Chapter 1508 Inheriting the mantle, Huaguo Mountain!Even the pot!
Thinking of this wonderful future, Du Yu laughed wickedly.Compared with fighting with real swords and guns, he prefers this sinister feeling.

The voice of the Great Sage sounded: "You have already received the reward for helping me take back the Water Curtain Cave of Huaguo Mountain, and I will lend you a treasure temporarily!"

On his jade-carved monkey statue, there was a sudden burst of light!
Du Yu saw that the only part of the stone monkey that had a flash of inspiration was the one that guided him up the mountain and the location of the secret cave - the piercing eyes!
Du Yu's heart skipped a beat, and he jumped up for joy.

As for the treasures on Monkey King, there are many, but the most valuable one, Du Yu thinks, besides Ruyi Golden Cudgel, is the piercing eyes!

According to legend, Sun Wukong was imprisoned in the alchemy furnace by the Taishang Laojun and refined for ninety-nine and 81 days. He thought he would turn the monkey into water. It has been refined into piercing eyes that can see through all demons, ghosts and sprites in the world!

Sun Wukong's willingness to temporarily lend Du Yu this powerful and unique treasure in the world-the golden eyes, is not entirely selfless. What he wants is that Du Yu use this pair of insightful eyes to find the world's treasure as soon as possible and find the weapon of causality that he urgently needs. !

But objectively, this move benefited Du Yu a lot.

"I will lend you the golden eyes for the time being!" Sun Wukong's voice sounded: "But remember, you can't use this thing to do evil! Don't delay on purpose, and never return! Otherwise, after three worlds, the golden eyes will be gone!" Automatically return to my stone monkey body, and your eyes will be blind at the same time! Do you understand?"

Du Yu cursed inwardly, what a mean and sour monkey!I will find a way out for you. You are afraid that I will take it away and not return it.

However, he was also full of curiosity about the piercing eyes, what kind of good thing is this?

From the eyes of the statue of the stone monkey, two golden beams of light shot out, hitting Du Yu's eyes right in between.

Du Yu felt a stabbing pain in his eyes!
"I can't see!" Du Yu was in agony.

"Be safe and don't be impatient!" Sun Wukong smiled and said: "There is no free lunch in the world. If you want to improve your skills, you will naturally have to suffer a little bit. But this suffering is better than our grandson's suffering in the gossip furnace of Taishang Laojun. Ten thousand times lighter!"

After a while, Du Yu finally recovered his eyesight.

He checked the properties for the first time.

At this time, on Du Yu's property panel, the dual purpose property has been explained:
[Fire eyes and golden eyes] (true blood inheritance organ): You have obtained the inheritance of Sun Wukong who defeated the Buddha - the golden eyes, you can see through the body (including attributes, skills, camouflage) and Weaknesses) and the properties (including Description, Weaknesses, and Status) of any Artifacts such as Faerie Artifacts.The spying priority of the sharp eye is 140, and any camouflage with a lower priority will be invalid.

Du Yu cheered in his heart.

This is really a strategic weapon!
From now on, it can be said that no existence in space can fool Du Yu's eyes.

There is a ranking in it, called True. Lineage Inheritance.

What is lineage inheritance?
Du Yu once saw a lineage inheritance of eyes that attracted widespread attention and sensation at the Space Auction House - the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan in Naruto!
It seems that a group of powerful inner-city adventurers entered the world of Naruto and fought with someone from the Uchiha family. I don't know if it was Sasuke or his brother, and finally killed the other party and successfully dug out his body. Binocular!

But the price is also extremely heavy.Three inner city people died tragically on the spot under the terrifying reflection of Sharingan, and then the Uchiha family chased and killed two other unlucky people.

In the description of Sharingan, what Du Yu saw was [pseudo-lineage inheritance], which means that the inheritance that is closely related to bloodline has not been recognized by the family, so it can only exert a part of its power.

But even so, this pair of sharing eyes of the Uchiha family has also received a sky-high price!It is enough to make up for the loss of this dead and wounded team!
And if you think about it with your butt, you know that there is a big gap between the sharp eye and the Sharingan, just like a space shuttle and an airplane. Although everyone calls it an airplane, the value is completely incomparable.

What's more, the piercing eyes are real!

Although Sun Wukong only gave Du Yu the validity period of the three worlds, but since the good things are in Du Yu's hands, with this kid's personality, how can there be any reason to hand them back?
As long as Monkey King can be rescued, he will naturally have a lot of ideas to take this mutated treasure for himself.

After Du Yu got the Fiery Eye, there was no difference in appearance, but there was a faint golden light shining in the eyes.

"Okay." Sun Wukong's tone was indescribably tired: "My old grandson has already given you everything you need, find me a weapon of karma and bring it here."

Du Yu suddenly remembered something, and shouted: "Don't go, great sage! One more thing. I stumbled into this battlefield of gods and demons by chance. Next time I will find a solution Your karma point may not have this opportunity to re-enter. What else can you do?"

Monkey King was extremely exhausted, and impatiently said: "Do you have any good ideas? You might as well come quickly!"

Du Yu rolled his eyes and said with a chuckle: "If you want to talk about a solution, I really have one. But don't take offense if you say it."

Sun Wukong snorted coldly: "You don't plan to plot something against my old grandson, do you?"

