Chapter 1449 Pluto Agreement!Dive back to the Holy Mountain! -Second more please subscribe!
"My mother!" Du Yu cried bitterly: "How can I complete this kind of task? Zeus and Hades are waiting in front of the holy flame, waiting for people to throw themselves into the trap."

"No need!" A cloud of black air flashed across the spot.

Hades the Hades!
Du Yu, Athena and Gaia tensed up, ready to fight.

"Don't be nervous!" Hades laughed, although his dead face was so ferocious, he might as well have a straight face: "I'm not here to kill people this time."

"What the hell are you thinking?" Du Yu was suspicious.

This Hades is not a good man and a believer.To say that he can show kindness, the dogs have changed to eat shit.

"It's nothing." Hades played with the Reaper of Souls in his hand, and said with a cold smile: "It's just that the battle situation above is that Zeus has completely killed the Titans with the sword of Olympus. Already!"

"No!" Gaia cried out in despair: "All my people have been killed?"

"Look!" Hades waved the Reaper of Souls lightly, and scenes emerged in the void.

Du Yu, Gaia and Athena looked down.

No, Zeus has completely entered the runaway mode, waving the sword of Olympus, flying around, and there is no enemy wherever he passes.Even the violent and invincible Titan giant Typhoon was chopped up by Zeus, dust to dust, dust to dust, turned into piles of waste, and fell down.

In hell, new dead souls are constantly being added.This time the Titan Protoss lost even worse than last time.In the battle of the gods thousands of years ago, some were exiled anyway, but this time the tyrannical Zeus chopped melons and vegetables, and undisputedly chopped the Titans into hell and the underworld.

On Mount Olympus, there are no enemies.

Zeus was roaring in the clouds, holding up the blood-stained sword of Olympus.

"No!" Gaia shed tears of remorse.She was in so much pain that at the moment of the decisive battle, she made such a big mistake and betrayed Du Yu, which eventually led to a total collapse.

Hades's voice was tepid, and he said slowly: "As you can see, my dear brother has already killed all of your people. You only have three left, and this time you have lost all your chips. !"

"Then why don't you do it?" Athena said coldly.

"Well, I can't say I'm very kind." Hades admired the coldness of Reaper of Souls: "But I think you also understand that a Zeus who dominates the whole family and rules all directions, a Zeus who is so moody and wanton and tyrannical , It is a nightmare for you, but it is also not a gospel for our God of Olympus."

Athena sneered: "If you want to betray Zeus, just say so. Insidious poisonous snake!"

Hades shrugged: "My dear niece, I have to say that although your divine power and godhood are improving, your performance has insulted the reputation of the goddess of wisdom. In front of Gaia, I can responsibly say Said, the history of our god race is a history of continuous betrayal and progress. Cronus betrayed Uranus and became the king of gods, and Zeus betrayed Kronos and became the king of gods. Now I betray Zeus and plot Is there any problem with the throne of God King?"

After hearing all this, Athena was speechless.

Du Yu doesn't care about betrayal or not, as long as Zeus can be killed, he does not rule out cooperation with Hades, anyway, Zeus is invincible on the battlefield now.

"How do you plan to cooperate?" Du Yu asked.

"As you can see, Zeus with Olympus Fire and Olympus Sword is an invincible existence." Hades sighed, "So we can only start with these two things. Especially Olympus Pease's fire."

"It's the same as my plan." Athena said with a cold face, "I don't see any value in your idea."

"Of course there are differences!" Hades smirked: "Because in my plan, I can temporarily transfer Zeus away from Mount Olympus and allow you to sneak in. As far as I know, the Pandora you have The magic box can extinguish the flame of Olympus, how about it?"

Du Yu nodded.

"Although Zeus has killed many titans, he is determined to win you and Athena." Hades said with a sinister smile, "I just need to tell him that he found you and Athena on the other side of the underworld and fled into the underworld." He will bring the sword of Olympus himself, come to chase you down, cut grass and roots. In this way, the fire of Olympus will be empty.”

"Aren't you afraid that after we extinguish the holy flame, you will lose all your divine power?" Athena said thoughtfully and coldly.

"You probably don't know that the fire of Olympus is only effective for the power of faith." Hades showed a face full of superiority: "But besides enjoying the belief in the world, I also have the power of all the dead. Fear! Although this kind of fear is not as easy to use as the power of faith, it is still enough to support the power of my Hades. Therefore, if the flame of Olympus is extinguished, my dear brother Zeus will be greatly affected and lose his divine power, but I Won't!"

"At that time, you will attack Zeus in the underworld, right?" Athena sneered.

