Chapter 1319 Do your best to strike Fuxi with lightning! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Du Yu chuckled: "Nuwa Empress, you have to try everything before you know it. Besides, don't we have the Tiangang Constellation Array that you deduced?"

Su Daji's beautiful eyes lit up: "That's right, our star array can gather the power of all people and give it all to Du Yu. In this way, Du Yu's energy will increase, and the space power that can be converted will also increase."

"Just do what you say!" Ning Zhong said with raised eyebrows because he had long seen Fuxi's clan as disliked.

The 28 Tiangang star array formed quickly, and the 28 beauties stood in four directions. The immortal power and true energy on their bodies were continuously transmitted to Du Yu through the transmission of the sword array, helping him to improve his strength rapidly.

50%, double, double, triple

Du Yu's strength abruptly increased to more than three times his usual strength!
His body is full of strength.

It was the first time for Empress Nuwa to see how Du Yu and the beauties blended in harmony and linked their internal forces together. She was very interested, and a charming smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"I can't tell, you are actually a genius of dual cultivation." Empress Nuwa covered her mouth and smiled, "It's not enough to subdue these charming beauties. The internal force and the beauties have formed the same root and the same source, like glue and paint, and they can pass through unimpeded. This kind of genius creativity, even I, the ancestor of the female goddess of divine power, did not expect it."

Hearing Empress Nuwa's jokes, the beauties felt extremely shy.It's no secret that they are so close to Du Yu. Even the youngest little dragon girl was dragged into the water by Li Mochou, a bad friend and senior sister, but she was still very shy in front of others.

With a thick skin, Du Yu smiled and concentrated on fighting Fuxi.

In the dark, he shouted to Caesar in the sky: "You 202 brothers, let me use up all the energy together, and help me transform my cultivation base into spatial abilities, and put them all on this Fuxi!"

Caesar was startled and said: "Boss, we brothers are still thinking of giving you the last escape route. If you can't beat Fuxi, we will try our best to be punished by the core rules of space, or even wiped out, and we will also get you out of this damned place." Take it out from the world of Immortal Sword. If you put all your eggs in one basket this time and use up all our energy, you will have no choice."

Du Yu looked back at the worried-looking Empress Nuwa and the beauties, and suddenly burst into pride, he laughed and said, "What escape do I want? Putting all my strength on this goddamn god Fuxi is the most manly fan." Son! Just do it for me!"

Caesar had no choice but to greet the 201 programmers: "All programmers, adjust the power to the maximum for me, fully assist the master, and transform his cultivation base into spatial abilities! The energy on your body, also give me the maximum output once!" "

Du Yu held up the Doomsday Blade!

This doomsday blade is the most suitable carrier for launching space abilities.The spatial abilities on Du Yu's body suddenly poured into the Doomsday Blade!
In the sky, the programmers are doing their best to quickly convert the cultivation of Du Yu and the beauties into spatial abilities.

The entire formation is like a celestial phenomenon in which a dragon absorbs water.On the ground, there is the sword formation of 28 beauties. In the air, there is Du Yu with a stern face, standing with a sword, a lonely figure, and lingering abilities. In space, there are 202 program apes, who are mobilizing Du Yu. The power is endless, converted into spatial abilities!
"Too powerful." Su Daji murmured.As an adventurer in the Zifu District, she could keenly sense that Du Yu's ability to mobilize space at this time was much higher than when he was fighting her.If a thunder of divine punishment fell at this moment, she might have to spend two fox tails to resist it.It only takes three or four lightning strikes from the God of Punishment, and her soul will be scattered, and her life will disappear!
Empress Nuwa was also attracted by this vision, and looked at Du Yu with great interest.This growth rate of Du Yu simply surprised her.In the last world, Empress Nuwa still didn't believe that Du Yu could get to where she is today.

She looked at Lin Qing'er and Zhao Ling'er with a bit of regret, and whispered to Qing'er Ling'er's crystal clear ears, "It's a pity that your mother and daughter have never served Du Yu, otherwise you would have accepted his Xuanyuan picking method. The internal force is in perfect harmony with him, and if it runs smoothly, it will add fuel to this battle."

Being teased and teased by the ancestor, Ling'er blushed when she heard it, but Qing'er was so shy that her face was almost bleeding.But this is her ancestor, can she say a word?She had no choice but to wrap herself around Nuwa's jade arms like a little girl, shy and reluctant, but a pair of noble phoenix eyes were also peeking at Du Yu's stalwart and handsome back, as well as the powerful force constantly emerging in the sky, Fang felt I don't know what the idea is.

But Du Yu didn't know about this charming situation. He concentrated all his attention on Fuxi, his unprecedented enemy.

Although there is the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation, and despite the help of Caesar and others, Du Yu estimates that the power he can condense on the Doomsday Blade at this time is at most five times his usual power.This is still the result of completely betting on his programmer's retreat as a bargaining chip!
5 times the power is already terrifying.

