Chapter 1359 A Gathering of Heroes!The battle is flying! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
No other commander could integrate the power of so many palaces, churches, garrisons, and private armies into one fist, united against the monsters.

Only Du Yu!

Only the queen Catherine, the queen mother Tracy and the pope's concubine Sisi can sleep in a big bed at the same time!
"Where did the beast horde move?" Du Yuhan asked.

"Thanks to your wise advice, we have given up the Netherlands and other two provinces. The beast horde needs to pass through those two provinces before they can attack the Mont Blanc Fortress. According to our estimation, there are at least two days left. "Adela admired Du Yu's foresight very much.

Don't underestimate the two-day journey. If the two provinces are still controlled by Shinra, it will take two more days for Shinra's supply and reinforcement routes. Now that the Shinra army is waiting for work, the monsters have to travel more. two days.

Two days later, the physical strength of the monsters will naturally decrease. At that time, it is a good time for the fierce battle to break out and hit the enemy hard.

Du Yu grinned, and slapped Adela hard: "Tell everyone, take a good rest, have a banquet tonight, and reward the soldiers, but don't drink."

Adela's face was full of joy: "Yes!"

Du Yu accidentally saw two acquaintances in the crowd.

Lampard and Anakin.

The rising stars of these two churches actually came to the front line?
Anakin and Du Yu have a rather complicated competitive relationship, but at this time, Du Yu has a high position and weight, so of course he will not be in trouble with Anakin who is a fighter.

He walked up to Anakin and patted him on the shoulder.

Seeing Commander Model come down, Anakin was flattered, and immediately beat his chest to salute, with firm eyes, to pay respect to the commander.

Du Yuqi said, "You guys"

Lampard made a paladin gift, and respectfully said: "According to the order of the pope's concubine Sisi, we, as the pope's personal guards, will also participate in this war, as the former pope of Paul last time, no, it's Paul's." The traitor is the compensation for preventing the Holy See from participating in the war. The power of our church will protect the Shenluo Empire in this beast tide."

Du Yu felt emotional in his heart.

Last time, Pope Paul, who was once extremely powerful, made a wrong choice on the issue of the beast tide. As a result, he not only lost the position of Pope, he was also caught by himself, exposed his infidelity, and was forced to betray justice. camp.

After overthrowing Paul, his power has grown by leaps and bounds.

Unexpectedly, Lampard and Anakin, who had a lot of trouble with him back then, became his subordinates.

Du Yu sighed, if Datang could be integrated by him early like Shenluo, how could he end up in the situation where he was allowed to be invaded by the beast horde today?

Thinking of this, his eyes turned cold.


This guy, through Panini, the godfather of the Italian mafia, kidnapped Tattaglia, and he didn't know what conspiracy he was planning in secret.

But Du Yu can be sure that this conspiracy must be beneficial to Jon, but extremely detrimental to himself!
Jon is full of suspicion and jealousy towards himself, the commander, saint, and prime minister who monopolizes the government.

In the name of his ancestor, he wanted to take Du Mu away, it should be just a way to grab power, not a protective measure.

Du Yu's eyes glanced coldly around Mont Blanc.

He can be sure that this Jon is around.Because here is the forefront of the fate of Shenluo!

If the battle here is defeated, Shinra will fall.Victory here, Shinra safe and sound.

Du Yu's communicator rang.

He picked it up, and Su Daji's seductive voice came out: "The beast tide in the east has also launched. The Dragon King of the East China Sea is really moving this time. He personally led the team to attack, Ao Guang, Ao Sheng, Ao You and other dragon princes, the coefficient With the dragon going out, the total amount of beast swarms is more than twice that of the previous one! Datang is in trouble this time."

Du Yu calmly said, "Is there any movement over there, God General Hou?"

"No." Su Daji shook his head and said, "Hou Shenjiang's recent behavior is extremely weird. All the spies I planted were wiped out by Jia Xu."

Du Yu hung up the phone and found Guixian again.

Guixian's voice was deep and sneaky: "I'm still trying to find out when Jia Xu launched the space energy cannon, but this guy is really poisonous. I tried my best to find out, but I couldn't get any information."

Du Yu's face darkened: "Gui Xian, I bribed you with a lot of money, not to listen to this nonsense."

Guixian coughed: "Don't worry, I haven't taken the best two corpses yet, how can I be willing to stop? Now that I'm bankrupt, I want to get out the information that Jia Xu tried to hide."

Du Yu turned off the line and was thinking, when suddenly Tang Lu's communication came.

It's really not easy to be the commander of the East and West.

When Du Yu picked it up, Tang Lu lost her usual teasing and said solemnly, "Tatalia, you're imprisoned!"

"What?" Du Yu was astonished, "I'm just wondering why Tataglia didn't send me a message at the critical moment? How did you get this information?"

