Chapter 1468 Zeus fly ashes!Artifact Bubble Goddess!

Du Yu was imprisoned by Zeus's iron palm, and he was bound tightly. If he wanted to launch the teleportation, he would definitely take Zeus away.

The flames of the holy fire rushed toward us.

Gaia's body was burned by the holy fire, instantly ignited, pieces turned into fly ash, and disappeared with the wind.

In the air, only Gaia's roar remained: "Zeus, let's die together! Titans, here I come!"

The holy fire burned in front of Du Yu and Zeus in no time.

Du Yu was like a rock, unmoved in the slightest, staring coldly at the coming holy flame.

"Quick transmission!" Zeus yelled, "What are you waiting for?"

He really didn't want to die in this sacred fire with Du Yu, and even his body would be turned into ashes.Without the preservation of Pandora's Box, his body could never be resurrected.

"Du Yu!" Athena and the others exclaimed at the same time.

In the space, through the video images, the beauties who watched the decisive battle between Du Yu and Zeus all exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, the decisive battle between Du Yu and Zeus would turn out like this.

It turned out to be the same!
The jade is burnt!

Such tragic things happened right before the eyes of the beauties.

Gaia's body, following the holy fire, turned into a flying tiger little by little, and when the wind of the holy fire blew over, it turned into afterimages that passed away in the air little by little, never to be seen again.

What will happen to Du Yu?
The beauties nervously clenched their pink fists, waiting to see.

Although he knew that Du Yu was usually cunning and wise and would not be easily dragged into the abyss, but this time his opponent was Zeus!
God King Zeus.

Will he let Du Yu escape?
Hermes' flying boots, which used the [Flight] skill, are already on cooldown and cannot be used.

What else could Du Yu do to escape from Zeus' blockade?

In order to survive, Zeus grabbed Du Yu's ankle at all costs, and poured all his divine power into the surroundings, sealing everything.

He looked like he was crazy, and bet all his chips on Du Yu's unwillingness, daring, and inability to perish with him!
Du Yu will definitely escape!

He can also get a chance.

But Zeus was wrong.

Du Yu did not escape.

He just pulled out a mirror.

Mirror of fate.

Du Yu really couldn't escape.

But he can turn back time.

Time represents the thread of destiny.

Du Yu is like a highly skilled pianist, playing the piano lightly, he changes the tone of the existing music and reverses his fate!

Zeus looked at Du Yu in disbelief, and couldn't believe that he had encountered such a thing!

He regards Du Yu as a life-saving straw, and Du Yu regards him as an object to play with!
At the last moment, when the holy fire spread to Zeus's feet, legs, along the thighs, burned upwards, spread all the way, and finally burned Zeus's face and arms, and burned Zeus, the king of gods, to ashes, Du Yu confirmed that Zeus After hanging up, he calmly looked through the mirror of fate.

Zeus, the god king, was eager to see through his eyes, watching himself being turned into ashes one by one, his eyes were wide open, and the intricate expressions of despair, unwillingness, pain, and disbelief were all intertwined, leaving Du Yu's impression Profound and unforgettable.

Later, when Du Yu recalled his adventurous career, the scene of God King Zeus being turned into ashes by the holy fire in front of his eyes was regarded by Du Yu as "the ten most thrilling moments for him", and he told the audience who listened with gusto. sons and daughters.

Zeus grabbed Du Yu with all his strength. Although his face quickly disappeared into the flames, Du Yu could read his last words from his lips: "Don't even think about leaving!"

But Du Yu just smiled lightly.

He flipped the mirror of fate when the holy flame fell in front of him!

A ray of destiny shone on Du Yu.

He disappeared in place.

When will Du Yu go?
no one knows.

Athena cried out: "Du Yu! How can you die?"

A trace of disbelief flashed across Pandora's beautiful gray eyes, and she ran forward impulsively for two steps, as if she was about to rush into the holy flame again, but was held back by Hephaestus.

The three selected were dumbfounded.

"This ending is most in line with my understanding of strength, but" Amin opened his mouth and said in amazement, "Why do I feel so unreal? It seems that the bastard is not dead yet."

"I don't believe that Du Yu would go in and fight Zeus without any hole cards." Deni shook his head: "I'm used to his last shocking reversal, don't tell me he doesn't have any hole cards this time."

Tattaglia rolled her eyes, pursed her lips and said with a smile, "I see."

Everyone looked at her.

She said softly: "If my guess is right, Du Yu must have used the Mirror of Fate to defeat Zeus. After all, my ability is to control time, and I can feel that the time axis in Gaia's belly was There was a slight fluctuation. It should be that Du Yu used the time difference to give Zeus, who was about to die together, the final blow."

After Zeus, the god of the sky, and Gaia, the mother of the earth, died together, they were no longer separated from each other. Under the burning of the holy fire, their fly ash bodies merged into one and were blown all over the world.

