Chapter 1177 Nanhua old fairy, make things difficult for you! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Du Yu didn't go after them either, and rushed to the Tongque Terrace with the beauties and the legion.

"This is the third wave of trials, isn't it?" Du Yu murmured in his heart, "Old Immortal Nanhua, just accept it as soon as you see it. Enough is enough. If there are always waves like this, I won't have enough troops."

After nearly half an hour of fierce fighting, Du Yu's 1500 strong orcs and 2000 elf fighters were once again reduced by a lot.This world is really a severe test.But for another person, it is impossible to walk so smoothly like Du Yu.

For example, in this [Taiping Yaoshu] task, the treasure hunter should carefully avoid Suzaku's exposure and spying through the normal acquisition method, and rely on the platform as much as possible. Attacked, broke into the highest point of Tongque Terrace, took the treasure and fled.

This process is obviously much more difficult and dangerous than Du Yu's. Not everyone has such an adventure as Du Yu's and can show so much combat power.

But Du Yu did the opposite!
What I want is domineering!

But then, Suzaku emitted dazzling auspicious lights!
Another test!

Du Yu cursed secretly!
Suzaku's light condensed in front of Du Yu.There were traces of Yellow Turban Generals, Yellow Turban Warriors and Yellow Turban Soldiers.

Immortal family means, throwing beans into soldiers!
The number of these yellow turban generals, warriors and soldiers is so large that they far exceed Cao Wei's army.

"Damn it!" Du Yu scolded, "This Nanhua old fairy really wants someone to take away the scriptures? Are you sure you're not playing with me?"

He waved his sharp blade and said sharply: "When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins, follow me!"

In the distance, an old man with white hair and youthful face, with a fairy-like demeanor, stood quietly at the height of the Bingjing Terrace, looking at the opposite side of the Tongque Terrace, Du Yu, who was fighting among the summoning immortals, smiled lightly: "I [Taiping Essential Technique] is only reserved for those who are destined. If you want to take away such treasures, how can you easily succeed? Let me see your ability. Cultivating the Dao of Immortals is not so easy to achieve."

Du Yu stopped a mighty general in purple-gold armor with a square-painted halberd in his hand, swung his tail and leaped out with a move of the dragon, but he saw the general sternly roar!
Du Yu felt as if his body was frozen, and he couldn't move immediately.

This is amazing!
How could a mere yellow turban general have such a powerful aura?Even Du Yu, a cultivator of immortality, can be shaken by roaring.

"Is this guy what he looks like?"

Du Yu was shocked.

The military general glared at him, with evil spirit all over his body, Fang Tian painted a halberd in his hand, and slashed down like a storm!

"I am Lu Fengxian! Come and die!"

Bloody arrows shot out from Du Yu's body immediately, and were sent flying horizontally by Lu Fengxian.

"What the hell is this guy?"

Sun Shangxiang, who rushed up, rushed out in time to cover Du Yu, preventing him from being chased by Lu Fengxian.

This Lu Fengxian raised his eyebrows upside down, bristled with anger, and was full of hostility. He kept waving Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, drawing scars of death, and slashed at Sun Shangxiang.

With Sun Shangxiang's ability, under Lu Fengxian's attack, he also retreated step by step. One accident, Fang Tian's thigh was pierced by Fang Tian's painting halberd, and the black and red stockings were stained red with blood.

"Not good!" The step trainer's beautiful eyes were clear, and he jumped in the air, locking on to Lu Bu, and with countless bursts, covering and killing, the crossbow shot at Lu Bu's face.

Faced with such a strong shot from the step trainer, Lu Bu only showed a mocking expression on his face, and smiled lightly: "Trash!"

Fang Tian's painted halberd made another circular arc, hitting the powerful crossbow flying from lightning with incomparable precision!
The step trainer exclaimed!
She has experienced hundreds of battles, and she has never seen someone who can use a weapon to chop off her own Wushuang Killing Crossbow at such a close distance!
Lu Bu's indifferent and bloodthirsty pupils stared coldly at the step-up trainer.At that moment, the step trainer was cold all over, as if being stared at by a bloodthirsty tiger, he couldn't move at all.

This is Lu Fengxian's killing intent!
With his killing countless hostility, just staring with his eyes can make many Wushuang generals stunned!

"Death!" Lu Bu sneered, and Fang Tian swung his halberd at the trainer again.

With a cold face, Du Yu threw himself out of the void, and blocked Fang Tian's painting of the halberd with his palm.

"Bastard!" Du Yu's iron palm, when it encountered the attack of Fang Tian's painting halberd, couldn't help being shaken, and the tiger's mouth burst open, and blood gushed out.You know, since the success of the Longevity Jue and Yi Jin Jing, although Du Yu's body is still a body, it is stronger than steel, and he can even grab ordinary weapons like a little dragon girl wearing gold silk gloves!
"Could it be that the last test of this Nanhua old fairy is to use the ghosts of the dead generals in Three Kingdoms Warriors to turn them into yellow turban generals to stop my invasion?" Du Yu gritted his teeth.

As if to test his assumptions, another fierce general strode out from the Yellow Turban Army, with a hulking back and a vajra eyes, holding a pair of halberds, dancing in the wind, roaring angrily: "I am Dianwei! Who dares to invade Cao Wei's bronze sparrow An important platform? We are here for a decisive battle!"

"One Lu Bu, one Dian Wei, and whatever cards you have, show them!" Du Yu almost gritted his silver teeth.

