Chapter 1422 Bravely Blocking Bullets!Hades exploded! -Second more please subscribe!
Hades withdrew the darkened Bident of Hades full of shame, and had already withstood four divine thunders for Du Yu, which cost him a great deal of divine power.

But fortunately, after figuring out Du Yu's reality and the power of the four divine thunders, Hades was stunned. If it was Du Yu's own power, Hades would have no choice but to run away.

He glared at Du Yu viciously, and drove the Underworld carriage to fly backwards.

"I'll wait until you're about to die, and come back to kill you for revenge!" Hades was full of deep-seated resentment towards Du Yu who played with him: "I will never let go of your soul!"

Du Yu opened his eyes and said with a playful smile, "Let's go? Won't you help me cross the catastrophe?"

Hades was so angry that he almost fell down, gritted his teeth and rushed forward, leaving Du Yu behind.

The fifth thunder of God's Punishment gathered in the air, and it struck down with lightning speed.

Hades flew to the safe area, turned his head hard, and watched Du Yu's good show.

"You deserve it! You, a mortal, have this fate." Hades was excited and a little regretful.Du Yu failed to die in his hands.But after thinking about it, after Du Yu's death, the most important godhead will not be destroyed, but will float out and be absorbed by him, so he is relieved.

But he didn't expect that this guy Du Yu has a plan and a chain of links, and he doesn't intend to keep him out of it at all!
In a flash, Du Yu appeared behind Hades.

Space ability.

In any case, it can be teleported within tens of thousands of meters!
Hades had the mentality of watching a good show, but failed to dodge, and was caught off guard by Du Yu.

The God of God's Punishment Thunder suddenly descended!
This fifth divine power is twice as powerful as the fourth, which is equivalent to the strength of Du Yu's last breakthrough!

Hundreds of feet in thickness, smashing it down!
Hades was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Du Yu was so treacherous, sticking to him like brown sugar!
He was extremely angry.

What is this feeling of being relied on?

Du Yu chuckled.

As early as when he started his breakthrough epiphany, he had already thought of the next move.

What if Hades, who heard the news, saw through his trick, what would he do?
The answer is, space power.

Immortal spells cannot be used, but spatial abilities are not affected.

Du Yu can teleport freely at any time and stand with Hades.

The two are like a pair of good friends, and they will stick together even if they die.

Seeing the God of Punishment Thunder that descended on his head in an instant, Hades was furious, and it was too late to escape.

He turned his head to look at Du Yu, his nose almost crooked.

Du Yu took the time to recuperate and tidy up his appearance, as if he had sacrificed his life and died together.

Hades and Du Yu stared at each other.

Both of them were unwilling to fight against Tianlei.

But the consequence of not taking action is that they will all be smashed into ashes by the thunder of the gods.

This is a typical game theory.

Both sides win is whoever can't hold back.

On the surface, Du Yu looked down on death, but in fact, he did have a hole card.

Underneath Du Yu, he also secretly squeezed the angel's wings tightly. Once Hades really went all out and withstood the lightning strike with his body, or if he couldn't resist, Du Yu could teleport it out instantly, and no bad luck would follow.

But Hades, you can't die here!
Divine thunder strikes down with lightning.

At the last moment, Hades let out a mournful howl: "Du Yu! I hate you!"

The Pluto, who rules the underworld and has a gloomy personality, can make such an indecent roar, which shows how disgusting Du Yu's brown sugar kung fu is to him.

But tragedy has already happened.

Heaven's Punishment Thunder struck down mercilessly.

Hades finally couldn't hold his breath anymore. At the last moment, he condensed a shield of dark energy, the dark green shield of dark energy, and the crimson God of Punishment Thunder, confronting each other head-on, buzzing.

Hades' man-eating eyes stared fiercely at Du Yu, who was close at hand under the shield.

Du Yu is like an unwelcome uninvited guest. Under the shield of Hades, he hitchhiked very comfortably.

It was Hades who consumed divine power.

Hades is full of resentment.

Originally, he traveled thousands of miles to intercept and kill Du Yu, but it turned out to be Du Yu's protective shield. How could he accept this result?
But at the moment of life and death, Hades didn't dare to neglect, and after a moment of slamming the fifth divine thunder, there was only a crackling sound, and the dark green dark energy shield was blasted into pieces by the divine punishment thunder.

With a moment's support, Du Yu and Hades had gone their separate ways and escaped.

The Thunder of God's Punishment landed in the Aglon River, scattering countless Styx ghosts.

The Styx River formed a huge vortex, and countless pale floating corpses floated up, like dead fish after being blasted by thunder.

Heaven's Punishment God Thunder is the most rigid and yang thing that can most restrain yin and evil.For all creatures in the underworld, it has a multiplied damage effect.

Hades had lingering fears, even with his divine power, he couldn't stop the fifth divine thunder.

I can't stop it.

He gave Du Yu a cold look, drove the underworld carriage, and rushed forward at high speed.

He wants to escape from here.

Funny to say.

The majestic god of the underworld was actually forced to flee from the underworld river by a mortal.If it gets out, how many gods will be stunned and their eyes will drop.

