Chapter 1457 Gods gang fight!Du Yu is in charge! -Second more please subscribe!
Everyone knows what awaits them.

There are more than a few hundred gods on Mount Olympus?

Under the order of Zeus, these gods came to besiege them, and the final result was already doomed!

Under the radiance of the Sword of Olympus, hundreds of temples on Olympus, there were strange movements.

The gods who were celebrating the victory in the battle against the Titans, having a good time, drinking, and dreaming of life and death, woke up from their dreams one after another, and they did not dare to neglect the order of Zeus.

As a result, in an instant, countless colorful lights appeared in the sky.

The God of Light, Apollo, the Moon Goddess Artemis, and the God of Wine, Dionysus (Dionysus) and other gods appeared in the sky one after another, rushing to the highest Pantheon like meteors!

Zeus sneered, looked at the stern faces of the three of Du Yu, and laughed wildly: "Do you think that if you drive me crazy with anger, I will lose my mind and rush up to fight with you? Do you think there are a few traitors helping you?" , can block me from the Pantheon? You are wrong!"

He said viciously: "If you dare to fight against my king of Olympus, you must have the consciousness of being besieged by the gods of Olympus. This is also part of my strength!"

Du Yu sneered: "Zeus, you are so brave. Even your own palace needs the help of all the gods of Mount Olympus before you dare to step into it."

It took only a moment, Apollo, Artemis, Dionysus and other gods, large and small, dozens of people, have arrived at the Pantheon, standing behind Zeus, looking coldly at the gate of the temple. Du Yu.

Zeus swung the sword of Olympus and said angrily, "You are a bunch of trash! The enemy has captured our supreme temple and started to extinguish the holy fire, but you have not found the enemy!"

Holding the golden bow, Apollo looked ashamed, lowered his head and said in a deep voice, "Father, it was my negligence. Please allow me to make up for my mistakes in this battle."

Zeus was about to speak.A lonely chuckle came from Apollo's side.

That is Apollo's twin sister, the moon goddess Artemis.

Artemis's appearance is extremely beautiful, her figure is graceful, her legs are slender, her waist is slender, her skin is white and smooth, the holy light of the moon shines all over her body, and there is a dazzling moon embedded between her eyebrows, which is Proof of her succession to the moon priesthood.Her curly brown hair hangs down to her waist, fluttering in the wind, her eyes are as dreamy as moonlight, clear and dynamic, and the color is a deep and quiet dark blue.Her eyelashes are thick, her lips are small and red, and there is a proud smile on the corner of her mouth. She is a moon god but also a hunting goddess. Her smile is full of wild breath!
Artemis is fresh and beautiful, with a tall figure, and sometimes uses a veil to cover her face, but her personality is very incompatible with her quiet appearance - she is competitive and will get revenge.She is the most 'dominant' god in the pantheon, relying on the favor of her father Zeus, enjoying more sacrifices than other gods, and for those who do not sacrifice or disrespect her, Artemis will definitely Bad luck for them.

Once, when the king of the Greek city-state Kalidon offered sacrifices, he accidentally omitted the moon god, and his country was trampled wantonly by wild boars, the "summoned beast" of the moon god; a groom forgot to sacrifice to the moon on his wedding night, The moon god released a big snake to make a big fuss in the bridal chamber; before the Greek coalition forces attacked Troy, King Agamemnon of Mycenae boasted that his archery skills surpassed Artemis, which annoyed her, and the coalition forces were trapped in the port by a storm.In the end, Agamemnon sacrificed his own daughter to her, and it was considered a relief.

Artemis' dreamy and beautiful eyes stared at Du Yu, who was blocking the entrance of the Pantheon Hall. The corners of his mouth curled up with a cold arc, and he said contemptuously: "No wonder when I played with the moonlight just now, I felt the divine power in my body decrease a little bit. .It turned out that that lowly woman in Pandora was trying to extinguish the sacred flame. I will use the cruelest punishment to send her and this man to the altar."

In the hands of Artemis, she holds a silver bow and arrow, which is similar in style to her brother Apollo's, but one is a golden bow of sunlight and the other is a silver bow of moonlight. These twin sons and daughters of Zeus are also good at archery. .

As Artemis spoke, without pausing, he stretched the moonlight silver bow to the full, the bowstring looked like a full moon, and with a whoosh, a beam of moonlight shot at Du Yu.

Du Yu's agility exceeded 800, and he even possessed the flying boots of Hermes, the envoy of the gods. He disappeared in an instant, and the bow and arrow of the moonlight silver bow fell on the gate of the palace with a snap.

Du Yu sweated, Artemis is really vicious.If this arrow hadn't been fast enough for him to dodge in time, he would have been nailed to the gate by the gun, and this humiliation alone would have made him unable to lift his head.

Artemis said coldly: "Father, please enter the temple. I can take care of this alone."

Zeus snorted coldly and said, "Artemis, even your queen mother, Hera, was captured and imprisoned by this man. If you are still so arrogant and careless, I'm afraid you will follow in Hera's footsteps!"

Artemis looked cold.

