Chapter 1304: Makoto's birth!Fuxi is out! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
Phoenix said bitterly: "I have practiced for thousands of years, and I may still produce this kind of [Original True Feather]! Take this thing, hand over my child quickly, and get out!"

Du Yu nodded: "In addition to this [Natural Feather], I also need another treasure, your Wind Spirit Orb, give it to me."

Phoenix possesses the third of the five spirit beads, the Wind Spirit Orb, which is also worth 4000 villain points.Du Yu didn't ignore it.Phoenix's wind skills are so terrifying, it is also the effect of the wind spirit beads on his body.

Fenghuang's eyes were cold, and he spit out a spirit bead from his mouth.Du Yu checked, and it was the third spirit bead besides the earth spirit bead and the thunder spirit bead—the wind spirit bead.

Du Yu whistled.

Li Xiaoyao came out with a big watermelon-like phoenix egg in his arms, smiling apologetically.

He and Anu didn't go far at all.

The speed of Phoenix's return was too fast, and it was too late to escape.

Du Yu got the "Benming Zhenyu" and asked Empress Nuwa for verification.

Empress Nuwa was pleasantly surprised: "That's true! This [Original True Feather] is the nirvana of an adult phoenix. It is more precious than a phoenix egg. The success rate of resurrecting the two girls can reach 100%. But it is too difficult to obtain. Even as a great god, it is difficult for me to force Phoenix to hand over this thing. So I asked you to steal the less difficult phoenix eggs instead, did you expect you to have a way to get this thing?"

Du Yu grinned and said, "Any being with life and wisdom always has weaknesses. I followed the principles of human nature and went to exchange with Phoenix, and she would only hand it over willingly."

Nuwa laughed and scolded Du Yu, and ordered Du Yu to take the object back.The phoenix eggs are no longer needed.

The phoenix got the phoenix egg, caressingly stroking the egg with the phoenix wings.Fortunately, Du Yu told Anu and Xiaoyao not to hurt the phoenix egg, this huge egg is still intact.Little Phoenix is ​​about to be born.

The phoenix's eyes turned cold, and the surrounding wind rose from the ground and swept across the sky.

Gangfeng was like a prison, enclosing Du Yu, Li Xiaoyao and Anu, and surrounded them layer by layer.

Li Xiaoyao's complexion changed, and he shouted, "Fenghuang, you don't keep your word."

"I didn't break my promise." Fenghuang said coldly: "I just promised you that I would exchange [Benming Zhenyu] for my child. I didn't promise to guarantee your safety!"

"Isn't that the same?" Li Xiaoyao jumped up angrily, "You're crossing a river and tearing down bridges!"

Du Yu smiled lightly.

Fenghuang said viciously: "For the sake of my child's safety and well-being, you three, hand over [Honming Mau] to me, and then get out! I won't kill you. Get out."

Du Yu said slowly, "Kill us? You can talk about it after you think it over."

Fenghuang said in a cold tone: "You think I'm not afraid? Now that I've got the child back, I don't have any scruples. It's even more powerful when I use my hands."

Du Yu grinned and said, "Although I don't know the living habits of your phoenixes, most birds have to guard the eggs at all times during the critical period of hatching to keep the eggs at the hatching temperature. Let's go now, what do you have?" Just throw down the little phoenix that is about to hatch, and chase it out!"

He dragged Xiaoyao and Anu, and retreated quickly despite the strong wind attack.

Fenghuang was so angry that he groaned, and was about to chase after him, but he felt that the phoenix egg under the protection of its wings was ready to move.It was the little phoenix wriggling inside the egg, gathering strength, and preparing to break out of the egg.

Phoenix sighed.

This Du Yu really hit a snake and hit her vitals.

For the sake of her child, she was willing to give up the chance of Nirvana. Could she leave the child who was about to hatch and go after Du Yu?

Of course not!

When exchanging, you can't abandon the child. At this time, the child is about to be born, let alone abandon it.

So she had no choice but to watch Du Yu and the others fly away with [Benming Zhenyu].

Fenghuang glared angrily, and said in a hateful voice: "Don't be complacent, just wait for me!"

Du Yu laughed all the way, and fled away with [Zenming Zhenyu].

"Master, we should go to Dali next time to find the unicorn horn?" Li Xiaoyao was very excited.

Back at the fierce battle in the Shenmulin, A Luo, Long Teng, Fang Dao, Gao Yuan, etc. are still leading the elite black seedlings to besiege Su Daji, Su Mei and others.

At this time, Caiyi displayed her terrifying magic power, surrounded by butterfly shadows, and surrounded a large number of Hei Miao people, preventing the enemy's military superiority from fully unfolding.Du Yu was amazed and felt that the energy and villain value spent on Caiyi were not in vain.

Seeing that Du Yu came back alive, but the divine phoenix was nowhere to be found, Long Teng and the others panicked.

Especially in the hands of Du Yu, the [Natural True Feather] made these strong black seedlings lose their fighting spirit.

"Could it be that he even killed the Phoenix?" Long Teng was terrified and took two steps back.

"How can there be such a powerful person?" A Luo's Miao Dao fell to the ground, his face pale.

Several people looked at each other.

The Hei Miao people shouted and all turned around and fled.

"Don't go!" Anu, as the apprentice of the holy aunt and the high priest of the Bai Miao, hated these black Miao enemies who killed the people the most.With a small body, he pursued lightly and threw out a handful of poisonous Gu.

The two black-haired men screamed and rolled to the ground, covering their faces and screaming loudly.The black poisonous Gu entered their bodies and began to frantically destroy their bodies.

