Chapter 1155 Defend the altar!Key assessment! —Second watch, ask for a monthly pass!

There are not many Indian adventurers in Liu Beijun and Sun Quanjun, only 3 or 4 people.

"Deni in the sixth group is an Indian!" Tattaglia said with a flash of inspiration: "It is the Indian who formed a group with us at the beginning."

"Is he the chosen one? No wonder the last time he raided Cao Cao's camp, a large number of adventurers died on the riverside, but he escaped unharmed. It seems that he has a lot of cards in his hand." Maishela is familiar with adventurers, and immediately said this detail.

"Where is he now?" Du Yu asked coldly.

"The Youjiang Estuary where Liu Bei's army is located." Mai Shela spread her hands regretfully: "The few adventurers who stayed with Liu Bei."

"You have ghosts in your heart, don't you dare to come with us?" Li Tang said angrily.

"Don't worry." Du Yu said coldly, "When the poisonous snake is at its most powerful, it will die when it is thrown into the grass in the grass. Now that you know his identity, I'm not afraid that he won't die."

Three days later, the celestial phenomenon that Zhuge Liang said really arrived.

Zhuge Liang, dressed in a black seven-star suit, walked towards the Seven-Star Altar, and began to borrow the east wind by the river.

Du Yu and others received a reminder: "To complete the third main task of this act [Crouching Dragon Borrowing the Wind], you must guard Zhuge Liang to complete all the Borrowing Wind Rituals, otherwise this trial will fail. After completing this task, you will Get 3000 points of martial arts and a chance to pass this bloody city gate!"

"Reminder, adventurers who are in the enemy's camp will receive information about this mission, and they may launch Cao's army to attack, so get ready to attack!"

"At the same time, Sun Wu's army and Liu Bei's army, in order to prepare for the battle of burning Chibi that will be launched later, it is impossible to send too many troops to help. You must fight independently to support the overall situation."

"Sure enough." The corner of Du Yu's mouth curled up: "Is the last assessment task that must be completed the most difficult?"

Although the space declares that this assessment is not an either-or zero-sum game, and there is a possibility that adventurers from the Three Kingdoms will pass the test at the same time, but it is not necessary to know that Du Yu's victory is a sign that the adventurers from the Cao Wei and Jin countries will be defeated. , failing steadily!They lost a lot of martial arts points and achievements, and they would never be happy to see this crucial battle of Chibi lose.Therefore, General Cao Jun's raid on the altar is a certainty.

"Don't keep cards, everyone, bring out all your forces, and guard the Seven Stars Altar!" Shinra adventurer Michelle shouted: "Hold here, no matter how you fail in the future, you can at least ensure that you have passed the inner city."

The adventurers of Sun and Liu heard the truth, and called out soldiers with official positions one after another. A total of about 2000 people were called up to guard the seven-star altar.If it weren't for Du Yu's cheating night attack a few days ago, which killed 3000 private troops, the number of adventurers' troops would be even greater.

But with Ding Feng Xu Sheng's one thousand and Zhao Yun's accompanying army of 300 Liu Beijun, the army guarding here is only 3500 people.

"You wolf pupil team, why don't you move?" Michel found Du Yu and the wolf pupil team, but there was no movement, and came over to ask.

"The strategist gave us another task, so our troops have been sent out." Myshela said with a smile, "But we will still guard here."

Michelle wanted to say something dissatisfied, and Du Yu looked up at the banner: "Sure enough, it's windy."

On the altar, Zhuge Liang was disheveled, wielding a wooden sword, borrowing wind from the sky, and the ceremony was in progress.

But the banner has been blown sharply to the north.

"This Zhuge Liang is really powerful." Du Yu could feel that the technique of borrowing the wind that Zhuge Liang was performing was the same spell as Yu Ji's [calling the wind and calling the rain] fairy technique.However, compared to Yu Ji's level 10 [calling the wind and rain] fairy art that can only affect a diameter of 9 kilometers, Zhuge Liang's spell can even affect the entire Yangtze River, which can be described as boundless mana!
"Could it be..." Du Yu pondered, "This Zhuge Liang is also a powerful immortal cultivator?"

This guess is not groundless, Zhuge is so wise and close to a demon.Whether Zhuge Liang prolongs his life by borrowing the east wind, the eight trigrams array or the seven-star lamp, there is always an unpredictable aura about him.

Seeing Zhuge Liang doing what he did on the altar, Du Yu felt a threat from the bottom of his heart!
You know, although Zhuge Liang treated him with peace on the surface, it was by no means cleared up.

"It's not good! A convoy rushes over from the opposite bank! The leading general is Zhang Liao!" Someone reported, "The speed is extremely fast, and it is about to rush over."

A large ship rushed up to the altar, and Zhang Liao led [-] Cao's elite soldiers, and charged against the wind and waves.

On his right side, generals Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan each brought [-] elite soldiers to the south bank and charged at the altar.

The three generals, each with [-] troops and dozens of lieutenants, jumped off the river bank and rushed towards the altar.

On the side protecting Zhuge Liang, Zhao Yun, needless to say, immediately led 500 Liu Bei troops to form a camp to protect himself.Ding Feng and Xu Sheng also took 1000 Soochow soldiers to guard the periphery.

