Chapter 1381 Killing Instinct!Total Annihilation! - Ask for a monthly pass!

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Where the golden cudgel passed, there was a bloody mess.Although the barbarians were still struggling to resist, they had lost their formation and organizational system, and their scattered and disorderly resistance could only be crushed and pulverized by Du Yu.

Du Yu's kill value jumped accordingly.

To Du Yu's surprise, the barbarian king was holding a blood-red sledgehammer, and he was still standing on the spot, and he did not suffer too much damage.

Du Yu confronted the barbarian king.

This is a desperate struggle, and neither side has a way out.

The barbarian king was extremely powerful, even stronger than Du Yu at this time. Every time he swung the 6-meter-long giant hammer, it moved like a mountain of meat. The cudgel resisted the impact of the barbarian king.

The barbarian king had a lot of fat on his body, and the flames he sparked would last forever and sizzled, but he didn't care, and stared at Du Yu with a pair of cold eyes.

"You killed so many of my warriors, damn it!" the barbarian king dragged his giant hammer.The bronze alloy giant hammer is like the synthetic corpse monster in Resident Evil 4 dragging a giant axe, drawing metal sparks on the ground and making a piercing sound.

Du Yu also looked at the barbarian king coldly and shrugged: "They dare to attack my village and town, they should have the awareness of death."

The barbarian king raised his head and roared angrily, stomping his foot so hard that the ground trembled.

"Roar!" the barbarian king said angrily, "Although you have a good army, they are all dead. Although you have powerful magic, it seems that you can only use it once. For the rest, I will use this one." Sledgehammer, execute you!"

Around him were more than 3000 barbarian soldiers with various injuries and fierce eyes. Encouraged by the barbarian king's example, they also surrounded him and looked at Du Yu fiercely.

"Do you bully the few with the more?" Du Yu sneered.

But he knew it in his heart.

All the summoned cannon fodder had been killed in the fierce battle.

The ability to summon beauties has been sealed by the extraterrestrial demons and cannot be used.

Even the Doomsday Judgment and the Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul Refining Bag, which are the hole cards of mass destruction, were used up.

For the rest, how should we fight?
The barbarian king + more than 3000 barbarians are definitely not something he can resist.

Du Yu was meditating, but suddenly heard a arrogant roar in his ear: "Warrior! Kneel down! Offer your dignity to Mars, the God of War, and I will help you become an invincible God of War! Help you through this Difficulty."

"Did you really come to seduce me?"

Du Yu sneered in his heart.

He can be sure that Mars, the god of war, is inextricably linked with the extraterrestrial demon, and he might even be the extraterritorial demon Hum himself!

Because, this world is an eternal sleep dream where the soul of the goddess Athena is imprisoned!
Empress Nuwa said that the Dreamland of Eternal Sleep is an endless cycle world controlled by extraterrestrial demons and imprisoning the souls of human gods.Here, the extraterrestrial demons are gods!Supreme God!
As a result, Du Yu had to doubt the motive of Mars, the god of war, tempting himself to surrender to him at this time.

Although in the plot, Kratos did worship at Mars' knees, it turned out that what Mars wanted was to turn Kratos into a cold-blooded and ruthless killing machine in the world, a perfect clone of God of War.

With Du Yu's arrogance, how could he be willing to condescend?
"No! Absolutely!" Carrying Ruyi's golden cudgel, Du Yu raised his head and laughed wildly, surrounded by a barbarian king as fierce as a mountain of meat and boundless barbarian warriors: "I will never surrender to anyone! If you If I have the ability, I will drop the test and frown, I am not a hero!"

He swiped the golden cudgel, and flew out the few barbarians who rushed up, his eyes were red, and with a fierce fighting spirit, he rushed towards the barbarian king!


No hesitation, just one thought.

Fight to the end!
The Ruyi Golden Cudgel, in his hands, transformed into a golden dragon, sweeping, poking, swinging, drinking, and smashing it to the extreme. It is thunderous, changes in an instant, and has infinite power.

As long as the kill value is full, Du Yu instantly activates the unparalleled kill, using the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon and the Ruyi Golden Cudgel alternately. After 40 consecutive moves, the surrounding stumps are flying, blood is sprayed, the liver and brain are smeared, and the kill is good. A very happy one.

He has gradually forgotten his original intention, as if entering the world of God of War is like entering the hell of Shura, only the instinct of fighting and the thrill of killing are left!

Seeing this, the barbarian king was furious. With a howl, he raised his sledgehammer and smashed it heavily at Du Yu.

Du Yu spat out a big mouthful of blood, suffering serious internal injuries.If he hadn't accepted the heavenly thunder quenching body that was several times stronger than ordinary cultivators, and his body was as strong as a demon god, this blow would have killed him.

But the difficulty of this world is really not low.

Except for the barbarian king, even those miscellaneous fish that usually serve as cannon fodder are actively running and attacking wildly. As long as Du Yu can't dodge, he will be hugged by the enemy desperately, and he won't let go until his hand bones are broken, creating opportunities for other companions to attack .