But against Fuxi, no matter how powerful it is, it seems so powerless.

Fuxi's cultivation at this time is at least at the Dzogchen stage of the Daluo Jinxian realm. It is 17 times stronger than Xizhong who is in the early stage of breaking through the void, 100 times stronger than Uncle Xi who has ascended to perfection, and 200 times stronger than Lianxu. Du Yu in the fusion bottleneck period is more than [-] times stronger!
How can the gap of 200 times be made up by a mere 5 times the interest rate?
Du Yu was able to kill Xizhong, relying on careful observation, when Xizhong launched the unfamiliar "Four Elephants Generate Eight Diagrams" lore trick, and launched a jedi counterattack, resulting in Xizhong's death by the skill backlash.Rather than saying that Du Yu killed Xizhong, it is better to say that Xizhong was invincible for a long time, was preempted by Du Yu at every step, impetuously used the wrong move, and killed himself by himself.

But against Fuxi at this time, the 200 times difference in strength cannot be filled by Du Yu's bet on everything!
But Du Yu still gambled!
Although this hope is slim, Du Yu is sure about one thing!

Uncle He wouldn't lie to himself if he was going to die, he said that the extraterrestrial demon who controlled Fuxi was afraid of the God of God's Punishment Thunder, so he should bet everything and give this guy a big gamble!

If you want to gamble, just bet a big one!
Du predicted the consequences.

If not, I still have a clone in the space, and I won't die.The beauties have their own Mengpo soup, which can be revived at the cost of downgrade punishment!Although I have suffered a huge loss, my vitality is still there and I can recover!
But if it succeeds, Fuxi will definitely be severely injured. Frightened and angry, he may not have the courage to continue besieging the Nuwa ruins.The life of God Nuwa will be saved by himself again!

Nuwa, as a god awakened in space, if she can be allowed to owe favors again, it will be of great benefit to him.

Among other things, the charming mother and daughter Hua Qing'er and Ling'er next to them, with Nu Wa in charge, will definitely not be able to escape their favor.

This shop, no matter what, I have to gamble!
Besides, judging from this Fuxi's extraterritorial demon, even a god-level god can possess him, and his body may contain the ultimate secret of space collapse!
As the chosen one of the space, if Du Yu can overcome the strong with the weak and defeat Fuxi, he will have the opportunity to unlock the secret that has haunted the space for countless years!
The benefits he will obtain are also extremely huge.

Since in a high-risk space, you have to take risks no matter what, why not find the biggest risk and gamble on the fucking shop?
With a clear mind, Du Yu roared angrily, and swung down the Doomsday Blade viciously!
"Fuxi will die!"

Du Yu let out an earth-shattering roar.

In the sky, bursts of red clouds suddenly gathered!
Originally, the thousands of miles above the ruins of the Nuwa Temple were occupied by the congenital gossip dark clouds belonging to the incarnation of Fuxi, but since the appearance of the space supernatural power and the red cloud of God's Punishment Thunder, the dark clouds suddenly flinched as if they had encountered a cat or mouse stand up.

Although the area of ​​the red cloud is small, it is pure and keeps advancing.

In the sky, red and black clouds formed, competing for the sky, you advancing and retreating, thousands of miles of clouds, sweeping the precious vision of the dome!
In Fuxi's rage, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. Looking up, the red cloud in the sky had already formed and was sweeping everything madly, swallowing up his innate gossip cloud, pushing and squeezing it!
"What is this?" Fuxi showed a frightened expression for the first time in history!
Yes, panic.

From the red cloud, he felt instinctive fear.

A destructive force that he fears most.

Although this force is weak compared to his strength.But no matter how weak aqua regia is, it can still corrode to a mess when it encounters steel!
The law of reincarnation, all things restrain each other!
People follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature!

The most powerful emperor of heaven can create a world, but he can't match the laws of nature.

In the sky, the red cloud has taken shape quickly and is rapidly approaching Fuxi!

This is Du Yu's raid tactics.

He prepared everything in advance, and launched a violent attack when Fuxi besieged Nuwa's ruins most violently!
Fuxi felt endless terror from the depths of his soul.

He roared angrily: "This is impossible! How can there be such a terrifying Heaven's Punishment Thunder here? This is impossible!"

He couldn't figure it out, he was afraid of the God of God's Punishment Thunder, it was absolutely private, why could Empress Nuwa suddenly use this trump card at this critical moment of the battle?

He never believed it was a coincidence.

"Could it be those traitors?"

A murderous look flashed in Fuxi's eyes.The only people who might know the details are the closest people around Fuxi.

Although he controls most of Fuxi's consciousness, Fuxi is a god after all, and the remaining consciousness and reason are enough to prevent the demon from attacking his sons.This is the reason why Fuxi's sons are still favored and protected by Fuxi after the extraterrestrial demons captured Fuxi's body.

But, now is the time to cheat!
(End of this chapter)

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