Chapter 1466 Gaia Inside!Desperate fight!
The sword of Olympus, wrapped in the power of lightning, struck Du Yu.

Du Yu Ruyi's golden cudgel was as nimble as a golden dragon, and he moved with corrective actions, shifting the power of the sword to one side.

The power of lightning slammed between Du Yu's arms, and Du Yu's hand gave off a scorching breath. The supernatural power of Zeus couldn't even protect Du Yu's immortal power, and it continued to hurt Du Yu's internal organs. Let Du Yu's life plunge thousands of miles.

Zeus grinned.

He is the incarnation of lightning, and each attack has its own lightning attribute, which not only causes the opponent to lose blood, but also has a chance of paralysis.Once the paralysis is successful, the opponent is free to hack and kill.

Countless titans and hostile alien gods fell under his indestructible lightning.

But Du Yu's movements were smooth and smooth, and he didn't get too entangled with Zeus. He let go of Zeus's offensive, and swung the Ruyi Golden Cudgel vigorously, causing Zeus to lose his center of gravity and hit him hard on the back of the head!

In the high-end martial arts confrontation with Chinese masters, Du Yu has accumulated rich experience, and his combat skills are much superior to those of Western gods.In comparison, Zeus is like a lion with more strength but less dexterity, while Du Yu is an agile cheetah, who bites the dead mouth when he seizes the opportunity!

Zeus's attack was interrupted, and there was a sound of wind coming from the back of his head. Knowing that he was not good, he rolled on the spot in embarrassment, avoiding Du Yu's hammer on the back of the head.

Unexpectedly, Du Yu let out a long laugh, one step after another, and played an extremely wonderful chain of moves.

His golden cudgel, like Master Zhao Yun's Seven Detector Coiled Snake Spear, swam around the ground as a golden snake, pricking it and chasing Zeus.

As soon as Zeus squatted up, his calf was hit hard.The [-] Jin Ruyi Golden Cudgel hit his knee so hard that the King of God almost fell to the ground in pain.

In terms of melee skills, he is not 01:30 behind Du Yu.

This is the superiority that Eastern immortal cultivators have over Western gods at the high god level!
In fact, the difference in power between the two sides is not that big, and the western gods are even a little ahead, but in terms of understanding and application skills of power, the east is far ahead.

Du Yu has come all the way from the world of martial arts masters, and with his divine power and fairy art, as long as his absolute strength is not far from Zeus's, he can easily deal with Zeus's counterattack.

Zeus also gradually understood that the combat skills he was proud of were really vulnerable in front of this seemingly ordinary boy, full of loopholes, and he was also experienced, so he roared and changed his tactics.

No longer pursue skills, open and close, and use strength to overcome ingenuity.

This trick really worked.

Du Yu's move hit Zeus, but Zeus didn't care about it. He just slashed and killed, but Du Yu could only dodge or block, fighting Zeus for strength.

Zeus fought more and more bravely, and Du Yu fought more and more fiercely.

The fierce battle between the two attracted everyone's attention.

Gods such as Athena, Hephaestus, and Pandora all stared intently, looking thrillingly.

In Athena's dreamlike beautiful eyes, there is only the heroic figure of Du Yu, the god king who is fighting and falling into the evil way.It has long been a sweet memory that Du Yu defrauded her of her divine blood by despicable means.

Pandora's gray eyes were still indifferent, but as Du Yu's moves changed, they burst out with brilliant brilliance from time to time, and he snorted coldly, "Is this guy not bad?"

For the goddess, the most powerful person is always the embodiment of justice.

In the past, it was Zeus who ruled the world, now it's Du Yu's turn!
Amin smiled wryly: "Du Yu, this guy, leaves us speechless every time. How can he grow so fast?"

If the few selected before had doubts about Du Yu's leadership status, they are now completely convinced.Didn't you see that people can already confront Zeus head-on?

Zeus's Olympus sword slashed at Du Yu

Du Yu pulled out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and swung it at Zeus.

A flash of light flashed.

Zeus and Du Yu disappeared in place at the same time.

"Where did they go?" Tataglia turned around and asked.

Athena's eyes were like lightning, and she saw Gaia stumbling towards him in the distance, and exclaimed, "They hit Gaia's body!"

Granny Gaia was in a hurry, but now she was rolling in pain on Mount Olympus, crushing temples and trees everywhere, howling in pain, like a moving mountain, rolling everywhere.

"It's Du Yu and Zeus fighting inside Gaia's body!" Athena said slowly.

Gaia yelled suddenly and rolled down in pain.

"Chasing!" The goddesses chased after Gaia.

During the rolling process, Gaia's huge body crushed all obstacles into pieces, and the rough skin on her body also continued to peel off

It was an unmitigated disaster.

Mount Olympus was already devastated, and many temples were destroyed by the war. Gaia's huge body was crushed and rolled like a road roller, and it was even more destroyed.

Finally Gaia rolled to the bottom and finally stopped moving.

In Gaia's body, the battle between Du Yu and Zeus has reached a fever pitch.

