Chapter 1184 Cultivating Immortal Arts!Conceive into a god! - Ask for a monthly pass!

But at this moment, he suddenly received a letter from Sun Shangxiang.It is said that when the Chibi army was defeated that night, Xiao Qiao asked the building boats to enter the battlefield in order to rescue the governor Zhou Yu.After finally reuniting with Ding Feng and Xu Sheng, they wanted to chase Cao Cao again, so the group continued to advance.

But on Huarong Road, in the melee of Liu Beijun, Cao Jun, and Du Yujun, in order to kill the enemy Cao Cao, the three sisters-in-law died separately, including his princess step trainer.

Sun Quan was not present at the time, so he could not confirm the news.But what Sun Shangxiang said should have certain credibility.

The proposal that moved Sun Quan the most was that Sun Shangxiang told her that as her betrothal gift, Du Yu, the son-in-law of Soochow, was going to dedicate Jiangling to Sun Quan and unite with Sun Quan to deal with Liu Bei's army entrenched in southern Jingzhou.

This news made Sun Quan completely forget all doubts.

As the emperor of Soochow Wu, Sun Quan is the most forbearing, and also the best at grasping the key points of the situation.Therefore, he fought between the Cao and Liu families, but never suffered a big loss.

Do you want to find Du Xiaobao for the hatred of Zhou Yu's passing away and the hatred of the trainer's disappearance?
of course.

but not now.

Since Du Yu is so knowledgeable and willing to give up Jingzhou, then everything is easy to talk about.

Even if Lu Su came to Sun Quan in person and asked Sun Quan to unite with Liu Bei, he would first cut off Du Yu, the enemy of the governor.But in Sun Quan's eyes, only Jingzhou was left.

In his opinion, Du Yu has no root and foundation, and is not a problem, but Liu Bei is a dragon and a phoenix among men. If he is allowed to occupy Jingzhou, his own Yangzhou will be in danger in a short time.

So, not long after, Sun Quan agreed to Du Yu's request.

Lu Meng, Lu Xun, and Tai Shici arrived in Jiangling with ten thousand elite sailors.

Du Yu gave up Jiangling in a big way, and handed over the most affluent Jingzhou commercial center to Sun Quan.

Sun Quan was very excited.

The dream of the three generations of his grandson's family is to conquer Jingzhou and occupy the whole Yangtze River. In this way, the danger of the Yangtze River will be monopolized by the Sun family.

At this time, Cao Wei was in a weak recovery period after the war, and Cao Cao himself could not take matters seriously.Cao Pi was busy dealing with the relationship with Cao Zhi, Cao Zhang and others, and he had no intention of dealing with this matter.Therefore, the accident in Jingzhou went very smoothly.

Liu Bei was not reconciled to the fat Jiangling, which was taken away by Sun Quan, and deliberately attacked, but Lu Meng and Lu Xun sent by Sun Quan were not weak, and they were extremely strict in defense. The continuous tactics of Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong fell into nothing.

Jingzhou formed a situation where Sun Quan joined forces with Du Yu and confronted Liu Bei.

Du Yu didn't waste time, taking advantage of the opportunity of introducing Sun Quan's influence, he practiced [Taiping Essentials] behind closed doors.

Thanks to Yu Ji's guidance before, Du Yu has already mastered the three most important spells in the "Book of Man" in the "Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Man" [Fu Zhuan Cheng Bing], "Calling the Wind and Calling the Rain" and "Clone Illusion", and upgraded to level 5 .

The next step is the book from the ground. The required conditions are exactly the skills in the human book, and it has been cultivated to level 5 or above.

Du Yu began to practice Dishu.Of course, he also shared the contents of the book with Xiaolongnu, Li Mochou and other beauties who cultivated immortals.Of course, this brother Zhang Sanfeng will not forget.

Let's practice together and make progress together.

The improvement of the combat power of the American Legion is also of great benefit to Du Yu.

In the past six months, Du Yu doesn't plan to do a lot of things, just continue to practice, improve the immortal technique, and pay attention to the situation a little at the same time.

Taiping Yaoshu is indeed a rare fairy art. No wonder Zhang Liang, Zhang Bao and other three brothers got it and set off such a large-scale Yellow Turban Uprising at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

He devotes himself to practicing every day, which is the key to peace.

The cultivation of the Earth Book requires all the skills in the Human Book to be upgraded to level 5 or above, while the cultivation of the Heavenly Book requires at least three skills in the Earth Book to be raised to level 5 or above.

The essential technique of peace has formed a new skill tree on Du Yu's skill list.

【Essentials of Peace】

1. [Fu Zhuan Cheng Bing] (human script) level 5 (refer to the previous article)
2. [Calling the Wind and Calling the Rain] (Human Book) Level 5

3. [Clone Illusion] (Human Book) Level 5

4. [Holy Water Healing] (Book of the Earth) Level 1: It can cure various plagues and people.The reason why the Yellow Turban Army can rise so quickly is that after Zhang Jiao acquired this skill, he traveled around the world wantonly to buy people's hearts.It can be trained up to level 9.

5. [Thunder from the Sky] (Book from the Earth) Level 1: The prerequisite for the skill to activate is [Calling the Wind and Calling the Rain], which can be activated when a thunderstorm is formed.Use the powerful thunder and lightning to strike the enemy or the enemy group, causing terrible damage.A single lightning strike can cause 800 points of area damage.However, the attack is random and may miss.As the level increases, the hit rate and power also increase.

