Chapter 1464 Speed ​​of life and death!Underworld competition! -Second more please subscribe!
He opened his hand, and laughed wildly: "Look what I found? My dear brother, the former God King Zeus! Guess where he is hiding? Hehe, he is actually hiding in his and Hera's bedroom, where There is a secret passage, which is actually used for him to sneak out and have sex with other mistresses. I didn’t expect him to use it to escape at this moment. It’s a pity that I have too many souls, and he can’t escape.”

He unfolded a black picture.

Zeus had just escaped into the secret passage, but was chased and attacked by hundreds of souls. As a last resort, he jumped out of the secret passage again, was chased by the souls, and returned to the Pantheon.

"I decided to kill my younger brother Zeus first." Hades sneered and said, "The night is long and the dreams are many. I'd better devour his godhead first, and then come back to you."

After thinking that he had taken control of the overall situation, Hades disappeared instantly.

Du Yu looked stern.

Hades has the power to overwhelm the sky with one hand. If he is allowed to develop like this, even Zeus will be swallowed by him. How much will Hades' godhead grow to?
What made Du Yu even more concerned was that just now when Hades activated the Howl of Ghosts skill to cover and rule Mount Olympus, Du Yu inadvertently caught a glimpse of a familiar figure.

Much like Pandora!

This is not surprising at all.

Hades was the king of Hades, who ruled Hades.All the dead must report to him, even the main gods such as Apollo, the god of light, and Dionysus, the god of wine, are no exceptions, let alone a woman in Pandora?
If so, Du Yu's heart is pounding!

Pandora has the possibility of resurrection!

As long as Hades is settled, everything is possible.

He flashed continuously and rushed towards Hades.

Hades was rushing towards Zeus.Due to the no-air rules, he can't fly, and his speed is reduced.

Zeus, Hades and Du Yu formed a triangle confrontation.

Zeus took a deep breath, as if he wanted to express all his depression, and shouted at Du Yu: "Have you seen it? The true face of my brother Hades. He will never cooperate with you sincerely. I make a suggestion , you and I form an alliance, how about working together to deal with him?"

At this time, Hades, possessing the power of all ghosts and turning Mount Olympus into the second underworld, is the most powerful deity, and he is so mad that he kills anyone he sees, which makes Zeus feel afraid , only then did he request an alliance with Du Yu.

"Want to form an alliance?" Du Yu said coldly: "Then I have one condition. Zeus, you must tell me how to bring a dead person back to life? I will agree to your alliance!"

Zeus rolled his eyes, he is such a smart person, he immediately thought that the woman Du Yu was going to resurrect must be Pandora.

"Hey, as the omnipotent god king, of course I know." Zeus smiled coldly, pointed at Hades and said, "As long as you take his artifact, the Reaper of Souls, and use this artifact to split his head .All the souls that have just died within 24 hours will be released. Then you can use the soul of Pluto to exchange with the soul of the person who is going to be resurrected, so that the dead can be resurrected permanently. However, due to the conservation of the soul, ha The soul of Diss must replace the dead and go to hell as an undead."

Zeus's tone of voice was normal, but there seemed to be something else hidden in the words.

But Du Yu couldn't care less about distinguishing with Zeus at this time, saving Pandora was the most important thing!
"Sounds very interesting!" Du Yu said coldly: "Hades, do you have anything else to say?"

"You are enough! Mortal!" Hades stretched out his cloak.

The black death cloak immediately enveloped the sky and the earth, the dark clouds were dense, and the sky and the earth changed color!

Hades said arrogantly: "For you and Zeus who have lost all their divine power, what qualifications do you have to threaten me, the Hades who has the power of the underworld? I will teach you a lesson!"

He laughed wildly, and the Reaper of Souls split off countless shadow clones in the air, slashing at Du Yu.

Du Yu somersaulted like a cloud, Ling Bo took small steps like dancing, dodging in the air, his movements were extremely graceful.

Hermes' flying boots greatly enhanced Du Yu's agility attribute, allowing him to dodge more easily.

Hades' attacks all landed in the air.

Du Yu immediately raised the Snake Slaying Sword, and a flash of light pierced deeply into Hades' body.

Hades was taken aback.

Du Yu pounced on him like a tiger.

But Zeus roared angrily: "Du Yu, don't be fooled!"

He was in the situation at this time, and he even reminded Du Yu to be careful of Hades' plot.

Du Yu retreated immediately, but it was too late.

Hades' Reaper of Souls instantly struck Du Yu!

Du Yu felt a tremor in his soul, and almost lost half of his body's consciousness!

"My [Scythe of Soul Reaper] directly tears and damages the soul. It is a supreme artifact." Hades said arrogantly: "Also, I forgot to remind you that as the King of Hades, my body is virtual , has no substance. So all your weapons are useless to me."

No wonder Du Yu's Snake Slaying Sword, thrown with a fairy sword, was unable to harm Hades.

