Chapter 1166: Zilong Runs Away, Second Qi Kongming! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
"Which direction is Cao Cao fleeing?" Du Yu was most concerned about this question.

"Just like the historical facts," came Shen Luoyan's voice.As a military adviser, she has been commanding the battle in the ambush: "Cao Cao is retreating to Huarong Road. Huarong Road is a large swamp in the north of Jingzhou leading to the Central Plains. After part of it dried up, a muddy path was exposed, which was barely passable. At this time Cao Cao In order to flee back to Xudu as soon as possible, I was in a panic and chose this place."

At this time, the space prompt suddenly sounded!

"The fourth act [Huarong Road] mission starts!"

"The first mission [defeat]. Although Cao's army was burnt to death by the fire attack plan in the Battle of Chibi, they will not be willing to fail. You must try your best to attack Cao's army, kill them, and create the best for the subsequent pursuit. Conditions. Every time a first-rank soldier of Cao Jun is killed, an additional 1 point of martial arts will be awarded, and a second-rank soldier will be rewarded with 2 points, and so on. The military merits of Cao Jun’s generals are calculated separately. This task is not required to be completed. But if Cao Jun The vitality is still there, and the difficulty will increase in the follow-up tasks."

"What should we do? Shall we strangle Cao Jun? It looks like this is a good opportunity to gain martial arts value." Li Tang laughed boldly, struck with a dark gold shield, knocked out a Cao Jun lieutenant, and chopped off his head again .

"Martial merit is useless." Du Yu chuckled, "At least it's useless to our wolf pupil team. Because I beat Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang in the Battle of Chibi. I'm afraid Liu Beijun will soon Kill me. This is also the reason why I exchanged all the martial arts points before the battle."

"You thought at that time that you might turn against Liu Beijun?" Tataglia's beautiful eyes widened.

Du Yu nodded: "Zhuge Liang's hostility towards me has always been lurking in my heart, but I can detect it keenly, so I took measures in advance."

"So that's how it is." Li Tang smiled wryly, "Then we don't have any money to kill Cao Jun. What about this mission?"

"Ignore it!" Du Yu said decisively: "According to the space prompt, starting from the fourth act, there will be very few mainline tasks that must be completed, but branch plot tasks. For example, this time we don't chase and kill Cao Jun. On Huarong Road, Cao Jun has more people. But it doesn't affect our pass."

"Then what should we do?" Michelle always believed in Du Yu's judgment.

"Kill Cao Cao!" Du predicted succinctly: "The only mission we should pursue is to kill Cao Cao. Don't give him a chance to escape. Hunt him down!"

"But if we kill Cao Cao, will there still be a fifth act?" Li Tangzhang and Er King Kong couldn't figure it out: "What if we did a great job and killed Cao Cao this time, will we be forcibly teleported?" Back to space? That would be a big loss."

"The ones who are forced to be sent back will only be the adventurers of Cao Jun." Du Yu laughed and said, "Once Cao Cao dies, their mission will definitely fail. So now the feng shui has changed, and it is time to pay back the blood debt of the Changbanpo battle Already!"

"So it is!" Tattaglia gritted his teeth, flew the cards all over the sky, and said coldly: "It's time for us to take revenge."

"Remember, the target is Cao Cao." Du Yu was afraid that Tataglia would be too excited, so he went to A Ming and other selected people to take revenge.Although A Ming was the one who must be killed, Du Yu was more anxious to kill Cao Cao.

Being able to incorporate the demon species Cao Cao into the dark soul stone will enhance the magic power of the world stone and fight against the crisis of space collapse.

Although Du Yu has not yet put the dark soul stone into use, he believes that this magic stone will definitely become the key to saving space in the future.

"Okay," the No. [-] captain said excitedly: "Let's join forces and kill Cao thief!"

The same words resounded behind Du Yu.

Sun Shangxiang, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, and Bu Lianshi, four beauties, ran behind Du Yu together, continuously killing the approaching Cao Jun, and rushed to the place where Cao Cao's banner was located.

"Hmph!" Du Yu smiled slightly.

It's also very interesting to have so many partners and hunt down Cao thief together.

"Cao thief will die!" Du Yu's speed suddenly increased.

At this time, the Youjiang Estuary.

Zhuge Liang staggered, pale, and walked onto the river bank.

He turned his head to look at the burning north bank, stopped, and murmured: "Why is there such a fire in Cao Jun's camp again? Could it be that Zhou Yu managed to set fire to Chibi with a trick?"

Thinking of Zhou Yu's strategy being successful, Zhuge Liang's face flashed with joy.Although Zhou Yu pursued and killed Zhou Yu because of his jealousy and ability, Zhuge Liang, who was familiar with Zhou Yu, was not afraid. On the contrary, if Zhou Yu could defeat Cao Cao in Chibi, he could take the opportunity to obtain Jingzhou for Liu Bei and occupy the capital of the emperor.

But Zhuge Liang immediately thought of the most terrifying possibility and looked up.

In the splendid Milky Way of Xinghan, the "Lianzhen Star", which symbolizes Zhou Yu's meteorological fortune, has gradually faded into oblivion!

And the [Tianji Star], where Wolong's weather is located, is also gradually dimming!
"Zhou Yu's Lianzhen star has fallen?" Zhuge Liang was dripping with cold sweat: "Doesn't this mean that it was not Zhou Lang who burned Chibi, but someone else? Who could he be?"

