Chapter 1149 Yu Ji turned his face and made a deal behind his back! - Ask for a monthly pass at the seventh watch!
Du Yu sighed inwardly.

Yu Ji used talisman to force Xu Chu to retreat, and Du Yu took advantage of the momentum to take back the elven army, led Zhongmei, and entered the siege.The small number of people is an advantage in the breakout battle.

Tong Yuan fought hard, and finally died tragically under Zhang Xi's iron claws.But his fighting has attracted the attention of Zhang He and Xu Chu.Before Cao Cao sent them, he had repeatedly emphasized that Tong Yuan must not escape.

Du Yu glanced at Tong Yuan, who died in a fierce battle, and activated the space ability.

After training again and again, Du Yu's spatial ability was filled with energy, and he moved Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Sun Shangxiang, Bu Lian Shi, Tattaglia and others all out of the 10-mile area in one go.

Ten miles away, we have reached the riverside.

Standing proudly on a flying sword, Yu Ji said, "Du Yu, you have a good record in this battle. Let me and Tong Yuan admire you, and give you a map of the essential techniques of peace. I believe that Mr. Shui Jing will also speak highly of you. , he will wait for you in Liu Bei’s camp and give you the final assessment task. Let’s leave it at that.”

After speaking, he will disappear into the void!
"Stop!" Da Qiao yelled sharply, and Qiao Meili danced wildly, interrupting Yu Ji's retreat: "You can't go yet!"

"What's the matter?" Yu Ji raised his goatee, showing a mocking sneer: "Mrs. Sun Ce?"

"Do you know who she is?" Du Yu's pupils narrowed.

"Of course." Yu Ji sneered, "Although Mrs. Sun deliberately kept a low profile and partially disguised herself, as Sun Ce's enemy, I can certainly recognize her. The reason why I didn't tell the truth was to save my old friend. Now that the old friend is gone, Then there's no need to be polite."

Da Qiao stood facing the wind, her dress fluttering: "Back then you used sorcery to kill my husband, Sun Ce, how could you expect the disaster of today? I will never forgive you!"

Xiao Qiao immediately reacted and stood shoulder to shoulder with her sister: "I will never let you go."

Sun Shangxiang flashed behind Yu Ji and blocked Yu Ji's escape route: "I said that you look familiar, so you are Yu Ji! Wait to die!"

The step trainer hid in the dark and didn't show up, but Du Yu knew she was also targeting Yu Ji.

"Yeah, are you lucky enough to be the target of many beauties in Soochow?" Yu Ji smiled: "It seems that I am doomed. So what about you, Du Yu? What is your attitude?"

Du Yu coughed, "I think there must have been some misunderstanding between Yu Ji and Sun Bofu back then. Did you kill Sun Ce? If there is a misunderstanding, you might as well explain it to Da Qiao. I think Da Qiao is so kind-hearted. You must be able to tell right from wrong.”

The corner of Yu Ji's mouth curled up slightly: "Sun Ce, I was indeed the one who killed him."

The atmosphere immediately became tense.

The four beauties locked Yu Ji.With Yu Ji's immortal power, it would be impossible for him to retreat under the siege of four unparalleled generals.

"Why did you kill Sun Ce?" Du Yu said solemnly, "Is there any special purpose?"

"Because Sun Ce is not an acceptable choice for the Shuijing Group." Yu Ji said coldly: "I owe a favor to the Shuijing Group, so I will do it."

"Shuijing Group?" Du Yu's eyes turned cold: "Is it related to Mr. Shuijing?"

"That's right." Yu Ji said with a chuckle, "Shuijing Group is a powerful force similar to hermits. Our purpose is to set things right, find a wise master, and prevent the Hu tribe from chaos."

"So you assassinated my husband, Sun Ce!" Da Qiao lost his composure and shouted, "What's wrong with him?"

"Because during the Battle of Guandu, he was going to attack Cao Cao in the north." Yu Ji said coldly, "It is enough to have one overlord Cao Cao in the world, and there is no need for a little overlord Sun Ce! Two heroes stand side by side, and the people will have no way of life! If Sun Ce's strength, and Yuan Shao It is indeed difficult for Cao Cao to resist the pincer attack. The chaos in the world will never be peaceful."

"But this time, why did the Shuijing Group target Cao Cao and support the Battle of Chibi?" Du Yu knew that Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong were the core figures of the Shuijing Group, and their attitude represented the attitude of the Shuijing Group.

"Because Cao Cao can win the battle of Guandu, and the battle of Chibi is also a matter of days!" Yu Jigao said inscrutably: "The world must be divided for a long time, and the three kingdoms must be divided into three parts, and then they will be unified. In short, as long as the country is in our hands, it will be no problem."

"Since the Shuijing Group is so powerful, why does Mr. Shuijing still test me?" Du Yu was puzzled.

"Then you have to ask him himself." Yu Ji smiled strangely: "I am originally from Fangwai, but I only came out of the mountain because of Tong Yuan's old friend. Since Tong Yuan is dead, I will go back to cultivate. If Mrs. Sun wants to do something , just come. And you"

He looked at Du Yu meaningfully: "If you want to help Da Qiao kill me, just come. Sima Hui will not give up on your assessment just because you killed me. Destiny has no relatives. In order to realize his ambition, he can Sacrificing everything, not to mention the relationship between him and me is just an entrusted relationship, not a deep friendship."

