Chapter 1113 Brotherhood!Zilong comes back to the rescue! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Daniel and others complained incessantly!
Damn, it was so hard, after a narrow escape, why did you want to go back just because of a cannon fodder?
Whoever wants to go will go, I will not go.

Daniel and the others were about to choose to flee, but they had no choice but to receive a spatial prompt.

"Zhao Yun ordered you to return to the army to rescue Du Yu."

"If you persist in disobeying Zhao Yun's orders, you will be expelled from Liu Bei's army!"

"Once you lose your identity as Liu Beijun, you will directly fail the Bloody City Gate Examination. You will be sent out."

"To go, or not to go?"

The adventurers are desperate.

If you go, you will be close to death, if you don't go, you will fail directly. How can this be broken?
In the end, these unlucky ones still gritted their teeth and followed Zhao Yun to kill them back.

They have already escaped death, is there still a chance?How can you be willing to let them waste all their previous efforts?

Therefore, the adventurer with a full face inside had to follow Zhao Yun and enter Cao Ying for the second time.

Du Yu also received a reminder from the space.

"Because of your direct attack on Huanglong, Cao Cao's flag retreated, which caused a shock in Cao's army and created an opportunity for Zhao Yun to break through. Zhao Yun has successfully broken through with Adou and Mrs. Mi!"

"You have completed mission two and obtained 1500 martial arts points."

"You have completed the hidden mission [Scare off a million soldiers]: With one person's power, Cao Jun's million troops were forced to retreat. You have been rewarded with 1000 martial arts points."

"You only need to complete task three, protect Liu Bei, escape to Xiakou, join forces with Guan Yu's water army, and then you can successfully complete the first act."

Du Yu was cornered by the distraught generals of Cao Jun.

Check out this lineup.

Five good generals: Yu Jin, Li Dian, Zhang Liao, Cao Hong, Le Jin.

Xiahoudun, Xiahouyuan, tiger idiot Xu Chu, Xu Huang, Zhang He, Gao Lan.

Du Yu chuckled, facing the murderous Cao Jun, he grabbed Cao Ren and Wenpin as shields.

Cao Jun was afraid of shooting rats, but he didn't dare to shoot arrows.It's easy to say that Wenpin surrendered one general, but Cao Ren is the prime minister's confidant general, who would dare to shoot an arrow to hurt him?
Du Yu smiled lightly: "I have played enough today, so I will not accompany you!"

He dashed toward the cliff!
Qi Ji jumped!
Zhang Liao lost his voice and said: "No, this person wants to escape! Quickly release the arrow!"

But it's too late.

A mysterious flying instrument suddenly appeared on Du Yu's body!

One of Sima Yi's five organ beasts, Zhiyuan Beast!
Although Du Yu said to give priority to the development of wooden cows and horses, Huang Yaoshi's interest in the paper kite beast still drove him to create a paper kite beast.

This kite beast, to put it bluntly, is a glider.Can carry the weight of 2-3 people.

Du Yu hung Cao Ren and Wen Pin on the handle, and then he jumped high, supporting the kite beast and swooping down from the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain here is not too high, only more than 500 meters, but it is enough to overlook the entire battlefield.

Du Yu's dive was very fast, and he swept over the top of the mountain briskly, rushing to the distance.

But he blatantly attacked Cao Cao, shook the banner of Cao Jun, and caused Cao Jun's million-strong army to retreat, which undoubtedly completely angered Cao Jun's fierce generals.

If this person can escape unharmed, what will our face be?

Zhang Liao chased him to the edge of the cliff, took out two stone bows from the bow bag next to the saddle, locked on to Du Yu who was gliding in an instant, and then loosened the bowstring severely!

There was only a crash!
Du Yu's eyes went dark, and he could hardly hold the kite beast, and fell from the sky!

His vest was pierced by an arrow from Zhang Liao!
Even if he has the green suit [Monkey King's Trick], even if Du Yu's body has already been stronger than steel under the tempering of the Longevity Jue and Yi Jin Jing, he still can't stop Wen Yuan's fatal arrow!
Du Yu's life value dropped rapidly until it bottomed out!

This is him in the dark world, after being challenged by Diablo, he was beaten into a near-death state again!
But with great willpower, Du Yu bit his tongue tightly to prevent himself from getting dizzy, and the speed of the kite beast became faster and faster, soon exceeding the limit of Zhang Liao's range.

Zhang Liao retracted his two stone bows angrily, and galloped down the mountain road.

Xiahoudun, Cao Hong and others also followed them down like hounds, and they seemed to be immortal.

Du Yu suppressed the sweet blood in his throat, and laughed loudly: "Generals, don't bother, we will meet again someday!"

In this battle, although he had gone through fierce battles and was drenched in blood, he killed tigers and leopards, captured Wenpin and Cao Ren alive, and forced Cao Cao's commander-in-chief to waver and retreat.

But Du Yu also knew that this move completely angered Cao Ying.The crazy Cao Jun will definitely kill himself in order to wash away the unprecedented shame.

Zhang Liao's savage arrow just now was just the beginning.

Du Yu only felt that the falling speed of the kite beast was faster than expected.Sweeping Cao Ren and Wenpin hanging on the two wings, Du Yu suddenly realized.Cao Ren alone weighs more than 200 catties, and with armor and weapons, it weighs more than 300 catties.The three burly men probably weighed more than half a ton in total, and this paper kite beast relied on the wind, so of course it landed very quickly.

