Chapter 1131 Du Yu Gives Gifts!No good intentions! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Du Yu smiled coldly in his heart, and immediately pressed the star dome in the heart of the castle, agreeing to the investigation request of the crystal ball.

So, under the stunned eyes of the step trainer, the crystal ball immediately switched to the battle situation on the north bank of the Yangtze River, where Cao Jun was advancing towards the Jiangling area with a forest of flags and loud drums.

Even Cao Cao's central army, the striking Cao character banner, can be clearly seen!
"My God!" The step trainer gently covered his small mouth, his astonishment couldn't be further increased.

As a beauty following Sun Quan, she naturally knew that this scene could not be faked. The mountains, rivers, and many terrains beside her were all vivid in her mind.

Bu Lianshi and Sun Shangxiang's beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

Even Wu Guotai had a bright light in his eyes.

The eyes of the beauties are all focused on this crystal ball.

"It looks like" Wu Guotai's voice to Du Yu was more gentle and loving: "Du Yu, you brought us a great treasure from Soochow. But such a treasure, why didn't you give it to Liu Bei first?"

This question is very sharp.It shows that Wu Guotai is definitely not a peaceful old lady who is pampered and doesn't care about world affairs.

Du Yu laughed and said, "To tell you the truth, I found two crystal balls. Presumably, Cao Cao was able to defeat Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and Lu Bu because of the intelligence of these crystal balls. Now that we have obtained them, the offensive and defensive momentum has been reversed." , the demise of Cao thief is just around the corner."

Wu Guotai nodded in satisfaction.

Both Sun Shangxiang and Bu Lianshi loved this treasure.

Sun Shangxiang is a martial beauty, so of course he cares about this treasure for marching and fighting.As Sun Quan's queen, Bu Lianshi attaches great importance to this unborn treasure.

Du Yu coughed, "This ring is also a treasure captured from Cao Jun's camp. Its value is not lower than that of a crystal ball."

Sun Shangxiang picked up the ring and immediately cheered.She who advocates personal force, of course, prefers this ring that enhances attributes and lethality.Although the step trainer also loves the ring of power, but in order to get the crystal ball, he had to give it to his sister once.

Wu Guotai laughed so hard that his eyes crooked: "Well, you Du Yu, as soon as you arrived in Dongwu, you used two treasures to buy the heart of my Dongwu beauty. What is your intention?"

Du Yu hurriedly knelt down, and said in a deep voice, "Don't dare to hide. Wu Guotai, my lord Liu Bei, is now alone in Xiakou and besieged by Cao's army. If we can't form an alliance with the Sun family to resist Cao's army, my lord will be in danger!"

What he said was reasonable, Wu Guotai nodded: "You are honest. I believe this."

Du Yu looked at the two beauties, Big Qiao and Little Qiao, and said with a smile, "There are only two gifts, but I have neglected Mrs. Sun Bofu and Mrs. Zhou Gongjin."

Da Qiao smiled slightly and didn't answer, but the widow's charming style had already captivated Du Yu.

Xiao Qiao smiled sweetly: "Our sister-in-law's family, you are the same to everyone."

Du Yu smiled: "Although that's the case, how dare Du Yu treat one person more favorably than another? A little courtesy, please accept it with a smile."

He took out a small box from his pocket.

"What is this?" Even Wu Guotai was curious about this Liu Beijun boy who was generous and gave away rare treasures at every turn.

Judging from the gift of the step trainer scouting crystal ball and the magic ring of power given to Sun Shangxiang before, the things given to Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao should not be lighter than the previous gifts.

"I'm not very talented. I once traveled across the ocean and went to an overseas fairy island." Du Yu smiled and said, "There grows a plant called a sacred tree. There are only two of them, but they have infinite uses. In this small box, there are The soil around the sacred tree, together with the spring water of the elves, is a kind of fresh-keeping noodle mud. The beauty uses it, it is best for maintaining beauty, moisturizing and locking water, and it is used all year round, and it has the effect of eternal youth."

As soon as these words came out, let alone Big Qiao and Little Qiao, they were extremely pleasantly surprised, even the step trainer, Sun Shangxiang, and even the middle-aged beautiful woman Wu Guotai, who had already received Du Yu's gift, all stared beautifully!
What woman doesn't love beauty?
Which woman does not long for eternal youth?
But apart from the adventurers whose bodies have been digitized, the only people in the world who can truly remain young forever are the elves.

The secret of the elves' eternal appearance and agelessness lies in the Twin Sacred Trees of Aman Island.

The last time Du Yu traveled across the ocean, he came to Aman Continent, and under the guidance of Galadriel, he went to the ruins of the Two Sacred Trees.

After reaching an agreement with the main god of Manwe, Du Yu was so courageous that he even excavated a large amount of soil moistened by the two sacred trees in the remains of the two sacred trees.

From Manwe's point of view, the soil didn't have much effect, so he didn't bother to ask about Du Yu's behavior.

But anything, as long as it falls into the hands of consumers who value it, has enormous value.

For example, in the eyes of the main gods and elves, the mud, which is worthless, is mixed with the spring water of Rivendell's waterfall, and it becomes a mask mud that can make women all over the world go crazy.

It can really keep a woman's youth forever.

Du predicts that every time you use it, it can guarantee that a woman's face will not get old, but will only become younger within a month, and the effect is like an elf beauty.

