Chapter 1197 Daji Surrenders!Seductive imprisonment! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
"Stairway?" Du Yu keenly grasped the point: "Leave this world?"

Since entering the space, Du Yu has been told repeatedly that there is no exit from this world, let alone a retreat to reality.Coming here, besides dying, is to continue to struggle for survival.

But there is still an exit in this world?
"En." Su Daji nodded: "Actually, although it is said to be the miracle of the four worlds, it is said that no matter which one you enter, you will eventually be transported to the only one assessment place to accept the final trial in that space."

"The final trial?" Du Yu narrowed his eyes.

"Yes" Su Daji said: "Since the age of the ancients, countless adventurers have rushed towards these four wonders like moths to a flame, in order to successfully climb the peak, break through the shackles of time and space, and enter a higher and more perfect world." world, continues to exist.”

"That world is said to be the realm of the gods!" Su Daji said earnestly, "Those who pass through the East's Zhaixing Pavilion are called Immortals and enter the Eastern Immortal Realm. Those who pass through the Leaning Tower of Pisa in the West are called Saints and enter the Western Paradise. Those who pass through the Tongtian Tower of the Sultanate are called prophets and enter the kingdom of God. Those who pass through the pyramids of the parliamentary state are called angels and enter the realm of immortality."

"Why do I think?" Du Yu frowned, "Whether it's a fairy, a saint, a prophet, or an envoy, if they went to the four heavens, they just changed to a higher level and continued to conquer and kill?"

"I don't know about this either." Su Daji smiled wryly, "I only know so much. Even so, I have no hope of challenging the Four Heavenly Kingdoms."

At this time, her cultivation base has been reduced to the inner city by Du Yu, and she only has 4000 years of skill left, so it is impossible to challenge again in a short time.

"The reason why I do whatever it takes, even devouring you, is to increase my strength as soon as possible and enter the other legendary world." Su Daji looked pitiful to me.

"It's a pity that the punishment of space is gradually approaching. Even if I want to escape, I can't do it." Su Daji said with a wry smile, wagging her foxtail slightly.

Du Yu cast a teasing glance at Su Daji.

"So you want to escape from this space?"

"That's right, this space is on the verge of collapse, and Datang is also on the verge of collapse. What's the point of me staying here?"

Du Yu smiled and said, "Who said space will be destroyed?"

"Can you prevent the destruction of space?" Su Daji objected.

"What if I say I can?" Du Yu smiled.

Su Daji turned her head away as if I ignored you lunatic.

Du Yu smiled slightly: "Besides, if you just travel to a higher level of space and continue to kill, then why do these strong men in Zifu District give up their status and foundation here to enter a higher world and start fighting from scratch?" What? Isn't that stupid?"

"You don't understand." Su Daji showed a wry smile on his face: "As a strong man in the Zifu District, not everything is so easy. As a super strong man who enjoys the state's worship, once there is a national war or a space beast tide, they will all be killed. It is necessary to fight. What is more tragic is that the designers of the space, those disappeared gods and demons, have planted a curse of killing when designing the space."

"Curse to kill?" Du Yu narrowed his eyes.

"Yes," Su Daji said helplessly, "this is also the news I only found out after I broke through the world of the Conferred Gods List and came to this world. If a space adventurer can't break through the shackles of the four wonders within [-] worlds, and enter that The world of heaven will be obliterated by space. Of course, now that space is about to collapse, there is no need for the curse of [-] worlds to take effect. Almost all the strong people in Zifu District are ready to challenge the world miracle."

"Everyone in the Space Beast Tide works together, it may not necessarily destroy the world." Du Yu took it for granted.

"You don't know something." Su Daji said weakly: "The strong in the Zifu District are really against the sky. Even S-level monsters can kill one or two, but in the face of the endless beast tide, how many can you kill? One Ten thousand? Twenty thousand? Besides, there is a steady stream of beasts, and I think Datang is exhausted, and there is no need to save it."

She looked at Du Yu with beautiful eyes and said, "But for the rebels, you can use this opportunity to conquer Datang in one fell swoop. Of course, I think that apart from the drunken emperor and greedy Tang Guogong, there are also greedy princes." God, no one cares about this anymore."

Du Yu shook his head: "You miscalculated the situation."

"Talk about another question." Du Yu changed the subject, "How is the Tang Empire?"

"It's still the same." Su Daji sighed, "The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is dying, Tang Guogong is trying to seize power, and Zheng Guogong has been frightened by you. You are very clear about these situations."

She giggled and said: "Princess Yimei, I have no more love for you, and I am always frowning. Do you want to push her down?"

Du Yu cast a cold glance at Su Daji.

Although he has a good impression of Yimei, but the last time Yimei was weak and backed down when Zheng Guogong launched an attack, Du Yu had already decided that she would not be able to achieve great things.

We can only be friends, we can't do big things together.