The outermost ones are more than 2000 soldiers of adventurers and more than 100 adventurers of Sun Liu.

Don't underestimate the energy of adventurers.This is the last task of the Scarlet City Gate Assessment.As long as the 30000 elite Cao army led by Liao, Xiahoudun, and Xiahouyuan can withstand the attack, the bloody city gate of more than 100 Sun Liu adventurers will be passed.

At this critical moment, no one dared to hide their brooms and hide them, lest Cao Jun break the altar and close the bloody city gate that was about to pass, and make it a waste of success.

Driven by highly consistent interests, the adventurers launched a crazy offensive.

First, in the defensive army, more than 500 archers fired a volley, shooting Cao Jun who rushed up to the ground in waves, and then the mines, traps, and explosives laid by the adventurers in advance resounded throughout the area. The altar was blown to disgrace, with heavy casualties.

But Zhang Liao, Xiahoudun, Xiahouyuan and others, are they easily intimidated by this "uncanny skill"?With the elite tiger and leopard cavalry and other assault troops, a wave broke through the defensive line of fire.With the advantage of crowd tactics and speed, the firepower of hundreds of adventurers who spared no effort to stop them was left behind.

Facing Cao Wei's powerful offensive, adventurers are not to be outdone.

An adventurer nicknamed "Sewing Old History" stood up and said lightly: "Our Brotherhood of Steel provides free adrenaline and nerve stimulants to everyone, and the attack power can be increased by 10% within 20 minutes. The disadvantage is that 10 minutes Finally, I entered a state of deep fatigue. In addition, my surgical skills are just like my nickname, as long as you are not chopped into meat paste and still have a breath, I can connect your severed limbs!"

This kind of welfare is not the only one among adventurers who share the same hatred.

The imam of the Sudanese adventurer, the priest of Shinra, and the Taoist priest of the Tang Dynasty all stood up and cast group blessing spells for free to enhance the combat power of the adventurers and the army.

Facing the tide of [-] Wei troops, every combat power is precious.

Du Yu looked at the imposing adventurer and sighed in his heart.

If the adventurers of the entire space can unite in the face of the most terrifying natural disaster beast horde in space, why worry that the beast horde cannot be calmed down?
The evolution direction of space adventurers, on the one hand, is to strengthen the individual desperately, and on the other hand, it is differentiated evolution, through the formation of complementary types of teams, to achieve the optimal allocation of resources.

A mere 100 or so adventurers burst out with astonishing energy in the face of the final trial at the Scarlet City Gate.The light of various buffs comes one after another, and adventurers of various countries, occupations, and specialties, under the deployment of some selected captains, stand in an optimized posture and stand ready to meet the impact of Cao Jun's big wave!
Even the ordinary soldiers of Sun and Liu who participated in the battle often had more than 3 beneficial buff states, greatly increasing their strength.

This situation naturally fell into the eyes of Zhang Liao and Xiahou Dun who charged.

"The situation of the enemy is a bit strange," Xia Houyuan muttered.

"They were praying for the southeast wind, and what they did was evil. Naturally, it can't be normal!" Xiahou Dun's only gaze showed a ferocious color: "Let's kill that Zhuge Kongming who pretends to be a ghost!"

He jumped up high, and slashed at the No. [-] captain who was standing in front with the big knife in his hand!
Captain No. [-] had already prepared, and when the fire sounded, Wei Shimaqu's anger was slashed by Xia Houdun, and he took two steps back.

The fierce generals of the three kingdoms, and the adventurers with top defenses, fought together, and ended in an overwhelming victory for the fierce generals of the three kingdoms.

Fortunately, Wei Shi Ma Qu's Wrath is not an ordinary shield. The ferocious head on the shield suddenly opened, combining offense with defense, and a ray of light shot at Xiahou Dun fiercely.

Xiahou Dun sneered, and the big knife reflected a strong light under the moonlight, and turned around and slashed horizontally again.

Captain No. [-], whose shield stood like a wall for defense, was slashed by Xiahou Dun of the Three Kingdoms and flew backwards!

There was a flash of horror in his eyes.

His strength can be accumulated to 289 points, which is already considered rare among adventurers in the outer city, and he is absolutely powerful.Adding the level 10 [Shield Mastery] skills, part of Captain America's bloodline ability, and the dark legendary shield [Weishmaqu's Wrath], he would be chopped off by Xia Houdun with two swords!
What kind of crazy world is this?

Just when Captain No. [-] was repelled by Xiahou Dun, the other adventurers who defended from all sides retreated one after another under the attack of Zhang Liao, Xiahouyuan, and other lieutenants.

This is the strength gap between the top plot powerhouses in the inner city and the challengers.

Under Cao Jun's sharp attack, the adventurer's defense line, like a sand castle washed by the tide, collapsed and receded, and was slapped into the distance.

"Is this the difference in strength?"

Countless retreating adventurers vomited blood while cursing in their hearts.

Such a perverted final assessment is definitely not something adventurers in the outer city can handle!

The invincible combination of Xiahoudun, Zhang Liao, and Xiahouyuan alone, coupled with the impact of [-] elite Cao troops, is enough to make any ambitious adventurer feel desperate! (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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