Chapter 1459 Stand alone!Fight against the gods! -Four more please subscribe!
Du Yu fell into a bitter fight with one against two.

At this moment, there was a roar.

Gaia, broke out of hell again, and climbed to the top of Mount Olympus.

Because all the gods came to besiege Du Yu under the order of Zeus, Gaia moved smoothly.

Her arrival finally changed the battlefield pattern.

"Du Yu, let go of your hands and feet first, and attack Apollo!" Gaia waved her huge palm, and threw herself at Zeus, saying, "I'll deal with this guy temporarily."

Zeus was blocked again and again by Du Yu's side and could not enter the Pantheon. He became more ruthless in his anxiety, drew out the sword of Olympus, and stabbed Gaia fiercely.

Gaia's palm was instantly pierced.

The huge magical power of the Sword of Olympus directly pierced Gaia's palm, and the rocky defense layer of Mother Earth was cut open effortlessly in front of the King of Gods like paper.

Gaia screamed in pain but the hatred made her attack Zeus even more angrily.

Zeus was ruthless, and the sword of Olympus shot out dazzling brilliance, stabbing Gaia fiercely with every move.Gaia's power and health are rapidly passing away.

But she lost all the remorse of the Titans, making Gaia ignore all the pain.She has only one thought, which is to kill Zeus at all costs and avenge her people!

The battle between Du Yu and Apollo is particularly eye-catching.

After Apollo and Artemis could not form a brother-sister joint force, they seemed a lot lonely, but as the well-known main god, he was not easy to be born. He drove the sun god chariot, galloping through the sky, and kept killing the deadly elders. The arrow shot at Du Yu.

"You bully me that I can't fly?" Du Yu snorted coldly and jumped up, somersaulting like a cloud!

Du Yu jumped onto the Sun God's carriage in an instant, and smashed Ruyi's golden cudgel at Apollo.

Apollo is not a waste who knows long-distance. He has a strong body and has inherited the strong physique of his father Zeus. Du Yu's Ruyi Golden Cudgel hit him hard on the back, but it only made Apollo stagger and stand up. Steady your feet.

"This guy can fight." Du Yu's spirit was shocked, and his moves became even more ruthless.

The great sage stick technique, combined with the Dragon Elephant Boruo Kung Fu, can barely swing the [-]-jin Ruyi Golden Cudgel, but Du Yu soon discovered that the move to hit Apollo was easily blocked by the God of Light, but his eyes After a turn, Apollo's weakness was quickly discovered!

The sunlight carriage needs four heavenly horses whose bodies are on fire to drive.

Du Yu smashed the stick on the head of one of the Pegasus horses very shamelessly.

Tianma let out a mournful cry, and was beaten to the point that his brains burst, and he seemed to be dying.

Du Yu did the same thing, and killed another Tianma with a stick.

The Sun God Chariot quickly lost its balance and fell to one side.

Apollo was furious.

Why did he have to fight in a sun god chariot?

Because the Apollo carriage can greatly make up for one of Apollo's weaknesses, which is speed.

Apollo likes to shoot the enemy with the golden bow of the sun god. With the bonus of his god of sun, his bow and arrow can not only carry extremely high temperature, but also have the evil property of the sun.Any evil person cannot escape the slaying of the Sun God.

But Du Yu, who played his cards unreasonably, smashed two Pegasus horses to death with two sticks, and shot down the Sun God Chariot.

Apollo had no choice but to jump out and fight Du Yu in close combat.

Du Yu swung the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, which was extremely powerful, but it was clumsy and inconvenient because of its lack of strength, so he simply threw down the Golden Cudgel to fight Apollo with the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon.

【Gaia's Wrath】!
Du Yu's body suddenly grew larger, his legs were rooted in the ground, absorbing energy, and at the same time, the golden apple in his body was also accelerating to provide divine power.

After Gaia's Wrath transformed, Du Yu's divine power was greatly increased on his palm power, and the destructive power was astonishing.With three punches and two kicks, Apollo, who was not good at close combat, stepped back and vomited blood!

Du Yu's fighting spirit surged wildly, and with a roar, he rushed towards Apollo.

Apollo snorted angrily.Being beaten so violently by Du Yu in front of his father and sister really made him feel embarrassed, but Du Yu's aura and strength had risen to a level that could not be ignored, and it also made him feel timid.

The total amount of Du Yu's divine power has already exceeded 800 million units!
Even if Du Yu squandered recklessly, he could still beat Apollo to death.

Apollo was not a reckless person. He flipped over on the spot, avoided Du Yu's grasp, and turned into a sun in the sky. The fiery light focused on Du Yu's body!
This is one of Apollo's great feats.


Just like using a magnifying glass in the sun, but burning ants, after using the focus, Apollo can magnify the energy by hundreds or thousands of times in a short time, and use it to concentrate on attacking the enemy!
Du Yu's body was immediately burned by the extremely high heat, and he was in excruciating pain.

Although he learned many offensive and powerful skills from the titans, he didn't learn any defensive skills.Without defensive magic, Du Yu could only suffer a loss if he had nothing but divine power.

Athena saw it and scolded: "Don't worry! I will give you the most proud defensive magic!"