Just when Hades was so proud, a ray of light suddenly enveloped him.

Galadriel, standing fearlessly behind Du Yu, used water magic to heal Du Yu's injured body, and at the same time used the magic power of the Silmaril to trap Hades.

When Du Yu was in crisis, the elf queen always chose to stand firmly behind her man and give Du Yu the strongest support.

Du Yu felt a burst of warmth and smiled at Galadriel.

Hades was furious: "Woman! How dare you block Hades' footsteps!"

He disappeared in an instant, and Reaper of Souls slashed at Galadriel.

Du Yu narrowed his eyes.

Dragons have reverse scales, they will kill if they touch them!
His own woman is Du Yu's Nilin.

The death of Pandora made Du Yu hate Zeus to the core.

Will he let this tragedy happen again on Galadriel?

Du Yu stood in front of Galadriel, protecting Galadriel's body with strong immortal power.

The Scythe of Soul Reaper hit the Immortal Power Shield, but failed to break through it!

Hades appeared in front of Du Yu and the two with a look of astonishment.

His offensive was blocked by Du Yu.

Galadriel roared angrily, and activated the water purification magic on Nanya, the ring of water!
Hades was purged and healed, screaming and screaming, and black energy shot up from his body.

Don't underestimate the magic of the elf queen. The elf queen who has survived for thousands of years, with a full blow, even the king of the underworld.

Du Yu started!
He grabbed Hades' head!
The technique of fighting left and right is launched!

The Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu is launched!
Under the support of the golden fleece shawl, Du Yu forcefully split Hades' head from the center.

How powerful is it to split a person's head alive?
But after activating the power of Nine Dragons and Nine Elephants, coupled with the buff of the Golden Fleece, Du Yu's strength attribute has broken through 1000 points in a short period of time, and he can do such terrifying and bloody difficult moves!
Hades howled in horror.He didn't expect Du Yu to be so tyrannical.

Under his command, countless ghosts launched a counterattack against Du Yu.

The souls of Dionysus and Apollo, already obeying Hades, rushed towards Du Yu.

Unexpectedly, Du Yu hit the snake with a stick and threw out the dark soul stone.

The souls of Dionysus and Apollo were quickly included in the Dark Soul Stone.As souls, they lose the protection of their bodies and have little resistance to the dark soul stone's soul-calling attraction.

The other ghosts of Hades, in their hundreds, began to attack Du Yu.

Du Yu's body was quickly bitten by the ghost and was covered in bruises, with blood gushing out.

These ghosts of the past seem to have an instinctive resentment towards the bodies of the living.The halo of the underworld brought by Hades can greatly enhance the power of these souls that do not belong to the yang world. Under the protection of the halo of the underworld, this Mount Olympus has become a ghost on earth.

Du Yu's injury deteriorated to the extreme in an instant, and his health drained rapidly.

Pluto let out a vicious laugh: "Under my command, this army of the underworld is more powerful than the gods of Olympus! You just wait to become bones and wither!"

Du Yu let out a muffled snort, and now it has become a life-and-death struggle between him and Pluto.If he can break off Pluto's head one step ahead, he will win, and if Pluto can mobilize the ghost to gnaw him into bones, he will win.

Galadriel turned her fingers, and green rays of light lingered on Du Yu's body.The recovery magic and protective magic of the water system protected Du Yu's body.

Du Yu even activated the supernatural ability [God's Punishment Thunder], a series of divine thunders descended from the sky, smashing the ghosts around him to the ground one by one.God's Punishment Thunder is the most powerful thing to restrain these ghosts, and its power is also the most impressive.

At the same time, Du Yu stepped up his strength and severely tore off Pluto's head.The slit in Pluto's head was getting bigger and bigger, and he howled in pain.From Pluto's brain hole, one can see that the shape resembles Du Yu's path to the underworld, which spirals downward and is unfathomable

It is said that the brain hole is big, and there are things that are too weak, so Du Yu directly tore the brain hole.

But there are too many ghosts. Galadriel's protection, Du Yu's immortal body, and God's Punishment Thunder can't hold back the crazy ghosts. Drain quickly.

"Damn it, I can't stand it anymore." Du Yu smiled wryly.It's really not that he is not strong enough, the main thing to deal with is Hades, the king of the underworld.Although in the underworld, using the God's Punishment Thunder that crossed the catastrophe, beat Hades severely, and made Pluto's memory still fresh, it was not due to his own power.

This decisive battle is really frightening every step of the way, with traps everywhere.

Seeing that Du Yu was about to turn into bones alive.Hades let out a wild laugh.

"After you die, I will keep your soul in my head and torture you all the time." Hades laughed wildly.

Unexpectedly, at the moment Du Yu's body was swallowed by ghosts, Du Yu suddenly reversed himself!
His body, as if no harm had happened at all, was safe and sound!

(End of this chapter)

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