Chapter 1179 On the Bronze Sparrow Stage!Suzaku's real body! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Dian Wei was swinging his halberds forcefully, causing wounds on Sauron-Leah who was leading the attack.The meteor hammer that Liya swung hit his back, and it bounced off abruptly.This Dian Wei has the special skill of [Iron Wall King Kong], and ordinary attacks will even produce invalid results.This is also the reason why he was able to fight Hu Che'er and hundreds of people to cover Cao Cao's retreat without weapons.

The Witch Houhou giggled and provoked Dian Wei, Dian Wei was made to hallucinate by her demon dance.

With the illusion skills of the King of Lies, Wan Wan, who combines Chinese and Western illusion skills, is good at using various illusion effects to confuse the enemy.For Dian Wei, a brave general who has won the three armies, the effect of brute force is very poor, but with clever means, he can win the battle by confusing him.

Sure enough, Dian Wei was bewildered by Hou Hou, and Sauron, controlled by Leah, took the opportunity to dodge and continue to attack many places of the Yellow Turban soldiers.And to deal with Dian Wei, it was replaced by Serena!
A vampire queen with sniper skills and Bartley's heavy sniper.

One shot!
A bloody arrow exploded from Dian Wei's thigh.

The ancient evil came, and the ability to act suddenly declined.

Galadriel seized the opportunity and used wood-type magic—vine entanglement!
Dian Wei was immediately entangled again, unable to move.

Serena's sniper bullet exploded his right eye with incomparable precision.

The step trainer's protective crossbow also took advantage of the fire and shot at Dian Wei's waist.

Under the deployment of Du Yu, the beauty team's firepower can be controlled freely and the fire can be turned smoothly. As long as a certain weakness of the enemy is found, the beauty team will be forced to blow up by various targeted skills emerging one after another!
Looking at the summoned army that was being beaten back steadily, the old fairy Nanhua took a deep breath.

"The souls of the fierce generals of the Three Kingdoms, can't stop his footsteps?" The old fairy Nanhua stroked his beard and smiled: "It seems that he is destined. But since no one has played with me for so long, the old fairy will give you something today. Difficulty, let's see your real hole cards!"

He waved.

Du Yu roared angrily, and with one palm finally knocked the mighty Lu Bu down head-on.On the other side, Dian Wei, who was besieged by the beauties with all their strength, also roared angrily unwilling to fall.

While everyone was panting violently and looking at each other with wry smiles, the bodies of Dian Wei, Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo disappeared immediately

"No way?"

A bad premonition rose in Du Yu's heart.

He used the pre-stored attribute points, coupled with the power of Subduing the Dragon, to blow up the three difficult demon generals.

Could it be that the old fairy Nanhua is going to make another moth?
Sure enough, after the three major demon generals disappeared, another three terrifying demon generals appeared on the spot.

Keiji Maeda, Tadakatsu Honda, and Musashi Miyamoto.

"Damn it!" Du Yu complained frantically in his heart: "Old Immortal Nanhua, could it be that you are the Wushuang Orochi, why did you call out these three Japanese devils?"

Nanhua Old Immortal chuckled and said, "Since you want to challenge Yuan Lu Zhi, transformed by Yinglong, the unparalleled serpent who invaded the real plane, then this Immortal should also see if you have the strength to challenge him? These three fierce Japanese generals, They all only have 40% power in the secret realm of Wushuang Orochi. If you can’t pass even their level, I advise you not to risk your life.”

Du Yu naturally didn't know what the Nanhua old fairy was thinking, but seeing the fairy's trials one after another, as if he had no head, his eyes flashed, and he thought about it!
"Space ability! Forcibly break through!" A red light flashed on Du Yu's body, and he disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was already 100 meters behind the three demon generals, rushing frantically to the highest point of Tongque Terrace.

"Don't want to face the old fairy's test?" The old fairy Nanhua smiled slightly: "This is terrible, young man. If you are eager for quick success, you will receive greater retribution."

Du Yu rushed up to the Bronze Sparrow Terrace, but he didn't see three demon generals chasing him. He smiled and went straight to the huge Bronze Sparrow that was five feet long.

He rushed to the statue of the bronze sparrow and took a closer look. There were indeed three ancient scriptures under the bronze sparrow, which were floating and rotating. The above were "Book of Heaven", "Book of Earth" and "Book of Man".

Du Yu was reminded: "You have discovered the hidden secret treasure of this century - [Taiping Essentials]. This book is divided into three volumes, heaven, earth and man. With this practice, you can break through the three realms of initial completion, consummation, and peak. It is suitable for those cultivating immortals at the stage of Nascent Soul Transformation."

"God help me too!" Du Yu looked ecstatic.

He has already been stuck in the stage of Nascent Soul Transformation, and there are enough two worlds. If he can get this [Taiping Essential Technique], he can go one step further and reach the three realms of refining the virtual body.

The longevity formula obtained by Du Yu before is divided into seven chapters. In theory, each of the seven chapters has a picture, which can be used as breath mediation, and can be cultivated step by step to the stage of Daluo Jinxian.

But the time required is really in units of hundreds of thousands of years.

The formula of longevity is safe and safe, but it is not suitable for such adventurers who are in danger and urgently need to improve their strength.

Just when Du Yu's hand was about to touch the [Taiping Essential Technique], a strong sense of deadly threat emanated from the dragon and wolf atmosphere.

"Flash!" At the very moment, Du Yu immediately activated his ability to escape.

