Chapter 1273 Decisive battle!Seven Star Panlong Pillar! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Xiao Longnv, Ning Zhongze, Shi Feixuan, and Hou Hou all come together and stop the two Shumings.

As long as Du Yu faced a special man, he would laugh a long time, smash mountains and seas with his palms, push forward with the supreme and firm Dao heart, trade wounds for wounds, and blast out!
His hostile strength was only half of his original strength, and Du Yu forced him to take a step back, a trace of bright red blood flowed from the corner of his haughty mouth.

Elder Shi's Fire Dragon Palm forcibly suppressed a Shuming, laughed loudly, and pressed down hard.

Ling'er's snake tail was like lightning, and her cultivation base was profound. The Dream Snake became even more powerful after taking shape. With a trick of the Mountain God, she knocked Shu Ming into a dizzy state.

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor's demons held the world, and Shuming vomited three liters of blood, and retreated again and again.

Shu Ming, who was facing Su Daji, was even more overwhelmed, and was so drawn by Su Daji that he couldn't find his way.

Shu Ming's formula for breaking the prison is divided into seven parts, but under the strong attack of several plot experts and beauties from Du Yu's team, he was beaten and collapsed within minutes.

Su Daji said disdainfully: "What kind of prison king is so stupid to give up his individual advantages and fight with so many of us? What a fool!"

The seven greatness retreated one after another, and then merged into one.

"Bastard!" Shuming became really angry, with a vicious gleam in his eyes, and waved his hand: "Huh! The seductive and stinky woman reminded me. I shouldn't use the prison break formula to deal with you. But hehe! If you want to go out, you must Destroy the Seven Star Panlong Pillar behind me. I will wait for you on the Panlong Pillar!"

After he finished speaking, he disappeared.

"Why did this prisoner Ming Wang escape without a fight?" Zhao Linger blinked in confusion: "Could it be that his conscience found out and let us go out?"

"No." Li Xiaoyao looked calm, shook his head and said: "I heard him say that the seven-star coiled dragon pillar is waiting for us. Could it be that there is some mechanism on the seven-star coiled dragon pillar?"

"Exactly..." Jiang Wan'er, who hadn't spoken for a long time, said, "I heard about it from my father, Elder Jiang.
The seven-star coiled dragon column is a new defense method launched by the Shushan faction, which abandoned the original five-spirit pearl guarding formation according to Shu Ming's strategy.It is seven pillars arranged in the shape of the Big Dipper, but it is worth noting that each pillar is guarded by a dragon!In order, they are Fengshenlong, Earthshenlong, Poisonshenlong, Thundershenlong, Iceshenlong, Jinshenlong and Vulcanshenlong.Every dragon has a powerful force that is not inferior and unique.After all, this is a sacred forbidden place established by combining the gods and the world. "

"Seven dragons?" Du Yu couldn't help complaining, "I'm returning the seven dragon balls. How could you be so perverted?"

Su Daji flicked her fox tail, rolled her eyes at him coquettishly and said, "You are stupid in space? If this task is not difficult, why would you offer a reward of 30000 villain points? Why does the space stipulate that Shuming can be bribed to pass through the lock?" The Demon Tower? This is clearly because before, very few or no one was able to destroy the Seven Star Panlong Pillar and escape from the Demon Locking Tower by relying on their own strength. Only such a good reward."

Du Yu nodded and said yes.

The 30000 villain value is an unprecedented generous reward for him, and it is really not easy to win it.

"Then let's go forward, slash with knives and blast with magic to smash these seven-star coiled dragon pillars? If we don't disperse, how can Shuming ambush us?" Lin Yueru rolled her beautiful eyes and smiled sweetly.

Everyone nodded.Although Yueru is straight, what she said is correct.

Jiang Wan'er shook her head and said: "It's not that easy. The Seven Star Panlong Pillar is a magic weapon built with all the rare materials in the world and with supreme magical powers. Broken? Ordinary swords, weapons, and skills can't hurt it at all! If you don't believe me, you can try it."

With a wave of Su Daji's hand, the nine-section whip came out.

In the air, the nine-section whip let out howling ghosts and gods, and bombarded the nearest seven-star coiled dragon pillar in an instant.

But after a burst of metal and iron clanging, only a burst of thunder roared!
A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit the nine-section whip!
The white bone nine-section whip wailed, like a dog whose leg had been broken, it fled back whimpering, turned into a ray of white light, and disappeared on Su Daji's chest.

Su Daji's face turned cold.

In the short fight just now, a crack appeared in her nine-section whip, and it took a long time to warm it up with demon power before it could return to normal.

"The seven-star coiled dragon pillar is guarded by the Thunder God Dragon. It is the most restrained against demon power. But the other seven-star coiled dragon pillars also cannot be broken by external force," Jiang Wan'er said slowly.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either." Elder Shi lost his temper: "Then how do we break this damn seven-star coiling dragon pillar?"

Jiang Wan'er pointed to the iron-blue pool under the Seven-Star Panlong Pillar: "That's why Shuming did this. The only weakness of the Seven-Star Panlong Pillar lies in their foundations, but the foundation is at the bottom of the Demon Transformation Pool. We must enter the Demon Transformation Pond. Only at the bottom of the pool can the guardian dragons be drawn out, and after defeating them one by one, the seven-star coiled dragon pillar can be destroyed."

"What, the Demon Transformation Pond?" Su Daji exclaimed, and walked in front of the Demon Transformation Pond, her face becoming serious.