But what he dedicated to Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao was just a box of holy tree mask mud, which was only enough for the two beauties to use for a month.

What's more, can Bu Lianshi and Sun Shangxiang not want it?
So, in the end, this box of mask mud was divided up by five crazy women, and each of them only got enough for a week.

Sun Shangxiang only grabbed a little bit, puffed her cheeks cutely, and said to Du Yu coquettishly: "If the effect is not good, or if the beauty of the sisters-in-law is ruined, let me see how I deal with you!"

Du Yu smiled wryly: "I'm afraid that the trial results of Guotai, Madam and Princess will be too good."

Even Da Qiao, who was always full of sorrow, couldn't help laughing out loud.Du Yu was stunned by the beautiful woman's smile, which was so overwhelming.

Sun Shangxiang crossed her waist in dissatisfaction, pointed at the halberd and said angrily: "Okay, although you have given each of us a satisfactory gift, but you have seen enough beauty, you are worth the fare. Retire now!"

Du Yu chuckled inwardly, turned and left.

The so-called point is too much, Du Yu has won a big victory today, implanted a Trojan horse virus (crystal ball + magic ring), and planted seeds in the hearts of beauties, all goals have been achieved.

Wu Guotai stretched out her hand to stop him: "I don't get rewarded for nothing. There are so many good treasures, but I can't do without rewards. What do you want?"

Du Yu respectfully said: "As long as Guotai and Lianshi are in front of Lord Sun Quan, they will say a few good words for the Sun Liu Alliance, and it will be convenient enough!"

Wu Guotai pondered for a while: "I, like women, can only make suggestions, but I can't guarantee that Lord Wu will form an alliance with Liu Bei according to your idea. We can only do our best."

Du Yu received a prompt: "You have successfully completed task 1500 [Lobbying the Royal Family] and obtained [-] martial arts points."

"You persuaded Wu Guotai, Sun Shangxiang, Xiao Qiao and others to approve of the Sun-Liu alliance, and made subtle contributions to the establishment of the alliance."

Sun Shangxiang chased him out, grabbed Du Yu's clothes viciously, and shouted, "Don't play tricks on me! Hand it over quickly!"

"Hand over what?"

Du Yu spread his hands in surprise.

"Of course it's the beauty mask mud." Sun Shangxiang showed a smug smile like a female leopard seeing its prey.

"Princess, are you not afraid of counterfeit and shoddy products, which will make your sisters-in-law's beauty beyond recognition?"

Du Yu snickered in his heart, and spread his hands.

"I'm talking about my sisters-in-law, I didn't say I don't need it!" Satisfied, Sun Shangxiang put his hands into Du Yu's arms and started searching.

Du Yu was really speechless to this wayward, arrogant and naive Soochow princess: "Shouldn't the princess wait and see how it works before deciding whether it's worth it or not?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Sun Shangxiang said viciously: "Of course we women are very sensitive to what is a good thing. As soon as you take out this beauty mud, we will know that it is indeed a treasure! If you don't take out the treasure today, you will never go back The hall is resting!"

Du Yu was confused by this woman, so he had no choice but to take out a box of beauty mud from his bosom, and dedicated it to the armed princess who did not hesitate to rob for beauty, and muttered: "Why don't you like red clothes and armaments, you must."

"That's it!" Sun Shangxiang snatched the beauty mud, and said overjoyedly: "I like martial arts, and I like beauty too. My sisters-in-law are just reserved, and I don't have the nerve to ask you for more. In my opinion, They won't live for a few days, and after the experiment, they will ask you for it one after another! So I will act first, haha."

She waved her hand with a grin, and turned back to the palace.

Du Yu returned to the guild hall, and just as he summoned Shen Luoyan, he saw the beautiful military strategist snuggling into her arms with winking eyes, and said with her beautiful eyes, "It looks like we're going to have a few more sisters? This time we plan to accept several?"

Du Yu felt guilty for a while, and coughed, "What nonsense are you talking about? Isn't this fulfilling Zhuge Liang's mission to me?"

Shen Luoyan spat: "Don't dare to say what you mean, be careful I'll kick the truth. Galadriel hasn't seen your face clearly yet."

Du Yu smiled and said: "It is indeed the first task to be completed."

"You have to be careful." Shen Luoyan said seriously: "I think Zhuge Liang always looks wrong towards you. He is very wary of you."

Du Yu sighed: "I know. I can only take one step at a time. If the Kingdom of Shu cannot complete the fifth act, or even the hidden sixth act, it will not be able to get Zhuo Yi's evaluation and the highest strength improvement. Besides, my Wushuang awakening Not yet done."

At this time, Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun returned from the palace.

Du Yu took Shen Luoyan back, and reported to Zhuge Liang in a serious manner: "Military Master, I have completed the task you assigned. The royal family members of Wu State basically agree with the Sun-Liu alliance."

A look of admiration flashed across Zhuge Liang's face: "As expected, you are worthy of being the lord's lucky general. You have done all this. But at the banquet today, Sun Quan!"

Zhao Yun continued: "Sun Quan seemed very hesitant, and Zhang Zhao and other civil officials strongly opposed it. No matter how much the military adviser lobbied, it was difficult for him to make up his mind. He ordered Zhou Yu, who was training the navy at Poyang Lake, to return quickly to discuss the state affairs together."

(End of this chapter)

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