A bolt of lightning struck fiercely at the position where Du Yu was standing just now.If you escape slowly, you will be smashed to pieces.

"You bastard!" Du Yu looked up and cursed angrily, "Why is the assessment so difficult?"

It turned out that the bronze statue of the bronze sparrow had turned into a living Suzaku in the lightning, staring at Du Yu playfully with its huge clear eyes, like a mighty rooster staring at a small bug in the soil .

"Hehe, it deserves it." The old fairy Nanhua said with a sinister smile: "If I pass the assessment of the old fairy, I will block the spiritual consciousness of the bronze bird and let it continue to sleep. You can take the opportunity to take away the essential art of peace. Who told you to be smart?" , Skip the assessment, now you have to face the test of the beast."

This bronze sparrow statue was indeed born in response to the luck of heaven and earth, and was obtained by Cao Wei, who mastered the unified luck of the north.Among the Three Kingdoms, the symbol of Cao Wei is the bronze sparrow.The symbol of Shuhan is Liu Bei's real dragon image.The symbol of Sun Liu is the fierce tiger in Jiangdong.

A phoenix, a dragon, and a tiger are the symbols of the Three Kingdoms.

When Yu Ji was ordered by the old fairy of Nanhua to hide the important technique of Taiping, he played a trick and hid the magic technique under the bronze bird protected by Cao Wei Guoyun.Any Xiao Xiao who dares to covet the important techniques of peace will have to fight with the bronze bird blessed by Cao Wei Guoyun.Therefore, all kinds of mountain monsters, ghosts and monsters, even if they coveted the celestial art of peace and wanted to get their hands on it, they had no choice but to retreat in front of this powerful divine beast Tongque.

But at this time, Du Yu was no longer fun.

He had to face the mighty Suzaku.

Of course, no matter how against the heavens this bronze bird is, it is just a projection of Suzaku's real body, and it is not bad to have 10% of the power of a divine beast.But the bursts of coercion emanating from the divine beast were not bad at all, and they suppressed Du Yu severely.

That is a beast.

That Suzaku stared at Du Yu for a while, but the phoenix's eyes flickered with a cold light: "What do you want to do here?"

Du Yu sighed: "I don't intend to offend you. What I want is the treasure book of fairy arts under you, the god beast. Can the god beast accommodate you?"

Suzaku's phoenix eyes were ice-cold, and it jokingly glanced at Du Yu: "What do you think?"

Du Yu shook his head and said, "It seems that there is only one way."

He said coldly: "That is to kill!"

Suzaku didn't pay attention to Du Yu at all, shook the phoenix's wings, and uttered a high-pitched phoenix cry that pierced the sky!

"What a little thief, with a serious tone!" Suzaku exuded divine light, glaring at Du Yu fiercely, and said: "The fate of blasphemy is death!"

Du Yu took a step back, the aura of a dragon and a wolf gushed out from his body.

"If you were Suzaku's real body, I would naturally stay away from you. Unfortunately, now you are just a projection avatar. Being able to exert 10% of your body's ability is considered against the heavens? How dare you compete with me?" Du Yu looked at Zixiong and said with a smile : "It's just for me to turn into a god, let's take a big tonic!"

As soon as the dragon wolf appeared in the void, it grew against the wind. Since it broke through the fifth-order atmosphere and possessed supernatural powers, this dragon wolf has become a fierce beast in the stage of transforming gods.Although it is very different from the heaven-defying beasts like Suzaku and Qinglong, but if it is dealing with an illusory projection, there is still some confidence.

Suzaku looked at the dragon and wolf spirit summoned by the little thief, and it grew to more than 40 meters high and 60 meters long in one breath. It was similar in size to her own body. She also felt the provocative meaning of the dragon and wolf spirit in her phoenix eyes, and stared at it coldly. The weather, shaking the wings of the phoenix, screamed: "The Shu dog barks at the sun! The frog at the bottom of the well! How dare you fight against me?"

It screamed loudly, with a phoenix mouth, an incomparably hot divine fire shot out of the mouth of Suzaku, spraying on the dragon and wolf atmosphere.

The dragon and wolf howled terribly. The flames spouted by this divine beast contained a trace of the real god's three flavors of real fire magic.

Suzaku shrieked triumphantly, but refused to let go of this opportunity, another phantom flashed, appearing fiercely on the dragon and wolf scene, and the bird's beak viciously pecked at the dragon and wolf's eyes.

Longlang was burnt to the brim and was agitated, but was severely injured again.Suzaku's beak was like lightning, and it ruthlessly pecked its right eye blind. In the pain, Suzaku flashed its wings again, and waved a tenth-level wind, blowing the dragon and wolf into the air, and fell far away on Tongque. On the stage, there was a big pit mark,

"Provoking a divine beast deserves death!" Suzaku flew fiercely and charged straight at the dragon and wolf.

"Don't think about it!"

Du Yu brazenly launched Subduing Dragon to resist Suzaku.

His Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms have special advantages against high-level creatures. Suzaku, as a divine beast, is of course also among the high-level creatures.

"Looking for death!" Suzaku Feng opened his mouth, spewing out streams of fiery fire.

Du Yu charged up against the real fire, and slammed his palm at Suzaku.He has the heart of Garuda that resists flames. Although real fire can burn him, the effect is not satisfactory.

Du Yu slammed his palm on Suzaku's chest, Suzaku neighed loudly and fell backwards.

Dragon Wolf seized the opportunity, leaped wildly, and bit Suzaku's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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