Chapter 1262 Sword Master Remnant Soul!Preaching and resolving doubts! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
The women looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, the house leak happened to be raining all night, and Du Yu, the backbone of the beauties, was at the critical moment of retreat and meditation, and Jiang Qing came up again.
Looking at the aura of Elder Jiang Qing, although it is not as good as Dugu Yuyun, who is determined to die, his indomitable aura of a sword master is also the demeanor of a master who has accomplished immortal cultivation and has a firm heart. The sharp immortal energy came straight to Du Yu who was in meditation!

"As a disciple of Shushan, but I didn't follow the rules, and caused my entire army of elite disciples of Shushan to be annihilated, what should I do!? Kill!" Elder Jiang Qing's white robe was fluttering, and he was furious, but his words were chaotic, and he could no longer distinguish reality from history. , just blindly wanted to capture and kill these disciples who had stolen into the Demon Locking Tower.

"Undead who can't be killed?" Su Daji had the highest cultivation level, and immediately shot to intercept it.At this time, she has gained the trust of Du Yu, and has returned her natal demon pill to her.Of course, Du Yu still has the Godly Sense to Destroy the Demon Pill given by Empress Nuwa, so he can still destroy the pill with one thought.

This 7000-year-old vixen, holding Su Mei in his arms, spits out the demon pill seductively!
A red demon pill rushed out from the mouth of the vixen, like a round of red sun, wrapped in endless pure evil wind and evil spirit, blasting towards Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing didn't see that Su Daji was fine, but when he saw the demon fox's powerful attack of spitting alchemy, he became furious: "Okay! This Shushan disciple not only violated the door rules, entered the demon lock tower privately, but also brought a Such a cultivated vixen! It must be plotting against the law, and wants to release some big monster inside! Watch me slay demons and defend the way!"

His celestial sword was full of sword energy, and the sword turned into streaks of blue light, which collided fiercely with Su Daji's fiery red demon pill!
There was only a "bang", the demon pill and the fairy sword flew back at the same time, it was considered a temporary tie.

Su Da's face sank like water.

Jiang Qing was even more excited: "Great, I've been trapped here for so long, and I haven't met such a strong vixen! Anyway, I have endless time, so I can fight you well!"

With a flip of his hand, the spell was activated, and the famous Ten Thousand Swords Art of the Immortal Sword Sect fell from the sky and splashed on Su Daji.

"It's unlucky, I just blew myself up as a master of the fairy sword, and a fairy sword elder ushered in." Su Daji was so angry that her fox tail swayed.

Looking at Du Yu who was in meditation with a pair of sly eyes, he suddenly said, "I suspect that Dugu Yuyun just saved us rather than dealing with us."

"I think so too." Shi Feixuan said, "Otherwise, Dugu Yuyun would have been able to compete with Du Yu and our joint formation. Even if Du Yu performed beyond his standard and defeated him in the end, there will still be a tiger waiting for him." Brothers He Shu and Zhong will definitely engage in a wheel battle. Their strength is definitely not inferior to Dugu Yuyun. If Du Yu is defeated by them, the consequences will be disastrous. What's more, Du Yu also encountered the opportunity of cultivating immortals and the opportunity of epiphany breakthrough. Dugu Yu At the last moment, Yun sent us to the Demon Locking Tower by self-detonation, also to protect Du Yu's meditation. When he becomes stronger, he will go out and fight the two villains He Shu and Zhong!"

"Now how do we get rid of Elder Jiang Qing, who has too much sense of justice and is not safe after death?" Wan Hou's beautiful eyes rolled.

"For the time being, we can only resist here with manpower." Concubine Shixuan mused, "Du Yu must be protected so that his meditation will not be interrupted. We will discuss countermeasures after he comes out of retreat."

Fortunately, Su Daji's strength is indeed far ahead of the difficulty level in this world. She kept changing her moves and forcibly blocked Elder Jiang Qing's crazy offensive.The two sides fought for a full two hours, regardless of the outcome.

But Jiang Qing has a great advantage, that is, he is transformed by a wronged soul, an immortal body, and the battle consumes a lot of energy. After a huge loss, he was furious and continued to fight at full strength, but Su Daji was a demon clan after all, and was gradually suppressed by the suppressing force in the demon lock tower.Gradually, his strength was no match for the mighty Jiang Qing.

"Substitute!" Shi Feixuan made a prompt decision.

The ones who went up this time were of course the beauties Tiangang Big Dipper Formation group, Xiaolong female teacher Feixuan and other seven beauties, fighting vertically and horizontally, chaining sword qi, trapping Jiang Qing in the core, allowing his sword qi to be domineering, slashing violently, It can't hurt Du Yu in the slightest.

Du Yu closed his eyes and fell into deep meditation.

"What the hell is Dao Xin?"

"I'm cultivating immortals, so what is Dao Xin?"

Du Yu fell into a cloud of colorful clouds. Although the front was colorful, there was a thick fog, and he couldn't see clearly what was going on a mile away. Naturally, he couldn't break through here.

"What is this place?" Du Yu turned round and round, but still couldn't find the exit.

"Here is the sea of ​​your dantian." A voice appeared beside Du Yu's ear.

"This voice is..." Du Yu said in surprise, "Dugu Sword Master?"

"Yes, it's the old man." Dugu Sword Master's voice had an indescribable desolation: "It's the last trace of the old man left in this world."

