Chapter 1361 The domineering side leaks, the demon is fierce! - Ask for a monthly pass!

After a long time, Catherine said tremblingly: "What the hell is this?"

"Du Yu once mentioned." Concubine Sisi said with difficulty: "The wave of warcraft in space is the gods of the local planet, driving the warcraft to attack space. This should be the local gods? Such a strong coercion .”

Tracy's eyes were blurred, she frowned deeply, and said in a hateful voice: "It should be a hostile god, but where is our god?"

"Although some of our gods have been revived, the number is too small. It is impossible to deal with every direction." Catherine pointed to another video.

In the video of the parliamentary country, there appeared the gods who led the beast tide and personally participated in the attack!

A gorilla like Black King Kong is as tall as a thousand feet, and each step covers hundreds of kilometers. Even the mountains are under his feet, as small as a small mound of dirt.

His body hair is like a forest, his breathing is like rain and fog, his chest rises and falls like an earthquake, his gaze is like the sun, and his roar is like thunder!
The god of monsters, the extraterrestrial celestial demon, was domineering as soon as he showed up, completely shocking the entire army of human adventurers on the battlefield!

Different from the slightly reserved Overlord Flying Dragon god, this Black King Kong god rolled up his sleeves as soon as he came up, and personally went into battle.

Just when millions of people in the parliamentary country trembled under the feet of this terrifying monster god, Nuwa appeared!

As the only god in the space, when the extraterrestrial demons personally participated in the battle, Empress Nuwa also resolutely stood up!
Empress Nuwa's beautiful eyes are clear, but her body size has also expanded to the same level as that of a black king kong. A goddess, a black king kong, confronts each other across the air.

Seeing this scene, the whole country of Parliament was shocked!
Countless religious people knelt down to thank Empress Nuwa for saving her life. Although she was an oriental god, she unexpectedly appeared in the parliamentary country at a critical moment to help the parliamentary country through the crisis.

The chimpanzee god hammered his chest furiously, jumped up, and rushed to Empress Nuwa.

Empress Nuwa's lower body turned into a snake body, and with one swipe, the Black King Kong flew up!
This pair of old enemies, who have been hostile since thousands of years ago, met vigorously as soon as they met, and launched a battle of gods.

This objectively saved the parliamentary state.In the battle between gods and gods, even the hordes of beasts, which are not afraid of death, dare not pass through, for fear that the gods will fight with mortals and suffer disaster.

This allowed the army of the parliamentary country to gain an unexpected chance to breathe, and began to organize the formation that had been loosened due to panic, and regrouped to prepare for the enemy.

The eyes of the three women were withdrawn from the southern battlefield and refocused on the western battlefield.

"Why didn't the gods come to save our Shinra?" Concubine Sisi dissatisfied.

"No need!" Catherine stared at a tall and straight figure standing tall on the battlefield, and said with a smile, "Because we have superheroes who are not inferior to gods! Let's see Du Yu's performance."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Du Yu's feat of activating the magic catapult and destroying the enemy's S-rank beast!

The superior performance of Du Yu commanding the army and taking away six S-level monsters in one wave quickly ignited the crazy enthusiasm of the whole country!
Shinra, millions of residents, big cities and small towns, streets and alleys, burst into cheers at the same time!

Countless people burst into tears with excitement.

Girls, let out a scream.

Brawny guys, shake your fists fiercely.

There is no competition or major event that can touch everyone's heart even more than this battle between the space beast tide and the Shenluo army!

Only by winning can Shinra have a tomorrow and a future.

When they saw the Overlord Flying Dragon-like Outer Territory Demon, people's confidence was suppressed to the lowest point, but Du Yu led the army, and a wave of incomparably beautiful volleys blasted all the S-level demon beasts in the beast tide, and quickly crushed the Outer Territory Demon And the coercion brought by the unprecedented beast tide!

How repressed people were before, how carnival they are now!

"here you go!"

"Fuck these bastards to death!"

"I'm going up too, damn it. It's too damn exciting."

Du Yu couldn't hear Shinra's reaction, but he stood awe-inspiringly at the highest point of the Mont Blanc Fortress, like a heroic stone sculpture. As long as he was there, no monster could cross the majestic Mont Blanc Fortress and invade Shinra. empire!

The offensive of the wave of monsters was completely disintegrated by this wave of blows!

All the S-rank monsters fell.

And this wave of S-level magic core volleys caused more losses to the monsters than that.

Because the monsters were too dense, the volley of 100 stone throws, in addition to killing the S-level monsters, the remaining stones also affected the dense herd.

Each S-level magic core contains the terrifying energy of an S-level monster.The bombarded stones can trigger a terrifying explosion, and the shock wave is enough to kill all monsters within 30 meters!

After the 100 stone throws were over, the group of monsters appeared riddled with gaps, large and small.

Thousands of monsters charging forward were blasted to pieces and died tragically on the spot.

This wave is Du Yu's blow to the monster beasts!
Are you not crazy?
Isn't it unmatched?
I'll give you a big one!