This demon pool is the nemesis of all monsters.No matter what level of cultivation you have reached, once you enter the Demon Transformation Pool, it is only a matter of time before you are turned into water.

"No wonder Shuming wants to retreat temporarily." Li Xiaoyao gritted his teeth and said, "Because the strongest fighters in our team include Su Daji and Su Mei, who have monster physiques, and the helpers in the demon-locking tower of the Heavenly Ghost Emperor." , let alone enter. He is advancing by retreating, forcing us to attack the Demon Transformation Pond with members of the human race. But he can unite with the dragon guarding the Seven Star Panlong Pillar to destroy us together!"

"That's right." Du Yu said solemnly: "This is exactly his wishful thinking. Moreover, this is very cunning and cunning, there must be some unexpected method waiting for us. There are many dangers for us to go down to the Demon Transformation Pond."

"But we have no other way. We can avoid this battle." Zhao Ling'er looked firm and leaned on Du Yu's arm: "Brother Du Yu, in order to get out and for the good monsters in the Demon Locking Tower, we must break through this battle." Blocked by Shuming and the Seven Star Panlong Pillar, walk out of the Demon Locking Tower."

Du Yu also nodded.

If he can complete the task of collapsing the demon-locking tower, he will get 30000 villain points, which can be used to increase the combat power of the beauties in the third echelon again, and make his Tiangang Beidou formation more effective.

He has calculated that He Shu and Zhong only need two Tiangang Big Dipper Formations to trap him, but if he can get together three Tiangang Big Dipper Formations, plus Su Daji, himself, and the grown-up Linger, he will be trapped. With a 6% to 7% certainty, they will stay in the world!
"Shu Ming, you can't stop me!"

With great ambition, Du Yu burst into flames, held his long sword upside down, and led the way to Huayao Pond.

Su Daji held Su Mei in her arms, and waited in place regretfully.She can't get in.

Also unable to enter, there are also fierce men in the Demon Locking Tower, such as the Heavenly Ghost Emperor, who can only look forward to Du Yu who is going all the way, hoping that they can successfully destroy the Seven Star Panlong Pillar and bring everyone freedom.

The only people around Du Yu were Zhao Ling'er (although she is half-human and half-snake, but she is a descendant of the gods and can enter), Lin Yueru, Li Xiaoyao, Elder Shi, and Du Yu's team of beauties.

But in the beauty team, beauties such as Leah (the body of the demon god) and Serena (the vampire) cannot come out to fight.

In a word, the strength of Du Yu's team has been greatly weakened by this Demon Transformation Pond, which is also the reason why Shuming's calculations are precise.

Although other humans are not affected by the Demon Transformation Pond, this is an underwater battle, and the flexibility of movement and the effect of spells are greatly reduced, which is also one of the disadvantages.

"Shu Ming still won't come out!" Li Xiaoyao looked angry.

"What kind of fairy is this, he is clearly a shameless villain!" Lin Yueru said angrily, "Wait to sneak attack us?"

Du Yu smiled: "Let him go. We'll do it on our own. Which one should we start with?"

"Haha, do you think you have a choice?" Shu Ming smiled coldly, appeared behind the crowd, and stabbed Zhao Linger who was beside him with a swift and lightning move.

sneak attack!

This clearly shows that, as a person in the God Realm, the King of Prisons and Prisons, his behavior is extremely sinister and vicious, with no lower limit.Even in the face of a beautiful girl, it was such a tricky move.

Zhao Ling'er was caught off guard, the place where this special light appeared was really weird.

Du Yu rushed towards Zhao Ling'er, his eyes dim.Shu Ming dared to touch his own woman, which had violated his bottom line, and he must be killed!
"Danger!" Elder Shi focused all his attention on Ling'er, and blocked Ling'er for a moment, blocking with a move of Qi Demon Flame.

But at this time, Shuming, the seven bodies are united, and he is attacking with all his strength, it is a blow with all his strength, which is so powerful that it is frightening!
Elder Shi is indeed an invincible general, but he is also the strongest human being, how can he be against this god's sneak attack?

"Pfft!" Shuming's long sword pierced the iron palm of Elder Shi's arm, and continued to move forward, piercing Elder Shi's heart.

"Bastard!" Elder Shi's eyes were bloodshot: "Even if I die, I still have to protect His Highness. Let me die together!"

In the palm of his hand, the red erysipelas had already flowed against his luck, forcing it into his palm, and he was about to launch his suicidal powerful skill.

"Red blood poison!"

In the plot, in order to prevent Gai Luojiao from fulfilling his wish, Elder Shi used red blood poison to kill them all. Among the Baimiao soldiers present, except for Gai Luojiao, none survived.No one knows the terrible name of this stunt, no one knows!
Although Shuming has the body of an immortal, Elder Shi desperately tried to kill him, even if he used the red blood poison, it was enough to hurt him.

At this moment, a figure flashed by, pulling Elder Shi away from Shuming!

Elder Shi stopped the red blood poison from exploding himself, but when he looked back, it was that brat Du Yu.

"What are you doing?" Elder Shi was extremely angry: "I was about to beat up the disrespectful pair of highnesses, why did you stop me?"

Du Yu threw Elder Shi to Zhao Ling'er: "I believe that a kind Ling'er needs an intact Elder Shi as a protector, not a reckless man who blew himself up and died."

(End of this chapter)

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