Chapter 1159 Unloading the mill and killing the donkey?Kong Ming at once! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Zhao Zilong is really in a dilemma.

Du Yu smiled lightly, generously, and said to Zhao Zilong, "Brother, follow the military adviser and take a step first. I would like to fight to the death after breaking up. It's not the first time breaking up after all!"

Zhao Zilong's eyes filled with tears.

He knew that the military master had always been at odds with his second brother Du Yu, but he never expected that at this critical moment, the military master would abandon his second brother in the dangerous military camp of Soochow, and fight against Soochow's pursuers with his own strength.

But the military order is like a mountain.If you don't follow the arrangement of the military adviser, you won't be able to go back to Lord Liu Bei's camp tonight.

He looked back silently, handed the Qinghong sword to Du Yu, and said in a low voice, "Second brother, take care of yourself. Back to Youjiangkou, elder brother has his own ideas."

Du Yu secretly smiled.

Zhao Yun was indeed a real person, and Du Yu was moved by a few words, and he felt deeply wronged by the unfair treatment his second brother suffered.Otherwise, with his personality, how could he say the words "self-assessment"?It must be preparing to sue Liu Bei for Zhuge Liang's persecution of Du Yu.

The reason why Du Yu cooperates with Zhuge Liang so much is for this effect.

He wants to enter the hidden plot in the sixth act and prepare ten generals when he meets Yuan Lu Zhi.Among them, Zhao Yun is definitely the best candidate.But Zhao Yun is loyal to Liu Bei, and whether he is willing to follow him to challenge Yuan Lu Zhi requires Du Yu to mobilize his wisdom.

After Du Yu worked hard, Zhao Yun's sympathy for Du Yu became stronger and stronger, and it gradually became feasible to pry the seemingly impossible God Zhao Yun.

Of course, Du Yu still has a long way to go to realize his plot.

After all, is it a god-level villain?

Even if you follow the official protagonist Liu Bei, you will inevitably take the path of the villain and stand on the opposite side.

Then use resourcefulness to defeat these high-sounding protagonists!

Du Yu suddenly turned around and shouted sharply, "Ding Feng and Xu Sheng! My military adviser has an order. If you want to force us to stay tonight, you have to step over my corpse!"

He holds the Qinghong sword in one hand, stores energy in the other, his eyes are like lightning, his power is as powerful as a mountain, he looks forward to being a hero, what a peerless general!
On the boat that was drifting away, Zhao Yun's eyes were about to burst, and he wept silently.

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly, and said in a cold voice, "Zilong, do you hate me?"

Zhao Zilong said lightly: "How dare Zilong?"

"There is no need to hide it," Zhuge Liang said coldly: "Zilong, you are an honest person, how do you know the tricks of ghosts and ghosts in the world? People are unpredictable?"

Zhao Zilong suddenly turned his head, with tears in his tiger eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Military teacher! Zilong doesn't understand. What did my righteous brother Du Yu do wrong? Why do you keep targeting him? At this moment, he is still protecting you and leaving safely. , Fight to the death with the Soochow Army!"

Zhuge Liang looked at the figure of Du Yu swinging the Qinghong sword on the altar, slashing and killing a thousand horses, and sighed: "Duke Zhou is afraid of rumors, and when Wang Mang is a virtuous and virtuous officer, if he dies at that time, who will know who is loyal and treacherous through the ages?" ? Du Yu can be described as a model of traitorous loyalty. He"

He was about to persuade Zilong, but accidentally saw the Milky Way stars reflected in the water, trembled all over, and suddenly turned to Cao Ying in the north!
In Cao Ying, the fire boat led by Huang Gai has already rushed towards the water village!


but! !
In the water fortress, the Trojan horse tricked by Du Yu was supposed to be tricked, and the wooden cows and horses who acted secretly completely restrained the large fleet of Cao Jun who had successfully chained and was unable to move, and gradually dispersed!
Like a fire burning into a hornet's nest, tens of thousands of hornets scattered in a herd, maliciously sticking out their hidden stingers in the air, ready to deal a deep blow to the intruder!

"How is it possible?" Zhuge Liang was stunned.

A series of tricks, cleverly taking advantage of the east wind, and shaming and burning the boat are the fundamentals of defeating Cao Jun, and they are indispensable.

But at this moment, Cao Jun's navy moved freely, which shows that the serial plan has failed at all.

"Could it be?" Zhuge Liang was cold all over, and suddenly turned his head to look at the altar!

At the highest place of the altar, Du Yu was still fighting fiercely with the Wu army, but as if he had a sense of touch, Du Yu also turned his head!
Zhuge Liang's eyes met Du Yu's from afar!
"Everyone has to pay back when they come out to mess around." Du Yu said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Master Military Advisor, you have said that bridges are demolished and donkeys are demolished. You have not yet finished crossing the river, and you have not finished grinding the rice and flour. You have to demolish bridges and kill donkeys." Donkey? Unfortunately, my donkey is not a fool. For example, I will tell you, can this wooden ox and horse be assembled in reverse and let go of the warship automatically?"

His smile rippled.

It seems that Du Yu seems to be relaxed and freehand, playing with Cao, Sun and Liu with wooden oxen and horses.

But in fact, Du Yu's foreshadowing for this risky move can only be described as racking his brains.

Why can such a huge monster as Mu Niu Liuma hide from Cao Cao's eyes and ears in the actions of Cao Jun's camp?

