Chapter 1404 Du Yu Becomes a God!Lucky draw! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
The moment the Pandora's Box was opened, Du Yu felt a mysterious power transmitted to him.He couldn't tell what this feeling was, but there was indeed an emotional positive energy in his body.

The statue of the goddess Athena let out a joyous sigh: "Oh! I feel the power of liberation! Ares, you and I are gods, what we fear most is not each other, but human beings! Human emotions and beliefs make us Gods, but their emotions and betrayal can also destroy our gods. This is what the Orientals say, water can carry a boat and capsize it!"

Rays of light emanated from her body, covering Pandora's Box!
After the Pandora's box was opened, it suddenly burst into light!

All kinds of power sealed inside surged out, floating around Du Yu!
Before Du Yu's eyes, there were cries, laughter, joy, and despair, as if all human emotions were concentrated in this Pandora's box, and when Du Yu opened it, they were suddenly released!
Du Yu's heart was instantly filled with too many emotions.

Only then did he know why Pandora's Box was turned pale by the gods!Scared like this.

If the sky is loving, the sky is also old, and the right way in the world is vicissitudes!
What the gods need is pure power of faith.The so-called purity means that believers unconditionally pin their beliefs on the gods. The gods themselves should not have too many emotions, which will lead to instability of the godhead and eventually fall.

You see, that great god didn't fall because of anthropomorphic emotions?

From the Norse god Odin, the twilight of the gods, to the death and resurrection of God, the death and fall of all religious gods, without exception, is the result of self-made.

Therefore, the gods all know that Pandora's box is powerful and can be used to attack each other, but they are afraid of burning themselves and burn themselves into it.The only one who is not afraid and dares to open this Pandora's box for Du Yu is Athena.Because she is about to fall, a dying god is fearless.

Du Yu opened Pandora's Box in front of Athena, and instantly fell into a storm of various emotions, unable to extricate himself!
"Don't you have three crystals obtained from the Minotaur, Hydra, and Hell's three-headed dog? Put all these crystals into Pandora's box!" the statue of Athena ordered.

"What are you teaching him?" When Ares saw the Pandora's Box open, his expression changed immediately, his face was like gold paper, and he backed away again and again, as if the Pandora's Box contained the most terrible plague in the world.Even he, the god of war, is as fearful as a snake and a scorpion.

The statue of Athena chuckled and said, "I'm teaching him the mystery of becoming a god!"

"You taught this kid to become a god?" Ares was frightened and angry: "Aren't you afraid of causing the wrath of the gods of Olympus?"

"I have been abandoned by the gods of Olympus!" Goddess Athena said unceremoniously: "Otherwise, why would I be forced to this point by you Ares? Isn't Zeus, Pluto and others secretly acquiescing to your wishes?" Offensive? What else do I have to be afraid of? What else is there not to dare to do?"

Ares was furious and speechless.

Du Yu threw all three crystals from the legendary monster's brain into the golden Pandora's box.

The emotion of the magic box seemed to have found an outlet, and rushed into these crystals in an instant.

The three spars were instantly shattered!
After the spar was broken, the bright light, like a sea of ​​stars, bloomed in the night sky, and the debris flew and scattered in the golden Pandora's box.

"What's going on here?" Du Yu was dumbfounded. The three crystals he had acquired with his life and death just disappeared?
"Look carefully!" Athena said with a smile.

Du Yu looked down.

At the bottom of Pandora's Box, three gems as fine as gravel and as bright as diamonds can be faintly seen, shining brightly.

For some reason, the first time Du Yu saw these gems, he intuitively felt that these gems were so mysterious, so majestic, so charming, and so sacred!
He had an urge to pay homage to these gems.

"What the hell is this?" Du Yu asked Athena, grabbing the gemstone with trembling hands.

"You still don't understand? This is Godhead!" Athena said with a smile: "Congratulations, you have succeeded in your first attempt. You have obtained three pieces of Godhead!"

"Why? Why do monsters such as Xudra and Minotaur, which are feared by humans, have godhead fragments?"

"I need to explain this to you. Speaking of horror, who can be more feared by people than Hades? But on the mainland, Hades is very popular, second only to Zeus and the sun god. Do you know why? "

"Because people are afraid of him!" Du Yu blurted out.

"Yes! The power of belief in gods comes from many sources. It doesn't have to rely on worship. Sometimes, the fear of human beings can also form the power of faith. Over time, crystals similar to godheads can be condensed in the minds of gods. !Of course, these crystals are not godheads. Only after being refined and purified by the Pandora’s box full of human emotions can they form real fragments of godheads. And you are the first mortal to accomplish this feat! You are qualified Possess these three godhead fragments!" Athena's tone became excited.

