Chapter 1445 The World-Destroying Huge Wave!Chant of the sea! - Please subscribe!

Of course Athena was also a little embarrassed.But Du Yu's kindness to her was too great to be repaid by flesh.The condition for using this [God Gift Voucher] is that Du Yu's contribution to the city must exceed 50 points.Only the residents of this protected area can provide the power of faith.Du Yu killed Ares, who was besieging Athens, and saved all the residents of the city from being massacred. His contribution reached 50, which allowed him to transform the city.

Fortunately, Athena was also very decisive. Seeing that Du Yu was so determined, she readily issued an oracle and ordered the residents of Athens to convert to Du Yu as the main god. It was changed to Du Yu's Temple of War.

Of course, Athena, a woman full of scheming, would not lose her base in vain. The exchange she proposed was that Du Yu must help her to recover other cities protected by the sea emperor Poseidon.After Poseidon was killed by Du Yu, even his soul was taken away by Du Yu, and his protected land has become a land without owner.Such cities abound on the coast of the Aegean Sea.

Du Yu suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Athena left her before the decisive battle. It turned out that she was going to snatch the fruits of victory, capture Poseidon's city, and expand the number of believers.

The pair of adulterers and lovers, of course hit it off.

A decisive battle is about to break out, and their divine power is the key to this battle. At this time, there is nothing in the sky above Poseidon's many protected areas. If we don't take this opportunity to expand our influence, when will we wait?
As an old-fashioned main god, Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, is much more famous than Du Yu, the unknown god of war. Her speed of transforming a city is by no means comparable to Du Yu.

The two teamed up to attack, whistling across the sky, and landed on the protected area of ​​Poseidon. With the fate of the God of War and the Goddess of Wisdom, they issued a joint oracle, ordering the city to surrender within 24 hours.Overthrew the dead statue of Poseidon, razed the temple, and converted to believe in Athena and Du Yu.

The cities, without much resistance, quickly surrendered.Just kidding, no matter how fanatical believers are, they will not joke about their own lives.

Maybe it was the aftermath of Poseidon's death, maybe it was Du Yu and Athena who wanted to attack and destroy Poseidon's protected area, which aroused the hatred of other clones of Poseidon attached to statues everywhere, maybe it was Zeus who was playing tricks. When the adulterer finally obtained the tenth city, the color of the sky and the earth suddenly changed on the ocean, with huge waves crashing into the sky, and the turbulent waves smashed against the shore.

"There's something wrong with this situation!" Athena hurriedly said, "I feel that the ocean has become very violent and terrifying!"

"Gaia is leading many titans to launch a general attack on Mount Olympus." Du Yu also felt the fury of the ocean: "Who made this? Zeus?"

Holding the Trident of the Sea God, he tried to calm the raging sea.

On the towering summit of Olympus, Zeus, Hades, Apollo and other gods frowned, staring at the titan gods who were climbing on the cliff and constantly approaching, discussing countermeasures.

"Unexpectedly, Du Yu, a mere mortal, could actually provoke such a huge disturbance in our world." Apollo's teeth itch with hatred: "These giant gods are not easy to deal with."

"Compared to the Titans." Zeus' eyes were gloomy, staring into the distance: "I am more concerned about the growth of Du Yu. He is uniting with Athena to continuously attack more coastal cities. Once the rebels have gained enough territory, With their power to harvest many godheads, it will become even more terrifying. We must not be confused by the titans in front of us, and give up the pressure on Du Yu and others."

"But the Titans are attacking the city. It's good that we can defend it. How can we spare Du Yu and Athena?" Hades thought of Poseidon who was killed within 5 minutes, and even Hades couldn't help but feel chills.I thought to myself that I must not send myself there, if I was second again, it would be a complete tragedy.

"Don't worry!" A flash of lightning flashed, and Zeus said angrily, "He was able to kill Poseidon because of the three artifacts of fate. As far as I know, the goddess of fate has been resurrected, and the three artifacts of destiny and part of the godhead of destiny have already It was taken back. Du Yu and Athena have no golden fingers!"

Hades breathed a sigh of relief.It is good that the three artifacts of destiny are taken away, otherwise the deterrent force of this god-killing weapon is too great.

"God King, how do you plan to destroy Du Yu and Athena's plan?" Pluto stared at the lower realm.

"Hey" Zeus smiled, and the blackness in his eyes became more pervasive. Even Hades looked a little frightened.

"Since the adulterers are committing suicide and trying to gain the faith of more mortals, we can't stop it for a while." Zeus's voice was icy cold: "Then, there is no need for these mortals to exist. I want to get rid of the fire! "

"Draw the bottom of the pot?" Apollo exclaimed, "Are you planning to"

"Surrender terrible divine punishment, set off a huge wave of destruction, and destroy all the cities along the coast! Including Poseidon's sanctuary and Athena's city!" Zeus' voice was full of hatred and tyranny.