6. [Scattering Beans into Soldiers] (Book from the Earth) Level 1: The prerequisite for skill activation [Fu Zhuan Cheng Soldiers] is above level 5.It can be activated at any time without any talisman preparation.It consumes immortal power to directly create a powerful Yellow Turban Army, and its power is higher than that of Fu Zhuan Chengbing.

The strongest book of cultivating immortals is of course the magic of the heavenly book level.

The spells in the heavenly book, the advanced techniques of the earthly book and the human book:
[Heavenly Soldiers and Generals] (human script): Directly summon the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals, whose combat power is stronger than that of the Yellow Turban Warriors.Need to spend Xianli support.

[Destroy the sky and destroy the earth] (human book): launch a localized celestial phenomenon to destroy your enemies.Xianli support is required.

[Fairy dew and sweet rain] (human book): You can spread fairy dew and sweet rain to the suffering people to treat injuries, diseases, hunger, etc., and gain their belief power.

In the end, a fairy dew and sweet rain caught Du Yu's attention.

"Huh? Why are there so many skills to buy people's hearts in [Taiping Essentials]?" Du Yu was keenly aware of the abnormality.

Don't say that the gods are there to save the suffering, Du Yu doesn't believe that kind of nonsense.

As long as they can continue to practice, immortals don't care about the life and death of mortals.

Could it be that immortals also need faith to walk in the world and buy people's hearts?

The three brothers Zhang Jiao, basically for the benefit of the old fairy of Nanhua, spread related religions, and finally left?

It's quite possible.

The old fairy Nanhua should not be a simple fairy.

Du predicted.

With his strength, it is absolutely impossible to say that he does not know the existence of space.

Why did the old immortal Nanhua spare no effort to pass on the immortal book [Taiping Essentials] from generation to generation?Still taking great pains to test the strength of the next generation?

A logical explanation is that he has major interest entanglements at all, and he needs someone who inherits the important techniques of peace, has great power and influence, and can help him

Gather the power of faith.

Belief in Yuanli is not an unfamiliar word to Du Yu.

In the world of many gods, he has heard of this thing.

Gods need faith, otherwise why would you work so hard to send many messengers to spread religion to the world?Even at the expense of rolling up their sleeves to fight with other gods in order to compete for belief and territory?
The answer is that, as gods, the source of energy they need is the belief of intelligent creatures.

The higher the level of creatures, the more beliefs they have, the greater the power of belief they get, and the greater the power they have.In this way, a virtuous circle is formed-powerful gods, gain more beliefs, more beliefs, and stronger divine powers against the gods.

But if it is the other way around, without the support of the believers, no matter how powerful a god is, it will be a tree without roots and water without a source. It will become weaker and weaker day by day in the consumption of divine power, and eventually fall into eternal sleep, or be defeated by other gods.

For example, the ancient Egyptian gods and Roman gods that no one believes in today are in such a tragic situation.

Relatively speaking, God, Allah, Sakyamuni, Confucius, believers are still prosperous, and they can enjoy a steady stream of faith in the sky.

Could it be the same for this Nanhua old fairy?
Du Yu's heart skipped a beat.

He was a man with a quick mind.

Since the old fairy Nanhua has set an example, why don't I follow the example?

In the world, what is the most profitable and empty-handed white wolf?
Is it a pyramid scheme?Is it real estate?Is it gambling?

The answer is religion.

Religion does not need to pay any cost at all, but it allows a large number of believers to donate their hard work, blood, sweat, and even life to churches or temples and other spokespersons of all gods for free.

The church in the Middle Ages was so powerful that it surpassed all countries. In the final analysis, the power of religion is still strong.

Du Yu deduced that the Nanhua Old Immortal was probably a powerful adventurer. The reason why he painstakingly preserved this important technique of peace and kept looking for new communicators should have a plan to obtain the power of faith.

Du Yu's eyes suddenly brightened.

Space adventurers are constantly pursuing power, they must first figure out the nature of power, what exactly is it?
It is the courage of a man to fight with his own strength.

Fighting with the strength of the team can form a strong team.

With the power of heaven and earth, to condense, you can call the wind and rain.

But if there are many adventurers who gather strength for you, it means that you can sit back and enjoy a lot of money. This kind of beauty is the ultimate source of strength.

Du Yu was very excited.

The relationship between cultivating immortals and becoming a god can be clearly distinguished on this issue.

Immortal cultivation is a personal struggle, while becoming a god requires spreading your understanding and knowledge, forming your own theoretical system, and requiring others to enshrine you as a god.

During the step-by-step exploration process, Du Yu's vision and thinking gradually surpassed ordinary adventurers' cognition of attributes, equipment, skills and teams, and rose to a whole new level.

While others were still fighting for a piece of B-level equipment, he was thinking about how to spread his beliefs.

While others are still struggling and arguing for thousands of survival points, he is thinking about how to condense the godhead and spread ideas.

The so-called era belongs to the pioneers.

Maybe Du Yu's thinking at this time is just a dream, maybe his idea can't really be realized, but Du Yu's idea can go beyond the limit of the realm at this time, and see things that others can't think of. From this perspective, Du Yu The anticipation has surpassed ordinary adventurers.

Even, he does not stick to the structure of the space, and begins to transcend the scope of the space, and his thinking extends to the alien planet where the space is located.

(End of this chapter)

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