Chapter 1504 Bloody Mold!Five-clawed Golden Dragon God! -Subscribe for the third watch!
What's more terrible is that, for some reason, this human kid seems to know the gate of life he cultivated like the palm of his hand, and the first cut hit his dragon's reverse scale located seven inches below his neck!

To the five-clawed Golden Dragon God, this was more deadly than piercing his heart!

The five-clawed golden dragon god has cultivated the untold secret of the dragon clan—the cloud-patterned keel, to the tenth level.With his heaven-reaching cultivation base, even Monkey King's final blow could hardly break his soul, one can imagine how powerful he is.Even if someone uses the Soul Reaper to sneak attack him, as long as he doesn't sneak attack his Life Gate Dragon's Reverse Scale, he won't suffer too much damage.

But Du Yu knew it!
This made the five-clawed Golden Dragon God lose his soul!

Dragons have reverse scales, they will kill if they touch them!
Why does the five-clawed Golden Dragon God care so much about Ni Lin?

Because the reverse scale is an inverted scale covering seven inches below the neck. This scale covers his key life gate, which is equivalent to the seven inches of a snake, the tofu waist of a wolf, and the nose of a shark. The place where the dragon's tendons gather is also the weakest link of his five-clawed golden dragon god's cloud pattern keel.
If this place is breached by the enemy, most of the magical powers of the five-clawed Golden Dragon God will be lost in an instant, and it cannot be recovered without self-cultivation for decades.

At this time, Du Yu was holding the Soul Reaping Scythe, which was extremely sharp. If the sickle stabbed Nilin's place, the five-clawed Golden Dragon God's injuries would be doubled, and even his life would be taken away in one fell swoop!
Five-clawed Golden Dragon God, how can he not be shocked and angry?
But Du Yu's sneak attack was too subtle, too fast, and too unpredictable.

The five-clawed Golden Dragon God tried his best to dodge, but Du Yu's lightning-like Sickle of Souls still slashed the Nilin on his neck hard!

The black Soul Reaper's Scythe stabbed fiercely into the Dragon's Reverse Scale.The dragon scale with amazing protective power, without any hindrance, was deeply pierced into the neck by the Sickle of Souls!

A streak of black air burst out from the scale!

The five-clawed Golden Dragon God howled miserably!
The voice was extremely shrill, full of grief, indignation and fear!

Why was Du Yu able to target the weakness of the five-clawed Golden Dragon God so accurately, and suddenly launched an assassination attack?

Isn't it because the venerable old Dragon King taught him all the secrets of practicing cloud-pattern keel skills?

Now that he was determined to betray his ancestor, the old dragon king simply did not do anything, and told Du Yu all his weaknesses, for fear that Du Yu would fail in this assassination.

Du Yu lived up to everyone's expectations, with the help of Empress Nuwa and his amazing luck, he broke through the five-clawed Golden Dragon God's defense in one fell swoop, and severely injured him in a sneak attack!
The five-clawed Golden Dragon God threw himself down from the throne in great pain and rolled to the side.

Why did he choose to meditate on this throne?
Because the throne is the place with the highest spiritual vein and the most intense spiritual energy.Sun Dasheng was usually here, practiced diligently, and eventually became the most powerful god in space.

Without hesitation, Du Yu waved the Sickle of Souls and violently chased and killed the five-clawed Golden Dragon God.

Although it was the first time to make a successful sneak attack, a supreme demon like the five-clawed Golden Dragon God must not be underestimated, and he must not be given any chance, otherwise the opponent's endless powerful moves would kill him to collapse sooner or later.

In the last world, Du Yu's strength improved very quickly. Not only did he possess a godhead and followers, but he also won a large number of powerful artifacts from Zeus and other gods.This time, he was able to severely injure the five-clawed Golden Dragon God, and make the other party run away. Half of the credit is due to courage, determination, and courage, and the other half is due to the great killer, the Soul Reaper!
The five-clawed Golden Dragon God was chased and killed by Du Yu, he rolled and crawled, and fled backwards. At this moment, he was really lost, and he didn't have the incomparable aura of the strongest dragon clan in the colonial star!
Du Yu had already calculated that the five-clawed Golden Dragon God could dodge the second blow.After all, there is a huge gap in strength between the two sides, but Du Yu has already planned!

When the five-clawed Golden Dragon God was about to escape from Du Yu's attack range, Nuwa Empress launched it!
This is another exquisite collaboration between Empress Nuwa and Du Yu.

With a movement of the snake body on her lower body, a lightning-like snake strike accurately hit the five-clawed Golden Dragon God who was running away.

This is a blow that condenses the whole body of Nuwa Empress!
Although the five-clawed Golden Dragon God is the supreme demon, after all, only the soul is left, and the state is incomplete, but Empress Nuwa has been preparing for a long time, and she is full of resentment!
Back then, the supreme demons raided and slaughtered human gods in this land of gods and demons.Nuwa Empress, countless gods and friends, fell here. She was unable to fight back against the demons back then, and now it's time to settle the score!
The snake strike of the snake tail is one of the magical powers of Nuwa Empress, which has the ability to control.With one blow, the five-clawed Golden Dragon God was knocked dizzy.

Although his sky-defying King Kong body shortened the stun time to only 0.01 seconds, but it was enough for Du Yu who chased the soul!
Du Yu's Soul Reaper Scythe hit the five-clawed Golden Dragon God's reverse scale again like black lightning!