"Destroy all the coastal cities? How many mortals will die?" Apollo couldn't believe it: "But in this way, even our believers will be killed."

Zeus smiled coldly: "Non-toxic, no husband! Those who achieve great things don't care about small things! These cities are about to be transformed into cities of their faith by Athena and Du Yu. Since we can't stop it, we will simply destroy everything!"

The gods stopped talking, and they looked at each other.

The invasion of demonic energy made the king of gods and the gods become tyrannical and no longer cherish the world and mortals.

Hades, the king of the underworld, rolled his eyes and burst out laughing: "What a plan to get rid of the fire. The king of gods is indeed wise and decisive. After these cities are destroyed, other cities will not dare to believe in Du Yu and Athena, right? Let's make an example. Use it as an example to others!"

As the god of the underworld, the more people die, the more people fear death, the greater his divine power, so naturally he is not afraid of making things worse.

Although the other main gods felt that it was inappropriate, there was no one who could stop Zeus at this time.

Zeus strode up to a seat in the Pantheon, the seat of Neptune that belonged to Poseidon.

Since Poseidon had died permanently, the priesthood of the Sea Emperor was vacant again and was taken back by Zeus.

In the case that no one can perform the priesthood, Zeus has the power to perform the priesthood.

Therefore, although Du Yu possessed the Trident of the Sea God, it was Zeus who really mastered the priesthood of the Sea God!
Standing awe-inspiringly on the summit of Olympus, he stared down at the blue Mediterranean Sea below, blushing furiously, brazenly unleashing a huge divine power, and arousing the fury of the Sea God!
"In the name of the sea god, I declare the sins of these coastal cities, the sea, to roar, to destroy, use your huge waves to cleanse these cities of sinners, let the stupid and changeable mortals, before the world-destroying waves, Tremble!"

Zeus opened his arms, and lightning bolts fell from the sky.

The huge waves began to be violently driven by him who acted as the God of the Sea, and swept towards the coastal cities.

Du Yu and Athena were shocked by the huge waves!

"This stance is to destroy all the coastal cities!" Du Yu gritted his teeth and said, "Our newly recovered 10 cities, as well as other innocent coastal cities, will be destroyed."

Athena had tears in her beautiful eyes.

As a normal god, she knows the importance of these mortals.But Zeus is insane now, in order to prevent the rise of her and Du Yu, he will not hesitate to destroy the world!
The magic energy has such a huge influence on Zeus.

"Hum! Your plot has succeeded!" Athena looked up to the sky and sighed, "Although you have left this world, this world will eventually be destroyed!"

Without mortals, without the power of faith, how can there be gods?

Du Yu looked down at the densely populated and blossoming cities, which were about to be turned into watery villages by the huge waves, and laughed, "Zeus, you launched the huge wave of destroying the world. Remember. I am not born to believe in evil!"

He gripped the Seagod Trident tightly.

You know, on the Seagod Trident, there is [Song of the Sea], a divine art that calms the raging ocean.Although I don't have the priesthood of the Sea God, this kind of magic can save countless lives!
These cities, faced with huge waves as high as tens of meters, overwhelming and sweeping, are completely desperate.Countless mortals rushed to flee to high places, and many old people and devout believers knelt on the docks and squares, praying for forgiveness and forgiveness from the angry gods, and not to destroy humans and cities.

Amidst the gloom and gloom, Du Yu appeared in the sky.

Du Yu held up the Trident of the Sea God, and said to everyone majesticly with a loud voice: "Zeus has been defiled by darkness, has abandoned the world, and no longer cares about your well-being. If I, the God of War, Ares, can calm down the giant of Zeus Lang, are you willing to believe in me?"

In every Greek coastal city, the desperate crowd heard the majestic oracle of Du Yu.

What choice do they have?

At this moment, no matter whether the city believed in Poseidon, Athena, Du Yu, or Zeus, Hades, Apollo and other main gods, they all chose to believe in Du Yu without hesitation!
Because, the huge wave of destroying the world is coming, what is more important than surviving?

Standing on the top of Olympus, Zeus, who was furious, became even more angry when he saw the situation in the lower realm.

He could feel that these stupid and humble mortals, under the pressure of life and death, were surrendering to Du Yu in large numbers, scrambling to believe in Du Yu's God of War!

Even some cities under his protection abandoned him without hesitation in the face of huge waves and fell into Du Yu's embrace.

"Humble creatures without integrity and faith! You have completely angered Zeus!" In Zeus's eyes, there was only endless darkness, which was full of rage, killing, domineering and violent: "As god kings, I think you no longer exist And the value of survival! Go to hell! Let you see clearly that the power of the god king cannot be resisted by the false god Du Yu!"

As his giant hand lifted the sky, bolts of lightning struck down.The huge waves on the seashore became even louder, reaching a height of 30 meters!
(End of this chapter)

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