Chapter 1374 Exchange hostages, redeem Fuxi! - Ask for a monthly pass!

"Doesn't that mean that these two living treasures can still be used by me next time?" Pheasant Ji said pleasantly.

Du Yu blinked: "Otherwise, why would you switch the two of them back? They'd be lying if they went back."

Su Daji and the three daughters laughed in unison.

Du Yu didn't want to go back to Yunmengze either, so without further ado, he found a secluded place, set up a temporary camp, embraced Su Daji, Jiji and Pipa, and went to bed to sleep.

He was utterly exhausted.

The third female ring was fat, swallow and thin, surrounded Du Yu, quietly looking at his calm and handsome face when he was sleeping.

Men, after creating great careers, are the most attractive to women.

Du Yu did such a good job in Datang, saving everyone's life, which deeply attracted the attention of the three women.

If the three of them knew that their man was the same person as Model who saved Shinra, wouldn't they be even more shocked?

Du Yu slept deeply for two days and two nights before he opened his eyes.

"You're finally awake." Su Daji said softly, "Maxela has called three times to inquire about your location and status. Datang, this beast horde has already been crushed."

Du Yu smiled wryly and said, "I don't know about other countries, what happened?"

"It seems that the northern Sudan, under the personal participation of Empress Nuwa, repelled the attack of the extraterritorial celestial demon named Meng, and crushed the enemy's attack by the way. But Sai Yiwu, who is known as the number one warrior in the inner city, in this battle , unfortunately fell. At the same time, more than 5 Sudanese adventurer elites were killed. The strength of the Sultanate has fallen sharply."

"Shenluo in the west is the smoothest. The commander of Mordel, who was born out of the sky, completed an impossible task. He actually shot down the extraterrestrial demon and was captured by the Nuwa empress. Shenluo paid a lot in this beast tide. The price is only 15000 people. The strength is among the four countries, and it already has the taste of a superpower."

"The parliamentary country in the south is the only country that is still fighting fiercely. But because the three beast hordes have all been defeated, the extraterritorial demons in the south have already retreated. It is estimated that the beast horde will subside within a few days."

Su Daji reported the information to Du Yu one by one.

Du Yu stood up, and the two beauties, Pheasant Ji and Pipa, brought him the clothes tenderly and thoughtfully, and helped him put them on.Su Daji asked worriedly, "Where are you going?"

Du Yu laughed and said, "I still have things to deal with. Now, I have to go to Empress Nuwa first!"

"You don't need to look for it anymore." A woman in green clothes walked out of the dense forest slowly, and looked at Du Yu and the three girls with a smile: "What a romantic young man. I haven't seen you for a while, and I hooked up two beauties from my monster clan." Get started."

Su Daji, Pipa, and Jiji were all ashamed, but Du Yu swaggered and raised his eyebrows: "This is just a small interest. Madam, I will risk my life for your old man this time. Just now I just woke up from a coma. It is said that the emperor does not send hungry soldiers, you old man repelled the four heavenly demons this time, so you must give the little one a little reward, right?"

Empress Nuwa chuckled, and said with a straight face: "You little bastard, after doing such a little thing for empress, you actually want to benefit from me? I am also a poor god at this time, how can I benefit you at all?"

Du Yu intentionally put on a soul-bending expression, leaned closer to Empress Nuwa and said, "As long as you fight with Empress, I'll be cannon fodder!"

Empress Nuwa withdrew her powder fist angrily, glanced at the three girls, and said calmly: "Since Mr. Du Yu likes the three of you, from today onwards, the three of you are his people. You must serve Mr. Du Yu well. Otherwise, I will not forgive you."

The three women said yes respectfully, bowed their heads shyly and remained silent.

The three of them were all sent to the lower realm by Empress Nuwa. Nuwa is equivalent to their god suzerain, who would dare not listen?
Du Yuda Lala hugged Jiji and Pipa's water snake waist in his arms, and said dissatisfiedly: "Nuwa Empress, besides this reward you love and I wish, is there no other benefit?"

Nuwa was so angry at Du Yu's money fanatic, but she also knew that he was able to play two roles on his own, and he had made great contributions, so she couldn't refute it. Liu Mei raised her eyebrows and said, "What else do you want?"

Du Yu smiled and said: "You can write this down for now, I will remember it later, and I will ask your mother for it."

Nuwa was upset by Du Yu, who was like a monkey, but she also knew that he had made great contributions, so she nodded and said, "Don't make things difficult for your mother. Well, now I'm going to go to the extraterrestrial demons to exchange for the Great God Fuxi. Would you like to go with me?"

"Exchange?" Du Yu was stunned: "Are they willing?"

"They have to be willing if they don't want to." Nuwa giggled and said with a coquettish smile, "The Overlord Flying Dragon God Kui is also a very influential extraterritorial demon. It's not humane. In addition to Moo who was injured last time, the strength of the extraterrestrial demons has been greatly damaged."

"Even if we have one more Fuxi here, against the extraterrestrial demons, it will be 2 to 4, and the number will be disadvantaged, right?" Du Yu said.

"Yes! This is another reason why they are not afraid. In addition, their celestial demons recover faster than us. It is estimated that in a few worlds, there will be many extraterritorial celestial demons who will recover." Nuwa said worriedly: "And we The gods who have been sleeping forever, have not shown much signs of recovery."