The originally fragmented world, wherever it was blown by the fly ash, was revived with vitality. The continent that was undergoing earthquakes regained its calm, the sky that was thundering and lightning, the clouds and the sunrise, and the ocean that was roaring, returned to the world. Tranquility, the sun, which is being covered by overcast clouds, smiled.

The clouds opened and the sun rose, and the spring returned to the earth. The remaining human beings on the ground all devoutly moved towards Mount Olympus, and gratefully threw themselves into the ground, offering their devout beliefs.

Human beings believe that these horrible divine punishments are punishments from the gods for their lack of piety.For a long time since then, the level of human devotion to the gods of Mount Olympus (that is, Athena and Du Yu) has remained very high.

But the price of all this was Du Yu's disappearance.

"As expected of a person with time abilities, I guessed right!" Du Yu's voice appeared behind him at some point, and he patted Tattaglia on the shoulder.

Athena smiled and pinched Du Yu's ear: "You bastard, you don't let me play in such an important battle. Could it be that you don't believe in my ability? Or don't you believe in my loyalty? I'm afraid that I will betray you at a critical moment. Zeus?"

Du Yu grinned his teeth in pain, and smiled apologetically, "Neither! Not at all! I'm afraid that Zeus has some other trump cards, and it's dangerous for you to join the battle. After all, he is the king of gods, with a lot of trump cards, and no one knows what the finale move will be. I don't want you to sacrifice yourself and tolerate my mistakes and mistakes like Pandora."

Athena listened, her eyes were red.

Among the deceitful and predatory Olympian gods, who would care so much about her?
Even Zeus, who has always been doting on her, Athena has to be on guard all the time. Will this jealous father God violate his taboo and attract his destructive power because of the growth of his divine power? hit?
This is not because Athena is careless, but the killing of father and son is a glorious tradition of the Olympus pantheon. The rise of the three generations of god-kings must have stepped on the bones of the previous generation of god-kings.

However, in order to protect her and let her walk out of this world alive, Du Yu went so far as to single-handedly challenge Zeus to kill Zeus, which moved Athena deeply.

She threw herself into Du Yu's arms and refused to let go for a long time.

Amin and Deni looked envious and jealous, but who made Du Yu the hero to save the beauty?They could only be jealous, and cursed Du Yu to be drained dry by the endless **** and body of the goddess.

"The sword of Olympus, you didn't take it out?" Athena is worthy of being a scheming bitch who puts power and interests first. Even in such a romantic moment, she can't forget the strongest sword.

Du Yu curled his lips: "I managed to escape with the mirror of fate. Why do I still miss the sword of Olympus? It's impossible!"

Athena thought about it, smiled, and suddenly realized a problem: "No! You are so cunning, you were almost tricked by you! Your mirror of fate, which is obviously only used once in a world, has already been returned by you. Rhodes Island was used up at that time, how could there be a chance to use it?"

Du Yu chuckled: "Nothing can fool the wise goddess Athena. Yes, although I took out the Mirror of Fate in front of Zeus, it was actually a false shot. Zeus saw my Mirror of Destiny, and without knowing it, Thinking that I could still use it, in desperation, I no longer guarded against me. In fact, I used the Reaper of Souls, and finally cut off his palm, and took the opportunity to escape."

Pandora, Athena and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Du Yu actually came up with such a crazy idea at such a fatal moment, cheating Zeus to focus on shifting time. In fact, he just used the simplest escape method-cutting hands, They escaped successfully.

"Is the time fluctuation I feel also a trick of yours?" Tataglia said angrily.

"Yes." Du Yu said with a smile: "I once discovered an interesting thing, pouring divine power on the Mirror of Fate, it will partially change the flow of time. But it is not enough to send people to other timelines. This gives me Inspiration, experiment."

"Experiment you big-headed ghost!" Tataglia was angry.

Du Yu was grinning, and flipping his hands, a golden sword lay quietly between Du Yu's hands.

[Sword of Olympus]!
This deadliest artifact also failed to escape Du Yu's grasp, and was taken back by Du Yu anyway.

"This is really a good artifact." Athena looked envious.The so-called soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers.As a main god, she has also thought countless times about her heroic posture holding the Olympus sword and sitting on the Lightning Throne in the Pantheon.

Du Yu said carelessly: "Look at this thing? Here it is for you!"

"Why?" Not only Athena, but also Amin and Deni couldn't stand it anymore.

We have no problem with picking up girls, but can you not be so extravagant, and use this artifact with an attack power of 5000 points and a priority exaggerated to 120 points, as a bouquet of flowers or a ring, and easily use it to hit women, okay?Tens of thousands of people with this kind of artifact entered the world of God of War, and they might not be able to see it once, let alone get it to space?I'm afraid that as soon as I show up in the space, I will be carried up to the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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