Chapter 1453 Succeeded in luring the enemy!Kill with one blow! -Subscribe for the third watch!
Hermetic victory.

The powerful and invincible God of War, Du Yu, sneaked back to Mount Olympus, but finally fell under his own tricks and assassination. What a glorious record?

Hermes' breathing quickened.

With a flip of his hand, the Crescent Moon Saber stabbed Du Yu's neck fiercely.

At this moment, Du Yu was like a roasted sacrificial bull, which had been placed on his altar (Hermes was unique among the Greek gods, teaching people to use roasted sacrifices, not raw ones) , sacrificed to him), just wait for him to make an inexhaustible feat like cutting off a hundred-armed Titan and rescuing Fairy Eve!

But just when Hermes was sure and delivered a fatal blow, a drastic change occurred!
Du Yu, who was waiting to be slaughtered, suddenly broke out!
Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong!
The power of the nine dragons and nine elephants grabbed Hermes' wrist!
Hermes didn't expect that Du Yu, who was supposed to be in the cooldown period of his skills after using up all his divine spells, actually had the ability to multiply his power several times, which he didn't use!

This is not to blame for Hermes' carelessness.Since arriving in this world, Du Yu has basically used magic and fairy arts, and rarely used melee martial arts skills.

Therefore, Hermes, the god of business, has no related melee skills in the computer-like calculation database, and he still has to be included in the calculation!

Who would have thought that Du Yu, in addition to the divine art system and the immortal art system, would have a third combat system for melee martial arts?

For gods, Du Yu's three combat systems are also jaw-dropping!

This omission was counted as death by Du Yu in turn.

Ever since he knew that his enemy was Hermes, the legendary god of trickery and business, Du Yu had been thinking about what skills he should use to deal with him in the end.

Hermes would remember all the titan magic and oriental magic that had been used, so Du Yu was not stingy and squandered all the titan magic he had mastered.

Although it is a pity to waste divine power, it is the only way to defeat Hermes, who is as difficult as a poisonous snake.

Du Yu's strategy of slowing down the enemy really had a miraculous effect.

After calculating Du Yu's skills and divine power consumption, Hermes came to the conclusion that he could crush Du Yu.

But at this critical moment, Du Yu, who had never shown his martial arts skills, finally showed his hideous trump card!

The power of nine dragons and nine elephants grabbed Hermes' arm.

Then, there is a terrifying skill!
【Space Rift】!
Killed Ares, a skill that any god is afraid of.

Hermes howled in pain, his body was quickly disintegrated and shattered.

[Space Crack] consumes a lot of supernatural power transformed by Du Yu's divine power, but in exchange for the rapid collapse of Hermes.

To crouch down on a lion and fight a rabbit still needs all our strength, not to mention that Du Yu finally managed to trick Hermes, a cunning fox and poisonous snake, into the bait at the cost of serious injuries all over his body?

Once, the winner!
Hermes screamed in pain, and the debris of his body was swept away by Du Yu. In an instant, Hermes, who was known for his cunning, only had half of his body left.

But he was also extremely decisive and treacherous.

After Du Yu's [Space Rift] was activated, half of his divine body was torn apart in a different dimension, and he was in danger of dying. When the disaster was imminent, he actually showed a determination that was completely different from his usual treachery!
He chose to break his arm to survive!
Du Yu grabbed one of his arms, but he gave it up abruptly. With a bang, he cut off his arm!

Du Yu grabbed a bloody arm!
Hermes let out a venomous scream, and instantly disappeared in place!
He swore that he would retaliate against Du Yu a hundred times, ten thousand times, and vent all this hatred!
Unexpectedly, Du Yu was so deep in his thoughts, pretending to be his grandson that he had deceived himself, the god of liars, and made himself miserable!
Hermes, the fish entered the sea, the bird flew into the sky, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

But Du Yu's reaction was also extremely fast!

He had already thought about how to hunt down Hermes if he failed to take Hermes away in one wave!

Du Yu flipped his hand, and an old compass appeared in his hand!

Weather Compass!

This is Du Yu's only chance to catch Hermes!

He obviously had a chance before, and used this trick to grab Hermes and beat him violently, but Du Yu insisted on holding back.

What he wants is a wave of counterattacks, beating them to death!

Therefore, Du Yu has been forbearing and kept all the cards in his hole!

Under the guidance of the weather compass, Du Yu located the unlucky Hermes in an instant!

He used the few remaining spatial abilities and disappeared in place instantly!
Hermes fled to the depths of the bush, a thousand meters away from Du Yu, believing that Du Yu would never find him, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

He turned his head and glanced at his miserable wound.