The test of this Nanhua old fairy is really extremely difficult.

"Wahhahaha!" A wild laugh sounded, and a figure of a monster like a mountain of meat appeared in front of Du Yu: "I, Dong Zhongying, brought that bitch Diaochan back to life again! I will use your flesh and blood as my supper." Bar!"

The one who called Diao Chan a slut was naturally Dong Zhuo, a treacherous minister in troubled times.

The last wave of tests to guard this [Taiping Yaoshu] fairy art, is it actually Lu Bu + Dian Wei + Dong Zhuo?
And counting Cao Pi, Zhen Mi, Cai Wenji and others who may rush up from behind at any time, Cao Jun's thousands of defenders will also attack at any time.

However, none of this can stop Du Yu's determination to capture the Tongque Terrace and win the [Taiping Essential Technique].

"Hmph!" Du Yu said in a deep voice, "You just want to stop me by bringing out these ghosts with mere soul-calling skills?"

He waved.

Yilin appeared in the battle formation. This beautiful nun who is proficient in Pudu art stared at Lu Bu Dianwei and Dong Zhuo with her beautiful eyes, and smiled calmly: "It is better than the ordinary Western undead spirituality. It is a fairy method, temporarily From the reincarnation hell, arrest the souls of these three fierce generals, so they can display the combat experience and skills before their birth. But after dying for a long time, their power at this time is only 7% of their usual power. I can recite The scriptures of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva will suppress their power in the Yang world and shorten the summoning time. Brother Du, you can take this opportunity to attack."

Du Yu smiled and nodded.

Yilin, as the first beauty he got, has always been loyal and attentive to his side. Even though he later got alluring beauties such as Wanhou, Li Mochou, and Bu Lianshi, Du Yu never had the slightest love for Yilin. Relaxed, always hugging this obsessed pretty nun to have fun every night.

Yilin began to recite the sutras of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva.After being strengthened several times by Du Yu, she gave up the normal evolution direction of force, and her ability to target the undead has already advanced to the point of abnormality.

Immortal halos on Lu Bu, Dian Wei, and Dong Zhuo were immediately suppressed by Yilin's Dharma halo, and there was a trace of black air—this was the rejection reaction of this world to the souls of the undead after the suppression of the immortal method of summoning souls.As long as they are in this state, the three fierce generals can only exert 5% of their power before birth.

But this also completely enraged the three of them. Lu Bu let out an angry roar, and with his two arms, which were as thick as ordinary human thighs, he swung Fang Tian's painted halberd suddenly. In front of Du Yu who lives in Yilin.

"Make way for the uncle!" Lu Fengxian's image roared furiously, and slashed fiercely at Du Yu.

Even if he only had 5% of his power before his death, Du Yu could still deeply feel the fierce killing intent of the number one general of the Three Kingdoms!
That is the man at the top of the food chain, the suppression of any food chain creature.

No wonder before the Hulao Pass, three fierce men, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Liu Bei, were needed to fight Lu Bu, the three heroes, to suppress a beast like Lu Bu.

Du Yu's eyes were cold, and his blood was trembling and boiling.

The more powerful the enemy, the more it can arouse Du Yu's desire to kill!

Isn't this the true meaning of adventurer survival?
Shuttle in different worlds, encounter different powerful enemies, and conquer various impossible tasks!
"This [Taiping essential technique], I have to do it!" Du Yu used his invincible defense to move the universe, and drew Lu Bu's Fang Tian with a halberd, and bounced it towards Dian Wei who was attacking behind him!

Ancient Evil Comes—Dian Wei!
Cao Cao's number one stalwart stared angrily at Lu Bu's Fang Tian's painting halberd with his double halberds, and shouted angrily, "Don't block Lao Tzu's way!"

Is Lu Bu an easy person?Hearing that the lying silkworm's eyebrows are upside down, it is about to attack.

Dong Zhongying held the bloody double knives, and swept towards Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao like a gust of wind, saying, "Haha! What a pair of sisters, they seem to be the beauties of Dongwu. Let me kill you. Follow me Grand Master Dong, go to hell together! I promise you will not be lonely."

Shuang Qiao's complexion was pale. Dong Zhuo had the attribute of arrogance and coercion. Under the same priority, he could crush and shatter the defense of Wushuang generals. A state of collapse.

Du Yu winked.

Ning Zhongze and Xiao Longnv, one on the left and one on the right, handed the Gentleman and Lady Sword and the Quanzhen Sword to Dong Zhuo's waist and eyes at the same time. The peak masterpieces of Huashan Qizong martial arts and ancient tomb martial arts bloomed in the most brutal of the Three Kingdoms at the same time. Behind the Monarch!
Dong Zhuo felt the strong coercion, and became even more furious, roaring angrily, and slashed and killed Simei with one after another.

"So many beauties. So much fresh meat! I like wine pond meat forest! Go to hell with me. Beauties! Hahaha!"

Dong Zhuo seemed to have fallen into a state of madness. With crazy slashing, he kept forcing back Xiaolongnv, Ning Zhongze, and Shuang Qiao, who were obviously extremely powerful.

At the same time, the defense line led by Houhou, Li Mochou, and Galadriel was also withstood waves of tests in the face of the crazy Yellow Turban summoned troops.

These yellow turban fighters and yellow turban soldiers were not afraid of death, and their morale did not collapse. They marched forward bravely and killed like crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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