Chapter 1309 Incomparably Mysterious, Constellation Sword Formation! - Ask for a monthly pass!

After reading the explanation of this formation, Du Yu and the beauties were speechless.

At this time, around Xi Zhong, there formed a [Tiangang Constellation Formation] with 28 beauties participating in the battle, and Du Yu himself occupied the Tianyuan Ziwei Star.

In the deepest part of Qilin Cave, where the magma is constantly erupting, like the end of the world, Du Yu and 28 beauties stand against the wind and surround Xi Zhong.

Little Dragon Girl, Li Mochou, Ning Zhongze, Shi Feixuan, Wan Wan, Shang Xiuxun, Shan Wanjing

The faces of the 28 beauties were full of dignified expressions.

This is the first time they have surpassed two levels, and they are fighting head-on with the real immortal who has broken through the void.

Thanks to Xizhong's arrogance, he wanted to murder Qilin and offended this beast.At this time, Qi Lin fought with He Shu and Zhong Zhong, and only held them back so that they could not return in time to help, so they flanked Du Yu with Xi Zhong.Du Yu was able to concentrate on besieging Xizhong together with the beauties.

Su Daji and other backup troops are still on their way to here in a hurry.

Xi Zhong looked at the 28 beauties who were standing faintly like stars scattered around, and sneered with disdain: "What are you doing? Show off how much a woman you are? Hmph! In my opinion, although all the looks are worthy of the world Stunning, but no one in cultivation can withstand the power of my sword!"

Hou Hou giggled coquettishly: "You are really a god, and your tone is really not small. It's a pity that the little girl is not talented, and she has to try it before she is convinced."

Concubine Shixuan said: "Although you are called the son of the Emperor of Heaven. But Emperor Fuxi, who acts despicably, is extremely selfish, and has deep desires, is not worthy of being an Emperor of Heaven at all! You brothers are all scumbags, and you have amazing cultivation. Behavior is demonic, and there is nothing respectable about it."

The saintesses of light and darkness raised their voices in unison, scolding Xi Zhong, and Xi Zhong's expression turned cold.

"Hmph! I don't talk nonsense with women. After your man dies, I will definitely send you to hell one by one. Let's join him." With a ferocious expression on his face, Xi Zhong approached Du Yu step by step.

Du Yu took a deep breath.

Empress Nuwa has worked so hard to remodel the [Tiangang Constellation Formation], how powerful it is, now is the time to test the effect.

He could faintly feel the soft but tenacious chain of internal forces coming from the four Tiangang Big Dipper formations.And it is different from the simple chain in the past, but the four star sword formations in the east, west, north and south, which are connected into one piece. The 28 beauties and their own internal power are like the logic of the Internet and the Internet of Things in the future. They can be accessed remotely at any time, gather fire, and spread Power, remote control, support, all in one.

The doubts in Du Yu's heart gradually dissipated, and the belief in victory returned to him!

"This time, Xizhong must be destroyed!" Du Yu said solemnly, "Let's go!"

The beauties scolded in unison, echoing Du Yu.

[Tiangang Constellation Formation], activate!

Following the rotation of the four constellation sword formations, the [Tiangang Constellation Formation] began to move slowly.

If someone looks from above, they will be shocked to find that with Du Yu as the core, the 28 beauties, who seem to be walking in disorder, actually outline the night sky in an orderly manner. The trajectories of the 28 constellations in four directions!
This trajectory, like Fuxi's innate gossip array, also contains the most mysterious and reasonable truths and principles between heaven and earth.It makes people feel that although they don't understand why, they always feel extremely harmonious.

Yes, Harmony.

The battle formation revolved around Du Yu, and the majesty of the green dragon, the splendor of the red bird, the sternness of the white tiger, the calmness of Xuanwu, and the characteristics of each divine beast were brought into full play.

Qilin, who was fighting fiercely with Uncle He and He Zhong with wounds, saw Du Yu's [Tiangang Constellation Formation] at a glance, and laughed loudly: "If you had said earlier that you have such abilities and such a mysterious siege sword formation, Why should I think of joining forces with these scumbags? Haha, today we have a chance to defeat the scumbags."

Hearing Qilin's praise, Uncle He and Zhong showed a fierce look, and sneered with disdain: "It's just some women who came out to help that mortal man fight. What are you excited about? In front of my elder brother's amazing cultivation, sooner or later these women will become The souls of the dead under the sword."

Qilin said disdainfully: "That's why I say you bastards are nothing but ignorant scum! You can't even see through the mystery of this formation. This formation looks like 28 stars in the starry sky, It's a bit scattered, but every star can faintly form a battle formation, which is closely connected with Tianyuan Ziwei Star. It can maximize everyone's combat power. In this battle formation, let alone 28 beauties who have achieved success in cultivating immortals, Even 28 mortals can exert the power of hundreds of people. Just wait and see?!"

For Tianyuan Ziweixing, Du Yu mobilized the [Tiangang Constellation Formation], tightened step by step, and besieged Xizhong.

Xi Zhong has a deeper understanding of [Tiangang Constellation Formation] than his two younger brothers.He was in it, only felt as if there was an invisible net, tightening step by step.His keen spiritual sense gave him a sense of crisis.

