Chapter 1192 Lightning against Boom!Du Yu Xianshu! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
"You destroyed all the snake demon altars."

"Guzhi City, the demonic aura has dissipated."

"Guzhi City, a passage appears."

"You can enter Guzhi City and face Yuan Luzhi."

"The last Lizhu is actually the head of Yuan Lu Zhi." Xiangu smiled and said to Du Yu: "I said, if you can really defeat Yuan Lu Zhi and absorb his demon soul, I am willing to give it to you." A treasure. And you can harvest 9 big Lizhu, which is the core material of this treasure. Give me Yuan Luzhi's head and the other 8 Lizhu, and I will refine them for you."

Du Yu nodded and asked boldly, "Xiangu, could it be that you are Empress Nuwa?"

The fairy girl smiled: "Sure enough, I have good eyesight. I am the Nuwa who came here to save this disintegrated land. It saves me a lot of energy to get your help. Be careful, stay away from Lu Zhi, There are also two generals. One is Su Daji, who is good at using illusion and charm techniques, and the other is Ping Qingsheng, who is good at killing and killing magic such as lightning. Be careful."

The Three Kingdoms Warriors and Warring States generals who defeated the snake demon army roared in unison at the same time, their morale bursting.

Catherine and concubine Sisi watched the battle with their hearts surging, cheering and jumping in the bath, more excited than their own completion of difficult tasks.Two balls of snow-white carcasses, vivid colors and fragrant, dripping with water mist, are very fascinating.

"Go!" Du Yu ordered.

In the dense green mist, a misty passage suddenly and slowly opened.

The gate of Guzhi City is at the end of the passage.

"It seems a bit easy." Du Yu shook his head dissatisfied.

For some reason, he always felt that this so-called B++-level difficulty world should not easily break through the enemy's city like the Three Kingdoms Warriors.

Could it be that Yuan Lu Zhi is nothing more than that?

These ghosts and monsters are his subordinates. Is his own strength stronger than these guys?
In that case, the plot is too simple, right?
Du Yu raised his head and looked at Koshi Castle at the highest point of the broken space, that magnificent ancient Japanese city floating in mid-air like a ghost.

"What the hell is this guy doing?"

Du Yu's dragon-wolf weather has been reminding him that this attack on Guzhi City will have a more severe test in the future.

Guan Yu rode a red rabbit horse and carried the Qinglong Yanyue knife in his hand. He had already taken the lead and entered the city of Guzhi.

Those sad horseless Japanese princes yelled, followed closely behind, and rushed into the city.

Suddenly, a wave of monster energy spread out.

Those heroes who rushed in suddenly disappeared in the evil spirit and disappeared.

"What's going on?" Tataglia exclaimed, and took out a crystal ball to detect: "No! There are no traces of them around."

"Xiaoguan!" Du Yu coldly mobilized his satellite Fengwang Xiaoguan to scout the surroundings.

"I can't find any traces." Xiaoguan replied in the standard language of Middle-earth: "To be precise, I can only see clusters of monster fog from above, and I can't detect anything."

"Is it Su Daji's illusion?" Tataglia said, "But this guy said he won't attack us."

"Can you believe her nonsense?" Du Yu complained.However, through Caesar, he could indeed inquire about Su Daji's whereabouts and behavior, and locked in her various activities.Once she brazenly violated the core rules, she dared to shoot herself in the inner city assessment.With so many programmers in Caesars, it's time to come out and enforce the law.At that time, if he can't kill this ten thousand-year vixen, he will be blinded in vain.

"It seems that this kind of sorcery is not a group attack." Caesar replied to Du Yu: "So her appearance itself is a violation, but the crime does not deserve death. We can do it now, but at most we can get rid of her, you Are you sure we want to do it now?"

Du Yu shook his head.

To deal with Su Daji, either don't make a move, or beat him to death with a stick.

Su Daji showed Du Yu's greedy intent twice, and he had already touched Du Yu's bottom line, and he was a guy who had to be eliminated.

"Is it illegal to play illusion?" Du Yu gritted his teeth and said, "Then I will continue to seduce you. If you fall for it, hehe"

Du Yu sent Hou Hou to see through the illusion in front, and continued to move forward with his troops.

As the strongest illusionist under Du Yu, even if his skill is not deep enough compared to the [-]-year-level demon fox like Su Daji, Houhou can see through many illusion traps, grasp the general direction, and will not make major mistakes.

Not long after, the mist of evil spirit spread out again

"Some of our generals have disappeared again," Tattaglia reported later, "This evil spirit is confusing everyone."

"Damn it, break it apart?" Du Yu looked up at Gu Zhicheng in the clouds: "Su Daji, this bastard, although he didn't attack directly, the threat he caused is not small at all."

He had a faint feeling in his heart.

Su Daji should be afraid of herself, otherwise with her strength, she could have directly devoured and killed herself.

Du Yu expected that it was she who would make this kind of mistake, but Su Daji, who was as cunning as a ghost, would not take this step lightly.

"It's really hard to take this opportunity to get rid of this demon fox?" Du Yu asked thoughtfully.