First of all, Du Yu asked Wang Yuyan to improve many times in the design and manufacture of the wooden ox and horse, covering the surface with animal skins, so that these wooden animals have the ability to move in the water at the bottom of the boat.Most of the actions of the wooden cow and horse are carried out in the water.

Secondly, Du Yu persuaded Man Chong by sneaking into Cao Ying's third group and other traitors.Man Chong, who was tortured by the lack of manpower and animals in the military supplies and could not sleep all night, finally nodded and agreed to let 1300 wooden cattle and horses be used to transport military supplies to the front line to relieve the pressure.This gave Mu Niu Liuma freedom of movement in the barracks.At first, Cao Jun was interested in these wooden cows and horses that can move by themselves, but as time went on, his curiosity disappeared.Who will check these hard-working puppets?

Finally, and most importantly, Cao Cao's main investigative method is actually another Trojan horse of Du Yu!
Real knowledge crystal!

Du Yu took great pains to make Cao Cao develop his dependence on the crystal of true knowledge. He was discovered in a surprise attack and intercepted while delivering food. Cao Cao formed an absolute trust in the crystal of true knowledge in his victories.

This is similar to the high-tech dependence of the US military-you have a high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, will you still send two-legged humans to scout and walk around on the ground?

At this time, at such a critical moment, Du Yu took it for granted and turned off Cao Cao's ability to detect the interior of Cao Ying, so that Cao Cao could see that everything was normal.

And Cao Jun's patrol team, even if they saw wooden cows and horses stumbling along carrying food or war preparations, they would think that this was a team delivering military supplies.Who would have thought that these cute and honest wooden cows and horses actually contained a conspiracy capable of destroying them?
Therefore, with the help of Cao Jun's 83 army, which was huge and bloated and stretched for dozens of miles, Du Yu successfully deployed the wooden cows and horses in Cao Ying.Of course, this is also due to the traitors of Group C and others.

Zhuge Liang yelled: "The big thing is over!"

His feather fan was pointed at Du Yu from afar, trembling with anger.

Du Yu showed a mouthful of white teeth, even whiter than Colgate's advertisement, but his mouth was full of righteousness, and roared: "Military Master! Don't think of the last general! The last general will die today, and he will protect the military master to leave! Come back quickly. Beside the lord, let the real dragon, the lord, soar in the sky of Jingzhou!!!"

He was pierced through the ribs by Ding Feng's spear, and with a loud cry, he rolled over and fell into the water.

"Second brother!!!" Zhao Yun's body was shaken, and he burst into tears, wanting to jump into the river regardless of his own safety.

Zhuge Liang waved his feather fan lightly, and a ray of light trapped Zhao Zilong.

At this time, his face was blank, he was not even in the mood to persuade Zilong, he waved his hands weakly and said, "I'm afraid that Sun Liu's coalition army will be defeated tonight! I will return to the lord Jingzhou as soon as possible, I, Liu Beijun, can't take it anymore. It's better to enter Sichuan quickly and see if we can win Liu Zhang's territory!"

Zhao Yun heard the tiger tremble.

Liu Bei's kindness to him was as great as a mountain, and he couldn't care less about condemning the military commander for his ungrateful and ungrateful treatment of Du Yu.

Zhuge Liang pointed weakly at the north shore: "I really underestimated Du Yu when there was a flaw in the serial plan. This time, Du Budget planned it!"

With a wow, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Originally, taking advantage of the east wind was to act against the sky, and it required a great deal of mental effort and immortal power.Zhuge Liang was able to borrow the east wind with a range of thousands of miles, and even aroused the jealousy and murderous intent of Zhou Yu and Zhou Gongjin, who were also talented in the country, he was already a genius!

But the price is also great.

That was Zhuge Liang. Although he was standing on the boat at this time, he was actually exhausted.

However, Du Yu, who was plotted against him and abandoned on the shore, and allowed Soochow to chase and kill him, was already prepared to bite him back!
At such a critical moment in the Battle of Chibi, Du Yu actually took back the chain link of Mu Niu Liu Ma!For the Liu and Sun families who are ready for everything, one blow is almost a devastating blow!

Zhuge Liang, instead of killing donkeys, crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, used the hands of Soochow to get rid of Du Yu's confidant, but Du Yu put it together and ruined the Battle of Chibi, which he personally designed and painstakingly managed. Anxious and heart attack, vomiting three liters of blood?
Seeing Zhuge Liang vomit blood, Zhao Yun let out a long breath, and said dumbly, "Military Master, I have a message for you."

Zhuge Liang stroked his chest feebly, and said in a trembling voice: "Zilong Dan's words are fine."

Zhao Zilong smiled wryly and said: "Du Yu is the lucky general of our army. The military commander is ungrateful to him, and he doesn't hesitate to borrow a knife to kill someone. Even if he rebelled against the lord and removed the wooden horse trick, he can't be accused of betrayal! Shoot yourself in the foot with a stone."

Zhuge Liang yelled and fell on the boat.

How could he imagine that the Trojan horse trick Du Yu used could be retracted freely?

But Du Yu, who fell into the river and avoided the sharp arrows of the Eastern Wu, laughed secretly in his heart.

The surprises he left behind for the Sun and Liu families don't stop there?
Damn, if you dare to cheat me, you will have the consciousness to be cheated to death by me!

Du Yu was gliding on the bottom of the water like a fish, when he heard a charming voice scolding from the shore: "Ding Feng and Xu Sheng, you two kill talents! What good deed have you done?"

The voice was naturally made by Sun Shangxiang, Princess Gong Yao Ji. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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