But Du Yu obviously didn't intend to let him go so easily.

He smiled evilly, the angel wings in his hand flashed, and instantly appeared on the chariot of Hades with four black horses, sitting side by side with Hades!

"I said Laoha, you are not mean enough." Du Yu Dalala said shamelessly: "We met twice, so we are so destined, how can we not get close to each other."

As he said this, the sixth thunder of divine punishment was already brewing in the air, and it was about to strike down immediately!

Hades was so outraged by Du Yu's shamelessness, he pointed at Du Yu's pale lips, and tremblingly said, "You you!"

But there is no time for cursing.

The sixth thunder of divine punishment finally descended suddenly!

Hades screamed.

His strength can no longer stop the divine thunder that multiplies in power every time.

Du Yu sneered in his heart: "Damn Hades, I managed to trick you here. If I don't make you vomit blood, how can I be worthy of your kindness in framing and ambush me twice?"

According to Du Yu's calculations, Hades really couldn't stop this wave of divine thunder.The reason is that the strength of the old Dragon King was compared last time.This sixth wave of divine thunder has surpassed the power of the highest peak of the previous tribulation.Even the Dragon King of the East China Sea, who is an SS-level warcraft in space and is only one step away from becoming a god, changes color when he hears it.This Hades has been able to block until now, and has almost exhausted his strength.

But Du Yu was still smiling, sitting on Hades' Chariot of Hades, looking as if they would die together.

Hades saw that the situation was not good, and he was also a cunning and cunning person. He gritted his teeth and gave up the Hades chariot, turned into a cloud of black gas, and fled to the other side of the Agron River.

Hades' speed had already reached the limit, but with a flash of black light, he disappeared into the carriage.

But the problem is that Du Yu possesses spatial abilities and somersaulting clouds. As long as he locks on to Hades, he will arrive within [-] meters in an instant, and Hades can't get rid of Du Yu.

The purple-red Thunder of Heaven's Punishment, like a maggot on a tarsal bone, also instantly changed direction and struck at the two of them.

Hades screamed angrily, "Du Yu! I love you!"

His swear words were blocked by the God of Punishment Thunder!
Only a scream was heard!
Hades desperately welcomed the wrath of the God of Punishment Thunder!

His underworld robe was wiped out in the lightning, and the body under the robe was exposed to Du Yu's sight for the first time.

It was a mass of black air lingering and tumbling divine power, with a golden divine spark wrapped in the center.

Purple-red lightning, no matter you are a god or a man, as long as you stand in front of it, you will be smashed to pieces!

Hades screamed, the black gas-like body disappeared in the tearing of the purple god thunder

Hades, Hades, disappears.

Du Yu instinctively felt that Hades was not dead yet.After all, this is in the underworld, and he is the god of the underworld, so he has more life-saving cards than himself, not less.

But there is no doubt that the noble and ruthless Lord Hades, due to Du Yu's tireless personal tactics, has been severely injured by the God of Punishment Thunder. Whether he can recover his divine power depends entirely on luck and time.

But after the sixth wave of divine thunder wiped out Hades, they did not exhaust themselves, and were still tracking Du Yu, the true master of the tribulation.

Before Du Yu had time to think about it, he was also involved in the aftermath of the divine thunder!

He roared in pain. Although the power of Shenlei was mostly blocked by "faithful friend" Hades, the remaining aftermath still caused Du Yu's serious injury!

It is really too powerful.

Du Yu's body was struck by the divine thunder and flew up violently. This small half of the power of the divine thunder had made Du Yu, who was unable to use his immortal power, seriously injured!

Is it so easy to cross the tribulation?What's more, Du Yu's crossing the catastrophe was more difficult than others.

If Du Yu hadn't relied on himself to resist a lot of divine thunder last time, this wave of divine thunder would have killed him.

Du Yu knelt on the ground, raised his head with difficulty, his eyes were blood red, staring at the blue sky of the underworld.I couldn't help but feel a little bit of joy in my heart.

Although theoretically, the power of the God of Punishment Thunder is the same everywhere, but in the western underworld world that lacks the spirit of heaven and earth, its power is still much smaller, at least weakened by 3%.

Don't underestimate this 3%, it may become the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Du Yu wiped off his sweat and stood up unsteadily.

The shield Hades was seriously injured and escaped, and the rest was on his own.

In the sky, the blood-red red clouds are constantly accumulating, and the seventh and last divine thunder is about to strike down.

Du Yu's eyes, like a wolf in the cold wind, were rebellious and unyielding, staring wildly at the sky, his broad chest was filled with astonishing courage and anger, he tore off his shirt, and roared to the sky.

Seeing Du Yu being so wild on the video screen, the alien demon Hum, Zeus, Athena, and Empress Nuwa, who are closely watching the war, all changed their expressions at the same time.

The extraterrestrial demon let out an angry roar: "Hades is an idiot! He went up to serve as cannon fodder for others! He also helped Du Yu survive six waves of God's Punishment Thunder! !"

Dark Kratos gritted his teeth and said: "Fortunately, it seems that the God of Punishment Thunder is not over yet, you will send me over now, and I will kill him."

(End of this chapter)

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