Chapter 1451 Unsolvable God Envoy!Hard work in the maze! - Please subscribe!

Du Yu shrugged: "Although I can't fight the crazy Zeus, you won't be so arrogant that you think you are absolutely sure to deal with me, the God of War, right?"

Since Hermes didn't intend to report to Zeus, Du Yu was relieved and deliberately teased Hermes.

The more divided the gods of Olympus were, and the more intense the internal strife, the happier Du Yu would be in order to defeat them one by one.

Hermes said sharply: "Of course I know your combat power very well. I have seen your methods against Ares and the Sun God. To be honest, the speed at which your strength has improved is impressive. Even if I am the main god One, there is no certainty of winning against you!"

Du Yu was very surprised. This Hermes had a stinking mouth, but he was very clear-headed. He was not as arrogant as other gods. It seemed that the God of Tricks was worthy of his name.

"Then why did you stop me?"

Du Yu stared at Hermes.

Hermes glanced coldly at the Daedalus Labyrinth beneath his feet, and said proudly: "But smart people are good at taking advantage of the location! I am not your opponent in a head-to-head battle, but in this Daedalus Labyrinth, when it comes to various Such conspiracies and tricks, ambushes and sneak attacks, you are far from being my fastest and most scheming god opponent!"

Du Yu suddenly realized.

This Hermes is really good at calculating.

He really has an incomparable advantage in this Daedalus maze.

Hermes looked at Du Yu's stern expression, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

He told Du Yu his own advantages, not to show off arrogantly, but to attack Du Yu's self-confidence before the war.Once the opponent loses confidence, or even falls into panic, he, the god of tricks, can maximize his power.

The so-called subduing soldiers without fighting.

Hermes stood up abruptly and disappeared in place in an instant.

Du Yu's eyes didn't even catch Hermes' figure at all, and the opponent disappeared.

This speed, I'm afraid it has broken through 2000!
Du Yu was amazed.

With the disappearance of Hermes, the Daedalus Labyrinth, which had already reached the exit, suddenly shook violently.

Countless walls, roads, plants, statues, and fountains are all moving violently, changing positions!
After a while, when everything stopped, the Daedalus Labyrinth had completely changed.

The exit completely disappeared. In front of Du Yu, there was only an endless green road with tall green plants on both sides.

But Du Yu's intuition told him that there were countless dangers lurking on both sides, waiting for him in the dark.

Hermes' piercing voice echoed over the changed labyrinth: "Now, our game of hide-and-seek begins! I am in charge of hiding, and you are in charge of finding! I can tell you frankly that to get out of this Daedalus labyrinth, you cannot To use any flying skills, the only key is with me. You can only go out if you kill me. But you better hurry up. Because Zeus won't give you too much time."

Du Yu stood on the spot and did not act in a hurry, but carefully deduced the course of the incident and the cause and effect.

With the entry of Hermes, the Daedalus Labyrinth has indeed become a veritable labyrinth of gods, which has become countless times more difficult than before.In particular, Hermes can adjust the positions of the walls and sculptures in the maze at any time according to his will, creating a thick fog for the prey entering the maze, which is simply desperate.

Du Yu tried the art of flying, but he was blocked by the divine power of Mount Olympus and could not fly.Unless Du Yu's divine power can exceed the sum of the gods of Mount Olympus.

Then there is only one way left.

Find Hermes and kill him.

But who is Du Yu?
His scheming is equally deep.

Cannot enter the rhythm of Hermes, but must maintain his own rhythm.

"What's the matter? Why don't you move forward?" Hermes' voice, giggling, came from the front.

Du Yu was unmoved.

Suddenly, a sharp black ink blade pierced Du Yu's vest from the green bushes behind him!
The skills used by this poisoned black blade are the purest skills of assassins and thieves!

Speaking of Hermes, "Homer's Psalm" describes him as a "variable, smooth and clever thief, he brings people dreams, and is the night watcher. Hermes is a born thief, he He was already a thief in the first night of his life, sneaking out from his mother Maia to steal his brother Apollo's divine bull!
Therefore, Hermes' flying boots or his double-coiled snake with winged scepter logo are embroidered on the flag of the Thieves Union in the West!He is the patron saint of thieves.

One can imagine how powerful the thief's backstab was used by the ancestor of the thief.

With a flash of Du Yu's body, he dodged the fatal blow from behind.

Hermes' sharp voice sounded: "Not bad! I underestimated you. Your reaction and speed are very good. No wonder you can defeat that stupid bull Ares. Unfortunately, you met me!"

Du Yu's foothold was not stable, and another double-coiled snake with winged scepter swept viciously towards his ankle from the thorns under his feet!
This Hermes is simply a master of sneak attacks!
What a terrifying combination of a god-level thief and a god-level maze!

