Chapter 1502 Ziyun emerges from Xiu!Immortal Mountain Pregnant Saint! - one more

The old Dragon King was heartbroken, leaned closer to Du Yu's ear, and whispered a few words.

Du Yu chuckled, patted the old Dragon King on the back and said with a smile, "I've done you such a favor, after you go back, why don't you thank me?"

The old Dragon King showed a sinister smile: "The most important thing is that I have searched all over the battlefield, and I can only get together the inheritance of the secret arts that the Dragon Ancestor cultivated to the seventh floor. I also need the inheritance of the skills from the eighth to the tenth floor!"

Du Yu twirled his fingers like counting banknotes.

The old Dragon King coughed: "Don't worry, little friend Du Yu, you have saved my dragon clan many times, and you have shown me such great kindness to me personally, I will never treat you badly. As long as you gather all the secrets of the dragon clan and hand them over to me, you will live a long life." On the day of Lian's wedding, I would like to open the treasure house of the Dragon Palace and let you choose the treasures, okay?"

When the Dragon Clan saw the whispering Du Yu and the old Dragon King walking over like brothers, shoulder to shoulder and shoulder to shoulder, they were all stunned.

The old Dragon King's attitude towards Du Yu was mainly to use him, and he had never been so affectionate before.Could it be that this pair of year-end friends just now had some kind of obsession with breaking sleeves and unrequited love?
Du Yu pointed at Huaguo Mountain and said with a smile: "This is where Sun Dasheng's inheritance is located. I want to take Empress Nuwa and others to explore. Brothers from the Dragon Clan, please guard the formation for me at the foot of the mountain."

Ao You sneered, "Since it's where the treasure is, wouldn't it be impossible for you to swallow it all by yourself?"

Before he could finish his words, the old Dragon King strode forward with a cold face, and slapped Ao You fiercely, turning around twice, the arrogant Dragon Prince was stunned and covered his face Looking at Dad in disbelief.

The old dragon king said angrily, "You bastards! How many times has Du Yu saved your life? You don't know how to be grateful? I declare that Du Yu will be the son-in-law of my Dragon Palace from now on! He is Qinglian's husband! To be rude to him is to disobey the order of my Dragon King, don't blame me for sternly teaching him a lesson!"

All the Dragon King princes of the Dragon Clan, whose eyes were higher than the top, were all surprised.

The old dragon king was treacherous and cunning, and he always took advantage of him. At this time, his attitude towards Du Yu was very firm, like a brother who had been separated for many years. Why did this attitude change?
Qinglian lowered her head shyly.This was the first time that Dad announced her marriage to Du Yu in public, and it was a foregone conclusion.

Du Yu glanced at Qinglian with a smile, and strode towards the Water Curtain Cave in Huaguo Mountain.

Empress Nuwa said in a low voice: "What kind of ecstasy did you use to convince that slippery Old Dragon King? He has never treated people so sincerely."

Du Yu smiled: "Do what you like! Attack him and save him! No one in this world is completely immune to the influence of others!"

Along the way, the strange mountain roads, unique scenery, and strong fairy spirit of Huaguo Mountain attracted Du Yu's attention.

"This place is really a paradise!" Du Yu exclaimed.

Empress Nuwa turned her beautiful eyes, looked around, and said with a slight smile, "That's right! You know, this is where the Monkey King was born. If it weren't for a place full of treasures, immortal energy, and outstanding people, how could the Monkey King be born? Waiting for the existence of legends?"

Saying that, in front of the two of them, behind the Water Curtain Cave in Huaguo Mountain, a purple cloud of smoke came out of Xiu indifferently.

Empress Nuwa became agitated, and she lost her voice and said, "This is Ziyun coming out of Xiu? It's a rare auspicious sign in a thousand years!"

"Ziyun came out of Xiu? What is that?" Du Yu asked curiously.

"You don't even know that Ziyun came out of Xiuxiu? Thanks to you, you are still a cultivator!" Empress Nuwa gave Du Yu a hard look, but her eyes were full of coquettish despise by beauties.

Du Yu's heart moved, he grabbed Empress Nuwa's beautiful sleeve of Liuyun, and said with a smile: "Empress, can you give me some advice?"

Empress Nuwa flicked her sleeves and flicked Du Yu away calmly, her eyes were full of contempt for ignorant people: "The so-called purple clouds come out of Xiu, it is this kind of purple clouds that come from behind the mountains. Leaving Xiuxiu leisurely. It is an auspicious vision that there are spiritual veins underground! Where you come out of Xiuxiu, there must be rich spiritual veins underground!"

"Lingmai?" Du Yu also became excited.After all, he is a successful immortal cultivator, and he is no stranger to spiritual veins.In the world of "Legend of Sword and Fairy", he has seen the Shushan School, because of the abundance of underground spiritual veins, the entire mountain range is suspended in the air, forming a rare place for immortals to practice in a thousand years.The monks who practiced in Shu Mountain were more than ten times faster than the outside world.Everything is due to the abundance of underground spiritual veins and abundant aura.

Spirit veins are very, very rare.After Du Yu has gone through so many adventure worlds, he can collect the spiritual veins in the heart of the castle, only Peach Blossom Island has a trace of spiritual veins.

Unexpectedly, this Huaguo Mountain has such a wealth of spiritual vein resources, and even the auspicious signs of Ziyun coming out of Xiu have appeared.