Du Yu laughed and said, "That's not true! I think this Huaguoshan Water Curtain Cave is a place of abundance, with spiritual veins hidden. It seems that you, the Great Sage, have refined it into a treasure that can be carried with you. Otherwise, this How could such a fairy mountain fly from the battlefield of gods and demons?"

Sun Wukong smiled and said: "You pay attention to everything! Yes, this Huaguo Mountain contains spiritual veins. To be precise, the entire mountain range is full of spiritual veins! I have refined it into a magic weapon of life. It can be sent and received as you like. It can be big or small. What do you say?"

Du Yu smiled and said: "It's such a coincidence, boy, I also have a castle heart, which can accommodate everything. Since the Great Sage trusts me, why not temporarily use this Huaguoshan Water Curtain Cave as a subsidiary fairyland of my castle heart. Inhaled into my body. In this way, I can find you anytime. With the weapon of karma, I don’t have to come to this place of the gods and demons’ battlefield again!”

Sun Wukong hesitated slightly.

This Huaguoshan Water Curtain Cave is the supreme immortal treasure that he carries with him.Its value is so great that it is not even lower than Mount Shu in the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy!

If this thing, as a fairyland in the heart of the castle, is handed over to Du Yu for management, will the bet be too high?
But Monkey King is a generation of geniuses and heroes!
He chuckled: "Okay! My old grandson has no doubts about employing people, so I will temporarily hand over the control of Huaguo Mountain to you."

As he spoke, a divine thought hit Du Yu between the eyes and on the forehead!
Du Yu immediately felt that there seemed to be a flesh and blood connection between himself and Huaguo Mountain.Every plant and tree in Huaguo Mountain is in his mind and under his control.

Even the incomparably powerful restriction was instantly taken over by Du Yu!
Du Yu looked up to the sky and laughed.

Rescuing Monkey King this time can be described as a bumper harvest!

First, he got Sun Wukong's 72-change fairy method, and then got a pair of piercing eyes, and finally even the Huaguo Mountain, which is full of fairy energy and full of spiritual veins, became his!Of course it is temporary.

But Du Yu checked the attributes of Huaguoshan, and he was even more elated!

[Huaguo Mountain]: SS-level fairy treasure.It is the first strange mountain between heaven and earth, which gave birth to Sun Wukong, the great sage equal to heaven.After Sun Wukong attained enlightenment and became a Buddha, he was grateful for the uniqueness of Huaguo Mountain, and spent all his mana to refine this mountain into a magic weapon for his life.This mountain stretches for thousands of miles and weighs hundreds of millions of tons. It can be used as a magic weapon to attack the enemy.It really has the ability to overturn mountains and seas, and split the earth and collapse the sky!The mantra is as follows ``` Each time it is activated, it takes 5000 points of immortal power.

Du Yu was overjoyed to see it, but he couldn't help making a bitter face when he saw the terrifying 5000 points of immortal power at the end.

The total amount of his celestial power is only 5000 points.Use it once, and it will consume all of your immortal power.

But there was another attribute behind it, which made Du Yu smile again.

[Shuilian Cave]: Ancillary facilities of Huaguo Mountain.Living in the center of Huaguo Mountain, this place is extremely rich in immortality, and it is the best place for cultivation.Immortal cultivators meditate and breathe here, and the effect of cultivation is ten times that of ordinary places.The Monkey King Throne in the center of Shuilian Cave is an ideal place for cultivation.Countless demons and gods covet this place.

No wonder the five-clawed Golden Dragon God spared no effort to disperse the guardian monkeys, invade Huaguo Mountain, and also occupy the Water Curtain Cave. It turns out that the cultivation speed here is ten times faster than that on flat ground.How could the five-clawed Golden Dragon God, who was eager to recover his divine power as soon as possible, not covet him?
It's a pity that Du Yu's appearance and sneak attack made the wishful thinking of the five-clawed Golden Dragon God come to nothing.

After tidying up, Du Yu packed the harvest with satisfaction.Since Huaguo Mountain was taken over by him, this place has turned into a foggy flat land.

The old black monkey, leading 300 black monkeys, bowed respectfully to Du Yu and fell to the ground.In their view, Du Yu is simply the successor of the Monkey King and the emissary incarnation of Monkey King.As the price for Du Yu to find a resurrection strategy for him, Sun Wukong also acquiesced in so many monkeys whose monkey hair changed, and temporarily obeyed Du Yu's instructions.

With a wave of Du Yu's hand, the group of black monkeys stood up respectfully behind Du Yu.

Empress Nvwa came over gracefully, looked at Du Yu with a half-smile, and said, "I saw that Huaguo Mountain has disappeared. It seems that you have packed away the treasures of Sun Dasheng?"

Du Yu chuckled and said, "What your lady said, even if it doesn't hit, it's not far away! Although the Great Sage didn't give me all the mantle and bowl, it's almost there."

Empress Nuwa shook her head and smiled and said, "Your tone is so good that it makes people envious. You also came to hunt for treasures. The dragon clan was beaten by monkeys and lost soldiers, but you even ate and took, and cleaned up Sun Dasheng's mantle and treasures. Didn't you see that the old Dragon King's eyes were all red?"

(End of this chapter)

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