Chapter 1302 Fighting Phoenix to Death, Dragon Soul Broken! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
"We must hold off this phoenix." Du Yu received Zhao Ling'er's immortal treatment, and said in a deep voice, "Xiaoyao and Anu are rushing to the phoenix's nest. The longer we hold off the phoenix, the greater their chances of succeeding. Especially Once the phoenix egg is stolen, the phoenix may sense it, and we will launch a fierce attack at that time to firmly attract the attention of the phoenix and cover them from escaping."

"But just because of the heart of the castle..." Caiyi was almost seriously injured by a little phoenix's Samadhi real fire just now, and she was still terrified.

"The Heart of the Castle has special effects against the Hei Miao people's average strength and terrifying numbers of troops or magical beasts, but against the Phoenix?" Su Daji shook his head.

At this time, the phoenix's eyes were cold, and with a sharp neigh, it descended from the sky, swooped down, and roared towards it. The target was the heart of the castle in the godswood forest!

The heart of the castle quickly counterattacked, and it has been upgraded to nine towering arrow towers. At the same time, it shoots out white rays of light, shooting at the diving phoenix.

The phoenix's body flashed with light, and the Samadhi real fire spouted from its mouth melted the incoming crossbow, and the wind blown up by the phoenix's wings sent the rain of arrows flying left and right.

Attack is invalid!

This is the strength of Phoenix.

The phoenix continued to howl, and the strong wind was biting on her body, attacking the sky above the heart of the castle in an instant.

"Boom!" There was an earth-shattering tremor.

The phoenix crashed into the protective cover of the immortal energy of the Castle Heart, and the protective cover swayed violently twice like water ripples, and finally stabilized without collapsing.

If it weren't for the heart of the castle, how could it have blocked the full blow of the phoenix with Du Yu's resources tilted and upgraded many times?
Galadriel snapped: "Elves, shoot with bows and arrows!"

The 400 elf warriors who hurried up the city wall drew their bows and arrows one after another, swishing sharp arrows like rain, and shot at the phoenix in the sky above their heads.

The arrow tower continued to attack, firing a series of crossbows.

Although Phoenix didn't take these arrows and powerful crossbows seriously, but the ants killed elephants more often, this kind of attack was too much, once the defense was broken, it was enough to give Phoenix a headache.

Angrily, she swung the rain of arrows away, her sharp claws tightly grasped the protective cover, trying to pierce through the protective cover filled with immortal energy, scratching through this layer of immortal energy as thin as an egg membrane, and smashing the despicable egg thieves inside. Thieves, completely wiped out.

But the defensive cover of the heart of the castle seems to be transparent and fragile, but it is as tough as some kind of James Bond plastic product, allowing the phoenix beast to show its supernatural power, but it is helpless for a moment.

Galadriel commanded the elven warriors to fight back against the phoenix with magic and rain of arrows to avenge the dead comrades.

Su Daji, Zhao Linger, Su Mei, Caiyi and the others did not waste the precious protection given by the Heart of the Castle, and kept pouring their best attack skills on Phoenix.

But Du Yu's eyes turned to the heart of the castle, the fairyland of Peach Blossom Island where purple smoke grows from the sea and silver plates come out from fairy islands!
On it, there is a giant dragon of the East China Sea, which is sealed on the Dragon Ball of the East China Sea.

Huang Yaoshi's masterpiece.

Although the dragon soul on the Dragon Ball of the East China Sea is just the remnant soul of a blue dragon, when fighting the phoenix fiercely, Du Yu must use all the methods of the immortal family.

He picked up the jade flute, and with surging celestial power, he played the blue sea tide song.

A sound, such as weeping and complaining, and a song, such as admiration.There is love before the tune is formed.

In front of everyone, there seemed to be a charming scene of tides in the East China Sea and silver plates hanging high.

The Dragon Ball of the East China Sea on Peach Blossom Island was shining brilliantly, turning into a round jade bead. The radiant Dragon Ball rose gradually along with Du Yu's song of blue sea tide.

Suddenly, the roar of a giant dragon resounded throughout the world.

It is a giant dragon attracted by the Dragon Ball of the East China Sea, a powerful existence that guards Peach Blossom Island!
The body of this giant dragon is the rising tide of the East China Sea, engulfing the majesty of heaven and earth, forming a huge wave that covers the sky and covering the earth. The dragon head, dragon scales, and dragon claws are all lifelike.

The furious phoenix suddenly woke up from its anger, opened its eyes wide, neighed loudly, and stared at the changes in the heart of the castle below it.

Suddenly, a giant dragon from the East China Sea flew out from the heart of the castle and headed straight for Phoenix!
Dragon and phoenix fight for hegemony!

At this moment, such a precious vision suddenly formed.

Driven by Du Yu's immortal technique, the giant dragon of the East China Sea was filled with the force of the surging tide of the sea, roaring and biting at Phoenix's lower abdomen.

The phoenix neighed sharply, high-pitched and shook the sky, flapped its wings and flew high, and dissipated in an instant.

Unyielding, the dragon suddenly rose up and rushed to the sky, chasing and killing the phoenix.

Fenghuang glared at Huanglong coldly, the sarcasm in his eyes was very obvious.

"The remnant soul of the dragon in the East Sea dares to compete with the real phoenix in my godswood forest? I will send you back to the underworld in no time!" Phoenix taunted sharply.

At this moment, Phoenix's eyes suddenly widened!

As if she had discovered something, she suddenly turned her crested head to the east!