Du Yu's eyes flickered, and with a move of teleportation ability, he disappeared in place, making the double-coiled snake with winged scepters unstoppable.

He appeared in front of a shepherd sculpture, leaned against the sculpture, and looked around coldly.

This kind of sculpture can be seen everywhere in the Daedalus Labyrinth.

"Where is this shameless bastard hiding?" Du Yu's gaze was like lightning, and he scanned around, but he didn't find any trace of Hermes.This envoy knew how to take advantage of the terrain. When Du Yu was on alert, he never showed up. He waited for Du Yu's physical strength and alertness to drop before making a sudden attack.

In this way, Du Yu's exhaustion rate is very fast. He has to maintain a high level of nervousness, and both mental and physical energy will be exhausted at an accelerated rate.

This is Hermes' usual method. He seldom confronts the enemy head-on, but likes to use tricks and sneak attacks to make the fat thin and the thin die.

Du Yu's expression was indifferent, not in a hurry.In the long process of practicing martial arts and immortality, he has learned to be patient.

Du Yu closed his eyes and tried his best to relax, looking completely unfazed by Hermes' tactics.

Under normal circumstances, Hermes' tactics, combined with his speed skills, would be unsolvable in this Daedalus maze!

But Du Yu caught Hermes' weakness!

Hermes has selfish desires!

The reason why he didn't inform Zeus and chose to ambush and kill himself in this Daedalus maze was because of the Pandora's box on his body!

Owning the magic box is equivalent to having the right to extinguish the holy flame.

Adding the godhead on Du Yu's body, it was as high as 4.3 units.

Such a great benefit, Hermes refused to hand it over, let Zeus get it!

This is the inherent greedy nature of Hermes as the god of thieves.In addition, the black air invaded the hearts of every god through the holy fire, making them more greedy and selfish. Hermes has been blinded by greed and occupied his mind.

Therefore, although Du Yu was worried about Zeus' return, Hermes the "thief" was even more anxious!
Du Yu asserted that Hermes would do whatever it takes to take the initiative to attack him!

Otherwise, with his status as a defender, he can inform Zeus while dealing with himself. No matter how powerful he is, he cannot kill the extremely fast Hermes in the Daedalus Labyrinth in a short time. !
There was a sneer on the corner of Du Yu's mouth.

Greed makes people dizzy.

Hermes, under the control of greed, will give up his huge advantage and choose to take the initiative to attack!

He was right.

On top of Du Yu's head, the sculpture of the shepherd unknowingly turned into Hermes!

Hermes is also the patron saint of shepherds.His trick is to turn any shepherd or ram sculpture in Daedalus' labyrinth into himself!

A sharp black ink blade descended from the sky and stabbed at Du Yu silently.

Because Hermes was so fast and had an agility of more than 2000 points, Du Yu never thought that the sculpture could also turn into Hermes, and before he even had time to react, he was hit head-on by the black ink blade on his forehead.

Blood dripped from Du Yu's forehead.

Du Yu yelled and rolled backwards.

But in his hand, the demon-locking tower has already been held, as long as Hermes chases after him, the demon-locking tower will fall from the sky and trap him!

Hermes is worthy of being the god of tricks, he will never be fooled, and he will not chase after him, so he turns back into a shepherd sculpture.

Du Yu secretly called it unlucky.

But he was happier.

Of course Du Yu did not have a masochistic mentality.He was happy because Hermes' behavior further confirmed his prediction.

Although Hermes' attack methods are ever-changing and unpredictable, as long as he can't hold back his greed and anxiety and is always in an offensive position, Du Yu can take the initiative on the battlefield!

The initiative is more precious than specific combat skills and situations.

In this maze, in fact, Hermes has the absolute initiative, he can completely avoid the fight, keep delaying the time, and Du Yu will lose.

But the greedy god of thieves chose to take the initiative to attack.

When Du Yu is on the defensive, he has the initiative.

But Du Yu still cooperated with Hermes very much. He pretended to be furious, covered the blood gushing wound on his head, and threw the Ruyi Golden Cudgel angrily, smashing the statue of the shepherd to pieces.

Hermes' triumphant voice sounded: "Ah! You smashed my favorite statue. But it doesn't matter, I want to tell you that there are no less than a hundred of such sculptures in the maze. Just smash it. My blade Smeared with the blood of the testicles of the ram demon, you will experience hallucinations and hyperactivity. Hey, see how you deal with it"

His voice faded away.

Du Yu was furious on the surface, but he was extremely calm in his heart.

The best way to deal with Hermes is to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Let the other party think they have a plan and keep creating wounds for themselves. When he can't hold back, Du Yu will violently rise again and kill them all in one fell swoop.

Of course, this is a long psychological battle.

(End of this chapter)

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