Half of the body has disappeared into the void, revealing a bloody wound.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Hermes just wanted to yell angrily. Although the pain this time was heart-wrenching, the humiliation of being counted in reverse made him, the god of tricks, almost insane.

Think about Du Yu's god-level acting skills, all kinds of struggles, all kinds of tenacity, and all kinds of unyielding in the end, it's all acting skills, it's all fucking performances!

I was actually cheated!
Hunting geese all day long, and finally being pecked by geese!
Hermes swears that Du Yu must repay this shame a hundredfold.

He believed that although Du Yu's outbreak caused serious injuries to him, Du Yu's hole cards should also be exhausted.I have seen both Titan magic and mysterious martial arts.

In the next wave, I will definitely be able to take him away.

But when Hermes was planning how to kill Du Yu, a figure that was unexpected suddenly teleported in front of him!
Du Yu!

Kill God Du Yu!
Du Yu walked out of the void silently with a murderous look on his face.

Hermes screamed as if seeing a ghost, and took a step back.

He cried out in despair: "How can you keep track of me?"

Without any nonsense, Du Yu grabbed Hermes by the neck with his Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu.

He can survive by breaking his arms, but he can't survive by breaking his neck?
In the air, there was a dragon's roar.

In the western sky, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms turned into a golden dragon and slammed at the hapless Hermes.

Hermes' eyeballs are protruding!

Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are exactly the nemesis of gods.

God-killing weapon.

Hermes spat out blood.

"No! Listen to me!" Hermes cried out in despair.The blood and severe pain made the god of tricks realize that extreme danger was approaching.

The footsteps of death are rapidly approaching him.

He trembled, only then did he realize what a stupid idea it was to kill Du Yu by himself!
Du Yu's toughness was like a fierce tiger, especially in close combat, he tried his best not to fight, and even killed Ares, the god of war!
You are the stupidest hunter to tease such a tiger.

I should inform Zeus to come back at the first moment, and kill Du Yu.

Hermes, I am so sorry.

Du Yu grabbed Hermes' hair, smiled grimly, and smashed Hermes' throat and heart with eighteen palms!

Hermes' consciousness finally blurred.

But as the god of travellers, the god of tricks, how could he not have the power to protect himself?
Seeing that Du Yu had no intention of forgiving, Hermes gritted his teeth and touched the golden wings of his flying boots.

He disappeared instantly and flew into the sky!

You know, in the Daedalus Labyrinth, no one is allowed to fly!

These are the rules of Mount Olympus.

Unless one's own strength can surpass the realm of Mount Olympus!
Hermes is no exception.

Although he is the master of the Daedalus Labyrinth, he cannot fly there.


Use this 【God Envoy's Flying Boots】, this artifact was brought out from the mother's womb by Hermes, similar to Apollo's sun bow, a magic weapon created by heaven and earth.

It can ignore the power of any space rules and realize flight!
Among them, even the power that the underworld does not allow to fly!
That is to say, Hermes can fly in any area, regardless of the no-air regulations.

This is the foundation of Hermes, the god of traveler and envoy of Zeus.No other god can run rampant everywhere like him.

Hermes endured the severe pain and shouted: "Du Yu! I didn't expect that I had this self-protection card, did I? I underestimated you this time. Next time we will meet again."

Before he finished speaking, Du Yu had already pulled out a majestic giant bow!

【Typhoon disaster】!
Since obtaining this artifact, Du Yu's disadvantage of not being able to be long-distance has been made up for!

Du Yu drew his bow and set an arrow, and shot at Hermes.

Panicked, Hermes hurriedly tried to fly high, but the power of the typhoon was too strong, and a bolt of lightning hit him!
This blow happened to trigger the typhoon power of [Typhoon Scourge].

The power of the typhoon can also be ranked in the top three among the Titans everywhere!
Hermes was like a buzzing fly, and was slapped hard by Du Yu's big invisible hand with a "slap" sound!

He fell to the ground, bruised and dizzy.

Du Yu strode forward and walked up to Hermes!
With a flip of his hand, a handful of blood-red dark soul stones stabbed at Hermes' forehead!

Hermes was shot by Du Yu before he could resist.

He felt a strong suction force erupting from this strange soul stone.

Hermes, screaming, but unable to resist this god-level power, was sucked into the dark soul stone.

His body sagged limply.

Hermes, fall.

Du Yu picked up Hermes' key and chose to open it.

He gave up the two artifacts of Hermes, the ink-black blade and the double-coiled snake with winged scepter.Although these two artifacts must be extremely powerful, Du Yu has a clearer goal!
Hermes' flying boots!

These invincible god boots are what Du Yu covets most.

Because Du Yu's tactics have always been martial arts in the world, only fast and not broken.

(End of this chapter)

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