According to the situation of Cao Jun moving in all directions, chasing and intercepting, Du Yu reckoned that even if he fled to a certain range on the paper kite beast, he would not be able to escape the pursuit of these crazy hounds.In the Changbanpo area, no one can stop a million Cao troops.

No matter how the kite beast can fly, it will not fly very far with three big men, so how can it escape?

On the ground, Xia Houyuan's cavalry archers were already trying to shoot a wave of arrows at Du Yu in mid-air, to test when Du Yu entered their range.

Du Yu hastily swallowed a piece of Yilin's potion to slowly increase his health.

Just as he was hesitating, Du Yu suddenly saw Zhao Yun who turned around and came back!
"It's saved!" Du Yu felt warm in his heart.

The act of assassinating Cao Cao requires the right time, place and people, and it is difficult for a person to retreat completely. Zhao Yun's rescue is no different from Du Yu at this time.

But Zhao Yun alone is not enough to deal with the crazy Cao Jun.

Du Yu rolled his eyes, thinking about it.

Zhao Yun saw Du Yu approaching at high speed in a kite beast, and shouted excitedly: "My good brother, come down quickly, let's fight together!"

Du Yu shouted: "General Zhao, these Cao troops are coming towards me. How can a general who is worth a thousand gold die here with me?"

Zhao Yun stared wide-eyed, and shouted: "What do you mean? Brother, you were born and died for Yun. Could it be that Yun is a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and has no regard for faith? Today, we can only live together and die together!"

Du Yu nodded.

The reason why Zhao Yun is loved by people is not only because of his handsome face and superb marksmanship, but also because of his loyalty, sincerity and courage.With such a charismatic personality, it is impossible for anyone to hate him.

Du Yu's brothers already had Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng and Legolas, they were all such loyal brothers, so Du Yu could rest assured that he would hand over his back to them.

The reason why Du Yu did not hesitate to invest in Zhao Yun to increase his favorability is also an important reason to completely regain Zhao Yun.

His paper kite beast continued to descend and reached the height of the treetop.

But Cao Jun's chasing troops behind him also came at a fast speed.

Du Yu grabbed Cao Ren and Wenpin and jumped off the Zhiyuan beast that was about to crash.

After escorting Mrs. Mi, Ma Wang Jieying was brought here by Zhao Yun.Seeing his master jumping down, Jie Ying hurried up and supported Du Yu on his horse's back, but was hit by the weight of Cao Ren, Wen Pin and Du Yu, almost knocking him to his knees.

The horse king rolled his eyes and said, "Master, I said you should lose weight."

Du Yu threw Cao Ren and Wenpin at Zhao Yun: "Brother Zhao, these two are generals of the Cao army. With the two of them as a shield, I will surely break out of the encirclement!"

Zhao Yun shouted: "How do you get out?"

Du Yu laughed and said, "I have a legendary steed, which is extremely fast, and I have friends in Cao Ying. Brother, you don't need to worry about me. Let's stay together for now and act separately, otherwise no one will be able to escape Cao Ying!"

Zhao Yun saw General Cao Jun who was approaching aggressively.These Cao generals were no longer the demeanor of a one-on-one confrontation with him just now, but were like crazy tigers, desperate and crazy.Three thousand feet of ignorance and karma can be vaguely seen behind him. If he made a move at this time, with his seriously injured body, he might not be able to overthrow any of them.

Zhao Yun had seen Jieying's speed before, and saw Du Yu's determination, so he stopped insisting, grabbed Cao Ren and Wenpin, threw them on the backs of two empty horses, turned the horses' heads, and galloped away.

Du Yu parted ways with Zhao Yun and rushed to the other side.

General Cao Jun was faced with the choice of chasing Zhao Yun or Du Yu, without hesitation, most of them went after Du Yu.This man was hacked into pieces, and he deserved to die.But Cao Ren had to save him, and Cao Hong, Cao Xiu, Xiahou Dun and others who had good friends with Cao Ren pursued Zhao Yun.

Du Yu was riding Jieying, only feeling the wind whistling in his ears, passing groups of enemies with distorted faces like lightning, the refreshment in his heart was indescribable!
In the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms, a man should be like this!
Lift the Longquan three feet and run rampant all over the world!

Just now, relying on his strong strength and hole cards, Du Yu's shocking counterattack against Cao Cao not only brought generous mission rewards, but also formed a life-and-death friendship with Zhao Yun.

Seeing that Zhao Yun ignored the danger and finally killed Cao Jun, he knew that this Zhao Zilong had a better and better impression of himself, even to the point of being a close friend.

Zhang Liao's face was gloomy, his cavalry was clattering, he bent his bow and set an arrow, and once again shot Du Yu's vest with great force!

His archery skills can be called god level, piercing the clouds with one arrow is bound to kill Du Yu!

But at this time, Du Yu was riding the horse king Jieying. Since the start of the war, Du Yu finally got on his own steed, feeling as if he had become one with the horse king.Although the previous white dragon horse was also a war horse that Shang Xiuxun bred for Du Yu, compared with Ma Wang Jieying, the gap is that the standard 7-series BMW and those world-famous, worth tens of millions, and output in "Fast and Furious 7" Digits of supercar difference!

He manipulated Jieying to change direction and avoided Zhang Liao's fatal blow.

However, Cao Jun was constantly rushing in roundabouts from both sides, cutting off Du Yu's escape route.

Going on like this, even if Du Yu owns Jieying, he will be caught sooner or later!
(End of this chapter)

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