Unexpectedly, Du Yu was so wild that even Hera was killed by him.In addition to his performance just now, it cannot be underestimated blindly.

Her eyes, as clear as moonlight and as clear as water, fixed on Du Yu.

The fiery eyes of Apollo, the god of light, also stared at Du Yu.

Du Yu took a deep breath.

He has never encountered such a bad situation.

Besieged by the gods of Olympus!

Zeus is worthy of being the master of thick black, so he simply called his younger brother and chased him together.

Du Yu's divine power is indeed not low. To be precise, he is confident that he will surpass Apollo and Artemis in terms of divine power.

But having supernatural power doesn't mean being able to count as ten.Just like in the real world, no matter how high your martial arts are, you are still afraid of gang fights.

Apollo and Artemis, and many other gods, attack Du Yu together?
Du Yu looked stern.

But he has nowhere to go.

If you give up at this time, you will fall short, and the holy fire in the Pantheon will be extinguished, and it will be interrupted.

Although Pandora cannot escape death, where can Du Yu escape?
The ends of the earth?

As long as you can't get out of this world of eternal sleep dreams, you will die in the end!
Du Yu's gaze became firm.

Since it is destined to face the gang fights of the Olympian gods with one against ten, let the storm be more violent!
Du Yu's eyes looked farther and became more determined!
The Olympian gods who are ready to go, rush to Du Yu together!
Apollo drew the golden bow of sunlight, Artemis drew the silver bow of moonlight, and shot at Du Yu together!
Two rays of light, one gold and one silver, came quickly.

Du Yu dodged, and Hermes' flying boots activated the haste skill and disappeared in place.

The golden bow and the silver bow, the two bows combined, arrived in front of Du Yu in an instant.

Du Yu could only choose to dodge.

Lingbo microsteps start!

During the long training, Du Yu never let go of tempering his martial arts skills.Every day, under the strict requirements of masters such as Xiaolongnv and Ning Zhongze, he practiced hard and sweated profusely.

Under such high pressure, his martial arts skills have not been wasted due to cultivating immortality and becoming a god, but have become more and more refined.Without investing villain points to upgrade, his Lingbo Weibu unknowingly upgraded to level 15.Although it is not as good as the main combat technique of Subduing Dragon Eighteen Palms, it is still very amazing.

Under the joint attack of Apollo and Artemis, Du Yu's martial arts skills finally showed their clues!Received a miraculous effect.

The two bows and arrows staggered and passed through Du Yu's body in an instant.

But disappeared in the illusory image.


Two long arrows were nailed to the gate.

Du Yu sneered.

The gods looked at each other, shocked!
"What kind of magic is this? It's so agile?" Even Hades, who was constantly putting pressure on Athena, felt a little shocked.

He was used to playing with the wind, and when he saw Zeus summoning the gods to besiege Du Yu, seeing that Du Yu's camp was about to collapse, he immediately stepped up his offensive against Athena, making an appearance of attacking with all his might.In this way, even if Du Yu's side collapses and Zeus wins, he can invite credit and reward him, and reduce Zeus' suspicion of him being double-decker.

But the two long arrows of Apollo and Artemis shot in the air continuously, which shocked Hades.

Du Yu's face was stern, and his cold killing intent was constantly gathering.

No one to help me, the sky is falling, and I carry it alone!
This is Du Yu's responsibility.

Apollo and Artemis looked at each other, without hesitation, they strode towards the mortal.

Zeus was behind, walking towards Du Yu step by step.

Dionysus, the god of wine, patted his big belly, and rushed up steadily.

For a moment, Du Yu was no longer facing a disadvantage!
But desperate situation!

No one can face the combination of four main god-level gods at the same time!

No one can do this.

Du Yu raised his head to the sky and roared angrily!

Is it really going to fall short?
Is it really impossible to defeat this evil Zeus and break this world that fetters souls?
Du Yu is not reconciled!
Suddenly, a cold voice came from Du Yu's heart.

"Master, what are you worrying about?"

Du Yu was shocked when he heard the voice.

But a burst of ecstasy welled up in my heart.

"You dragon wolf, you actually woke up so quickly?"

It was his dragon-wolf appearance that made the sound!
As an adventurer, everyone has different meteorological powers, but when the dragon and wolf weather appeared on the stage, the terrifying aura suddenly burst out.

That's completely different from the momentum of the fifth-order Potential Transformation God before!
The sixth level!
A silver-white wolf leaped out of Du Yu's meteorological space.

Without the tens of meters height of the dragon wolf, and without the intimidating appearance covered with dragon scales, in the eyes of this wolf, there is only the understanding of the world, the only thing that remains unchanged is the deep eyes of the wolf. Aloof and fierce!

Like Du Yu himself, the arrogance and arrogance in his bones have never changed from the beginning to the present.

He is out of tune with the world, refuses to join forces, maintains his arrogance and pride, even if he is attacked, trampled and surpassed by countless people with despicable means, he refuses to give up his dignity and surrender to reality, but chooses to use his fists and iron teeth to resist , against the sky, struggling and fighting!

(End of this chapter)

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