"Why do you want to save us?" Du Yu is so smart, of course he can see that Dugu Sword Master desperately threw himself and others into the demon-locking tower. On the surface, he was hostile, but in fact he saved his life.Otherwise, with his own state after he and himself got angry, he would definitely not be able to defeat Heshu and Zhonghou Xiaobai, wolves, tigers and leopards in the heavens.

"Because I don't want to be hostile to you at all. It was because of the traitor Hou Xiaobai who colluded with Fuxi's son Heshu Hezhong to force me to go because of the future of the Shushan faction." Dugu Sword Master was furious: "So, I naturally Give them a big surprise."

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat: "What surprise do you mean?"

The Dugu Sword Master smiled: "Naturally, it will help you break through the realm of practicing Void Fusion, and become an immortal at the same stage as me!"

"Ah?" Du Yu never thought that he would have such a chance.That incomparably powerful old enemy, Dugu Yuyun, actually left a ray of consciousness in his mind at the last moment, to help him overcome this bottleneck in cultivating immortality?

"Not only that, but I will also teach you how to escape from the demon lock tower." Dugu Yuyun continued: "Although I, as a disciple of Shushan, have never entered this forbidden area, there are many classics in Shushan, and I have also had this lock." The records of the Demon Tower. I will do my best to help you get the treasures in the Demon Lock Tower as much as possible."

"So sweet?" Du Yu couldn't believe it.

"But you have to promise me." Dugu Yuyun said solemnly: "After you have achieved great supernatural powers and successfully walked out of the Demon Locking Tower, you must explain to Empress Nuwa that you must not harm my Shushan faction. Pass the position to Situ Zhong. Under his leadership, the Shushan faction will definitely be impartial in the battle between Fuxi and Nuwa."

Du Yu nodded deeply.

Although he had conflicts with Dugu Yuyun, Du Yu was deeply moved by his spirit of sacrificing for Shushan and the righteous way, not to mention that he had the grace of preaching to himself.

"You have to break through the realm of training the virtual body and enter the realm of crossing the catastrophe. Crossing the catastrophe is the most important realm for an immortal to temper his immortal body and Dao heart. Therefore, it is also the most dangerous realm. To pass this tribulation, You must have the ability to survive the punishment of heaven!"

"God's punishment?" Du Yu asked in surprise.

"Yes, God's punishment. Cultivating immortals is against the sky. Once you succeed in cultivating immortals, you will be in the class of immortals, jump out of the six realms, and not be in the five elements. Life is infinitely long, and immortal power is overwhelming. Of course, it is not allowed by the way of heaven. To descend to heaven Punishment, to eliminate this kind of attempt to cultivate immortals. Only by acting against the sky and surviving this powerful heavenly punishment can things be accomplished. At this stage, from the beginning of completion, to consummation, to the bottleneck of Dzogchen, a total of three times of heavenly punishment must be survived. Each time it became more powerful. The intensity increased by at least three times each time. When it broke through the bottleneck of the Mahayana and rushed to the stage of stepping through the void, there were at least hundreds of God of Punishment Thunder that day, and each one had the power to destroy the world. "

Du Yu's heart was shaken when he heard this, how could he have known the top secret news about cultivating immortals, if Dugu Yuyun, who came here, hadn't told it himself?
"Heaven's Punishment God Thunder?" Du Yu's expression was a little strange.

"What's the matter?" Dugu Yuyun asked: "The Divine Thunder of Punishment is the most powerful divine thunder that descends from the heavens and scares the immortal cultivators. It is red in color, extremely fast, without warning, and extremely destructive. You have cultivated a supernatural power, no matter how talented you are, as long as you sacrifice your magic weapon unpreparedly, if you are struck by the lightning from the God of Punishment, you will still be seriously injured, or even killed directly."

Du Yu nodded: "What is the most important thing to resist the Heaven's Punishment Thunder?"

"Of course the most important thing is cultivation and magic weapon. Only when God punishes us to cross the catastrophe can we sacrifice the magic weapon to resist the divine thunder, but these need to be accumulated. Personally, I think that the most important thing when crossing the catastrophe is Dao Xin!"

"The heart of Taoism is the purpose and motivation of your cultivation. This is the basis for you to become a god. For example, my goal of cultivating immortality is to kill demons and demons and protect the righteous way. This is my heart of Taoism. The heart of Taoism is yours In the calamity, it has a great effect. It can make you not be intimidated by the aura of the God of Punishment Thunder, and you can display your strength normally. In case you are hit by the thunder of God, you can also rely on your Dao heart to persevere." Dugu Yuyun said slowly.

"Dao Xin is so useful?" Du Yu was amazed.

"It's more than that." Dugu Yuyun shook his head and said: "When the cultivation stage is low, the cultivation depends on talent and skills, as well as hard work. As your cultivation stage gets higher and higher, your achievements will depend on Your Dao heart and mind, of course hard work and talent are still important. A cultivator with a broad mind and a firm Dao heart must achieve more than those cultivators who are dog-fly camps and heretics. Whether it is chance or the power of Taoism, they will Influenced by Dao Xin"

"What should I do now?" Du Yu asked modestly.

"This is the sea of ​​consciousness in your dantian. You have to find your true Dao heart from this sea of ​​mist. Maybe you have already had ambitions on the way of cultivating immortals, and you need to rediscover yourself again. Find Dao heart, And once you have made it your goal of cultivating immortals, you cannot change it! Changing the course and turning to Qin Muchu will only shake your Dao heart, and you will not be able to achieve great things!"

(End of this chapter)

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