Du Yu's physical injuries became more and more serious, and his steps became heavier and heavier.

He felt dizzy and his eyes were gradually blurred with blood.

The Ruyi golden cudgel in his hand was swung completely by instinct, and the Lingbo microsteps under his feet also became a little messy.

"Damn it, the moment I entered this world, I encountered such a difficult and extremely difficult battle. This world is indeed a perverted existence." Du Yu slandered in his heart: "No wonder Kratos knelt down and begged Mars for help as soon as he came up. This Difficulty beyond the reach of ordinary inner-city adventurers."

In fact, if ordinary adventurers come, there is no need to forcefully pass the four levels of one thousand, three thousand, six thousand, and ten thousand barbarians. As long as they forcefully pass the first level and eliminate one thousand barbarians, they will have Qualified to be favored by Mars, God of War, has the right to call Mars for protection.

Then Mars will rush down to settle everything for the adventurer easily, kill the barbarian king, and give the adventurer his famous Chaos Blade to enhance the adventurer's strength.

In other words, for ordinary adventurers, this is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and the difficulty is not too high.

But this time, Du Yu has to face the test of the heavenly demons from outside the territory. How can he dare to take Mars with his ulterior motives lightly?This created a bad situation where he had to fight against the four waves of barbarians with his own strength.

Just when Du Yu was at the end of his life, Catherine and Tracy, holding the children in their arms at the time of parting, appeared in front of his eyes, chasing him reluctantly, expecting to be called.

He thought of Lin Qing'er, Zhao Ling'er, mother and daughter who were pregnant before he was involved in this world, the pale, panic-stricken and pitiful expressions on their little faces.

He can't die!

An instinctive drive to survive surged out of Du Yu's bones, allowing his tired and seriously injured body to regain valuable motivation!
He raised his head to the sky and roared angrily!
The ghost prison roars!
With the improvement of Du Yuxiu's strength, the power of these martial arts skills is also rising simultaneously, and has a higher priority.

The barbarians around were rushing madly, and they were suddenly taken away by Du Yu's roar, and they froze on the spot for a moment.

Du Yu turned around, and Ruyi's golden cudgel swept across thousands of troops, instantly killing all the stunned barbarians! Countless blood-red soul beads flew into his body like meteors.

The more kills, the faster Du Yu's special kills will accumulate, and the faster the deaths of these barbarian soldiers will come!This is a virtuous cycle rhythm!

"Kill!" Du Yu jumped up violently, sweeping through thousands of troops, another massacre.

The barbarian king just woke up from the dizziness, and was about to pick up the big hammer to give Du Yu a fatal blow, but unfortunately, Du Yu happened to be full of Wushuang must kill at this time!

"Eighteen dragon-subduing palms!" Ruyi's golden cudgel flew into the air, and her golden palms turned into golden dragons, flying towards the barbarian king's chest.

The barbarian uttered an inhuman howl

The battle is over.

Amidst the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, Du Yu was on the verge of falling and was driven to the brink of death.

But he's the only one standing!

Du Yu stepped forward and wanted to go down, but staggered and fell on the mountain of corpses.

In the sky, vultures with red eyes and wide wings were hissing and laughing, circling in all directions, like a vagabond waiting for a feast to start, laughing strangely like a god of death.

Du Yu laughed so loudly that his wound burst and his stomach ached.

He seemed to be in mid-air, and he could see Mars' face distorted in anger because of the failure of his plan!
God of War covets Kratos.

But unfortunately, instead of giving in, he, Kratos, relied on his own hands to slap Mars' majestic face hard!

He won!
No kneeling, no prayer, no abandonment of dignity, no blessing from the gods.

With his own stick and a pair of fleshy palms, he killed more than 20000 barbarians!
His killing value reached 21000.The barbarian king has a special status, and he was given 1000 killing points.

On the kill timer, he was far ahead of Dark Kratus.The killing value of the latter is only 8000 points so far, and it has stopped moving. It should be during the third wave of barbarian attacks that he was forced to surrender to Mars and accept Mars' gifts and blessings. Become a servant of the God of War in exchange for a chance to survive.

Du Yu was ahead of Dark Kratos.

He couldn't help but say that this leading feeling is good.

Du Yu's laughter couldn't stop the vultures in the sky and the wolfhounds in the field from rushing at the bloody corpses and biting them, surrounded by the sounds of swallowing and fighting.

Du Yu closed his eyes: "No wonder the Roman general said that the breath of the dead is always pleasant to smell."

He stood up precariously, and picked up the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

The murderous aura on his body was too heavy, like a substance, layers of blood-red light shrouded him.Neither the vultures nor the wolfhounds dared to look directly at them and avoided them one after another.

"Killing more than ten thousand people, ghosts and gods have changed the situation." Du Yu chuckled, swayed, and walked unrestrainedly into the distance.

In the sky that Du Yu couldn't see, on the peak of Mount Olympus, a red-haired, armored giant towering over ten thousand feet, watched Du Yu's haughty posture through the clouds, punched furiously, and smashed on the table!
(End of this chapter)

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