"Hou Shen will rebel, isn't Datang planning to send troops to suppress it?" Du Yu is most concerned about this issue.

He never forgot the gifts of God General Hou and Hou Xiaobai.

"The Great Tang is too busy to take care of himself now, even the beast tide can't be wiped out, so why send troops?" Su Daji shook his head and said, "It's General Hou who keeps sending me all kinds of treasures, trying to make me provoke the emperor to break the battle with Tang Guogong. Prompted the civil strife in the Tang Dynasty, he likes to draw chestnuts from the fire."

"Good idea!" Du Yu snorted coldly.

"Master, what do you want me to do?" Su Daji flicked the fox's tail.

"You don't need to do anything first." Du Yu thought for a while and said, "Wait for my next instruction."

"Master" Su Daji's beautiful eyes are bleak: "I depend entirely on you."

Du Yu smiled: "Let's just talk about it. Since you are the respect of the strong in Zifu District, you are willing to disregard your hatred and take refuge with me. You also handed over your natal demon pill. Apart from my pressure, And the recognition of my strength?"

Su Daji nodded, and her fox eyes were about to drip water: "Exactly. I have never seen an adventurer who can manipulate space. This move of yours convinced me."

"I know you still have a lot of hatred for me in your heart." Du Yu smiled and said, "You are a strong man in the Zifu District, but now you have fallen into peace and become a servant of others. Everyone will harbor resentment."

"I do have hatred." Su Daji's beautiful eyes flashed coldness: "But think about it from another perspective, Master, you are being targeted by me and regarded as a prey, but you are generous and willing to accept my surrender. Wouldn't your magnanimity be even stronger?" I like you? Thinking that you can resolve this hatred and take my life, my little resentment is nothing."

Du Yu chuckled.

Su Daji is no ordinary woman.

Her insight and brains allow her to make the best choice for herself under the pressure of survival.

There is such a saying, there are no eternal friends, no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

She didn't kill her, so she knew it.

There may be hatred, but in order to survive, for tomorrow, she must endure it.

Du Yu grinned: "I won't make you regret this surrender either. Apart from keeping your demon power, I have other benefits for you."

"What's the benefit?" Hearing these words, Su Daji jumped up in surprise as if she was seductive and seductive.

"It's a chance to double cultivate with me and absorb my energy." Du Yu said confidently, "Didn't you covet me a long time ago?"

"" Su Daji remained silent: "Master, I have something to tell you."

"It's okay to talk"

"You're really fucked up!"

"Thank you for the compliment"

Once the master and servant, they left and had a pleasant chat.

Du Yu also knew that even if Su Daji succumbed temporarily at this time, it would take a lot of effort to ride her and happily carry out primitive human reproduction activities and amazing human-animal activities.

"Yuan Lu Zhi is not easy to deal with." Su Daji reminded Du Yu solemnly, "Although it is not as good as the me before you fell in love with me, it is not too different. I think he can be included in the imperial city because he directly enters the space." Master."

"So perverted?" Du Yu was slightly surprised: "Is it really good that the boss in the inner city is so perverted?"

"A hero in the world, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are mountains beyond the mountains. Don't think you are the only one who is a pervert." Su Daji gave Du Yu a coquettish look, "Of course, as the defeated underling, the unlucky one who was overwhelmed by you, I have to admit, you It’s also monstrous enough. It can actually mobilize the space to obliterate people.”

Du Yu smiled.

Although Su Daji surrendered at this time, it is better not to tell her the truth.

In fact, Du Yu can't use the power of space indiscriminately, just like a privileged son, he can't directly deprive a citizen of his rights. rules, give punishments.

If Su Daji knew this, she wondered if she would immediately go crazy.

But to deal with such a witch, it is good to maintain the necessary sense of mystery.

Su Daji led Du Yu out of the winding mountain road, and in front of him was the gate of Guzhi City.Around the quaint Japanese city fortress, there are monsters and ghosts holding muskets everywhere.

"I can open the city gate for you." Since Su Daji had already surrendered, she decided to be a good man to the end. She swayed her fox tail, swayed her waist, and walked towards the city gate.

On the gate of the city, a pair of legendary monsters from hell are guarding it.

Black and white impermanence.

In their hands, each held a soul arresting lock card.This is their weapon.Once the adventurer fights with them, they can activate the skills on the soul lock card at any time to arrest the soul of the adventurer.These two are not good enemies, they are the monster leaders under Yuan Lu Zhi's subordinates second only to Su Daji and Ping Qingsheng.

Hei Wuchang saw Su Daji coming to the base of the city, stepped forward two steps, and said gloomyly: "Master Nine-Tailed Fox, why did you return?"

Su Daji smiled and said: "By the order of Master Lu Zhi, I have already captured the leader of the rebel army, and I am here to report to him. Open the city gate quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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