Reminiscing that he had never been so gloomy when he saw the mysterious star, Zhuge Liang suddenly flashed Du Yu's unyielding face!
"Could it be?" Zhuge Liang said with chills all over his body, "Is this accidental factor the reason why it invaded my Tianji Planet and caused the celestial phenomena to be disordered?"

He stared intently.

A Sirius star was shining slowly in the Milky Way. Under its interference, even the weather representing the three families of Cao, Sun and Liu became dim.

"Sure enough, as Master Sima Hui said, the [Tianji Star] represented by me, the [Lianzhen Star] represented by Zhou Yu, and the weather of the three families of Cao, Sun and Liu were all disturbed by this Sirius star and became dim." Can a person's ability even surpass his identity, and create a foundation out of thin air?"

Zhuge Liang was very annoyed when he thought that he had suppressed Du Yu in every possible way before but failed to discover that this man had such great power.

Zhao Yun didn't say a word. After escorting Zhuge Liang, he turned around and jumped onto the walking boat.

"Where are you going, Zilong?" Zhuge Liang waved his lupine.

Zhao Yun was silent for a while, then raised his head and looked directly at Zhuge Liang.

"Master, please tell the lord. My Zilong's life belongs to the lord!" Zhao Zilong resolutely said: "However, you are so ungrateful and ungrateful to my second brother, and you abandon me like a shoe. I am deeply chilled! I, Zhao Zilong, We must return to Chibi and rescue Brother Du Yu!"

Zhuge Liang shouted sharply: "Open your eyes and look at the sky! Sirius, represented by Du Yu, has disturbed the Lord's weather. It is time for me to take advantage of the opportunity of Cao Cao's defeat in Chibi to attack Jingzhou. You actually retreated out of the battle out of personal loyalty." , is it the behavior that a loyal minister should have?"

Zhao Zilong bowed his head in silence for a while, then shook his head firmly and said: "Military Master, I don't understand astrology, but I do understand the word loyalty. I have already given up on Du Yu twice, and it's only three things. I won't bear to let him down." The third time! Please forgive Zilong for being selfish this time!"

He picked up the [Yangjiao Spear], rode on the [Magnolia White Dragon Colt], stepped onto the walking boat again, took the scull, and slid towards Jiangdong at high speed.

Zhuge Liang stared at Zhao Zilong who was flying away, and sighed angrily.

"This Du Yu is really a disaster! First destroy my strategy, destroy my major affairs, and then poach my general!"

Liu Bei took Liu Feng, Deni and other generals who stayed behind to meet him.

"Great military master!" Liu Bei was full of spring breeze, pointing to the fire in the Wulin area, reflecting the red river water: "The military master borrowed the east wind to help Zhou Yu's army, the fire boat burned Cao, and broke Cao's camp. We no longer need to worry about Cao's southward invasion. "

Zhuge Liang forced a smile, sighed and said: "My lord, this matter is a long story."

He didn't hide anything, and told Liu Bei the ins and outs of the Battle of Chibi one by one.

Liu Bei's eyes widened as he listened: "Military officer, you mean that Du Yu, the deputy general of our army, turned his hands into clouds and rain, set fire to Chibi, manipulated it in the palm of his hand, and teased you and me. Zhou Yu, two great talents?"

Zhuge Liang let out a long sigh: "Liang didn't know the person, so he got tired of this person, and he left General Zilong. Liang has no place to be ashamed!"

Liu Bei laughed loudly: "I don't care about these details. Cao's army was defeated anyway, and we got a chance to breathe. I have sent Yun Chang and Yide to march towards Nanjun and Jiangling according to the military adviser's secret plan. Taking advantage of Cao Cao's defeat Take the opportunity to seize Jingzhou first, and then think of the foundation!"

Zhuge Liang's eyes lit up, he nodded and said: "My lord is brilliant. In the Battle of Chibi, Zhou Yu unfortunately fell while attacking Cao's army, and the Soochow Navy lost Wulin. At this time, it is a godsend opportunity for our army to snatch the fruits of victory and occupy Jingzhou. But the Cao thief The situation is great, and it is inevitable to make a comeback, and now is a good opportunity to kill Cao Cao! Liang would like to invite a partial master to go to Huarong Road and intercept and kill Cao Cao."

Liu Bei nodded when he heard the words, and said with emotion: "Du Yu is also a heroic figure. He was able to play tricks under the strength of the three families in the Battle of Chibi. But since this person is self-reliant, no wonder I don't miss the old love! "

He snorted coldly: "The order will be passed on to remove Du Yu from his position as a partial general. At the same time, his position as a party member will also be erased."

"What about General Zilong?" Zhuge Liang sighed.

"Zilong is an honest man." Liu Bei affirmed, "He will never fail me. As long as he fulfills his brotherhood with Du Yu, he will return, so don't worry."

"Report!" A scout came to report: "General Guan Yu led our navy and arrived in Nanjun, but Cao Ren, the city defender arranged by Cao Cao, stopped him and was unable to break through the city."

"Where's Jiangling?" Zhuge Liang's face sank, unexpectedly, Cao Cao had not expected victory before defeat, so he sent Cao Ren, who had been by his side, to Nanjun to ensure the retreat to the north.

"General Zhang Fei's troops were also blocked by Jiangling's defenders, Jiangliang and Yueyue, and they are in fierce battle." The messenger said: "In addition, Changsha Cao Cao's defender Han Xuan sent generals Huang Zhong and Wei Yan to lead his troops to rush forward. Rescue Jiangling. General Zhang Fei is stubborn, but General Xingcai secretly told the villain to ask the lord for help."

(End of this chapter)

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