"This mortal and I are two levels away from transcending the tribulation and ascending, and stepping through the void. How can it give me a mysterious and extremely dangerous feeling? Could it be that this sword array is from the hands of famous masters?"

Xizhong walked mysteriously, stepping on the key positions according to the innate gossip formation, so that Du Yu could not easily activate the power of the Xingxiu sword formation, and besieged him. Policy.

"That's right! This mortal is the envoy of Empress Nuwa. Could it be that this sword formation was created by Empress Nuwa?" Xi Zhong's expression became more and more serious, and his evaluation of the sword formation became higher and higher.

Because he saw the problem.

"Nuwa Empress is able to achieve such a great god, and the credit for mending the sky is the greatest!" Xi Zhong pondered: "When it comes to the understanding of the mysterious movement of the stars in the sky, no one can match it! The formation created by Nuwa Empress , is by no means trivial."

He thought, more cautiously, stepping like lightning, following the innate gossip formation step by step, stepping on key positions.

Innate gossip is the study of the truth that reflects the operation of the world.Xizhong's footsteps are in the order of Qianyi, Duier, Lisan, Zhensi, Xunwu, Kanliu, Genqi, Kunba and other gossip. Every step is mysterious and inexplicable, making it impossible for people to grasp him. true direction.

The number of innate gossip is derived from chaos and Taiji, which has no form, image or position, but is born from one breath, and the yin and yang are added sequentially, and the number from one to eight is naturally created, so it is called "innate".Fuxi created the Xiantian Bagua, Xizhong, as his eldest son, has the deepest understanding of the Xiantian Bagua.

Compared with Uncle Xi who used innate gossip for divination, Xizhong not only can do divination, but also learn and use it flexibly, using innate gossip to fight!

Uncle Xi's evasion made Du Yu's team, which was the first to deploy the [Tiangang Constellation Formation] formation, also have scruples. They couldn't easily launch an attack if they couldn't find out the enemy's position.

However, under the attack of Heshu and Hezhong, Qilin fought tenaciously.These two sons of Fuxi have magic weapons emerging one after another, which can pierce the steel and iron bones and unicorn skin that unicorns are proud of, causing effective damage.

As the battle progressed, Qilin's injuries continued to worsen. He Zhong's mace hit the already injured left front leg severely, and the injury was even more serious, revealing white stubbles of broken bones and dark green blood. A gushing out.

"Hey! Brother Du Yu, you..." the middle-aged Qilin was very helpless, hesitant to speak.

He knew that the Uncle Xi Du Yu was facing was even stronger, but he was severely injured by Uncle Xi's attack and it was really hard to continue at this time.

The battlefield situation finally stabilized.

Sweat dripped from the tip of Du Yu's nose.

His heart also became heavier.

Qilin can contain Heshu and Zhong, it is his powerful arm.If the Qilin collapses and the three sons of Fuxi encircle the [Tiangang Constellation Formation], this formation will face greater challenges and pressure.

Uncle Xi glanced at the battle situation over there triumphantly, and shouted: "Quick battle, kill the Qilin! Then come and help me destroy this mortal together!"

Uncle He and Zhong Zhong grinned grimly: "Brother, thanks to your foresight, you injured this Qilin severely. Otherwise, they would be a bit difficult to deal with if they colluded together!"

Du Yu and Qilin fell into crisis.

Just at this time, Su Daji chuckled: "Another sneak attack? How much do you sons of Fuxi like to play dirty tricks? Let me meet you!"

She brought Su Mei, Caiyi, Linger, Xiaoyao, Anu, and appeared at the entrance of the cave.

Du Yu was overjoyed: "You guys came at the right time! I'm here to deal with Uncle Xi, and you guys deal with Uncle He and Zhong!"

Su Daji's sexy fox trot jumped up and rushed towards Uncle He.

Ling'er knew that Empress Nuwa must be caught in a bitter battle with Fuxi at this time, her heart is for Nuwa, and her subordinates are merciless. With a trick of Dream Snake, she turns into the blood of the snake god and attacks He Zhong.

Li Xiaoyao, Caiyi, Su Mei, and Anu hated the despicableness of these two sons of Fuxi, and they all took out the strongest moves and greeted the enemy together.

Qilin, who was severely injured by the sneak attack, finally got a chance to breathe, quit the battle, and took a rest.

As a divine beast, this is his home field, so his recovery speed is naturally extremely fast.The blood and wounds are healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.Qilin looked at Fuxi's sons with colder eyes.

"When I recover from rest, let's see how I can take revenge." Qilin looked at Fuxi's sons angrily.

Su Daji, Ling'er, Su Mei and others formed a situation of exchange with Fuxi's sons Heshu and Zhong.He Shu and He Zhong are not ordinary immortals. When they fight, they have a lot of cards to save their lives. Even if it is very difficult for Su Daji, they will not lose for a while.

In particular, this time the Great God Fuxi fought in person.Even if Heshu and Zhong fell into a temporary disadvantage, they did not dare to give up the fight easily and fled away.That way, they will be severely punished by their father after the battle, and the two dudes can only use their strength to fight Su Daji and others.

(End of this chapter)

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