Chapter 1118 Kill Cao Hong!Bloody Suspension Bridge! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
"With a strong general like Cao Hong and the prime minister's ambushes, it shouldn't be a problem for us to defend it, right?" a woman said confidently.

"Here we come!" Cao Hong's eyes flashed.

From the horizon ahead, billows of dust rolled up.

Du Yu led more than 50 adventurers and rushed to this line of defense.

Cao Hong smiled contemptuously. There were more than a thousand defenders behind him, and there were even more hidden ambushes. Their strength far surpassed these so-called Liu Bei's troops.

Cao Hong touched the thigh pierced by Zhao Yun, and his fierce look flashed across.Being picked off by Zhao Yun is a lifelong shame for him, this time he will take it back with interest!

"Liu Bei's big-eared thief! This is where you will be buried, kill!" Cao Hong swung his sword.

More than a thousand Cao troops responded loudly, raised their weapons together, and rushed towards Du Yu and others.

"Has Liu Bei's army been so miserable? Can't even send out a few hundred soldiers?" The female adventurer sneered: "Just General Cao Hong and these thousand elite Cao troops are enough to make these groups of adventurers very unlucky." Already!"

Du Yu took the lead, raised the Dragon Slaying Saber, and rushed towards Cao Hong.

This was just an ordinary battle, and Du Yu would not easily use his trump card of summoning the beauties, as it was enough to break through Cao Hong's defense.

When he clamped the horse's belly, Jieying accelerated instantly and rushed straight to Cao Hong.

Cao Hongnai was a brave general of the Cao army. He let out a roar, the two horses met, and the horse-cutting knife and the long knife clashed together in flames.

Cao Hong was shocked back again and again.

Du Yu was also agitated by the force of the shock, but he had already fully entered the state at this time!
With the strength of 50 or so adventurers in the four A groups, it is definitely not enough to break through the blockade of more than a thousand Cao troops, plus the hostile adventurers lurking inside.Even if Du Yu has a lot of confidants here, and his combat effectiveness and cohesion have greatly increased, it's the same!
Failure to complete this task will trigger a chain reaction.

If Liu Bei fails to escape, he will be directly kicked out of the Bloody City Gate Trial.

Du Yu must show absolute strength and crushing strength in order to convince the crowd and lead this mob team to go further.

Du Yu roared angrily, and slashed down again with a thunderbolt!

Cao Hong smiled coldly.

This general of Liu Bei made all the generals of the Cao army lose face. Cao Hong had a fight just now, it was just a test, and he found that although this man's force was strong, his moves were extremely vulgar, and he couldn't bear to think about it.

He switched to a more delicate knife technique to deal with Du Yu.

In history, although Cao Hong has an irritable personality and suffered great losses many times because of this, in terms of martial arts, he can fight Ma Chao for at least [-] to [-] rounds without losing, and he is also a fierce general of Cao Jun.With the sword in full swing, Du Yu's vulgar sword technique became more obvious when he dealt with Du Yu with all his strength. Finally, Cao Hong caught the flaw and slashed Du Yu's shoulder heavily!
He roared excitedly!
Du Yu could feel the mocking and sneering eyes of countless people behind him fixed on his back.

"Look at my joke?" Du Yu smiled coldly.

He suddenly stretched out his iron arm and grabbed Cao Hong's broadsword.

Cao Hong was taken aback!
With his strength, with this knife, the opponent's body will even be cut in two.

Back then on the Nanpi battlefield, he hacked to death Yuan Shao's eldest son, Yuan Tan, using this move!
But this young general of Liu Bei's army is not dead?
As soon as Cao Hong lost his mind, Du Yu's ultimatum had already been launched brazenly!

With a firm grasp, Cao Hong immediately let go of the big knife, turned back, drew out the long knife with him, and chopped it off with one blow!

Du Yu's eyes turned cold.

This Cao Hong is worthy of being a first-line general of the Cao army. He is so powerful that he can even entangle himself with him, but Du Yu made up his mind to kill Cao Hong in the shortest time, so he no longer cares about harm!

When Cao Hong saw Du Yu's iron palm following him like a shadow, and then volleyed towards his vitals, Cao Hong was shocked and angry!
He has experienced hundreds of battles, punishing He Man and killing Yuan Tan. When did he meet such a ruthless character as Du Yu who is not afraid of getting hurt?
The long knife chopped off and struck Du Yu's chest, blood spattered.

The laughter behind him became even louder.

Many Liu Beifang adventurers looked at Du Yu's jokes thinking "Is this guy an idiot? Is he crazy?"

In their view, defeating Cao Hong quickly was an impossible task.

"I don't know the so-called fool!"

"Who does he think he is?"

"SB! Don't do porcelain work without steel drills."

Du Yu ruthlessly took Cao Hong's two ruthless moves, and finally grabbed Cao Hong by the collar!
Cao Hong was about to slash again with his knife, but Du Yu's eyes, the bloodthirsty and crazy eyes of a wounded tiger, finally shocked Cao Hong, a fierce man.

Cao Hong only felt that Du Yu's eyes were more terrifying than the eyes of those prehistoric beasts he had seen, similar to those of Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo!
What Du Yu used was the coercion skill that comes with his dragon and wolf breath!
After devouring Sima Yi's aura, Du Yu's dragon-wolf aura is enough to overwhelm many generals.

Cao Hong's loss of consciousness became a turning point in his fate.

Du Yu let out an angry roar, the power of Nine Dragons and Nine Elephants and the technique of fighting each other between left and right were activated together!
Cao Hong was abruptly picked up from his horse!
"What?" Cao Hong's brain froze, and he couldn't imagine that he would be arrested like this!