Du Yu took a deep breath: "In that case, forgive me for offending me. I have already promised Mrs. Da Qiao that if you are the murderer, I will help her get revenge!"

Yu Jijie smiled strangely, and said meaningfully: "Very good! Your decision must be in line with Sima Hui's appetite. What he likes most is this kind of determination, and his relatives will not recognize him. Come on, let me call you again two catties."

His aura suddenly rose to its peak.

"Hmph! Pretending to be a ghost!" Sun Shangxiang tossed and turned in mid-air with a graceful figure, attacking Yu Ji: "I didn't see you so powerful just now!"

"Do I always have to keep my hands?" Yu Ji chuckled and threw out a handful of talismans: "Come out! Yellow Turban warriors."

The talisman thrown this time, before it landed, Du Yu summoned Galadriel.

Galadriel's ring of water, Nanya, burst out torrents, and in an instant, the yellow scarf warrior transformed into the talisman rushed into the Yangtze River and disappeared without a trace in an instant!

Now that he has seen this move, Du Yu is of course wary.

Yu Ji laughed and said, "Not bad!"

His body suddenly transformed into hundreds of clones.These avatars are exactly the same, blue all over, exuding a terrifying light like nine seclusions, and said with a wicked smile: "There are so many of you, I can't be less, look at the trick!"

These avatars threw out several talismans at the same time, and launched a fierce attack on several people!

"Illusion?" A cold light flashed in Du Yu's eyes, and the Doomsday Blade in his hand stabbed at a clone located in Ji.

He attacked him unprepared, and this move used Feng Qingyang's Dugu Nine Swords swordsmanship, the antelope hung its horns, and there was no trace to be found, and stabbed Yu Ji with one sword.

The other illusions are extremely powerful, and before they can be used in time, they burst and disappear one after another like bubbles in the sun.

Yu Ji's real body took two steps back, and a surprised voice echoed in the air: "How do you know that's my real body?"

Du Yu smiled.

How could he say that since he already knew that there might be a battle, he sprinkled the special breath powder developed by Li Mochou on your body in advance?Although you can't see the difference with your eyes, you can find the real master by following the breath.

Yu Ji showed a helpless expression: "You are really serious about framing me."

With an idea, Du Yu used the immortal method of divine consciousness recorded in the "Longevity Jue" to secretly contact Yu Jidao: "Immortal Daoist, I have no choice but to attack you because of Mrs. Da Qiao's face, but we don't need to kill you." Ah. Since you are going to go back to the mountains to live in seclusion and never be born again, how about pretending to be dead this time? Your level of pretending to be dead is so high, it doesn’t hurt to feign death again.”

Yu Ji's goatee flicked, his eyes widened and he said, "You kid wants to pick up girls? But what's the benefit with my old man? Taiping wants to use the fairy arts, and I still have a lot of useless ones."

Du Yu smiled and said, "My boy, if you ask for an immortal, you can't help but express it. How about I give you this jade pendant of heaven, earth, and human? It engraves the principles of heaven and earth. Immortals should gain something if they take it for enlightenment."

Yu Ji glanced at Da Qiao slyly: "This is a well-known beauty in Jiangdong. Even Cao Cao is not exempt, and wants to get her. This jade pendant has lost all its immortality, so I want as much as I want. No way!"

"What do you want?" Du Yu's face turned cold.

"If you take out that Dragon Slaying Saber," Yu Ji chuckled, "How about I cooperate with you once?"

Du Yu smiled wryly: "This dragon-slaying sword is an AA-level fairy treasure with a real dragon soul sacrificed. It's too easy for you to fake your death once, isn't it?"

Yu Ji swallowed his saliva: "I also know that this dragon-slaying sword is a good thing. But it won't let you suffer anyway. In addition to cooperating with your feigned death, how about I teach you two tricks of immortality? I think your cultivation base is not bad. , but the moves are really childish."

Du Yu frowned.Yu Ji's fairy arts of spreading beans into soldiers, calling the wind and calling the rain, and making talismans come true are very attractive to him, but

"Didn't you learn all your immortal skills from the essential techniques of Taiping? If I get the essential techniques of Taiping, I won't be self-taught?"

Yu Ji blew his beard and stared: "I don't know good and bad things! These spells of mine are indeed recorded in the Taiping Essentials, but how can they be compared with those taught by famous teachers and self-taught? Let me tell you, even if you get the map, where do you get it? To find the essential art of peace, you have to pass the test of the immortals of Nanhua! You can see how difficult this world is. Just Cao Jun under the control of the demon is enough for you to drink a pot. Don’t you want to learn some fairy art in advance to save your life? Is it?"

Du Yu's eyes flashed: "Then the immortal must teach me at least three sets of immortal arts before it can be established!"

Yu Ji smiled strangely: "What a cunning little thief. Well, the world is very short of fairy arts and fairy treasures. I have encountered a bottleneck in my cultivation, and I have stayed enough. It seems that the world you live in is very rich in fairy arts Ah. Then I will enter the world you are in later. Can you tell me how to enter?"

"You also want to enter the space?" Du Yu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "This is easy, but I will teach you how to enter the space by specifying the celestial art you have learned in exchange."

Yu Ji was left speechless by Du Budget's plan, and reluctantly said: "Okay. I will also show you my cultivation, so as to dispel your thoughts."

In front of Du Yu, Yu Ji's information appeared!

It really is a fairy level! (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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