Chapter 1486 Transformed by Evil! Three Corpse Swarms!

Not only Meng, but even Kui and other heavenly demons who were spreading around received Yan's order at the same time.

"Back up?"

Hum was puzzled: "We have just encountered the enemy's obstruction, and we retreated at the slightest touch. Will these humans look down upon us? Besides, even if there are strong people from the Zifu District blocking them, under the attack of our extraterritorial demons, we will not be able to block them at all. Can't stop!"

He was referring to Kun encountering a crazy siege by more than a dozen Zifu districts.But after being stunned and missed at the beginning, Kun flew into a rage and showed off his majesty, gradually gaining the upper hand.Although these Zifu District powerhouses have good personal combat power, they lack the tacit understanding and team spirit of joint operations, and they are gradually failing.If it weren't for the complicated situation on the battlefield of gods and demons, the low visibility, and they could still fight for a while, they would have been defeated by Kun long ago.

This is also the reason why Hum underestimates the adventurers.

Yan shook his head and said, "No! I miscalculated a move. I thought the enemy would not be aware of our actions, but I didn't expect the enemy to be so vigilant. We just sent four big demons to shut down The passage was consciously blocked by the enemy gods. If this continues, it will turn into a melee."

"Even in a melee, we can take the initiative!" Hum said proudly, "Because we have you as the Supreme Demon. Isn't it easy to kill them?"

"Yes!" Yan glanced at Hum, who flattered and didn't blush: "If it were any other environment, it wouldn't be difficult for me to kill Nuwa and Du Yu. But in the battlefield of gods and demons, it is an exception! Have you seen it? Let me tell you, it is just the weakest kind of monster. Many monsters transformed thousands of years after the death of supreme gods and demons, even I dare not underestimate them. The breath of fighting with them will lead to these monsters. Terror exists. I'd better be cautious."

His words made Hum fall into silence.

On the battlefield of gods and demons, wouldn't even the Supreme Demon dare to act recklessly?
After receiving the order, the four heavenly demons retreated one after another.

On the vast battlefield of gods and demons, for most of the teams who are busy collecting treasures, this is just a small episode.Even the more than a dozen Zifu districts who participated in blocking Kun believed that Kun was just a god-level creature similar to Xiong, but they didn't expect that these were actually extraterritorial demons!

As Kun flew, the Zeus artifact [Thunder] in his arms turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

How could he not know that it was Du Yu's fault?As the owner of the artifact, Du Yu recognized the owner with a drop of blood. As long as he is not dead, he can manipulate the artifact with his spiritual sense and teleport it back thousands of miles.

Kun could only admit that he was unlucky and return to Yan's side.

The four heavenly demons gathered together.

Yan slowly said: "I miscalculated at the beginning. Human beings are quite alert, but it doesn't matter, we are steadfastly guarding the only exit of the gods and demons battlefield. All kinds of god-level monsters that appeared on the battlefield of gods and demons, slaughter and hunt them down, we sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, hold the pockets firmly, catch the turtles in the urn, and in the end, not a single human can escape!"

Hum, Kui, Kun and other demons nodded.Letting human beings kill each other and demons ending, this is the correct way to open it.

"Although the human gods, especially that Du Yu are cunning, we still have an absolute advantage!" Yan's tone was extremely cold.

In the first confrontation with Du Yu, Du Yu's extremely fast reaction, high-speed maneuverability and adaptability made the smug Yan Qianqian taste it, and then withdrew his deployment, but the loss of face was very great.The resentment in his heart was also aimed at Du Yu.

Du Yu!

This person is the enemy of my gods and demons.

In Zhigao Moyan's eyes, Du Yu had already been sentenced to death.

Du Yu stopped, and after scanning with his mind, he found something abnormal.

"The four great heavenly demons have retreated?" Du Yu communicated with Nuwa.

Nuwa nodded: "According to my spiritual scan, they all retreated to the entrance of the battlefield of gods and demons, and guarded it tightly. Although we reacted quickly and prevented their attempt to close the battlefield world, they also tightened their grip. Pockets, forming a situation of waiting on the sidelines. We can't get out."

"The Supreme Demon really exists!" Du Yu confirmed, "Otherwise, the actions of these Heavenly Demons would not be so tacit."

"The supreme demon's wishful thinking is to keep hundreds of us fighting for treasures, adventures and beliefs in the battlefield of gods and demons, and those god-level creatures similar to scorpions will continue to be attracted and hunt us down. In this way, human beings It is absolutely impossible for the elite to hope to get out of this world."

"How about informing the Sultan Shenluo army in the outer world to launch an attack on the demons outside the territory?" Du Yu turned his eyes.

"The effect is very small. These heavenly demons are firmly controlling the entrance on the inside. Any army can't deploy its forces and can only be massacred. It is impossible to save us." Nuwa shook her head.

"Then we can only explore inwardly." Du Yu frowned, "Let's see if there is any adventure that can break through the blockade of the Supreme Demon."

He returned to the team.

The old Dragon King led the team, and was following the same pace, exploring forward.

The longing for the real body of the keel made the Dragon Clan like moths rush to the flame, and they would do anything at all.

"Where did you go just now?" The old dragon king said dissatisfied: "We were attacked by a group of god-level monsters."

"Similar to 薨甏?"