"I'm worried about Tataglia, and I installed a surveillance bug on her. Of course, it's a high-end product made in space, and it's hard for adventurers to find out." Tang Lu's voice was a little smug: "As a result, last night, Tattaglia, who has been following the actions of the gangster Panini, was suddenly covered by someone in the Italian area of ​​the bloody city, trapped the communication, and threw him into a car. Immediately afterwards, my new audio number disappeared Looks like it was either blocked or discovered."

"Isn't Tattalia very dangerous now?" Du Yu was annoyed.

Tang Lu said with a wry smile: "I have already found that car. It seems to have been driven near the front line of Shinra, and then it was abandoned on the side of the road. The people inside lost their traces. It should be around you when you reach the front line. Don't worry, I didn't find anyone who fought." Traces, Tataglia should not be in danger yet."

Du Yu was temporarily relieved.If Tataglia made a mistake or even lost his life because of carrying out the task he entrusted, as a good friend, Du Yu would feel very guilty.

But Jon should have already made a move.

How would he do it?
Du Yu didn't have a clue.

There must be some difficulties for Tataglia's failure to spread the news.

Du Yu pondered.

Since Jon, a master in the Zifu District, must have Tattaglia, he naturally has to use her space ability, otherwise Tattaglia's strength is not enough for the masters of the Zifu District to pay attention to.

Time ability.

How will Jon use this ability?
Du Yu put himself in the role of Jon and began to think.

Consider a person's possible actions in terms of his interests, intentions, abilities, and resources.

Jon's intention and goal should be himself who got in the way.After all, he reprimanded Jon's actions in front of everyone, so he took a clear stand against Jon and other ancestors, interfering in Shinra's government.

On the surface, Jon is very satisfied with himself, but secretly regards the rising Model as a thorn in his flesh and must get rid of it.

Among the four core members of the imperial court, if Model died, the remaining three women would be easily manipulated by Jon, at least Jon thought so.

But as the ancestor of Shinra, Jon has no ill feeling towards these soldiers guarding the fortress.To put it bluntly, after he seized power, he still had to rely on these troops to continue resisting the beast tide.

Du Yu speculated little by little.

The answer, also surfaced little by little.

Jon's target was himself—Model, who commanded the battle at the Mont Blanc Fortress.

But Du Yu gradually judged that under the pressure of the unprecedented beast tide at this time, the possibility of Jon attacking him in the battle is not high. When celebrating the victory, he suddenly used his ultimate move to eliminate himself!
What, what if Model's resistance fails?
Then there is no need for Jon to take action, the overwhelming beast tide will drown and devour everything, and Mordel will definitely not be spared.Even if he fled back in a hurry, Jon would logically send him to the trial court and beheaded him to apologize.

Du Yu's train of thought gradually became clear.

What's the use of Tartaglia?

Criminal Alibi!

The light of wisdom in Du Yu's eyes slowly burned.

Jon wanted to make a move to take the head of the general among the thousands of troops, even if he took advantage of the chaotic scene after the fierce battle, it would not be easy!
You know, there are a total of 35000 adventurers here, and their eyes are like torches. Even if he is a strong man in Zifu District, he may not be seen by those who are interested!
The famous general Model who blatantly killed the two wars of the beast tide, even the ancestor Jon, would be sent to the guillotine by the angry adventurers.

But what if Jon had the perfect alibi?
Using Tattaglia's ability, Du Yu can achieve two avatars in the space and the plot, and they can run side by side at the same time. Why can't Jon?
He only needs to participate in a meeting of the imperial court, or a dance party, or make a public appearance at this time, and naturally countless people will prove to him that the real Jon is in the capital city of Shinra, not on the border of war!
As for the testimonies of a few sergeants, Jon could use the confusion at the scene, someone pretending, or other excuses to cover up the past.

It turned out to be the case.

Du Yu's eyes turned cold.

His speculation may not be correct, but it is a very reasonable and logical explanation!
The answer, perhaps, lies here.

Du Yu calmed down.

As long as it is not a conspiracy against the entire Western Front, Du Yu is not afraid.Although Du Yu was worried about his own safety, he was not so dangerous if he was prepared.

While chatting and laughing with Adela, Federer, Lampard and other generals, Du Yu intentionally or unintentionally glanced at the surrounding mountains.

Jon, where will he surprise himself from?

In this raid, in order to reduce the risk of exposure, he will only bring a very small number of confidantes.

"The tide of beasts is coming!" A watchman from above, a woman with the clairvoyance ability in the [X-Men] series, called the police loudly.

From the far horizon, an endless wave of beasts finally surged.The whole earth began to tremble.

"It's twice the size of the first beast swarm." After experiencing the beast swarm, Shinra's army has become much calmer. The legion issued orders one after another, and there are statistics, which will be reported soon.

(End of this chapter)

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