"What should we do? If we go on like this, the number of people will decrease." Tattaglia looked at less than half of the staff left.

"Can you think of any way to destroy the enemy?"

"Su Daji's illusion is better than mine." Houhou said with a wry smile, "I tried my best, but I couldn't break her illusion. I can only guarantee that the general direction is good."

"How far is Guzhi City?" Du Yu asked.

"In ancient Japan, there were winding roads to enter the city, which was convenient for the defense of the city to deploy firepower." Kuan Hou visually estimated: "There is still an hour's journey away."

"The firepower of the city?" Du Yu suddenly felt that something was wrong: "Why haven't we been attacked yet? Not good!"

Feeling a sense of crisis, he picked up Tataria and rushed to the side.

A sharp bolt of lightning ruthlessly struck Du Yu's place just now.

This is just the beginning.

Thunder and lightning were densely covered, and a Japanese general who looked like a demon god appeared in the dark clouds. He laughed loudly and waved his long fork covered with lightning, and a large wave of thunder and lightning fell one after another.

Du Yu's troops were attacked horribly, and there were huge pits struck by lightning everywhere.

"It's Taira Kiyomori!" Sanada Yukimura pointed at the figure in mid-air and said, "The legendary warrior. He once established the rule of the Taira Samurai family. Unexpectedly, he has such lightning magic."

"Haha!" Ping Qingsheng was a fat man with a broad face and a face full of flesh: "Your companions have been lost in Daji's demon mist. Now it's my turn to deal with you! Die!"

Dashes of lightning thundered down.

Mori Ranmaru, who was following behind, was accidentally struck by lightning in succession, was blown to ashes, and died tragically on the spot.

Many generals were bombed and wounded.

Du Yu led the team and fled forward in a hurry.This Ping Qingsheng's thunder and lightning witchcraft cannot be resisted.

After turning around a platform, a demon general with the face of a tengu rushed forward with thousands of monsters.

Finally, everyone fought hard to get rid of them, but the lightning magic of Hira Kiyomori ushered in again.

This time, Du Yu saw the opportunity and began to change the weather to summon lightning to fight back!
Ping Qingsheng sneered in his heart, how could a mere military general of the Three Kingdoms be on par with him in sorcery?

Unexpectedly, the state of Du Pre-practice's Void Fusion is pure gold, without moisture at all. This fairy spell to summon Luo Lei is very powerful in his hands!

The two sides confronted the thunder with lightning, and only heard the roar of thunder, and the lightning strikes randomly. Although Du Yu's side suffered losses due to lightning, the condescending Ping Qingsheng also felt bad.

"Bastard!" Ping Qingsheng took a step back when he was hit by falling lightning. He is a monster lingering with demonic aura, and the most feared attribute is also falling thunder. His body is scorched black and his hair is curly. He looks very miserable.

"This mortal is not simple." Ping Qingsheng gritted his teeth, his conceit and arrogance as a big monster was smashed to nothing by Du Yu.

"Can you still do sorcery?" Yuan Luzhi, who was watching the battle in Guzhicheng, was full of interest. He watched Ping Qingsheng and Du Yu fighting for a lifetime, not only did not get angry, but laughed out loud.

"It's been a long time since I met such an interesting person." Yuan Luzhi looked at Du Yu, who was lingering with fairy spirit, with delicate steps, and went forward courageously, showing a secret smile: "I hope you won't let me down."

Du Yu strode forward, and as Houhou advanced in the mist, countless monsters appeared in the mist, attacking these challengers with fangs and claws or sharp weapons.

In Guzhi City, the strength of these monsters has risen to a higher level.

Their speed is lightning fast, their eyes are full of bloodthirsty, their claws are extremely sharp, the monsters here, their strength and aggressiveness are never encountered by Du Yu.

Uesugi Kenshin, Takeda Shingen and other strong people, in front of a group of 10 monsters, it is difficult to avoid injury!
In an instant, Du Yu's team was dispersed by hordes of monsters and fell into a predicament of fighting each other.

"Why are these little ghosts so powerful?" Sun Shangxiang swung the Sun Moon Cosmic Circle with all his might, knocking down the little ghosts rushing forward.

"It's too powerful." Da Qiao swept over with Qiao Meili, and the monster's soldiers could only retreat, but they couldn't play the floating effect.

"The difficulty of Guzhi City is really abnormal." Tattaglia said solemnly: "Based on our current attrition and the number of enemies, it is difficult to reach the highest point of Guzhi City."

"Mmm..." Du Yu glared at King Kong, riding in front of him like a thousand.At this time, he had entered the realm of practicing virtual fusion, and the effect of his strength improvement was fully revealed, which opened up a clear gap with other people.Although these little monsters became very scary, in front of Du Yu, they were still little ghosts and pawns. The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms swept over, and they still swept a large area, crushing all the way without any pressure.

All the girls looked at Du Yu, full of admiration of "he is indeed a pervert".

But this kind of large-scale battle depends on the super performance of a certain person, and it is destined not to last.After struggling to deal with the attack of more than 300 ghost soldiers, Du Yu's team stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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