Du Yu threw Cao Hong up high!

Before Cao Hong's exclamation could be heard, Du Yu's Dragon Slaying Saber slashed across his body like lightning!

Tataglia, who was following the battle behind her, was stunned. She thought that the situation where Du Yu killed Cao Hong at this time was very similar to how she used the juicer at home to squeeze fresh lemons or olives. The plump fruit turned into piles of waste.

So is Cao Hong.

He was beheaded by the sharp dragon knife, and Smaug's dragon soul laughed wildly, flying in the air, wantonly devouring Cao Hong's flesh and blood!
Cao Hong screamed and tried to escape the death beheading of this desperado, but since Du Yu did not hesitate to get him twice and catch him, how could he let Cao Hong escape?

The dragon-slaying knife quickly struck Cao Hong's body, slashing wildly, blood mixed with meat scraps splashed vividly, and Cao Hong's miserable howls continued.

Cao Jun's generals were also shocked by this tragic beheading.

But they reacted quickly and rushed towards Du Yu.

Those adventurers who were ordered to support Cao Hong in the battle had all kinds of weapons and skills to prevent them.

In an instant, Du Yu was hit by 7 or 8 skills. Even the [Monkey King's Trick] suit couldn't stop the concentrated fire of so many adventurers, and he was beaten back again and again, but he gritted his teeth, desperately, This wave of crazy killings will go to the end!
Cao Hong's left arm was cut off abruptly, and half of his right leg was chopped off into bones. He was also stabbed twice in the face. His irritable and irritable face was distorted by fear.

But Cao Hong finally escaped Du Yu's attack.

"This bastard is still alive!"

Cao Hong scrambled and crawled, and with the help of the general, he rode on his horse and staggered towards the periphery: "I want to tell the prime minister! I want to tell him"

Before he had walked a few meters, he was attacked by the wolf pupil team.

Ai Ning's snow arrow hit Cao Hong's horse.The deer-haired war horse of Shen Jun suddenly slowed down.

Du Yu looked like a crazy tiger, riding Jieying, and came from behind at lightning speed.

At this time, Cao Hong's fighting spirit had been completely defeated by the crazy Du Yu. In the heads-up, this guy actually ignored himself and adopted the same style of play, which is really crazy.

He yelled and fled, and he no longer had the restraint of General Cao Jun.

Du Yu chased Cao Hong for several miles, and a life and death talisman finally caused Cao Hong, who was seriously injured, to fall off his horse.

Cao Hong fell into the dust and was about to turn over, but only saw a pure white horse passing by.

"Bastard" Cao Hong stroked his neck, the bloody seam on it was getting bigger and bigger

Cao Hong's head finally fell into the dust.

Du Yu beheaded Cao Hong, and Pegasus picked up the head and rushed back to the chain bridge.

"Cao Hong has been beheaded by me!"

Du Yu roared angrily.

Cao Jun suddenly became chaotic!
In the Three Kingdoms era, the leader will be singled out to have decisive significance for morale.Once the morale collapses, the army will be defeated like a mountain, which is the inevitable end.

Even a brave general like Cao Hong can't stand against Du Yu, what can we do?
Those expressions of gloating at Du Yu's misfortune suddenly stunned!
Unexpectedly, a stunned young man like Du Yu really killed Cao Hong in a short period of time.

Sarcasm turns to consternation, venom turns to silence.

Ai Ning, Captain No. [-], Guo Fu, Guo Xiang and other adventurers drove their troops forward to kill Cao's soldiers.

Du Yu demanded that no one should be kept, and all should be killed.

Cao Jun's morale finally collapsed, crying for his father and mother, and scattered like birds and beasts.

But their retreat was blocked by Du Yu, and there was only a disastrous defeat waiting for them.

The chain bridge was immediately stained red with blood and screams.

Even the adventurers who came with Cao Hong were killed one after another.

In just a short moment, the Cao army guarding the chain bridge disappeared and was killed.

Ai Ning, Captain No. [-], and others made a lot of money, and their military merits were extremely high. From the ordinary soldiers of the Cao army, they had a good taste of the feeling of being worth a thousand.

Du Yu killed Cao Hong and got 500 points of martial arts reward, and captured the chain bridge and got another 500 points of martial arts.

But the reason why Cao Hong dared to advance lightly and stand alone on the chain bridge, which was related to Liu Bei's life, was because Cao Cao had already made arrangements for his next move.

Du Yu had just crossed the iron chain bridge when he heard a "crack" sound. The iron chain bridge broke from both sides, and the entire iron chain bridge fell into the river.

Du Yu was also surprised by the drastic change.

From the mountain roads on both sides, the sound of shouting and killing sounded, and thousands of Cao's soldiers ambushed everywhere, killing Du Yu.

In an instant, more than 50 adventurers led by Du Yu became shackles.

The leading general was none other than Cao Hong, the mighty general Le Jin.

He galloped over on a yellow horse, and shouted, "Where is Liu Beijun going? Look at the gun!"

Du Yu fell into a dangerous situation of fighting to the death.Behind is Dahe with the bridge cut off, and in front are Cao Hong's remnant soldiers and Le Jin's ambushes!

The adventurers also fell into panic.

Compared with ordinary Cao Jun, their strength is indeed superior, but they are not invincible.An adventurer in peak condition, who can deal with 20-30 ordinary Cao troops at the same time, has exhausted his energy.

(End of this chapter)

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