"That's how it is!" Du Yu suddenly realized: "The Hydra, the Minotaur, and the Hell Dog have in common that they are widely legends and deeply feared by people. The power of these fears can also be condensed on In the heads of the three demons, godheads are formed. If time passes, these monsters will become even more vicious, maybe they will be upgraded to real evil gods, right?"

"Yes!" Athena looked at Du Yu with a smile: "To be honest, many gods are born from evil and fear. They are not true, good and beautiful. Interestingly, you, a mortal, became a god from the fear of demons." Obtained the godhead for the first time in the power!"

"I won't let you succeed!" Ares roared, and the God of War sword swung high again, ready to cut at Du Yu.

There was a flash of light on the statue of Athena, and the holy shield resisted Ares' crazy blow!
The holy shield collided with the God of War sword, and a tortoise-like crack suddenly appeared.

The goddess Athena tried her best to protect Du Yu.

At such a moment, from the Pandora's box in front of Du Yu, three fragments of godhead rose slowly, and rushed into Du Yu's body in an instant!
Du Yu closed his eyes, feeling the miraculous shards of the godhead merging into his body.

He received a cold reminder from the space: "You received Hydra's godhead fragments, and you now have 0.1 units of godhead!"

"For the first time you have a fragment of godhead, you will gain the ability to receive the power of faith from believers regardless of distance."

"The power of faith will be automatically converted into your energy and enhance your attributes. The more believers you have, the higher your intelligence level, and the higher your degree of piety, the more power of faith you will receive as a god. The specific calculation formula for power of faith is the number of believers * average intelligence of believers * average piety * your godhead value. The energy application formula of power of faith is power of faith = increase energy per second. The formula for attribute application is power of faith / 10 = Attributes temporarily increased every second. Attributes can be automatically assigned to any six-circle attribute according to your will."

"You are a space adventurer. In history, you are the 50th person who has achieved godhead. In space, there is a special chance for a lucky draw for the first 50 people who have achieved godhead. You are the last lucky one."

"I'm actually only the 50th Godhead?" Du Yu was astonished.He also thought he should be the first.

But thinking about it carefully, Du Yu smiled.Space has been born for more than [-] years. Since the existence of ancient humans, space gods and demons have been constantly selecting humans to enter.For such a long time, how could it be possible that there were no intelligent, talented, and powerful people?
I was able to squeeze into the top 50 godhead holders, which means that one godhead holder is born in an average space of 200 years, and I am very lucky.

Du Yu then received a prompt: "You have obtained Minotaur's godhead fragments, you have obtained 0.1 units of godhead, and the godhead has been raised to 0.2."

"You have obtained the godhead fragment of Cerberus, and the godhead has been raised to 0.4"

"Huh? Now Cerberus is actually scarier than Minotaur and Hydra?" Du Yu blinked and quickly figured out the joint.The fearful names of the Minotaur and Hydra are only spread in some areas, and the Greek world may not know all of them.But who can not die?Cerberus, the guardian dog of the underworld, is notoriously vicious, who doesn't know?Therefore, the power of fear received by Cerberus is far more than that of Minotaur and Hydra.

In front of Du Yu, a huge turntable of fate appeared.The three goddesses of fate appeared on both sides and below, shadowy, looking at Du Yu with a smile.

"A chance to draw a lottery? What would that be?" Du Yu fantasized about winning a big prize.Although it seems that Ares is by his side, and the battle with the gods is imminent, the opportunity to enhance his strength is always the most exciting for adventurers.

Ares rushed in like crazy again, Du Yu didn't have time to think, and pulled the lottery wheel with all his strength.He couldn't read the words on the turntable clearly either.

The turntable stopped slowly.

The pointer eventually pointed to a red destiny area.

"Well, congratulations." In the invisible shadow, the clear voice of a goddess of fate sounded: "You have won the favor of fate and got a [God-given coupon]. [God-given coupon]: Unknown item in space , each world can only get one at a time. One chance to turn a certain city in this world into your designated protection area. Your contribution to this city must exceed 50 points. Residents of this protection area, The power of faith will be provided to support you as a great god, but you must also answer their prayers and fulfill their main wishes in order to maintain this relationship of faith for a long time."

"So troublesome?" Du Yu was stunned: "It's city contribution and answering prayers. Doesn't it mean that I have to come back often to take care of the protection of faith? Who is the great god and who is the believer? Why do these believers compare Am I still an uncle?"

(End of this chapter)

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