There, there is her phoenix nest.Inside is her baby phoenix egg.

Although he found the traces of this wave of egg thieves and chased them out, Fenghuang thought that the battle would end in three or five breaths, but unexpectedly, this delay has actually dragged on until now.

As a result, she suddenly received a trap sensor placed in the phoenix's nest!
Someone sneaked into the Phoenix's Nest!

The target, almost certainly, was her precious phoenix egg.


Fenghuang was furious, and stared fiercely at Du Yu and the others underground with his phoenix eyes: "You bastards, how dare you send someone to sneak attack on my lair? Take my child away? You are doomed!"

Her high-pitched Fengming!
She had to go back and kill the damned egg thieves as soon as possible before they left the lair with their own treasures.If it takes a long time, maybe his eggs will be taken far away.

But the premise of everything is to kill all these hateful friends!

"Die!" Phoenix screamed sharply, and with one move, he breathed out the real fire of samadhi, burning towards the dragon soul of the blue dragon.

The blue dragon roared unyieldingly, and with a wave of its tail, the dragon's aura shook the sky, avoiding the Phoenix's blow.

"It's now!" Du Yu kicked off the city wall, jumped up, and rushed towards the fiercely fighting dragon and phoenix in midair.

With great difficulty, the phoenix shook the phoenix's wings, relying on the advantage of having a broken dragon soul and a complete soul than Canglong, suppressed Canglong, but saw the vicious egg thief charging straight at him.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill you." Fire spewed out from Phoenix's eyes, and the real fire of samadhi from his mouth spread out all over the sky.

Du Yu barely protected his body, but he was still burned by the real fire of Samadhi, his whole body was on fire, like a burning man.

"Death!" Fenghuangfeng let out a triumphant neigh.In her opinion, this mortal egg thief is doomed.

But in the next second, her phoenix eyes widened again.

Because the egg thief who was on fire, like a flying fire meteor, was on fire, and continued to sprint and fly towards her!

"What's the matter with this person?" Phoenix was filled with shock and anger.

In her memory, no one can resist the burning of the true fire of Samadhi.

Du Yu really can't!
His body was burning fiercely, and it would never go out.

Although his Garuda Heart can block most of the fire damage, and has the buff bonus of Heshi Jade Seal, it has higher fire resistance.

But Phoenix's Samadhi True Fire, like the dragon's breath attack, is an attack of natal attributes, and its priority is unparalleled.Even Du Yu and Jialuluo's heart cannot be exempted from the divine fire of this divine beast!

Du Yu's health was dropping crazily, but his stature was getting taller and taller!
Approaching Phoenix.

Phoenix's attention was attracted by Du Yu, and the broken soul of the blue dragon took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack!
With bursts of dragon chants, it descended from the sky and bit the phoenix's wings heavily.

The phoenix was flanked back and forth, and was also hit by Du Yu's guardian dragon. He was furious, and when the sharp phoenix claw kicked and grabbed it, the blue dragon groaned miserably.

Large pieces of dragon scales fell sadly along with the dragon's blood.

Phoenix pecked hard!
The dragon of the East China Sea, a dragon eye, was pecked and exploded!

Canglong groaned sadly, and before he could counterattack, the furious Phoenix let out another phoenix cry, and an overwhelming true fire of samadhi burned on Canglong's dragon body.

Canglong was burnt until his skin was ripped open, every inch cracked, and white mist burst out.

In front of the real beast Phoenix, the broken Dragon of the East China Sea is no match at all.This is why Phoenix dared to underestimate it.

The gap between the Dragon of the East China Sea and the Phoenix of Shenmulin is bigger than the gap between the limited edition Ferrari sports car and QQ.In the eyes of ordinary people like Du Yu, they are all divine beasts.But in their view, the gap between performance and combat power is still a world of difference.

Fenghuang only used three moves, and completely smashed the broken dragon soul that dared to face him head-on.

As the Canglong of the East China Sea was continuously beaten by the Phoenix, cracks appeared on the Dragon Ball of the East China Sea on Peach Blossom Island.As the dragon soul continued to fight, the crack was still expanding.

"Not good!" Du Yu saw that the problem was serious, but unfortunately, the battle was fierce now, and Phoenix would never stop.He could only watch Canglong helplessly, being cornered by Phoenix step by step.

All he can do is output with all his strength to support Canglong.Bring out all the final value of this dragon soul before it dies in battle!

At least, to cover Li Xiaoyao and Anu, and take the phoenix egg as far as possible to escape to a safe place.

You have to persevere!
Du Yu endured the severe pain of being burned with his supremely solid Dao heart, raised his head to the sky and roared, and hit the Phoenix's body hard with a palm of the dragon with regret!
Fenghuang screamed mournfully.

Du Yu's palm froze her inside, and even in the depths of her soul, she felt the deadly cold internal force invading.

Du Yu adopted a targeted strategy, using icy internal power to deal with the invincible fire-type divine bird Phoenix.

Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, when dealing with divine beasts such as dragons and phoenixes, it has additional damage bonuses. This palm is powerful and heavy, with immortal energy staring at it, and it hits the phoenix's vitals hard.

Even the divine bird, the phoenix screamed miserably.

The soul of the Canglong, about to collapse, suddenly ushered in a respite.It panted heavily, its furious dragon eyes stared at the phoenix fiercely, suddenly the dragon opened its mouth, and bit the phoenix's wings fiercely again!

(End of this chapter)

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