Du Yu was silent.

The two of them flew on an auspicious cloud to the coast of the East China Sea.

There is an agreed venue for the exchange of gods.

On the coast of the East China Sea, dark clouds are rolling, and the waves are raging!

Du Yu finally saw Hum's real body.

It was a gigantic monster like a cow, ten thousand feet long, five thousand feet high, not inferior in size to Kui who was knocked down by him, and even more powerful.

"Hum, I've already brought Kui who was wounded and captured." Facing the evil waves of the East China Sea, Nuwa said in a charming voice without fear, "Why don't you exchange my elder brother Fuxi?"

In addition to Hum, Du Yu was still in the dark clouds. He saw another demon god like a black diamond gorilla, [-] feet tall, with one foot in the sea and the other on top of the dark clouds, glaring at Nuwa and himself. Chaotianjue's huge nostrils continuously spit out orange-red flames.

"This is the extraterrestrial demon named Meng?" Du Yu was secretly startled: "Where are these demons in the past? Why have they never seen such a huge existence?"

In addition to these two heavenly demons, there is also a python in the sea. It should be the heavenly demon that has just retreated from attacking the southern parliament. According to Nuwa, its name is Shen.

Shen, Meng, and Hum are the three main demons.

Hearing Nuwa's coquettish reprimand, he spewed out a ball of flames from his nostrils, beat his chest and roared angrily: "Nuwa! Even you will become my prey sooner or later, why save Fuxi, wow haha. This time you sent me to my door Come, wait for me"

Before he finished speaking, Nuwa with a cold face grabbed the captured Kui out, and the snake's tail burrowed into his brain which was blown away by Du Yu!
Kui screamed earth-shattering!
The three extraterrestrial demons suddenly looked at each other and their faces changed.

Rubbing his forehead fiercely, he shrugged helplessly and said, "Okay, woman! You are cruel. We must also save our brother. This is your elder brother Fuxi, who has been trapped in his dream of eternal sleep."

Hum's pair of lifeless bull's eyes stared at Du Yu coldly and mercilessly, and said in a low voice, "This time, you hindered our plan again? You have hindered me twice already."

Without fear, Du Yu shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Since you dare to invade my space, you should have the awareness to be destroyed by me forever!"

Hum roared angrily: "Don't be too arrogant, kid, I will definitely kill you and imprison your soul in my body, making your life worse than death all day long."

As he spoke, a ray of light suddenly spit out from his mouth.

This ray of light turned into a gossip shape, hovering in the air forever.

Nuwa was pleasantly surprised.

Du Yu secretly said: "Nuwa Empress, be careful of the enemy's sneak attack. Whether this gossip is the real body of Fuxi is still unknown."

Nuwa gathered herself together and understood Du Yu's judgment at this time.

After all, the opponent is three against one. If it weren't for the fact that Du Yu's performance this time was really eye-catching, and he shot down Kui abruptly, he could barely be regarded as a god (in fact, Du Yu relied on surprise and the enemy's contempt, and his strength was only a hundred times that of the extraterrestrial demons. One-third), now the enemy has already rushed forward.

The eight trigrams gradually began to rotate, and the yin and yang fish became active and swam.

Finally, the gossip pattern gradually turned into a god that Du Yu had seen once.

God Fuxi!

A gentle face, totem tattoos on his body, and a strong figure

"Damn it, it's no wonder that Empress Nuwa must save Fuxi. This is a strong man. Could it be that Nuwa needs him to be satisfied?"

If Nuwa knew what Du Yu was thinking, she wondered if she would chase him down.

Great God Fuxi, the blackness in his eyes has all subsided, and a piece of clarity has returned, smiling at Nuwa.

"Brothers and sisters have met." Du Yu thought badly, "Could it be that there is some adultery?"

Nuwa also followed the rules and released the injured Kui.

Kui turned into the shape of the Overlord Flying Dragon God and flew towards the dark clouds in the sky. Before leaving, he cast a cold glance at Du Yu.

He doesn't hate Nuwa very much, after all, Nuwa is a generation of gods, equal to him, losing to Nuwa is not ashamed.

But he lost to Du Yu!

It was Du Yu who pulled him down from the throne, fell into the mundane world, crashed the Alps in one breath, and buried him in the ruins.

It was Du Yu who gave him such great shame and humiliation that he could hardly hold his head up in front of other demons from other territories.

Kui will never forgive this kind of humiliation.

He wants revenge!

Du Yu smiled helplessly.

People, if you don't have the ability, you can't do it. If you have the ability, the tree will attract the wind, but it is also helpless.

The great god Fuxi returned to Nuwa's side smoothly, and there was no bloody incident of breaking the contract.

The ratio of the number of gods on both sides at this time has become 2 to 4, there is one more space god, and two extraterrestrial demons have been injured, temporarily reaching a balance.

All of this was done by Du Yu!

The two sides looked at each other for a while, and without saying anything, the four heavenly demons slowly retreated.

Fuxi and Nuwa also returned to the space domain.

 Thank you for your support of Laozhu!Today, the fourth update of the old pig broke out!

(End of this chapter)

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