This is the second fatal blow!
The five-clawed Golden Dragon God let out another earth-shattering howl. In his whole life, except for the vigorous decisive battle with Monkey King, today is the only time he uttered more screams.

Du Yu continued his efforts, activated the space ability, and came to the five-clawed Golden Dragon God in a flash.The Reaper of Souls is raised high again!
If you want to kill, kill it thoroughly!Cut the weeds and eradicate the roots!

The five-clawed Golden Dragon God suffered heavy injuries one after another, endured the severe pain and terror, stretched out his claws, and grabbed the Sickle of Souls that Du Yu slammed down fiercely.

There was only a loud bang, as the sharp claws of the five-clawed Golden Dragon God collided with the Sickle of Souls!
According to the introduction of the old Dragon King, most of the kung fu of the five-clawed golden dragon god is concentrated on the fifth dragon claw. All the gods hit by him will have their stomachs broken and blood flow all over the ground.

The Sickle of Souls was blocked temporarily, but the five-clawed Golden Dragon God finally managed to stabilize the situation. He screamed angrily, and was about to launch a wave of Jedi counterattacks.

After two fights, he has already seen the clues.This daring kid who sneaked up on him during the day was a real adventurer in the inner city.He couldn't help but fly into a rage.

Thinking that he was unexpectedly attacked by such a weak person and ran all over the place, losing all face, and being hit fatally twice and seriously injured, he couldn't be more angry!

He couldn't figure it out, how did this guy manage to break through the restriction quietly, sneak into his water curtain hole, and even know his weaknesses like the back of his hand?

After a little thought, he knew that someone among the close relatives of the dragon clan must have betrayed him!
"Naughty animal!" He cursed at the Dragon King of the East China Sea, "You deceived your master and exterminated your ancestors, I will definitely cramp and skin you!"

But Du Yu still waved the Sickle of Souls mercilessly and continued to launch violent attacks.

He had to keep on the offensive, otherwise he would be overthrown by the five-clawed Golden Dragon God, the supreme demon.

Never give the other party a chance to breathe.

Du Yu's Soul Reaper Scythe, wave after wave, swung freely, slashing at the five-clawed Golden Dragon God.

The five-clawed Golden Dragon God was hit again by Empress Nuwa's spell, his body trembled, and he was almost cut straight by Du Yu.

One person and one demon, fighting to the death around the throne.

Du Yu used the flashing ability to chase the five-clawed Golden Dragon God, appearing like a ghost, and the Reaper of Souls slashed at the old enemy frantically.

The five-clawed Golden Dragon God was hit by Ni Lin twice in a row by the Soul Scythe, and felt that the power in his soul was constantly being lost, and a vision appeared in front of his eyes, and the rage in his heart was beyond words.

He had all the magical skills of the world, but Du Yu succeeded in a sneak attack and tightly controlled him.This battle was inexplicably fought, and it was a mess.

There is only one step away from the competition between masters.

If he could discover Du Yu's trace and the magic power of the supreme demon one step ahead, Du Yu and others would have been severely injured before they came to him. Unfortunately, there is no assumption in history.

Du Yu's extremely daring deadly sneak attack gained the upper hand, and with the full assistance of Empress Nuwa, he turned the advantage into victory step by step!
Victory is tilting towards Du Yu step by step.

Concubine Sisi also joined the battle.Although she can't play a key role in the decisive battle and weaken the five-clawed Golden Dragon God like Empress Nuwa, she can give Du Yu a buff status through healing and blessing spells.Du Yu's strength became stronger, and he was like a fish in water, chasing and killing the seriously injured five-clawed Golden Dragon God.

The five-clawed Golden Dragon God was killed by Du Yu and retreated step by step, and suddenly he raised his head to the sky and roared angrily!
Around his soul, there appeared traces of hot blue light, hot and pressing!

"Boy! You forced me!" The five-clawed golden dragon god Longmu looked majestic and glared at Du Yu: "Your death time has come!"

Du Yu felt that from this moment, the severe wound of the five-clawed Golden Dragon God healed temporarily, and the terrifying magic power of the Supreme Demon filled the entire Water Curtain Cave, solidifying around him like a substance, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"The soul is burning!" Empress Nuwa said in a low voice with a serious face: "Du Yu be careful!"

"What is Soul Burning?" Concubine Sisi asked while speeding up the spellcasting and applying the healing spell to Du Yu.

"The so-called burning of the soul can only be used by gods or demons. By burning the soul, one can gain temporary terrifying power and overwhelm the enemy on the battlefield. But the negative effect is obvious. Once the soul is burned too much, it will be permanently damaged. Some gods It even burned to death." Empress Nuwa said: "But the effect on the battlefield is astonishing. Du Yu succeeded in a sneak attack and severely injured the five-clawed Golden Dragon God, forcing him to go crazy and use this last move!"

The two deep wounds on the back scale of the five-clawed Golden Dragon God's neck healed instantly, and the dragon's eyes looked ferociously and furiously at Du Yu.

The side effects of the burning of the soul are more severe than what the empress Nuwa said.After a short moment, the five-clawed Golden Dragon God already felt that a tenth of his soul had disappeared, which meant that his cultivation level had also permanently dropped to one level.From the top ten floors, it fell to the ninth floor.

A master of Warcraft who has cultivated to the Supreme Demon needs to pay countless hard prices for each level. It took at least a thousand years for the five-clawed Golden Dragon God to break through the ninth level.And with the passage of time, his cultivation continued to decline.

It's a pity that under the sneak attack of this mortal, he had no choice but to make a bad move.

(End of this chapter)

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