Let you see the strength and wisdom of human beings!
Du Yu didn't spare the firepower, and waved his hand: "Continue to load the trebuchet, S-level magic core, the second wave of salvo!"

Federer was so distressed that his face trembled, and he said in a trembling voice: "Boss, although we have hoarded 5000 S-level magic cores this time, but if we play like this, we will spend 100 at a time. What will we do next time the beast swarm?"

But what he didn't know was that Du Yu had successfully opened a package trade agreement for the 3000 billion survival points of the dragon clan in the East China Sea, and he didn't have to worry about the source of the S-level magic core.Since the beast horde was beaten to death by his own trebuchet at this time, and he didn't know what to do, why not take advantage of his illness to kill him and crush them all?
As for tactics, Du Yu actually didn't have a very advanced training. He only knew that at the moment when everything should be pressed, he must not be stingy and miss the opportunity!
"Fill me! Boom these beasts to death!" Du Yu yelled at Federer.

Federer shivered, turned around and waved his hands and shouted: "Didn't you hear what the commander said? Quickly reload and bombard me!"

Du Yu's decision was very wise.

100 Shenluo secret magic trebuchets started slowly again, projecting 100 magic cores!

100 S-level magic cores, with a total value of more than 10 billion survival points.

The animal horde, which is in the shock period, once again ushered in a catastrophe!

Du Yu's almost crazy attack command allowed the terrifying lethality of this magic trebuchet + S-level magic core to its limit!

Another wave of hundreds of magic cores exploded together, setting off a mushroom cloud and shock wave, blasting the front of Mont Blanc to a point of being riddled with holes, petrified, and filled with hopeless dust and flames.

The horde of beasts charging up densely, died piece by piece under this colorful barrage of death. The terrifying explosive power caused by the S-level magic core is enough to directly kill any monsters below A-level, let alone B- and C-level monsters.

Within the effective distance of 2000-3000 meters of the trebuchet, there are piles of corpses of monsters everywhere, and the monsters that have been blown to pieces are almost impossible to distinguish their types.We can only know that this gap is the forbidden area for monsters and the hope for human survival!
Shenluo's Mont Blanc Fortress stood tall in front of the sea and mountains of monster corpses, standing still!

Despite the wind from the southeast to the northwest, I stand still!

In the eyes of the people of Shenluo, the corpses of monsters piled up like a mountain, which is the most beautiful situation since the beginning of the war!
Because, this is the power of the human race, causing terrifying damage to the terrible local monsters!
They wished that Du Yu's trebuchets would be more powerful, and they would wipe out all these monsters in one go!
In countless squares, bars, and homes, the people of Shinra are boiling!They waved their fists and cheered loudly.

"Good fight!"

"Boom relieved!"

"Is there any more? Come again! Come again!"

"Good Mordel, good Legion!"

Catherine, Tracy, and Qie Sisi saw that Du Yu commanded decisively and acted resolutely, using the S-level magic core he had obtained to deal head-on blows to the invading beast horde, causing terrifying damage, tears welled up in their eyes. , holding their children and cheering.

"Based on this development, we can hold on to the second beast tide!" Catherine stared at Du Yu with firm eyes.

Tracy and concubine Sisi were also full of hope.

But the despair in the world is often given to you after hope, and then smashed down hard!

Just when Du Yu ordered the third wave of catapults to prepare, the extraterritorial demons hidden in the dark clouds could not just sit back and watch their own tribe, and were brutally massacred by the Shinra people with S-level magic cores!
All it did was grunt.

An extremely dangerous perception immediately rose in Du Yu's heart!

The blatant attack of the extraterrestrial demon far exceeded his expectations.

Almost everyone instinctively believed that a god-level existence of the order of the extraterrestrial demons would not directly attack the troops of the human race.

It's like a group of children fighting, the adults on the other side should not directly intervene.

But at this time, the extraterrestrial celestial demon was so unreasonable and directly attacked!
In the hearts of all the Shinra fighters who participated in the battle at the Mont Blanc Fortress, there was an irresistible sense of despair.

This sense of coercion makes one wish to kneel on the ground and accept the trial of the extraterrestrial demon.

It seems that if you are killing monsters, you are fighting against the heaven and the earth, against the truth, and against the gods.

That kind of depressing and crazy powerful aura diffused between the heaven and the earth, making the Shinra warriors lose their vitality and fighting spirit.

Bigger blows followed.

The extraterrestrial celestial demon snorted softly and landed on Shenluo's position, but there was a loud noise like a thunderstorm!
The hundreds of trebuchets waiting in full force in the formation were affected by this loud noise, and there was a trace of throbbing that shouldn't have happened.

Then, these trebuchets with huge power, interlocking components, and tight magic circle were simultaneously affected by the loud sound from the extraterrestrial demons, and bursts of cracks appeared. Some collapsed directly, scattered all over the place, unusable!Many Shinra soldiers who were debugging and lifting the catapult were hit by the catapult and suffered heavy casualties.

The entire Shenluo Empire was shocked by this mutation.

(End of this chapter)

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