"It's better than being killed by Zeus now." Hades said coldly: "There are only two paths in front of you. Either cooperate with me and kill Zeus, or I will execute you now and get Pandora's box. Anyway I have a chance to implement the plan!"

Athena was furious.

Although she hated the cruelty of Zeus, she hated this sinister Uncle Hades even more.

Du Yu shrugged: "I will."

Hades looked up at the void, raised his eyebrows and said: "You are really impatient brother, Zeus has already killed him. You better hide."

Du Yu, Athena and Gaia fled aside.Hades also shot out a breath of the underworld to cover up their breath.In the underworld, under the cover of Pluto, even Zeus can hardly find their traces.

Zeus descended majestically into the underworld, and Du Yu could even feel the murderous aura on the sword of Olympus.

It was a peerless murderous aura that was stained with the blood and unjust souls of countless Titans.

"Dear brother, have you found the damned Du Yu and Athena?" Zeus opened his eyes, and the pupils had already formed the shape of lightning, which was the sign of his complete rage.

Hades shrugged: "I'm about to report to you. According to my spiritual scan, and the dead along the way, I saw two souls who fled to the depths of the underworld. Let's set off now. They are The underworld, like a rabbit entering a cage, cannot escape the slaughter of you and me in the end."

Zeus looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "In this world, there is no way of life or shelter for them."

He raised the sword of Olympus and disappeared in an instant.

Hades also rolled up the black air and followed Zeus away.

Before leaving, he secretly made a threatening gesture of cutting his throat, signaling Du Yu and others to move.

In Hades' view, Du Yu and Athena were no longer a big threat when the Titans were completely annihilated.On the contrary, Zeus is his greatest enemy.

Du Yu and Athena looked at each other.

"Do you really want to listen to the plan of that insidious man in Hades?" Athena said angrily, "Don't say I didn't warn you. He is the best at crossing rivers and destroying bridges. Maybe he had a plan long ago to bring us and Zeus together at the same time." Catch them all."

"I know." Du Yu giggled, "If you talk about conspiracy, maybe I'm worse than him."

"How are you going to sneak into Mount Olympus?" Gaia lowered her voice and said, "You must know that as long as you are seen by any god, Zeus will appear in front of you within a few seconds."

Du Yu shrugged: "When it comes to sneaking in, I have a lot of experience. Please listen to my good news."

From the abyss of hell, he walked the road of hell, climbed up to the cave, and embarked on the journey of Mount Olympus again.

However, Du Yu used another artifact [Supreme Lord of the Rings].

Supreme Lord of the Rings, can be invisible.This is how Frodo escaped from Sauron's pursuit again and again and sneaked into Mount Doom.

Du Yu swaggered all the way up Mount Olympus.

On Mount Olympus after the fierce battle, traces of fierce fighting can be seen everywhere, with blood, severed limbs and corpses everywhere.

That's the poor Titans.

I thought that the opportunity for revenge had come, but I didn't expect to usher in a more tragic massacre.

Du preset a smile.For the killing of the Titans, except for a few such as Prometheus, he has no sympathy for others.These guys despicably used themselves as cannon fodder to attract Zeus' attention, so Du Yu didn't bother to care about their lives.

At this time, a grand celebration banquet was being held in the palace of the gods, and a few gods, such as the envoy Hermes, were cleaning up the ruins and corpses on the road to Mount Olympus. hurry.

"Pandora's Box, how to extinguish the sacred fire?" Du Yu was running, feeling vaguely missing something.

Although he has never seen the holy flame, but judging from Gaia's miserable fall to hell, the source of the world - the power of the Olympus holy flame is definitely not small.One mistake, maybe he will get in too.

Judging from Hades' attitude, it seems that he is not very clear about how to extinguish the holy flame.Sending myself there this time might just be throwing stones and asking for directions, paving the way for a more confident next time.

Du Yu vaguely felt that the Pandora's Box should be in Pandora's hands to exert its greatest power.At least in the plot, it is so stipulated.

Pandora, in the game plot, is the daughter of Vulcan, who finally extinguished the holy flame of Olympus with her body. I wonder if she is still on Mount Olympus at this time?

After Du Yu bypassed the envoy Hermes, a huge maze suddenly appeared in front of him.

Due to Gaia's huge body, this maze did not trouble her, but for Du Yu, it was necessary to pass through this maze.

From the words engraved on the maze, Du Yu learned that this was a maze designed by Daedalus, a famous Greek craftsman and skillful master.The guy's greatest and most famous achievement was the Minotaur's labyrinth on Crete, with its twists and turns so that those who entered could not help but dazzle their eyes and walk their feet involuntarily to the sideways.

(End of this chapter)

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