"It's not surprising," Empress Nuwa said with a smile: "It's strange that there is no spiritual vein under Huaguo Mountain to give birth to a stone monkey like Sun Wukong. Maybe the entire Huaguo Mountain is full of spiritual veins. Moreover, I can feel that Huaguo Mountain has been refined by Sun Dasheng into an extremely powerful fairy treasure! It can even be used to attack the enemy! The usage is roughly similar to your Demon Locking Tower, but the effect is a hundred times more powerful."

Du Yu nodded.The Demon Locking Tower is his main battle fairy treasure, and its power is infinite. The Huaguo Mountain of this spirit vein stretches for thousands of miles. If it is used as a fairy treasure to suppress the enemy, it may reach the rank of SSS fairy treasure.

"It is precisely because Huaguo Mountain has spiritual veins, and it is a treasure land of cultivation, that it will attract the covetousness of various monsters. That ray of spirit will come to the door, and the magpie's nest will be occupied by the dove." Empress Nuwa said.

Du Yu and the two chatted, and then they walked to the opposite side of the Water Curtain Cave.

It is [-] meters away from Water Curtain Cave, but there is no way.

Originally, the main peak where the Water Curtain Cave was located and the mountain at Du Yu's feet were connected by ancient immortal trees as thick as houses and [-]-meter-long vines.The monkeys' favorite way to get around is to grab the vines and wander past.The feeling of swinging in the sea of ​​clouds is the favorite way for the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain to enter the cave.

But at this time, the ancient tree had withered, and the vines withered into dead snakes, hanging down on the treetops, without even a trace of life.Du Yu grabbed it casually, broke it, and broke it one after another, making it unusable.

Du Yu smiled, and was about to jump on the fairy sword and use the flying technique to go there.

Empress Nuwa shook her head and held Du Yu back.

She said with a serious face: "The situation is a bit wrong. Don't act rashly."

Du Yu raised his eyebrows.

Empress Nuwa said: "Don't you think it's strange? As Sun Dasheng's cave, according to what the old monkey said, this Huaguo Mountain should be full of restrictions, and every step contains murderous intentions, but we have walked all the way without going through protective restrictions everywhere. .Even if the monsters went up the mountain and destroyed most of the restrictions, it shouldn't be so thorough. This time I went through the Water Curtain Cave, and I expected severe restrictions."

Along the way, Du Yu and Nuwa traveled in mountains and rivers, and they came here without any hindrance.

He also couldn't help pondering.

Du Yu used the celestial technique of "Scattering beans into soldiers" to create a clone with weak celestial power, and ordered him to jump on the celestial sword and fly to the opposite side of the water curtain cave.

Unexpectedly, just as the avatar walked out of the [-] meters, it saw a water curtain rainbow flashing past, and then disappeared into the rainbow.

"Severe restriction!" Empress Nuwa's expression changed.

The Great Sage, as a hero who fights against the Buddha, is not interested in banning such defensive exercises. He prefers to take the initiative to attack and go to heaven.

But in front of the Water Curtain Cave, he still set up severe restrictions.

Du Yu and Empress Nuwa flew up, condescendingly, watching the restriction of Shuilian Cave.

The two couldn't help but gasped.

A rainbow formed a beautiful large circle, like the colorful meteorite belt around Saturn, surrounding the main peak of Huaguo Mountain, and the entrance of the Water Curtain Cave, like a colorful belt, restraining any coveted intruders.

Du Yu still remembers that in the three fights of bone spirits, in order to protect Tang Monk, his master and his disciples, Sun Wukong once drew a circle on the ground with a golden cudgel, any goblin trying to enter this circle would be hurt and bounce back.

After Sun Wukong became a fighter and defeated Buddha, his skill was tens of thousands of times that of that year.At this time, the rainbow prohibition formation surrounding the Water Curtain Cave of Huaguo Mountain is an upgraded version of the restriction circle back then.

Any intruder who tries to break in without the consent of the owner of Huaguo Mountain will be banned from rebound damage!
Sun Wukong is a strong man who is close to the level of the main god!
Although he still has a certain distance from the main gods such as the Tathagata Buddha and the Jade Emperor in terms of status, but in terms of strength, he can beat the Jade Emperor to the ground and escape under the table. With no existence, he is already infinitely close to the level of the main god!
Empress Nuwa glanced at Baoxiang's majestic rainbow restriction, and smiled bitterly: "I really don't know how the five-clawed golden dragon demon broke through this restriction? I can break this restriction, but it will take a lot of time. It's a pity that Fuxi didn't come , otherwise, with his innate gossip, he can break the restriction extremely quickly."

As Fuxi's sister, Empress Nuwa knew a thing or two about innate gossip, and she was quite good at breaking the restrictions.But this rainbow ban is really too powerful.

Du Yu shook his head: "The supreme demon is still watching from the dark, we can't delay here for too long, we must fight quickly."

Concubine Sisi nodded and said: "That's true. This place is full of dangers, and there are god-level monsters and supreme demons peeping. It's better for us to go out as soon as possible."

Empress Nuwa looked at Du Yu and said, "What magic method do you have to break through here quickly?"

Du Yu smiled confidently.

At this moment, it happened that the purple cloud in the east overlapped with the rainbow light, and the rays of light shone on Du Yu's face, making his ordinary and not so handsome face show a man's determined look.

Not to mention concubine Sisi, even Empress Nuwa couldn't help but be moved.

A strong man with a confident and radiant look is always the most attractive to women.Just like a beautiful woman, with flying skirts and a clever smile, is the most attractive to men.

Du Yu withdrew his fairy sword, drew out a stick like a golden cudgel, turned somersaulting clouds, and turned towards the opposite Shuilian Cave!

(End of this chapter)

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