Du Yu was grabbed by Zeus, and the sword of Olympus pierced through Du Yu's breastbone and nailed to an organ on Gaia's body!

Gaia let out a howling roar.

Her heart was pierced.

Heart of Gaia.

Pierced by the sword of Olympus.

Gaia's body trembled like a candle in the wind, gasping for breath.

The ground began to tremble.

Since Gaia is the goddess of the earth, after her heart was pierced, the ground cracked, earthquakes occurred frequently, and the entire continent fell into continuous shock.

Gaia is about to die.

Du Yu couldn't care about this grandma-level goddess who betrayed him once, and he couldn't protect himself at the moment.

The sword of Olympus fixed him in Gaia's body, and he couldn't break free.

Zeus grinned ferociously, and punched Du Yu hard in the face, and a bolt of lightning penetrated Du Yu's body immediately.Du Yu convulsed, excruciating pain.

It was Zeus's plan to choose this place as the place for the decisive battle.

In the fierce fight just now, Du Yu's amazing martial arts skills beat Zeus terribly. Zeus gradually understood that a decisive battle with Du Yu in the spacious square would only bring him more pain.In the vast terrain, Du Yu's speed and agility, as well as skills, can be brought into full play. If you want to defeat Du Yu, you must find a narrow enough space.

He chose Gaia's body.

Although Gaia is known as the goddess of the earth, her body is extremely large, but her abdominal cavity is at best a cave.Once there, Du Yu's somersaulting cloud, Lingbo Weibu and other light skills will not be easy to display their power.

Zeus' prediction was good.

Inside Gaia's body, there are wriggling organs and root-like blood vessels everywhere.The body of the mother of the earth has now become the battlefield for the decisive battle between Du Yu and Zeus.The blood vessels were smashed to pieces by the sword of Olympus, and the internal organs were smashed by Du Yu's Ruyi golden cudgel, blood splashed everywhere, and the flesh became pulp.Everywhere was horrible, with bodily fluids and pus and blood flowing.The terrain here became so narrow that Du Yu's speed advantage and agility could not be brought into play, so he was overwhelmed by Zeus' divine power and lightning.

Zeus squeezed Du Yu's chin, lifted Du Yu violently, and said viciously: "Hand over the godheads of other gods, and I will give you a good time."

Du Yu's body was nailed to Gaia's heart, and he couldn't break free. Only those wolf-like eyes, cold and aloof, looked straight into Zeus's heart.

"You can't beat me," Du Yuxin said, his eyes bursting out with dazzling confidence.

"You're dying!" Zeus was so furious that Du Yu's jaw cracked as he squeezed it, and he was about to be shattered.

Du Yu's breathing was not smooth, and blood continued to flow from his nostrils and mouth, but he was still smiling.

"Because, you didn't realize that Gaia has sealed her body, so we can't escape?" Du Yu laughed.

Zeus was taken aback.

Gaia let out a roar: "Zeus, you rebellious wolf! As my grandson, you actually overcame me and wiped out my Titan family twice. If I, Gaia, can't avenge the Titans of the same family, I will pretend to be the ancestor of the Titans. I Let’s take you to the land of death together! Let’s destroy together!”

Du Yu and Zeus felt that Gaia was propping up her broken body and striding towards one direction.

Zeus felt bad for a moment.

He lured Du Yu in, hoping to use the topography of Gaia's body to defeat Du Yu, but why didn't Du Yu know what Zeus was thinking?
But he still came in.

This is a trick.

Zeus was seducing Du Yu, and Du Yu was also seducing Zeus.

Because, after all, this is Gaia's body!
Du Yu is Monkey King, who can get into the body of a giant and make waves, but Zeus may not be able to play tricks in the belly of Gaia, the iron fan princess!
Zeus was furious, pulled out the sword of Olympus, and slashed fiercely on Gaia's abdomen. Gaia let out a dying scream, and Zeus cut a gap, and a bright light came in.

Zeus laughed furiously and said, "Gaia, you are so old-fashioned. The sword of Olympus in my hand is invincible. How can your mere body hold me? I will come out and chop off your dog's head." !"

Du Yu flashed to the front of the gap, his body was dripping with blood, but the arrogant fighting spirit in his eyes was burning.

"Zeus! You forgot one thing! I am here too, and I will never let you go out! Just follow Granny Gaia and walk into the realm of death together!"

Du Yu laughed.

"The land of death? What can kill me, Zeus?" Zeus sneered, "Even if you take me to Hell, I can still fly back!"

Gaia's old voice came slowly: "You are wrong! Zeus! Don't forget, I have been in this world since the beginning of the world, and I know many secrets that you and later gods do not know! Do you know why Hum must pollute the Olympic flame?"

Zeus lowered his face, and the sword of Olympus rolled up lightning bolts and struck at Du Yu: "Don't think about wasting time! I just don't believe that there is a place that can destroy me!"

Du Yu raised Ruyi's golden cudgel and faced it brazenly.

The two fought fiercely again.

(End of this chapter)

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