In Du Yu's mind, a magical technique suddenly appeared.

[Asylum of the Goddess of Wisdom]: Superior magic.It consumes 30 divine power, and within 300 seconds, has the shield-like defensive effect of the goddess Athena's protection——【Absolute Defense】.This state can ignore any magic attack with a priority of 140 points or less.But the object that is absolutely defended cannot move and can only attack on the spot.But when the damage absorbed by the absolute defense exceeds 100 million points, it will be broken in an instant.

Du Yu was so excited when he got this magical technique, he activated it immediately!

Du Yu is no stranger to this [Guardian of the Goddess of Wisdom]. This is a one-time reward item for Tattaglia.However, Du Yu has mastered the skill itself and can activate it infinitely, which is far better than Tataglia's one-time props.

Du Yu's body was immediately protected by an invisible divine light.

The [Focus] skill of Apollo, the sun god, couldn't penetrate into Du Yu's body and hurt him.

But Apollo smiled contemptuously: "I was trying to delay you, you are in an absolute defensive state and cannot move, I am still afraid of you"

Before he finished speaking, he was slapped hard by a huge force and sent flying!

What is this?
The gods looked at Du Yu with pale faces.

Du Yu slowly put down [Cause of Typhoon], he already had the means of long-range attack.This typhoon has terrifying destructive power, and the damage caused by one arrow will make even the gods look pale!
Apollo was shot by the long arrow and fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Without hesitation, Du Yu turned his finger on Zeus.

Zeus is taking a step into the pantheon.

He had already ignored Du Yu and decided to go ahead and kill Pandora.

But due to the disaster of typhoon, Du Yu shot an arrow fiercely, and successfully hit Zeus.

This is due to Du Yu's agility, with more than 800 points of agility, giving Du Yu the possibility to hit Zeus with a bow and arrow.

Zeus was slightly surprised, but Du Yu's bow and arrow were so sharp.

But this is of no use to the king of gods.

His divine power is enough to offset any bad influence.

But Zeus's footsteps paused slightly, and then he was pushed up by a strong force.

The catastrophe of the typhoon triggered the 50% priority bonus of Du Yu's [Heshibi] Jade Seal, which was enough to ensure that her power would work on God King Zeus!
Zeus was instantly petrified.

The special effect of this critical strike of Typhoon's Scourge is the [Petrification] of Typhoon's Daughter Medusa!
Probably there has never been an artifact or a monster that could petrify God King Zeus. When he turned into a sculpture, the expression of astonishment was still written on his face, which made people laugh.

Du Yu continued his efforts, and turned to Apollo.

Apollo lay down and was hit by the typhoon again.

This brutal weapon of Typhoon Titan, under the priority bonus of He's Bi on Du Yu's body and the suppression of the priority of the enemy's defense skills by the Snake Sword, becomes extremely terrifying!
Apollo, was shot into the air!
But Zeus is worthy of being the king of the gods, and he was released from the petrified state in just a second!

After repeated delays, Du Yu felt that the holy flame had been weakened by Pandora again, so he took the time to weaken it by [-]%.Because his divine power also comes from the holy fire.I can feel that the speed of the newly added divine power is slowing down.

This situation made Du Yu happy instead of surprised.Although his divine power was reduced, it was Zeus and other gods who were most affected.

Du Yu aimed at Zeus again, and the typhoon flew away.

Zeus angrily threw the [Thunderbolt] out, and sent the arrows of the typhoon flying towards Du Yu.

Du Yu smiled lightly, and without dodging or dodging, he shot another arrow.

[Thunder] When it touched Du Yu's defensive cover, there was an explosion like a sky-shattering earth-shattering explosion, but Du Yu was safe and sound.

Zeus jumped and scolded himself for being stupid!
Du Yu's [Goddess of Wisdom's Asylum] at this time is still valid, as long as he doesn't move, any attack against him will be ineffective, how could he forget?

Du Yu seized the opportunity of not being afraid of the enemy's attack, and the power of the typhoon was exerted to the extreme. The speed of fire was like a storm, and he attacked Zeus and Apollo with one arrow, and the father and son of the gods were overwhelmed.

But Zeus soon ignored Du Yu and walked into the temple.

Suddenly, Du Yu was so blessed that he gave up attacking Zeus and redirected his arrow to the moon goddess who was fighting with the dragon and wolf clones!
The fierce battle between Artemis and the dragon wolf has already gained the upper hand.Although Longlang tried his best to activate Du Yu's magical and fairy arts almost all over, he was still no match for Artemis, who had a frosty complexion, a graceful figure, as elegant as moonlight but as cold as an iceberg.It was pierced through the lungs by Artemis' hunting spear, and the blood it coughed up was sprayed everywhere.

But being able to hold back Artemis and prevent this vicious woman from reuniting with her brother Apollo to attack Du Yu is the greatest achievement of Longlangqi.

Artemis was sternly teaching this beast who despised her majesty, but unexpectedly an arrow flew out of the sky and shot straight at her back.

Du Yu's agility, although it can't reach Hermes' terrifying height of 2000 points, it still has as many as 800 points. For an ordinary god, this attribute is quite enough.

(End of this chapter)

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