"Beat the dog in the water!" Du Yu was not polite.

Galadriel led the elven troops with heavy casualties, cut off the retreat of the Hemiao people from the front, and shot and killed the fleeing Hemiao people one by one.

The dragon was driven by Galadriel's magic to drive the trees in the Godswood, turning into a treant, wrapped around his thigh, and then shot to death by dozens of elf long arrows, piercing through his chest.

Arwen didn't run away either. He killed four elf warriors in a row, and was rushed to a big tree by Arwen's water magic.Éowyn galloped past on a horse, and pierced the knight's sword deeply into his chest.

Su Daji commanded Su Mei, Caiyi, and Ling'er to rush forward together, perfecting the killing skills of the stunning goblins in actual combat, and guiding them in their cultivation.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and even the elite group of masters, after the collapse, was nothing more than a rough-skinned mob.Su Mei and Caiyi made meritorious deeds one after another, but Linger couldn't bear to do anything.

"Although they are Hei Miao people who are loyal to the Lord of Worshiping the Moon, they are also my people." Ling'er shook her head and said, "I don't have the heart to kill."

The Hei Miao people were wiped out in one sweep, with hundreds of corpses lying in the forest of gods.

"The next target is Qilin Cave!" Du Yu issued an order.

Judging from the attitude of the Moon Worshiper, he was clearly instructed by the immortals in the God Realm to prepare to attack him in Miaojiang.

Immortals in the God Realm are ready to move on the border of southern Xinjiang, and I am afraid that the divine power of Empress Nuwa will not be able to suppress it for a long time.Once the Great God Fuxi comes, it will be a vigorous decisive battle. At that time, the two sides will speak with their strength, and there will be no falsehood.

We must hurry up, get all the props and materials for resurrecting Lin Yueru and Lin Qinger before the enemy attacks aggressively, and complete all battle preparations.

Over the mountains and ridges, across the sacred tree forest, into the vicinity of Dali City.

Dali City is the territory of the Hemiao people.

A large number of Hemiao people, fully armed, patrolled back and forth under the leadership of the leader, and were heavily guarded.

But these secular powers have no effect on Du Yu's team, which possesses fairy arts and black arts.

Under the leadership of Anu, Du Yu avoided waves of black seedling patrols and headed towards Qilin Cave.

But Qilin Cave is already heavily guarded at this time.One post at three steps, one sentry at five steps, there are alert Hei Miao people everywhere.

"What's going on?" Du Yu asked strangely.

"Could it be that the Lord of Worshiping the Moon knew we were coming and set up guard in advance?" Ling'er held a staff in her hand, Qiong's nose wrinkled and said cutely.

Du Yu pondered for a moment.I killed the whole army of the Black Miao people in the Shenmu Forest. It is estimated that the Lord of the Moon Worship also knew his strength and deployed the Black Miao troops here.

"Go!" Du Yu ordered.

Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Ling'er, Anu and others rushed forward and killed the Hei Miao people guarding the cave.

After a fierce battle, the Hemiao people were killed and fled in all directions.Du Yu's team entered the Qilin Cave.

In the Qilin Cave, there are exposed magma and flames everywhere, the temperature is extremely high, and even the stone walls of the cave are burnt as if dyed orange.

The monsters here are also mostly fire-type.Fire monsters, fire foxes, fire spirits, etc.

Just as Du Yu and the others were fighting hard in the Qilin Cave and advancing steadily, a ray of imperial light suddenly soared into the sky in the heaven far away in the sky!

Between the heaven and the earth, there was a loud thunder, and the beasts were frightened.Even on top of legendary famous mountains and fairy mountains such as Kunlun Mountain and Xiwang Mountain, all kinds of rare and exotic beasts are vying to scream. Fearful eyes turned to the direction of the heavenly court of the gods.

In the heavenly court, dark clouds formed a difficult and obscure gossip pattern that spanned thousands of miles!

Innate gossip!

What a picture of innate gossip drawn with the sky as the picture and the clouds as the pen, magnificent and magnificent!

As the innate gossip map of the thousands of miles of dark clouds gradually took shape, lightning bolts representing the wrath of the Heavenly Emperor slammed down from the clouds!

Countless monsters who devoted themselves to cultivating in the lower realms were turned into ashes by the thunderous anger of the Heavenly Emperor.

They didn't know how they offended the Emperor of Heaven until they died, and they ushered in this enraged thunder.

This is really a fire at the city gate, which affects the fish in the pond.

Under the innate gossip map of thousands of miles of dark clouds, the great god Fuxi, the emperor of heaven, slowly opened his eyes.

He looked calm, and slowly exhaled a breath of foul air from his mouth.

That is the last burst of divine power that Empress Nuwa left in Fuxi's body with her divine power in its prime.

Fuxi, recovery, exit.

With his calm gaze, he looked towards the misty south of Miaojiang's [-] mountains.Around Miao Jiang, he could feel the breath of the three sons.

"Why haven't you entered the Miao Border yet?" Fuxi said angrily, "It's probably blocked by that bastard Nuwa, these three useless pricks!"

"But" Fu Xi sneered, "It doesn't matter anymore. After all, I have to avenge my revenge myself."

"Nuwa! The grievances and grievances between you and me for thousands of years will end today!" Fuxi smiled lightly: "You are destined to become an ancient god who sleeps and falls forever. And I, Fuxi, are destined to become the only true god between heaven and earth."

He stood up coldly and disappeared instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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