"It's even more weird. One looks like a locust, but it's bigger than a human. It is said that it was transformed by the three corpses in the body of the god!" The eyes of the old dragon king also flashed a dignified look, and it seemed that he had suffered a lot.

"Three Corpse Worms?" Du Yu also frowned.

The three corpses are also called the three worms, the three pengs, and the three corpse gods.The so-called three "worms" in the human body actually refer to the evil spirits in the human body.Divided into upper, middle and lower corpses, each with a proper name.The name of the upper corpse is 'ju', in the human head, it can make people think wildly, it is a good treasure, the name of the middle corpse is "踬", it lives in the stomach of a person, and it has five flavors, the name of the lower corpse is 'Ji', it lives in the feet of a person, it is good Lust, greed, and murder all cause trouble with others.

Therefore, the three corpses should be destroyed. "Enlightenment Chapter": "Killing the three corpses can be expected."

In Taoist teachings, occupying the three corpses is a major pass to become a god.The reason why the Romance of the Gods happened was because Yuanshi Tianzun and the twelve immortals under his sect failed to kill the three corpses for 1500 years, which eventually triggered a shocking bloody battle that overthrew the three religions.

"The locust that attacked this time was transformed from the corpse insect "踬" in the body of the god, which represents appetite. It is as big as a cow, gallops powerfully, and is extremely fast. Wherever it passes, no grass grows!" The old dragon king was helpless Shaking his head, he said, "What's even more frightening is that there are groups of people. All the creatures that are targeted by them will eventually turn into a pile of bones!"

He pointed aside helplessly.

The Dragon King of the South China Sea was hugging a broken dragon robe, tears pouring down his face.

There was only a puddle of blood inside the dragon robe.

It seemed that there was a certain Dragon Prince who was devoured to nothing by the middle corpse "踬" insect among the three corpse insects.

"So scary?" Du Yu couldn't help but change his expression.

"No wonder the Supreme Demon refused to come in and kill us all." Empress Nuwa said coldly, "I think even he is afraid of this battlefield of gods and demons. It's scary enough. Since the three corpses are hard for immortals to exterminate, the Supreme Demon may find it difficult."

Du Yu was also helpless.

In this battlefield of gods and demons, all kinds of monsters emerge in endlessly, and all of them are god-level creatures that exist in legends.For thousands of years, this place has been completely closed, and the corpses of gods and demons are everywhere. I really don't know how many terrible god-level monsters such as scorpions and dead worms have been produced?

"Here we go again!" Ao Guang shouted, with a trembling sound in his voice.Witnessing his cousin being swallowed into bones, the proud prince also panicked.

When Du Yu heard a humming sound, he witnessed a black wind blowing here from the eastern sky!

A group of dead worms!
The dense swarms of corpse insects are like locusts. Wherever they pass, there are thousands of miles of red land, and no grass grows. However, they are quite large, like a big cow with transparent wings and insect limbs, which makes people shudder.

"I'll fight them!" The Dragon King of the South China Sea roared angrily in the pain of losing his son, and he suddenly cast a ray of light.An S-level fairy treasure [Zhenhai Dragon King Seal] flew towards the group of corpse insects.

The group of "bubbles" buzzed and showed no sign of stopping.

[Zhenhai Dragon King Seal] Rolling up a big wave, the momentum is terrifying, and it rushes towards the swarm of corpse insects.

But the group of corpse worms "踬" emits rays of light. The light of a single corpse worm is actually very weak, but when the terrible number gathers together, the condensed light is like a substance, like an umbrella like a cover, covering the sky and covering the earth. The seal of the Dragon King of Zhenhai Immortal Treasure's light hit it, and there was no reaction at all.

On the contrary, after being attacked, the "踬" group rushed towards the sea dragon king seal of Xianbao Town who attacked them like crazy.

"No!" The Dragon King of the South China Sea exclaimed, trying to take back the fairy treasure.

But the "bug" worms couldn't reason at all, they rushed to the seal of the Dragon King of Zhenhai, covered the sky and the sun, and devoured this fairy treasure.

"The "swallows" are existences of spirits, gods and monsters. They can tarnish the brilliance of the fairy treasure, make the fairy treasure completely lose its aura, and even devour everything. This fairy treasure is just a delicious food for them." Nuwa Empress said helplessly.

The Dragon King of the South China Sea's natal immortal treasure was swallowed by the "swallow", and his hard work was wasted. With a wow, he spit out a big mouthful of blood, and his expression became sluggish.

"踬" didn't stop, and crazily rushed towards the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

Although these terrifying god-level creatures resemble locusts, they are smarter than humans in terms of IQ. With some clues, they discovered the culprit and pursued them tirelessly.

Of course, the Dragon King of the East China Sea couldn't just sit back and watch his brother be killed. He shouted angrily and wanted to attack.

The five-clawed golden dragon really wasn't a cover, the third level of kung fu allowed him to enter the realm of the little demon in the sky demon, and a golden light flashed, rushing towards a "stomach".The "踬" screamed, its wings were cut by the divine light, and it hit a large stone, which instantly shattered into powder. "踬" also twitched and didn't move.

But "Zong" was even more irritated, flying faster and rushing towards the crowd.

Seeing that this group of dragons is about to suffer another catastrophe, maybe a few will die.But Du Yu stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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