiled lightly: "I am not in favor of meaningless killings. Therefore, there is a possibility for us to do business. But remember, it is my unilateral kindness that gave you a chance to live! And you , and there is only one window to show your worth in exchange for your life."

He pointed at the female scientist: "I want you to immediately influence Cao Mengde to withdraw his order to shoot Zhao Yun and Adou with arrows. Can you do that?"

The female psychologist screamed: "Impossible. Only by sneaking within 100 meters of Cao Cao's big tent while he was sleeping, could I invade his dreams and modify his thoughts unconsciously. But now it's a battle." In the heat of the day, it's impossible for him to change his mind."

Du Yu grinned grimly and pouted.

Li Mochou came up, one needle per person, neatly, tapped everyone's acupoints, and fed a pill into them.

"Okay." Du Yu patted the ashen Tang man: "You should have heard of my reputation, the poison of seven insects and seven flowers. If you don't meet my requirements and don't have an antidote, you will die a miserable death. .”

The man gave the female psychologist a bitter look.

(End of this chapter)

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